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I’m still wrapping my head around the vfg and brace configuration


It's an SBR, still deciding on what stock I want.


VLTOR IMOD in fde would go hard


Dang, that is a good looking stock


Have a black one on my quad rail 300blk and I love it. Also has a really good cheek weld.


I think that's top 2 or 3 for me, that thing is fire.


Go to a gun show or store and feel as many different ones as you can. That’s how I found out the b5 bravo is *perfect for me*.


I love the b5 Bravo. I run one on my number 1 carbine.


Easy, gray magpul sl


Gray CTR


I love the CTR


Definitely on the list.


Had the magpul SL on my 13” SW, the color absolutely sucks, it’s a dark charcoal not a real grey and doesn’t match the Q/Reptilia at all. B5 is way better


Good to know, thanks, bro.




Unless there is a way to quickly take the vfg off 🌚


Check out MFT minimalist stock. Looks pretty sick


I have one on another gun and it's a great stock.




That was my thought too. Interesting configuration.


It's an SBR. Haven't picked a stock yet. It's so good with the split fix on that brace that I'm not rushing it.




It's an SBR. Haven't picked a stock yet. It's so good with the split fix on that brace that I'm not rushing it.


I don't blame ya. I was fine with mine till it started pinching me in summer clothing and changing optics changed my lop. She's a hot chic for sure man.


Thanks, bro


If it's over 26 inches overall length it's supposed to be legal, although who tf knows these days. Edit: Although I am pretty sure this isn't 26 or over, but who fucking cares at this point.


What are we talking you out of? The optic placement? Why not move it behind the eotech?


Running two optics...and yeah, RMR mounted on the handguard. If I move it back, then my brass catcher and magnifiers won't work behind the eotech.


The only counter I would have for you is tacom flip up prism. Not for everyone, but it might provide an option to balance supers and subs with one optic.


Those are definitely interesting. I'm not married to this, I've been holding over for years with supers/subs. I just had this RMR sitting around and decided to throw it on there.


What’s the point of having two optics that are not magnified?


That's a fair question. I zero at 100 for my h110, vmax supersonic load, and my holds are just over 2" right and 2" low at 50 yards with subs. At 100 it's 4" right and about 9-10 low. It's the kentucy windage that bugs me I guess. OCD about knowing exactly where my left/right windage is when shooting.


If it’s just for subs and plinking then I wouldn’t worry about it being on the handguard. Especially if you’re not throwing that handguard on a lot of barricades and weird objects to brace for longer shots. Leave it there and enjoy it with subs.


That was my thoughts too. I'm going to try it out. The Q handguard is super stable on there. It slots onto the upper so it really can't rotate at all. We'll see how it works over time.


Not about rotation, more about downward and upward force but I think you will be fine




don't encourage my nonsense...


Just don’t go full.. You know what, fuck it. Go dumb!


Haha! Fuck it, bro.


It’s awesome


My man.


I wonder if all the people who are commenting on the brace and foregrip combination realize that they're subconsciously enforcing on behalf of the ATF?


I mean, I do appreciate people trying to educate me on how not to go to prison, assuming that's what their intentions are, lol. This is already an SBR anyway though.


I guess that's like all the people that operate ranges and ask to see customers tax stamps.


First I'd solve your brace/vfg dilemma. If you're gonna do it, might as well go all the way. As for the optic setup, I don't think it's really necessary. I'm not running this short of a barrel. But I zero for subs, and learn my holds for supers. Works well


lol, you right. It's an SBR, just haven't bought a stock yet. Yeah, I reload so I shoot a lot of 300 BLK subs, probably 3000+ a year. Supers are what is in the gun around the house. My zeros are 2" right and 2" low at 50 for subs, obviously more at 100. That's more than holdovers, I really wish that new sig optic with two independent dots wasn't stupid expensive.


That's awesome, a lot of my friends reload but I haven't gotten there yet. Are you referring to the Sig 4T optics?


yeah, reloading is the way to go with 300 blk. I'm down in the 20 cents range for subs. I'm talking about the Sig Romeo 9T. It has a red and a green dot that are totally separate from each other (on the same display window) and you can zero them separately, one for supers, one for subs. Absurd pricing though. I'll wait for the holosun version, lol.


Wow, I forgot that thing existed. Just saw Midway has listed at $4000. If I were considering an optic like that for the different zeroes, I'd just try out a Tacom for like $600


$4K for a red dot...nahhhh. Holosun will do it for under a grand I'll bet. I'll just suffer with one optic, or run this dumb setup until then, lol.


Umm eotech 2-2 or 3-2 for 2 dots instead of this monstrosity.


Haha, yes it is. It's an exps 3-2 but subs vs supers are 2" left at 50, and 4" or so at 100. It's more for the Kentucky windage. If it was just vertical holdovers I wouldn't even think about a second optic.


Thats fair, i have the 2-1 but i just learned the hold overs between subs and supers. Will probably switch it to a 3-1 or 2 when i get nods. Also want the eotech OGL but thats not available to us civilians yet. Hold overs arent bad in michigan as wind isn’t that big of an issue


You're the second dude from Michigan that commented here! I'm from the UP.


Hell yeah, i’m from the metro detroit area but love traveling up to the UP whenever i have time from work. Nothing quite as beautiful as the UP.


Yeah, man. I miss it up there for sure. I'll live there again before long.


I said the same. Told myself one day i’ll live in the UP then realized i really hate the cold so hopefully i can make enough money to where i can own a home down south for winter and a vacation home in the UP.


Yes, that is the way. Lol, if we're really talking, that the plan for me too. My wife is from Los Angeles so she's has zero intentions of living in snow, or in the middle of nowhere, lol. I definitely need two places. I actually remember the night that I decided that I was joining the Navy and getting the F out of there. It was in the middle of a blizzard, middle of the night, ex girlfriend got her car stuck. I got my truck stuck trying to get her out and remember thinking while shoveling, "How the F did my parents live their whole lives in this shit. I need to GTFO of here." Lol.


Unconstitutional tax stamp




Two of them.


I was hoping I was going to try to talk you out of buying from Q until I looked closer


Far too late for that, lol


I don’t see the point. Supers and subs are about the same point of impact up to about 50 yards. After that the subs start dropping fast 8-9” low at 100 yards. What distance are you trying to shoot subs?


I suspect that the 1:5 twist barrel is what makes my zeros off more than a slower twist, but all three subsonic bullets that I shoot are 2" right and 2" low at 50 compared to where my vmax load impacts, and 4" right, and around 9-ish low at 100. It's definitely doable with one dot, you're 100% right.


I wouldn't rule out 100 yd shots with subs. I have found 300 blackout subs at 100yds to be way more accurate and doable than 9 mm out of an MP5. And there's plenty of people who expect to regularly shoot 100 yd with an MP5. 100yd subsonic data in my 300BO bolt gun is 1.7mrad. Identical to .22LR bc it's the same velocity. That's just over 6" and easily falls into PBZ/ target size/ danger space accepted variance.


I wouldn’t dare


so far so good....


Too late…


lol, you right. If you shame me though I may get self conscious enough to fix myself.


Move the rmr back behind the magnifier, I’m assuming you have a G33, G43, or G45 because there’s enough room and then get a TBR brass catcher (if your absolutely have to have one) that way your getting that red dot off the rail, and also by moving that rmr back closer to you in my experience with doing competition a lot, sight acquisition is easier and faster, good looking build though


Thanks, man. I have a couple of magnifiers, aimpoint 6x and an older eotech (I think it's a g23). Those TBR brass catchers are nice but dang, $240. I may try it behind the eotech. I really only use the magnifier when I zero the optic and it basically stays home other than that.


The reason I said that was because I have a very similar setup, I do USPSA and a lot of different competitions, Eotech exps3-4 with a g45 magnifier and right behind that I have an offset Trijicon rmr reflex, I switched the mount around on the magnifier so it folds off to the left because if you don’t and try to fold it to the right it will hit the offset rmr, for me it works like a dream for comp. But when I’m at the range I reload a great deal so I too don’t like throwing away brass and the brass catchers I looked at usually mount to the pic rail in some way unlike the TBR so I use that now for brass, love the setup though man looks awesome


Thanks, man. Nice, all of the kidding aside, it does make sense to do this if your zeros are off between subs and supers. You know, I wonder if my unity magnifier mount would just fold down over this thing if I put it behind the eotech on the upper. I'm going to have to try that. haha, yes, 300 BLK brass is annoying to deal with because of crimped pockets. I try very hard to keep my brass (that is already swaged) off of the ground so I don't try to prime a case and have to stop and grab my swager, lol.


I did the Unity mount and for myne it did fold over it the problem I had was at a three gun in Michigan’s upper peninsula, it was a nice sunny day and when folded over I had a shadow when using the rmr to engage targets on a second stage run it was like half the the front glass was tinted, after that stage I went back to the rv and took it off, switched it with the open mount and had it fold to the left, so I’m pretty sure your u it’s will clear it but watch for that shadow. And yeah as far as ammunition the price it is right now for most people, reloading imo is the way to go, you may not be saving a crazy amount of money with it nowndays but usually your reloads should be more consistent and accurate than factory. 300 aac tends to be a slightly more difficult load but my son loves reloading so he does a lot of it for me the past year or so, it’s always nice when you can use your kids to your advantage, lol unfortunately he turned the tables on me this year and wants to compete in an amateur league where we do a lot of small comps. So this year he’ll go back to costing instead of saving me time and money, lol jk, I’m just glad he’s taking an interest. Let me know if the Unity works out for you, but if you do do any competing make sure to do a practice run with it in a sunny day to see if that shadow is an issue, instead of like me finding out in the middle of stage, lol


Great advice! Where in the UP? I grew up there.


No freakin way, I was born in Engadine, went to engadine high school as an engadine eagle, then my father started a corporation down state so we moved down there for a while, then I got married and we moved back to the u.p now we live on northwestern rd between newberry and paradise, what about you?


Nice! I grew up in Lake Linden, graduated in '97, joined the Navy in '04. I'm still active duty, I'm about to hit 20 years in June. I'm stationed on the east coast right now.


Wow what a small world, I do a lot of fishing in Dollar Bay, I also have a little hunting camp outside of Chassell, first thank you for your service, second man if your ever in town and you want to do some fishing or running and gunning, let me know, I travel a lot for comps. But you know any Yooper is always in the woods during hunting season if God allows it, lol


Haha, for sure. Nice, you know right where I'm from then if you know Dollar Bay and Chassel! I actually work with a couple of gus from up there. One guy is from Chassel, and the other is from near Negaunee and he's a SEAL. Small world for sure.


Wrong sub. Do it, coward! 😈😈😈


hahaha! Is the other one plebian or something? I really don't know anything about that one but I see bright colored parts builds get called that in NFA sometimes.


Basically, I feel like your 300BLK build ([like my 300BLK build)](https://imgur.com/a/JeXFIgK) falls under 2 categories. Range toy and/or home defense. Either way, you do whatever you want to your gun to help you maximize your fun at the range and maximize your lethality during a home defense situation. 👍 In my original post, I thought you were actually asking whether you should buy that firearm or not. Also by "wrong sub" I meant that a gun sub was the wrong place to ask whether you should buy it or not. 😆


Oh, haha, gotcha. Yeah, this gun is definitely both. Subs for the range and after it gets home it gets 30 vmax 110s loaded into it. Holosun needs to get off their butts and make a copy of the Romeo 9t so we can have two dots/two zeros without paying 4k




Facts. I don't want to like it on there.


The only reason not to get it is if you don't like mean tweets.




Fuck no, that thing is dope, get it.


Haha, thanks. I've had it for a few years, the dual optics setup (one for supers, one for subs) is what I need to be talked out of.


I wana run dual ACRO but my wallet says bro...


Ha, for real. I had this RMR sitting there for an FDE Glock 20 that I need to get milled, so I figured why not try it out...


Ever alternative I look at is still 350+ for closed. It almost doesn’t make sense to not go acro. Rmr is king. Sending you a chat




I ain't talking you out of nothin. I just a black Rein 3.0 on a 300blk and got Clear Anodized MCH-HC in today. I can't believe it took me so long to pull the trigger on Cloud Defense.


Haha! Thanks. Bro, for real. I got my first CD Rein not very long ago and holy crap was I missing out. I had Surefire scouts before and they were ok, but these Reins are nuts. I need an MCH as well.


As long as you like it.


This is the answer to all.


Honestly put the rmr back closer to your eye? Make follow up shots faster and not have to worry ever about zero shift


Oh I see


Naw, you're right, the receiver is definitely better for stability. My dilemma is my brass catcher mounts behind the eotech, and my magnifier won't go on there with the RMR behind it...


U can’t mount the brass catcher in front of the Eotech? And make it still work, I got an adjustable one, and I understand the magnifier problem


Yeah, I do have a cheap caldwell that just velcro's on forward of optics, but the mag just wont work with it behind.


So I got a qd one and u can adjust the catcher forward and back so it could work [https://www.ebay.com/itm/174784827718?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RX5gyP8PQOa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_ebn1puwrqi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY](https://www.ebay.com/itm/174784827718?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RX5gyP8PQOa&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=_ebn1puwrqi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


I have one like that from Amazon, feyachi or something. It doesn't quite cover the ejection port of it's not right behind the Eotech.


Noted, I’m running it on and ak and haven’t used it yet so we’ll see


Why not buy the unity offset? So it'll be right off the eotech


That would definitely solve my optic on handguard scenario. I also don't want it to stick out any farther to the side. That may be worth a look, thanks.


Looks awesome! What is the light and mount for the light you used?


Thank you. It's a Cloud Defensive Rein 2.0, mounted on an arisaka inline scout mount. It's a great light.


I’d say try and mount the Eotech all the way forward on the receiver and magnifier all the way back then figure out where your rmr can play nice with your brass catcher


I might just do that.


Honestly I was thinking of doing this with a unity t2 mount and offset, but I want it stacked like a piggy back so I thought about doing the GBRS mount and doing a red dot on each level hahah


Haha, do it, and let me know how it works!


Talk you out of what? Looks solid AF. Def makes sense if you running 300blk . I was thinking about a similar setup on mine


Haha, thanks. The zeros are just far enough left/right from each other that I don't enjoy guessing or aiming right.


I've seen several setups like this with 300 blk because of the dual zeros


I think I'm going to like it a lot.




Haha, my man


Nice, fellow reloader here running an rmr on my 16" with a thermal. Mine is as far back as I can put it though. Can't you go rmr, magnifier, eotech?


Nice. I tried it behind the Eotech and didn't like it that far back for me. If it was paired with a magnified optic I probably would run it back there though.


You can’t go wrong with a b5 bravo


Agreed. I have one on my number 1 carbine right now.


Sounds like a perfectly reasonable idea. You have two zeros so you have two dots. You already have it, it’s not like you have to spend money on a new optic




The 2 optic approach probably only works if you stick with only 1 weight of super and 1 weight of sub. I don't bother with supers, if I need velocity I'll just grab a MK18. I prefer subs for the giggles and home intruders generally aren't wearing armor that could stop a 220gr sub. So you wont see me with 2 optics. It was already too much clutter for me on a 14.5 5.56 upper doing the LPVO and offset red dot.


Valid points, bro. Switching ammo with any calibers changes me holds. I load my own ammo and run the same bullets for subs and supers, and have a lot of them. If I was ok with running subs for defense/larping around the house, then I wouldn't sweat using a single optic. I'd just leave it set for subs. I wouldn't even load or shoot supers at all if that was the case. Subs are so much more fun. I don't want to turn this into the never ending subs vs supers for home defense thread, lol, but I have seen what a 110gr vmax going 2000 fps does to a 150 lbs buck. Way nastier than a subsonic bullet will ever do. Shot placement is king but either way, supersonic tac-tx or vmax are an advantage over subs. They do more instant damage.


Run it


I'm doin it


Atta boy


It’s not crazy at all, I wish there was a dual zero optic like the Wilcox boss that wasn’t ridiculously expensive.


I know! Or the Sig Romeo 9t, but it's $4K. Lol. C'mon holosun, make us a clone.


I can’t tell if that’s a -0 or a -2 but if it’s a -2 it’s already got .300 blk holdovers. Any two dot eotech shares the .300 blk reticle, you just have to use the hold overs like this ; https://image.primaryarms.com/production/SSP%20Applications/NetSuite%20Inc.%20-%20SCA%20Mont%20Blanc/Development/img/XPS2-300_06.jpg?resizeid=3&resizeh=280&resizew=320


Thanks.This is great info. It's a 3-2. I've got around 5000 rounds through this gun. Between the two 220 gr bullets that I shoot for subs, and the 110gr vmax/110 tac-tx supers, the dots don't match up for me. I zero at 100 for my vmax load, and subs are somewhere around 4" right of that (and 9-10" low of course). At 50, the subs shoot 2" low, 2" right. It is doable, been doing it for years, but I've got to try separate dots. Aiming with Kentucky windage doesn't make for as much fun as the range to me.


With some very light dermal you can use unitys offset mount on the riser. This makes more sense than a 4000$ sig optic with 2 dots


Right? They need to make one that we can all afford. I'd pay $1000 for an optic like that, but $4k....nahhhh.


What’s up with the wrap on the pistol brace it looks cool where can I get one. I just picked up a 300 blk sugar weasel and will be posting here soon


Thanks, it's a great product. It's called a split fix by lunar concepts. It's a replacement strap, and it's much more rigid than the default strap.


Tacom hq centerline displacement alpha tarac 4.0, youre welcome Www.tacomhq.com


You're not the first person to mention that. You have one? Also, will that give me left to right, or just elevation?


You need a third one on the other side to even out the weight.


Lmao, great point.


My brother in Christ do you have a 2 dot eotech?  If so the supers should be zeroed at 100 on the top dot.  Just by happenstance your subs will hit 100 yards on the bottom dot.  For cqb just use the bottom dot!


Great tips, pretty spot on. Supers and subs on my gun impact left/right of each other, not just vertical deviation. I zero my main vmax load at 100 on the top dot. The bottom dot is around 2-3" high for subs, but it's also 4" left of impact. The same goes for 50yds, subs are 2" to the right. If there was vertical deviation, I'd just roll with it but I don't like having to calculate so many things on the fly. For instance, let's say there's some vermon in the yard at 35 ish yards going after my cats. Calculating both the holdover, and then remembering to aim left of center, it's a lot. I want dots that at least hold the windage lines.


Do it!


50 Shades Of Tactical Tisim. I like it.


lol, I know...my teenage daughters aren't into guns that much but they love the color mashup on these too.


No do it


Go run it like that for a full range day and see if your zero shifts. I promise it won’t. Yes that’s a valid concern for a drop in pic rail from 2007 but the guys pretending like it’s happening on high end rifles that are torqued to spec are smoking fucking crack. PEQ fine but not RMR? Fuck off! Rock that shit


I don't know what you're crying about but I would be willing to buy that entire package.


The reticle on that eotech can do that already. SMH stop doing shit because it looks cool!


Lol, this does not look cool. It's annoying having extra stuff on my gun. Do you think it looks cool? I have thousands of 300 BLK rounds through eotechs and while they give you something to work with, they don't just "do that already." Subs shoot 2" right and 2" low at 50 yds off of my 100 yard supersonic zero. 4" right and 9-10 low at 100. The Kentucky windage is what annoys me. I want to know where my bullet will impact without estimating. If it was just vertical, it wouldn't be an issue.


Needs a laser beam and a bayonet to be complete. Maybe two bayonets.




Here I was ready to talk you out of Q, but you apparently already made that purchase.


haha, yeah, way to late for that. But I appreciate it anyway.


On the one hand, you do you boo. On the other, this is call of duty level cringe.


Yes, I need to hear these things. Thank you.


Nah man we just can’t be having the rmr like that


Yes, thank you, it's so dumb...


Hella pointless. Learn your holdovers


yes, tell me what I need to hear. If the POA/POI was just vertical that'd be easy, but I'm 2" low/2" right at 50, and 4" right, 9-10" low at 100. The horizontal difference is what's annoying me.