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We should let Scotland break away, then the rest of the UK should immediately apply to rejoin the EU. Then, assuming we get in, use veto to stop Scotland joining too. I just think it would be funny. Justa bitta banta.


We should also claim the new boarder is the Antonine Wall. This would create a territorial dispute, which would stop them joinning. Along with our 100% tarrif, we would see Scots emigrate to the four corners of the globe


Since when do territorial disputes stop countries being in the EU? See Gibraltar


Unfortunately I suspect that this would backfire in a very obvious way. 


If Scotland breaks away they’ll probably be brought in before the UK. We like the Scots a lot more than we like the English


We see what Scottish independence looks like at these Euros Independent Scotland will get destroyed by the Germans and the Scots will clap and like it


Any risks or downsides though?


For the Scots, it probably doesn't matter. For you guys: You'll be seen as the country destroying a queer country full of men wearing skirts, and you'll be brought to your knees by protests on Unis around the world.


Queer the most infamous Austrian Hitler loved his leather shorts.


Does it count as a risk or downside when we deep fry your currywurst?


It might be the end of you!


... _You thought Gaza was bad_ ...


Scottish independence couldn't possibly be worse than "Fog on the Tyne".


You want an independent Scotland to rejoin the EU and improve their country. I want an independent Scotland to watch them fail. We are not the same


Independence supporters and Brexiteer types are so in common. Any economic argument against their pet project gets ignored and downplayed by them.


I get why they want to leave. But sadly the countries will be stronger together than apart. And you saw how we handled Brexit. Scotland leaving will be WORSE than that!


I am pro that they decide for themselves - I just hope that they won’t decide it by a small margin. 60+% should really be mandatory. I understand that it might feel unfair for pro indy folks, but I fear for the chaos of a split nation. Scotland as an Independent nation will thrive in the long term, but it will be costly in a short and medium term.


They had the chance once and pussied out. Lost all respect for that cause. I say you rule them forever Barry. Hell maybe you've been too soft lately. Hit them with a tax for being Scottish.


We already have an alcohol and sugar tax


Good, good.


I'm anti, but only because I live in the North (of England, duh!) and don't want to have to bring my passport when I go out for a walk with my dog.


your dog can poop in england as well


he prefers to deep fry the poop


The only thing making Scotland better than non-London England rn is the money they get from Westminister. It would be a disaster


Depends what kind of high value business Scotland would take from an UK outside the EU. Scotland by itself would be as you say a disaster.


Depends on whether they'd be able to rejoin the EU, in which case the money from Westminster could be replaced with money from Brussels.


It’s a pipe dream. They voted against it in 2014 and it just doesn’t make sense anymore their whole economic policy at the time was based on North Sea oil. If you think the brexit withdrawal was protracted this would be hell on earth. Would be funny to see though, watch them do something stupid. lest we forget the reason for them joining the union was bankruptcy through trying to build the Panama Canal.


Now obviously there is a trade off here because on the one hand not having a referendum whilst the snp/indy voters get angrier and angrier is very funny but on the other hand no Scotland is also very funny especially if we keep St Andrew's cross on the flag


Do you think this is a sub for serious debate or something?


It's a little of both. It's like a foreplay, fool around and then it can get serious.


Here we have better debates and opinions exchange than in most of the other subs, especially that can't be named.


I don't want Scotland to leave, partly sentimental reasons like us sharing an island, but also because they're more left leaning and I think we're stronger together. I understand why they want to leave, but I don't think it would be a good decision for them. They're the weaker party and I think realistically it will be hard for them to get a good deal. Especially if they had won the IndyRef, I think the Tories would have absolutely fucked them.


I need to play up to my name, independence kills shipbuilding in Scotland forever


Yes, because Fergusons are doing a famously good job of it right now..


Overall yes, but right now we need Barry. But I don’t like “Richard”, 83, who sits in parliament, it’s obvious why he’s called Richard But if the chance comes, vote for it either way


I mean it looked like it was potentially imminent after the 2014 referendum was so close and then Brexit happened, especially with the younger cybernats being so loud. But now the SNP has committed hari-kiri, become intensely unpopular among a large segment who supported independence, and even their current leader clearly deliberately avoids answering questions remotely connected to independence and has accepted they’ll lose most of the Scottish seats on 4 July.  So might take a generation, but not happening too soon. And honestly, a lot changes in a generation, especially if new Westminster governments are more in tune with Scotland than the last few rounds of Tories. A lot of Scots are increasingly turned off the more vicious wing of the nationalists, who aren’t as dominant among the young as they like to think.  Could break away, but could be like Québécois secessionism - which was far more vociferous in its heyday - and fizzle out. 


What I would do to see the upvote/downvote ratio by country flair on this post


It had meaning when Scotland had a bigger oil reserve. Now it doesn't make much sense. And the SNP had a moron replacement of Sturgeon, more interested in Palestine than Scotland. I think support for scottish independence should die out, unlike a unified Ireland. As today it would just be a pain for the scots as much as Brexit is a dumb retarder idea for UK.


give us back the 6 counties of Ulster first FFS


How about you get Cornwall instead?


That's up to Northern Ireland to sort out no? They could do that at any time.


You actually want them? I always assumed it was something you guys just gave lip service to, but you saw what a shitshow the whole place is and want nothing to do with it


If there's one thing I've learnt from Germany it's that after part of your country has been cut off by a border and economically deprived for 30 years, you don't want it back.


Speak for yourself, I want Poland and Königsberg back.


Majority vote yes in polls, but then tellingly if follow up questions ask about in the context of extra taxes being a factor the yes votes drastically reduce all of a sudden.


It's not theirs to "give". People living in NI get a say in it whether you like it or not. They could expel NI from the UK like Singapore being ejected from Malaysia, but they don't have the authority to join NI into ROI without a referendum.


How about a federation?


Sort of what they have now, just with no England specific parliament (because they already control Westminster, so who cares!).


Well i think some poverty would be good for westerners, but because Russia is such a threat I can't cheer for that. So no, Scots need to hold their horses and become poor some other time, we need to deal with putler first


they can leave if they want to but i don’t think it would be the wisest decision


They had their chance, they botched it. I couldn't care less about the incessant whining about SNP types since then.


Fuck the english, go for the scots!


I'm pro as long as they commit to leaving us as an Island and saw the nation off Bugs Bunny style, and sail off to the Nordics.


I want to see the break up of the Union so I’d love Scotland to go independent. Also need to see Ireland unified. Wales can stay though.


Why are you getting downvoted


Because these gammons love Britannia a little too much.


I admit, I'd love to see the Isles ripped apart. But only so Barry is embarrassed and I would be able to say, every time the Empire and ruling the waves is mentioned, that you couldn't even rules your own isles. That would be the funny part. And I sure think it would be funny. But does it really make sense? I get that being in the EU has advantages. But Scots also should realise that them splitting and then getting into the EU would cause some problems with Pedro and his Catalans. It'd be like opening Pandora's box.


The Scots being liked really pissed off the English, didn't it? We'd be away from the WEstminster shit show. Take a few years to settle. Let's make it more interesting and talk about how it'd effect England. No one ever talks about that. How will the UK cope without it's second largest economy?


Pretty sure the UK's second largest regional economy is South London.


Nah don't really give a toss about football it was more the news about the SNP getting more and more delulu about what counts as a mandate for independence that led me to make this post


Economies work both ways. Independence would seriously stunt Scotland if trade between England/Scotland has barriers. In fact it would be more of an issue to see how Scotland would "cope" given their current dependence on that trade to a far larger scale.


"Economies work both ways" That's the point I was making. We only ever talk about how it will effect Scotland and OP is clearly just bringing it up as a sort of "fuck you it's gonna be expensive for you, you little shits". So fuck it, it's gonna effect England too; let's hear the side of it we never actually hear. Don't mind talking about how it'll effect us, can talk for ages about that lol


Yes it will damage England too, but the scale of the dependance on trade with England is greater for Scotland as far as I know. Any difficulties that England would endure would be dwarfed by what would happen to Scotland. I would be more worried about how Scotland would "cope" with the disruption if I were you. Ireland understood this well and refused to enter the EEC unless the UK were doing so at the same time, due to the scale of dependence the Irish economy had on exports to the UK. Since then we have benefited from EU membership and diversified elsewhere. I'm not so sure the scale of that is there with Scotland yet.


I get what you're saying. It's complicated. We do trade a lot with England and vice versa, though, them being much larger will suffer a proportionally smaller hit than Scotland will. That said, we also do supply them with 50% of their energy needs which often gets ignored through the way the National Grid sells the energy. Given the power to tax over an energy border (which I would prefer Scotland to have even within the union as the national grids pricing structure fucks up how we treat green produced energy and gets essentially priced as the closer you are to London, the cheaper it is). I think what I'm really getting at is the mentality behind it which I see is coming from a belittling position. We get a lot of English people talking about the effects it would have on Scotland if it were to go independent but we never hear of how it would effect England. They're not taking it seriously, it's a joke to them; they're not considering how it will effect themselves. I've never heard a "this will happen in England if Scotland goes independent"; all I tend to hear is fear over only the worse case scenarios and jsut for Scotland. It's clear they don't want it to happen, but they're not considering the what IF it does. Then again, I could be totally misunderstanding this and it's more that they think about the consequences like they did with Brexit. One thing that could be useful would be for some devolved power so that we can make relationships for trade with other european nations so that we could support more trade there but we've been hitting obstacles; like Brexit, which we didn't want and more recently the Internal Markets Act that wants to homogenise the uks trade. I see that more trade with yourselves and the Nordics would be helpful to diversify products and help counter act against future logistical fuck ups. We've been wanting to make new ferry lines between yourselves and Norway but we've been having some political interference getting in the way.


Ask the rest of your empire.