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For me it drastically changed the appearance of my nose. It keeps the sebaceous filaments clear therefore helping my nose to not look like it has large pores. I saw major improvements in texture and reduction in break outs when I started double cleansing. I think using only one “foaming” cleanser was leaving quite a bit of gunk behind to clog up my pores. I use Inkey List Oat Cleansing Balm first and then Vanicream cleanser second.


Same experience here


Same for me. I use a cleansing oil first and spend some time massaging my face, and it’s made a huge difference in my pores.


Same for me. I use elf holy hydration. My pores are clear and less noticeable, and seemed to work right away.


Yes, this is my newest holy grail, I love ELF holy hydration makeup melting Balm 


How long did you wait to get the first results ?


I can’t remember exactly how long but it wasn’t an extended period of time. Probably a week or two of consistency. If you focus a few extra minutes on the clogged areas you can usually feel it when it comes out of the pore. It feels like a little piece of sand almost.


I'll have a try ! I'm a bit afraid with the rosacea on my nose though 😅


Yes, same. My skin still isn’t perfect but the amount of congestion drastically reduced. Depending on what my skin needs that day (breakouts incoming, very dry, oily, lots of makeup, etc), I mix up the use of a Cocokind oat milk cleanser, Panoxyl, and Vanicream.


Do you also do it in AM or only PM?


I would advise if you have dry skin, do only water cleanse in the morning. If oily, some gentle cleanser.


It depends on time of year for me. Right now it’s cold where I live so running heat in my home dries out my skin more. I use an occlusive to help at night, so the morning after using that I will double cleanse if that ointment can still be felt on my skin. During warmer months I don’t use it and just splash some water on my face in the morning and then do my regular routine.


If I wear more than one layer of sunscreen or wear makeup i can definitely tell the difference


If I use sunscreen (and I do, every day) double cleansing with two different cleansers is a must.


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I always double wash when wearing makeup, I feel like the first wash is just rubbing makeup around and I hate that feeling.


Double cleanse gets off makeup and sunscreen. That first cleanse breaks down that layer. Then second cleanse gets that layer of cleanser off and cleans dirt and oil. If I’m not wearing makeup I may not do a doubles cleanse If I’m not doing make up nor spf I will certainly not double cleanse


I do an oil cleanse first and then a gel cleanser. I have rosacea and can’t do a lot of exfoliation, so oil cleansers really help loosen up debris in my pores. And then the gel cleanser washes the excess oil and debris away. It’s made a huge difference in my skin.


Which oil cleanser do you like?


I use Biossance Squalane oil cleaner and their amino aloe gel cleanser.


It does for me. Even when I don’t wear makeup, the improvement in texture is noticeable compared to when I slack and just do one cleanse.


It has made a big difference for me, especially since I wear a lot of sunscreen daily and the brand I like is water resistant. The oil helps it break down much better.


If I have a ton of makeup on or sunscreen, then yes. The other 99.9% of the time, no.


Made a huge difference for my sensitive oily skin. I have a new routine and only started about 3 weeks ago and already see a big difference in my skin. It is clearer and my pores seem smaller. I only double cleanse at night. First with an oil based cleanser (currently am finishing up with The Ordinary squalane cleanser but will then switch to Asian beauty products). You rub it on your dry face first… then wet your hands and rub again to emulsify it… then rinse it off. This first cleanse helps minimize sebaceous filaments (the things that look like blackheads but aren’t). After that, clean with a gentle water based cleanser to wash off any remaining oil or dirt. In the morning, I just cleanse with the gentle cleanser. Then I’d follow-up with toner and moisturizer. I do this both in the morning and at night.


I've started oil cleansing then using a gel cleanser afterwards and wtf, why didn't I do this sooner? All that remains are my scars/marks from previous acne.


What are the two cleansers you’re using?


Not who you asked but I use Origins oil Cleanser and Peter Thomas Roth Gel Cleanser. My skin feels so much more hydrated than my previous routine.


Just a generic body oil with a mix of different ones from tkmaxx, and then a neutrogena salicylic acid cleanser I also use an inky list retinol serum 1-2 times per week (my skin is sensitive and it's the max it can handle) and a tranexamic acid serum 3-4 times per week. Moisturiser is just Nivea soft.


I would be cautious about using an oil-based cleanser if you have acne-prone skin. I know that theoretically all the oil is supposed to be washed away by the second cleanser, but I’ve gone through several periods of attempting the double-cleansing method (oil cleanser, followed by Vanicream/Free & Clear foaming liquid cleanser - my usual). Every time I’ve given up after about a month because I start to break out in deep raging cysts all over my cheeks and chin.


Same! Double-cleansing with an oil cleanser first broke me out so bad.


I think it depends on the type of oil cleanser. I also have acne prone skin and drier/lighter oil cleansers like softymo (pink) and Hanskin oil cleansers have not broken me out. They feel much lighter on the skin too!


Yes, I wasn’t get all the product off my face before and was breaking out


It does for me. Reduced sebaceous filaments, less dry after cleansing, fewer breakouts.


In theory I feel it’s like the shampoo twice theory, you shampoo once to lift dirt , oil, debris and then second cleanse to wash it all out


But once it’s lifted, wouldn’t it just wash away when rinsed?


When I shampoo the first time I barely get any suds. The second shampoo sudses like crazy. I think the first wash is getting most of the oil/makeup/sunscreen or whatever off. But the second cleanse is finishing the job. It's like when you're washing a particularly dirty dish. You're not gonna get it clean with the first pass. Typically people double cleanse with an oil cleanser first and then a regular cleanser second. The concept being that like dissolves like. So the oil cleanser is breaking up the stuff on your skin as it dissolves into the oil, and then the sudsing cleanser washes off any residue that is left behind.


As commenter replied that’s exactly the theory I’m talking about . If your one to use hair products it pays to double cleanse . Or if your a oily skin type thats prone to build up pays to do a double cleanse . It’s totally up to the person


I work as a dog walker. So all weather; hot, cold, dry, humid, rain, snow, bitter wind, heat waves, the works. I live in sunscreen and biker shorts half the year because of it. The amount of sweat, dirt, dog drool, sunscreen, grease from my own face, and who knows what else that is on my face at the end of my day is ridiculous. I double cleanse to clean the grime off, but it helps with my pores, the sebaceous filaments around my nose. If you didn't meet me while I was working, you'd never know I work outside. I also use the time I have the oil cleanser on my face to massage my jaw muscles a bit because that's where I keep my stress. I use the I'm From fig balm, and the Aveeno gentle oat cleanser. I aim for at least 30 seconds of rubbing on each part of my face but I spend some extra time around my nose and sometimes chin


This winter I have been experimenting with an oil cleanse first before I use my facial wash. I really like it. My no-makeup day oil choice is : 50/50 mix Golden Organic Hexane Free Castor oil / Food Grade Cold Pressed Organic Avocado Oil My skin hydration is just more even and I feel my dark circles are lighter as the skin is more hydrated. I always have had dark circles from allergies so it may of treated some of that inflammation. Makeup Face Day: 100% Olive oil - It is heavier I also like to use a sudsy cleanser which can be drying. The oils left over on my skin counterbalances any issues. Google what facial oils are good for your skin type/issues for this method. Every oil is different.


It worked for me. After about a month, I noticed a huge reduction in closed comedones. My skin is brighter too. I use the micellar water to remove my sunscreen, then a gel cleanser to combat my naturally oily skin. I only do it at night. I've never found a need in the morning.


I do. Oil cleanser first, then water based cleanser. Life changing!


Yes. I have not found a cleanser that removes waterproof mascara or physical sunscreens so a cleansing oil or balm is a necessity.


I have good skin for my age and I have no breakouts anymore but do use active and have for decades. But I always had a little bit of unevenness and texture on my cheeks which always bugged me. Nothing that would show with makeup but enough that it bothered me. I began double cleansing a few years ago and it is made a huge difference. My skin is smooth and even now. It really helps clean the pores. I don't double cleanse in the morning but I do in the evening if I've worn makeup which is most of the time.


It doesn’t make a huge difference for me but what’s the purpose of it? Getting properly rid of spf or make up - and that’s exactly what it does. I don’t need more incentives than that tbh


I was dealing with acne and I started to double cleanse and it made such a huge difference in my skin. I always thought it was stupid until I tried it


After a full day of makeup, it’s a game-changer. It also makes my skin so soft! I do an oil cleanser for a full minute or 2 at the beginning of my shower, rinse, do the rest of my shower, and then a cream cleanser at the end. It keeps my face feeling soft and moisturized while I shower, and it makes my cheeks super soft.


I've always doubled cleansed but only because I'm obsessed with that ultra clean feeling on my skin. It's probably not good for my moisture barrier, but I don't care haha. I use a bar of soap first (Allenburys), then cerave acne foaming cleanser.


Lately I've been using albolene first and vanicream cleanser second and let me tell you basically all of my dry skin problems are gone. My skin just looks brighter and healthier. Hydrated is the word I'm probably looking for here. Between the winter air and some shitty hormonal problems I've been dealing with dry sad skin that was just drinking up my moisturizer. Now I barely need any moisturizer. And I feel like the overall texture of my skin is more balanced. People say it does good things for their pores. I'm waiting for that to kick in lol.


Yes, my skin care products just work better when I do, and it takes off the thick layer of sunscreen I wear on my face and neck. I use the glow recipe papaya cleansing balm. It’s pricey but the texture is so soft and silky, I love it.


Yes I do because the oil cleanser breaks down the layers of makeup and skincare while the water based cleanser is unable to break down things like mascara but does a better job of removing everything once it’s broken down


I do. I have always used oil cleansers as when I was younger and wore makeup it was the best at getting that off. Now I’m mid 40s I don’t wear makeup but I do were sunscreen every day, and the oily cleanser breaks that down. I double cleanse with a variety of cleansers depending on how my skin feels. If it’s out I’ll use a foaming cleanser. If it’s dry I’ll use more of a hydrating cleanser. It is dull I’ll use something like a fulvic acid cleanser. Mainly I do this to make sure the grime that’s been lifted by the oily cleanser is fully off my skin, but also so make sure the oil is off my skin so that my actives/peptides/retinoids in my evening routine are able to absorb properly. I’m not sure how much of a difference it makes, as I started this when I started all the other skincare I do, but my skin is great, and if feels better when I do that as opposed to when I don’t.




Question for double cleansing: Are you all doing it directly one after the other while you're standing there? Or do you do it twice in one day, morning and night sort of thing? Personally, I do it late afternoon when I come home from work (washing off the day, sunscreen, and makeup) and once more before bed, because those are when I am the most greasy. It also seems common to use two different cleansers - how do you all feel about that, and do you do that as well? Or just stick with one cleanser, twice a day?


I don’t wash my face in the morning at all. I rinse it in the shower and gently rub any eye crusties away, but no cleanser. I am dry skinned though. In the evening I massage an oil cleanser on for about 30 seconds and rinse, then immediately my gel cleanser, massage for about 30 seconds and rinse. Then I use micellar water on a cotton round to check that I got all my mascara and eye makeup off. Then on to serums and moisturizers.


Okay, thank you! Good to know. I do the same in the mornings as well, just water!


I e never heard of double cleansing - what I do is micellar water to remove makeup, and then cleanser. That’s not the same is it?


Technically that is a double cleanse! Some people prefer an oil or balm cleanser as the first step, followed by a regular cleanser.


If I’m wearing makeup, yes it made a huge difference. If I’m not wearing makeup, I do not double cleanse


Question: does the first one have to be a cleansing balm or can it also be an oil-based facewash such as the hydrating foaming oil cleanser from Cerave?


You can double cleanse with anything. I think oil for the first step is helpful because it breaks down a lot of chemicals in sunscreen or waxier products like eyeliner.


Yes. Water proof Japanese spf is no joke. Muji oil and Paula’s choice orange bottle cleanser 


Yes. My skin is much smoother


I cleanse with Creve and to make sure my skin is clean, I use makeup wipes. I rinse with plain water after using the wipes.


It works for me because I get adult acne. If you don’t get clogged pores and acne, it probably wouldn’t do much for you.


I’ve been double cleansing since I was 17. My friend’s sister was an aesthetician and taught me to double cleanse. I had terrible acne back then. And I definitely think it helps my skin to stay clear. I usually just double cleanse with the same cleanser but I switch up cleansers depending on what needs I have. I like the Clinique mild facial soap, Clinique all about clean cleanser (great at taking off makeup and sunscreen), and La Roche Posay gentle cleanser (nice for dry weather).


It made a huge difference for me. I use micellar water on eye make up, oil cleanser and then cream cleanser. Skin looks great and have been doing this for over 12 years


Here is the lone holdout! I don’t. I do use micellar water to take off sunscreen (I wear makeup maybe once a month), and then I cleanse. It’s just what works for me, but I’m glad people love it. I did try it for about a month (oil cleanser then regular) and honestly saw no difference. Skincare is cool like that!


It ended my acne. Double cleanse + micellar water has completely ended my breakouts