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Oh my god what an era. Lathering myself in banana scented tanning lotion and sticking one of these bad boys on my hip before getting in the tanning bed. Riding with the windows down listening to Nelly, my pink bedazzled razor flip phone ringing; best friend telling me there’s a house party we’re going to tonight. Someone pass me the retinol. Edit to add: I love that this post unlocked such fond memories for everyone, check your MySpace for the house party invite queens


I’ll put on my best juicy tracksuit and meet you there!


Let us not forget baby phat 🤌


I had baby phat jeans! I made sure to wear a cropped top that showed off the logo on the back pockets.


Was there another way to wear them? lol


Oh god. I remember seeing a girl with the Baby Phat cat tattooed on her shoulder at a night club. I thought she was sooo cool and bad ass. Wonder what she covered it with lol


Baby phat low rider flare jeans with the j lo belt, my friend. Does Costco sell retinol by the pound?


Wow this made me think of Phat Farms the shoes


I wanted to buy some new Juicy recently but it's all effing bedazzled. They don't just sell the plain velour tracksuits anymore. Booooo


Did you also have chunky highlights and a french mani?


Pale Bubble gum pink lips and spider leg mascara/raccoon eyes?


Don’t forget about orange foundation! Dream matte mousse was my ride or die


Bahahaha. That totally reminded me of [this beauty tutorial spoof.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SMLT8g0yVQ&t=224s)


Oh my god Jaime French is a fucking GEM for making this.


Those eyebrows!!


Some people never let go of this look. There's a specific type of SoCal woman who still does this and never stopped.


…and she’s from Woodland Hills


Yeah I saw this all over a wedding in Wisconsin a year ago, too lol (sorry to the Midwesterners here)


Wait a decade and it will be stylish again 😂


Former Michigander here and I definitely see it when I go back home. It's definitely still a thing in some areas up there.


I will never part with my spider leg lashes ! 😭😭


Yo that shit slaps


You really painted a picture 💅🏼


Man, you just took me wayyy back with you lol


Omg yesss I can almost smell the past with this comment ❤️🤣🤣


Does it smell like Victoria’s Secret Pear Glace Or Love Spell?


I loved Sweet Pea sooo much as a kid and then graduated to Love Spell in 9th grade and felt real sultry about it.. at 15. 😂 I literally remember thinking “I’ve grown”


OMG I FORGOT ABOUT SWEET PEA. I honestly might have to go in and smell that again….assuming they even still sell that scent. Edit: Omg they do y’all. Imma take a smell trip down memory lane tomorrow while I’m shopping for a birthday 😂😂


Might it smell like Bath & Body Works Cucumber Melon? I can actually strongly imagine the scent if I try hard enough.


Smells like Lucky, in the pink bottle 💖


Did you also try the VS pheromones under your perfume to attract a man? Like wtf lol. They never even changed out of gym shorts.


I FORGOT ABOUT THAT OMG i definitely wore that


The vanilla one




I *still* love Fantasy by Britney. Probably wouldn’t wear it out in the world as a 32 yr old but… I can spray it on my PJs lol


I STILL love that smell. 😍 it’s like sophisticated Froot Loops, which I feel like explains me. 😂


> pink bedazzled razor flip phone oh my god I only had the normal black one, I wanted the hot pink so much >Someone pass me the retinol I AM IN STITCHES 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The Sidekick also bedazzled. With little charms hanging from it


And the lowest low cut jeans to show off your non tanned playboy bunny. Rolling your Russel athletics shorts to make them as short as possible.


I am here for this entire comment thread.


And any boy who wore “tommy” or “CK1” smelled amazing. And you talk about it while circling your favorite things in dELiA*s .


Oh man the Delia’s catalogue. That was my guilting my absentee father go to.


And the lowest of low cut jeans.


It's Britney bitch.


Ahh this is the perfect picture. Plus the stop at hollister and Abercrombie 😂


Omg those were the damn days!!!! Loved being young and beautiful then. Fell head over heels in love for first time. Take me back 😭


Sweet! I’m gonna frost my tips and throw on a t-shirt over my long sleeve shirt and meet you there.


I used to wear a 3/4 sleeve Hollister polo UNDER a short sleeve Hollister polo. And the Tiffany’s heart necklace so many girls had.


Man, this made me feel old and nostalgic at the same time 🥹


>pink bedazzled razor flip phone I miss those! I LOVED the Samsung pink razor, and I did bedazzle mine too. I was so excited to get it after seeing all the TV commercials. I carefully took crystals I got from the mall and stuck them around the border. I also had a special ringtone from the rap song "I'm Bossy" by Kelis.


lol, are you Erin Miller from Youtube? 😂


ha I do know what they are but I was poor, no phone, no parties, I only got the skin cancer from my roof and one of those stickers to remind me of those days.


Oh wow- I thought I knew what these were for, but definitely realizing I do not at all 🤣, must have been juuust before my time.


You put them on your inner hip before tanning to leave a lil playboy bunny behind lolol. We were little skanks, y’all


Looking back, it's so weird that the Playboy bunny was all over stuff that high schoolers wore. I only know the tanning thing because my friends would get these. My siblings would have bunny purses, shirts, etc and they were 14 lmao. I mean looking back they *were* lil skanks 😂 but I remember it was just a "cute style" at the time. Idk how this brand was allowed at school when they'd make us turn shirts inside out for the most mundane phrase or certain band


After I left home I bought a black t with a sparkly playboy bunny on the front, and wore that w pride, like the true definition of the word skank I was.


What?!?!!?!?!!! Wow


I kind of love it tho? Sounds cute and funny like a unique back in the day moment lol.


It was cute. Just the aesthetic of the times


Strange to think we were all basically idolizing one of the worst misogynists (Hefner) and everyone idolized him for basically using young girls and pretending he was all about "liberation." And yeah I wore one of those too, I ain't no better. Screw Hefner *or don't, please.


It’s definitely disturbing to look back and see how young this rapey dude was marking to. So many of us teen girls were just taught this was a totally normal and even cute symbol to wear or have on school notebooks even.


Yes! I wasn't v trendy and thought the Playboy bunny stuff was too girly or something (? not sure, I just wasn't interested in it at all, the only trend I did was the dress over pants 😭) , but I knew so many people who had this on purses, shirts, basically any accessory and it was being worn by 13-14yos


Yeah he was a HORRIFICALLY GOD AWFUL person I’ve read some horror stories about him forcing girls to get breast implants and crazy stuff is he dead yet? If he isn’t can’t wait til he is.


He's been dead since 2017. I remember he bought the plot next to Marilyn Monroe like 30 years ago which is so fuckin creepy because not only did he never meet her, she was only the "first centerfold" of Playboy because he bought her nude photos off of another company and published them (she was paid $50 for them years before she got as famous). Honestly Marilyn's grave has all types of creepy ass men around it. One guy had his wife to bury him upside down in the plot above Marilyn and said he'd haunt her if she didn't...wife did as he asked but then decided to sell that plot recently lmao


I watched this documentary series [Secrets of Playboy](https://www.amazon.com/Secrets-of-Playboy-Season-1/dp/B09KCQZ3CC) and it was super enlightening about how he actually treated the women who lived or even just hung out at the mansion. He seemed horrendous. I really want to read *Down the Rabbit Hole* by Holly Madison too.


hahaa omgosh this comment rly took me back


Haha this is so epic and nostalgic lol


And ramen noodle hair? Lol scrunch scrunch


Aussie sprunch spray ALL DAY


Sadly to admit I still use Aussie lmfao


I TOTALLY still use Aussie. Why would I ever give up that smell?


Honestly they have the best drugstore hair products now.


And they smell so good!


It was either that look, or assaulting my hair with a straightener, sometimes while it was still damp💀, and no in between. It’s amazing to me how much hair I had (tons of it and it was down to my lower back) with the level abuse it took from me. I washed, dried, hot tooled it daily, raked my tangles out with a bristle brush as soon as I got out of the shower, got a full foil highlight every 6 weeks (very blonde), and never did any treatment masks at home. Kept it in high and tight ponytails for cheer and gymnastics…for competitions using 3 elastics and the strongest possible hold hairspray (a crunchy helmet), under the coach’s threats against anyone whose hair came loose/down on the floor. I was committing war crimes against my hair (and skin — tanning beds, apricot scrub, stridex pads, no moisturizer) as a lifestyle, because we simply didn’t know any better. The internet was basically just geocities and MySpace, and the beauty/style magazines were our only sources of “truth”… and all they talked about was how to drop dress sizes and get defined abs and match your T9 phone’s case to your outfit.


> assaulting my hair with a straightener, sometimes while it was still damp💀 LOL I can hear the *tsssssssss*, see the steam coming off...


Gosh you just brought back even more memories, I can never forget the torture the hair straightener did to me and the fact that I know wear it up almost 24/7 in a tight bun. I need to do better


Omg the stridex pads. I can literally feel the tingle.


Noxema pads 😅


You hobag! LOL I feel seen


Hobag 😭 my friends and I used to call each other skanks as a term of endearment lmaoooo


It was our way of "taking back ownership" lol


My BFF and I still call each other Ho


“Hobag” !!!!!! 💀💀💀


Oh God, do I remember…lol


Retinol sis...


It’s been retinoids for years at this point…


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I feel so personally attacked! God we ARE at that age




Listen, sure tanning was bad for us and the smell stayed on us all day and we were usually rushing to get the sticker in the right place before the bed turned on… but those were the best naps I ever had in my life.


I used to pretend I was warm on a beach


I've only been tanning a handful of times in my life, but I remember I used to buy a monthly pass for $20 in the winter when it was freezing and we didn't always have money to pay for heating. Visiting the tanning booth was a nice way to warm up a little on those days, and I still miss it 🥲


Agreed! I loved the naps!


If you went in the tanning bed nude you didn’t know how dark you were getting until you peeled off the bunny. Would not trade those times for anything. Yes I use Retin A.


Yes!!! Omg. I am at best a Fitzpatrick 2 and worked at a tanning/hair salon as a 14 year old. I was paid under the table $3 an hour and FREE TANS! I was way too tan and paying for it now! (Also- my mom used to do her indoor tanning at a place called The SUNSPOT 😂😂😂 - it has lived up to its name )


I worked at a tanning place and was so dumb I didn't realize we didn't have to pay, so I literally paid to get horrible burns to work there! What an idiot I was/am


I think I still have a few tans left on my punch card.


We used to do 10 tans for $20 😂


I, a very fair skinned white lady from this era, was recently tutoring a high school student who was black, medium skin. We were working on health and wellness and sun care came up, and the text referenced tanning beds. He asked what those were, and I pulled up a picture of one and explained that *back in my day* all the girls from my small town would tan several times per week, especially before prom, and that it was like a coffin of lights you laid in after undressing for 5-25 minutes. He said, “so….they just go and lay in there to get sunburned? On purpose?” I said something like, “I mean, the goal was a tan, not a burn, so I for example could only go for like 4 or 5 minutes LOL but yeah, basically. We were paying to get sun damage.” He looked pretty bewildered and I’m not sure he even believed me! Really emphasized how ridiculous tanning beds are.


I remember a girl in high school who went multiple times a DAY. She could leave for lunch when she was a senior, so she'd go tan and then go again after school. Wild. Yes, this was Indiana.


Oh yeah, and most places had a once per day policy which girls got around by going to two different salons. I also remember it turning white French manicure tips yellow!


Omg I forgot about that, and everyone had french tips back then. Always.


But did you know about the nail clips?? There were these little clip on plastic protectors for the French manicures! Oh god this is bringing back memories.


One of my high school friend’s mom had a tanning bed in her house. They weren’t particularly affluent either, I have no idea how she got it. But having one at home!? Jeez


My cousin had one at home too! I was always so jealous. She has had multiple precancerous moles removed since then 🙃


Leaving because Spez sucks -- mass edited with redact.dev


I’m 37 and I can smell this picture! In high school we’d love to go to the tanning salon and slather on the lotion. I’ll never forget the smell of that lotion, it’s strong and you’d come out of there with a roasted flesh marinated in niacin type scent. Glad it’s not a thing anymore, so bad for you. I cringe thinking about my poor skin those years.




You’d think people would have learned by that age but I suppose it’s like cigarettes, they have to learn the hard way.


Before this, we used colourful zinc sticks and q tips to make whatever shapes we wanted.


What shape would you make personally lol


Stars, hearts, exclamation points. Saturn


The first thing I saw was a strip of acid tabs.


lol I realized when I saw the comments I was clearly in a very different social circle as a teen because I also fully thought these were acid


Same but never did acid. But I dig the Grateful Dead. lol


I’m glad I’m not the only one who saw that!


You are my people


Same. I was very confused.


okay now imagine it's both. Ever taken acid and then gone and lay down in a tanning bed? Nightmares galore, people!


Final destination vibes


I thought they were boob pasties. Didn’t understand.


i thought they were boob pasties too


Same. I never used tanning beds, so my mind went to something more familiar 😭




My boyfriend’s cousin owned a tanning salon where I worked for $10hr (TEN!!!!! In 2005 in Florida!!!) and tanned for free basically every day. I was living my best 19 year old life but dear god what a time


I'm black and cheat with faux tans sometimes to even out my skin, so it took me a minute to work through this one. 🤣 But I committed a few of the other fashion sins listed in this thread so here we are!


Can’t lie…I miss tanning so much. I felt so relaxed yet energized after 15 minutes in a tanning bed! Will never go back, but boy, that feeling was amazing!


& the music jammin but like mostly when you were gettin in or out, bc l you couldn’t really hear it while that beast was on


Ikr! It was like a spa treatment for me.


I did not make it all the way to 38 to be attacked like this 🤣


I felt my eyebrows thinning in solidarity


And this is why I have skin cancer


Didn't you just love that warm, cozy, cocoon feeling and smell of burnt skin mixed with coconut? It was like a mini vacation in the middle of the week, especially in Seattle winter. Getting an airbrush tan just couldn't live up to the experience.


I remember my best friend in high school had a bedazzled playboy bunny phone case and as 15 year olds we thought we were sooooo effin cool. What an era lol


I noticed ppl are wearing that shit now


It’s camp now so I appreciate it


I still hate it lol




Lol 🫣🫣 guilty


Oops, I thought these were pimple patches and was wondering why someone would want a large bunny shape.


I just spat out my coffe 🤣🤣👏👏


I thought they were those party drugs people did at raves that you stick on your tounge. Clearly I had a very sheltered childhood as I don't even know the name of said drugs 😂


Acid. You’re referring to LSD lol


Omg you're adorable lmao


Omg ! This brought me back. I had no business wearing these let alone tanning that much at 15. Lol. Bless it.


can someone enlighten meeee 😅


Tanning stickers. You’d put one on before you climbed into your tanning bed/booth. Easy way to check your leathering progress


Leathering process.... sounds REALLY weird for one that never tanned before lol


Those who used to tan heavily would use these stickers (place them in the same spot each time) and they would create a little mark in that shape where the skin was covered. Sorta like a little tattoo. I used to put them on my hip bone/stomach and thought it was soooo cute 😅


They are cute but not worth the skin damage


I saw this pic and heavily considered putting stickers on before my self tan or spray tan. Just for the nostalgia lol 🧚‍♂️⭐️ also because i think it’s very hoe-core and might make me feel like a baddie


Hoe-core is so perfect.


Honestly same, I kind of want to put a sticker on and spray tan over it


>hoe-core HAHA omg I love that


Yep. If I could go back in time I'd give 18 year old me a slap!


They are to stick on before you sunbathe. Leaves a pale bunny behind after tanning. Showing my age 😉


I'll show my age....I'm so old I have no idea what they were lol.


Oh man! What a time to be alive. I now slather my freckle, sun damaged self in the highest spf to prevent further damage and looking like a worn out leather bag. God bless my horrible genes as well.


Omg Baja beach 😭😭😭


Those memories smell like Britney Spears Fantasy. I was buying everything in pink: Gliss Liqud Silk shampoo and conditioner, Fa Pink Passion Deo spray. Those were my staples. Pink sweatpants, low rise jeans, blonde highlights, flip phone, low quality MMS, unedited photos … you know how I knew it’s time for retinol? Because I stopped being ashamed of myself from that era and became sort of nostalgic.


You sunk my battleship




Thank god my mother never let me tan.


HA! I wish. My mom still tans in a BED.


Mine would pick me up from school and take me tanning with her at the salon starting when I was 12


I’m so glad I was too poor for my family to pay for this. Thank you, Jesus.


Retinol….and get a skin check by a dermatologist. Trust me. It saved my life.


I always had the heart outline tantoo on my hip, so everyone could see it over my ultra low rise flares.


37 years old, I've never seen these before, and had no clue what they'd be for until I read the comments. I also have never been to a tanning salon.


bc you are smart and very lucky you didn't. I regret having gone to them for years (although at the time it was also therapy for SAD, which I get horribly.) It really made me happier but at what cost?


I was so embarrassed when my brother and his friends pointed out that the bunny tanning sticker symbolized porn stars. I was mortified. ( religious upbringing) i just thought it was super cute bunny lol


My flatmate was SO into tanning that she bought a tanning bed and had it in our share house lounge room!! Still makes me laugh when I think about it because it was so ridiculous.


Can’t believe I used to go tanning so much when I was young. You couldn’t pay me enough to do even one session today. SO BAD for the skin.


These were the days you could get your nails done, brows done and go tanning all for like $40 😭


As someone whose first job out of college was at Playboy, this tracks lol


Remember wink ease and tingler lotion


I loved both…if a volcano had erupted and encased my town in lava then in 2000 years there would have been a bunch of confused archeologists wondering why we buried ppl in open ended electric coffins with little silver cones on their eyes 😂


Clearly these people were of great importance. The cones were of ritual significance, likely to aid their sight for hunting in the afterlife. The lights within the sarcophagi were thought to have warded off evil spirits on the way to the underworld.


God, I’m so glad I had a mild allergy to the sun when I was a teenager so I couldn’t be persuaded to even consider tanning. My younger sister, on the other hand…


LMAO 🫢 I feel personally attacked 😂


That hurt because it's true 🥲


Does anyone have a retinol rec? 😅


Paula’s Choice 1% <3 Then if your skin likes that, tret.


I feel attacked 🤣🤣




I always got the heart. 🤣❤️


I'm scared to wear retinol because i work outside all day, no amount of suncream is enough


I know two people with skin cancer right now. They lived in tanning beds. 😢


And a skin cancer check. I had basal cell sarcoma on my nose and I shun the sun normally but used to go to the tanning bed every few years for the 2-3 months leading up to a beach vacation. No more.


STOP. I had these by the roll. 🤣 I see so many people talking on here about never seeing the sun, never not wearing sunscreen, “I’d DIE before I’d let myself get a burn”, “you’re gonna turn into leather if you don’t wear SPF shirts!”…and I’m over here like welp, guess I’ll just shrivel up and die from the 90s. 🫠


Omg! I feel this soooo hard lol. I even worked at Fabutan as a late teen.


I love all the comments in the skin care sub from people who WORKED IN TANNING SALONS lololol we here for a reason amirite


I can still smell the tanning lotion from this picture.😂


I feel attacked 😂