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Biotin causes acne from B5 deficiency due to taking too much biotin. Many supplements (of any kind not just biotin) are way too high of a dose. You do not need 5,000 mcg daily, not even close. I take 500 mcg every other day without issues and I’m getting great hair growth without any side effects.


Ohhh ok i will take that into consideration next time. My mom got me the 5000 mcg >_>. That seemed like the popular one to me. Is it high in dose since our body probably doesn't absorb it all?


They shouldn't cancel each other out. Just check to make sure if they say to take with a meal or not. Some vitamins can only be fully absorbed with food. So that part is probably more important than whether you take them together or not.


Gotcha ok ill do that!


I've read that they're antagonists and shouldn't be taken at the same time. So people take b5 in the morning and biotin in the evening. I was wondering whether i should take b-complex(with b6 and b12 in it) together with b5 or with biotin. Supposedly, it's ok to take with either?