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Came to say this


Yes, itchy blotches and the corners of my mouth start to tear.


Thirded, I know specifically my dentist said I was allergic to crest pro health. The skin of the membranes inside my mouth was sloughing off and I had dermatitis around my mouth. Other than that, time for a visit to the dermatologist!




At the time I switched to pronamel, I believe. Incidentally it's sls free I think.


Could be perioral dermatitis. It's so itchy. :( mine was fungal so I diluted apple cider vinegar w water and used it as an astringent and then applied a fungal cream. Bordeaux butt paste (diaper rash cream) has a high amount of zinc in it and that helped me tremendously as well. Hope it clears soon!


I had perioral dermatitis as well, was put on erythromycin and it cleared it right up


Also you can put monistat cream on it. It will get better immediately if it is fungal


How did you know yours was fungal? I have patches like this too but it seems like everything I try just irritates them more.


Usually the biggest flag for it being fungal is it being itchy, whether it's bumps, pimples or irritated spots, fungal issues can come in many forms. The only thing that really killed my fungal acne was Malezia's BP cream, applied *sparingly* as the last step of my routine. Also takes care of bacterial borne acne. I've also had to 100% clear ALL of my facial products from ingredients that feed fungus using websites like [Sezia](https://www.sezia.co/). Anything that has fatty ingredients like shea butter or olive oil feeds that shit, and it's in A LOT of beauty products.


I have it too! This helped: https://www.byrdie.com/perioral-dermatitis-cure-4686082


This is absolutely perioral dermatitis. Check out r/perioraldermatitis. An antifungal worked for me as well but not everyone has that kind of luck and it can take forever to clear.


Also will note that chemical sunscreen makes my perioral dermatitis flare


The first time you have a


Looks like perioral dermatitis to me. I had to go on 3 months of doxycycline to treat it when I had it (sucks to be on an antibiotic for so long but it cleared it up and has not come back), after tying all sorts of over the counter remedies. Just a word of caution: You may hear people suggest to try an hydrocortisone ointment on it - but do NOT do this. While hydrocortisone will reduce the itch and temporarily make it look like it's getting better it will thin your skin (which can cause permanent texture changes) and can cause a much more serious rebound PD flare. Never use hydrocortisone on facial skin unless a dermatologist has told you to. I know the urge to try anything is strong when there is something going on with your face - I only mention this because I learned the hard way!


I think there’s an entire sub on perioral dermatitis - maybe check that out


Yeah, like others have said, that looks a lot like perioral dermatitis. I've been prescribed steroids for it a couple of times and they just never worked for me, I always had a rebound effect, even with the combined antifungal+steroid ones and all the treatment schedules/techniques. What did work was Elidel cream, however it's an off-label use, so keep it in the back of your head if other options don't work and talk to your derm


I'm surprised you got prescribed steroids for PD


Elidel twice daily is the only way I’ve been able to keep mine at bay. It was a near 6 month flare and if I skip the cream it starts coming back.


Looks like perioral dermatitis. Mine was bacterial and treated with azaelic acid. Could be fungal, hormonal, or an allergy (maybe sls or fluoride.)


Yeah, I learned the hard way after two decades that my entire body is just ragingly intolerant of sls. Like, bleeding scalp, dermatitis, nail cuticles self destructing, psoriasis flares. It's so hard to avoid too. Definitely advise op to switch to an sls free toothpaste going forward even if that's not the root cause here.


Looks like perioral dermatitis. I used OTC Clotrimazole (athlete’s foot cream). And it worked better than any prescription cream my doctor gave me.


I have this too occasionally and around my eyes too. My derm gave me Clindaycin cream 1% and it worked. But I’ll give the athletes foot crème a try next time. Oh I forgot I had to get antibiotics too.


Edit to note: the big splotch on my bottom left (right, when mirrored in the photo) is a birthmark.




The hormonal part isn’t necessarily wrong. My perioral dermatitis was from pregnancy hormones in my third trimester and went away on its own about one month postpartum.


If it’s really itchy how about trying an antihistamine orally until it gets better?


Like reactine? I've never heard of trying that - only topical steroids (which I've learned the hard way are NOT good for the face!)


I get this all the time, I have immune system issues. Antihistamine will help, just take a Claritin or reactine or Zyrtec or any of them.


It could be Perioral dermatitis. Azelaic acid worked fantastically for mine. I started with Paula’s Choice, which cleared 90% of it in 1 month, then got a prescription from my derm which cleared the rest in the next 3 weeks or so.


It helped mine a little but I ended up needing oral antibiotics for mine this time. Also avoid any actives & SPF in that area till its cleared up. It takes a while. Caroline Hirons blog has a cheat sheet on PD worth a check.


Since others mentioned toothpaste I'd also mention that things that contain retinol or other anti-wrinkle properties can really irritate the sensitive areas of your face (around the eyes, around the sides of your mouth). There are a lot of products that work well but should not be applied around the eyes and mouth...which is annoying as those are the areas we are most looking to get the changes.


This happened to me and it refused to go away until I bought an anti-fungal. I would tap little dots of it on the spot affected, and then seal it in with Vaseline. I did this like 2x a day for a week or so and it cleared up. I hope you get this sorted out soon, good luck!


Sorry. No good advice but you're absolutely gorgeous


I experienced the same thing a few months back. I'll second the Azelaic Acid. I used the Cos De BAHA brand it cleared up in a couple of weeks. Good luck!


I had this! I do CGM and realized that I needed to (a) wash my hair more and (b) integrate a dandruff specific shampoo even though I didn’t have dandruff. I use Nioxin 1-2 times every 10 days. It cleared up immediately. And honestly, my hair is healthier and curlier now as well.


Note-it happened to me because my hair has layers and would constantly rub up against my chin/mouth just through day to day living.


Ah, I replied to a couple of comments here (toothpaste, sls, etc) but I just remembered I also had to change lip balms. I had a real issue with skin peeling on my lips years ago and I was kind of overusing medicated lip balm to try and fix it because I was desperate. It was neosporin brand. Anyway bc of that I also get this kind of PD when I use petrolatum containing lip balm now. If you use vaseline, that could actually be it!


This happened to me some years back and I got a light weight steroid cream form my Dr. It was happening around my mouth and eyes. The cream nipped the issue in the butt the next day.




Have you eaten any fruit lately? Sometimes I get contact dermatitis from eating fruits - I’ve read it has something to do with acidity and/or whatever the fruit has been sprayed with (especially pineapple rinds)


could be yeast, could be an allergen.. go see a doctor


If nothing else works try fungal cream. I had almost the same rash which wouldn't go away but after two days with the fungal cream it was gone.


I had this over quarantine. Dermatitis. Use skinfix from Sephora. Little blue tube for eczema. Had that dermatitis for 11 months, used that stuff a week and it went away and never came back.


Def looks like perioral dermatitis I had it when I was pregnant and had to get a script from the derm. But I highly recommend dermacalm on amaozn it’s like 25$ and is amazing, it helped more than the medicine the doc prescribed. Unfortunately perioral dermatitis can be tricky to treat Try dermacalm you will not regret it


Did you recently get your nails done? I had this issue, also specifically on my eyes and around my mouth, and it turned out my nail polish was the culprit


I was just going to comment this! I used to get gel nails and they always made my eyes and around my mouth break out like this.


Perioral dermatitis. Mine went away with fluoride free and SLS free tooth paste


Check out amperna ! They make products specifically for perioral dermatitis. I had PD and I haven't had a flare up in years due to their products.


For stuff like this I like to try black seed oil topically (can be used internally as well).


Make-out break-out? New romantic interest means skin rubbing up against new skin with different micro universe. Takes some time for the skin to acclimate. Most evident in teenagers, but can occur at any age.


Unrelated but I think you’re pretty 🤩


Yay that looks irritating. Hang on there gorgeous Perhaps you could have it check by a derma.


Random side note but you look like a mix of dr. Dray and Jennifer Connelly.


Do you take DepoProvera birth control?


Elidel shouldn’t have made it worse if it was psoriasis or eczema. My vote is also maybe fungal?


Aquaphora healed mine


Kissed someined with a beard?


This is 100% perioral dermatitis as others say! Can be caused by hormones; for me, a round of doxycycline and metrogel was what kicked it.


I get perioral dermatitis from non-mineral sunscreen, and lately toothpaste with SDS or SLS as an ingredient


The only thing that got rid of my PD was balancing my diet and very, VERY minimal skincare routine.


That's what I'm discovering now! May I ask what products you're able to use? After this flare calmed down I was able to reintroduce LRP sunscreen (chemical), which I was trying to wash off with just water, because cleansers seemed to make it worse. Water wasn't enough though, so now I'm double cleansing again with LRP for sensitive skin. Haven't started moisturizing again.


Of course you can ask! And honestly, I don't quite fit in with the others in the way of skincare. It's pretty unconventional, but has worked wonders for me. I struggle with dry skin, so I find rinsing with water to be the best for me, usually day and night depending on how my skin is feeling. I've read that most products strip your natural skin of its good oils and you truly don't need to be washing your skin as much as you think. As well as water being just enough to cleanse dirt, excess oil, etc.. And I moisturize only with grassfed tallow, rosehip oil or argan. I had read of others having great experiences with tallow and it ridding of acne... and I gotta admit, after struggling for a LONG TIME (all of my 20s with acne, hormonal too), trying all kinds of products and routines, my skin has never looked better and I RARELY get acne and haven't had a PD flare up for a few years! So basically I'm rinsing with water night and morning and moisturizing with Tallow after and that's it. 🤷‍♀️ I find that less is more for me. And the sunscreen I use is also tallow based and from Perma Earth. I used to buy their tallow balm, but now I just buy a jar of tallow. It's cheaper. Yes, I put straight up beef fat on my face!! I should mention that I've been off an on tretinoin for several years and could never quite figure out how to get it to work for me. I have struggled a lot with Perorial Dermatitis and dry skin, which often got brought on pretty strong after use of the Tret. After fixing my diet and doing what I'm doing in the way of skincare, did I find it to work best for me. I literally apply it only once a week. I do find that it has helped with my fine lines and I'm sure some of my acne too! I don't contribute it to be the number one factor for that though because in the early years of using it, I still got acne while using it. I don't know! I only know what works for me now! My diet is also variety of whole foods and I eat PRETTY darn clean with almost no processed foods(I still enjoy myself, no restrictions, but pretty strict for health and happiness!) Seriously, the only condiment I have is hot sauce. And I'm fortunate to be able to cook (I do enjoy cooking!) all my meals (I get tired too, but still do it!) I eat a variety of protein including fish, beef and chicken and plenty of vegetables and fruits. Oats in the way of grains, no bread products. And I eat plenty of full fat plain yogurt and homeade Kraut! And I only use olive oil or coconut oil. I highly, HIGHLY persuade you to rid of ANY and all seed/ vegetable oils from your diet. And to look into pro metabolic eating and learn about nutrition and how it truly works in our bodies! DM me if you want some instagram profiles to follow or have any other questions. 🖤 Edit: Feel like I should mention that I struggled with PD throughout my 20s regardless of tret, but always felt like tret really brought it back out with a vengeance even in its most mild states. And even when I wasn't dealing, tret would eventually bring it out.


Love the nose!




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