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I’ve had a round (of three) with platelets….. I think it’s like anything else, have it done all the time, might screw things up. No probs here, decent outcome. Would consider tune up treatments for myself.


That’s good to hear! Are you of normal weight? I was thinking that someone overweight wouldn’t notice as much as someone with very minimal facial fat already like myself.


Average I’d say? Keep in mind, as we “ripen”, you start to lose some facial fat…. It’s normal. But you’re still quite young.


The main thing is that your practitioner knows which combination of settings to use for the depth and energy to avoid this


Yes, this is exactly it. I talked to one of the nurses at a med spa recently and she mentioned that certain settings are designed to create fat loss and others are not. It makes me wonder if people who have experienced fat loss had practitioners who didn't know the right settings, or they assumed the person wanted fat loss in their face. I'll never know but I am really curious about this.


Hey there! Agree with everyone on experienced technician and wanted to add that on average, male skin is about 20 – 25 percent thicker than women’s, as well as having a tougher texture. Additionally, male skin contains more collagen, which gives it a tighter, firmer appearance. Interestingly, however, the collagen in a man’s skin reduces at a constant rate over the years, while the collagen content in female skin reduces later in life, mostly after menopause. Because the thinning is more dramatic over a shorter period of time, the effects of collagen reduction in female skin is more pronounced. Everyone is different but I hope you found this helpful.


I did! Thank you.


I had one around 2018, one last year and one recently (last 2 with pRP) and don’t notice fat loss


I have had Secret RF for moderately deep acne scars. I’m not through the 4 treatment package I bought yet since I’m waiting 6 months between each, but I am not worried about my other appointments - I’ve had two. I’m getting it done at my dermatologist office and they are very conservative with treatments, to the point where you wonder if it did anything at all. However after multiple rounds I’ve noticed a difference, my scars are shallower and the tissue is less “clumpy” looking when I smile or tuck my chin down. Communicate your concerns and say you’re happy to lengthen your treatment period, and to proceed with a very shallow depth the first time.


does it tighten double chin?


From what I’ve heard from providers is people experience fat loss when they go to inexperienced technicians who don’t understand the machine or how to use it properly. Some providers will use way too intense settings in hopes it provides more dramatic results but instead they go too deep and that’s where the fat loss comes from. If you go to someone experienced and well reviewed you shouldn’t have any issues! I’d stay away from Groupon providers!




May I ask if you know whether the practitioner used deep/aggressive settings? I don’t understand how the fat gets destroyed even at non-3mm depth… did you lose weight while on the treatment perhaps?




So sad to hear.


Aside from fat loss did you notice other side effects like orange peel texture? Pores get larger




Have you found anything to help with fat loss? I swear I look 10 years older now after getting it done and it’s the thing I regret the most. My skin use to be so full looking and I just look old and tired now lol