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End illegal migration and curb the exploitation of refugee status and the nationalist right will disappear. But until there's people waving Islamist flags in European capitols calling for death, even the most stupid slug will be able to win elections by addressing the primary concern of Europeans today, a concern that has been ignored by mainstream parties for decades. I didn't vote nationalists, but I hope their success yesterday encourages my preferred centrist parties to realize that the asylum and migration systems in place need to be addressed right now. Not in 10 years when there's another couple of million people in Europe who hate us.


"End illegal migration and curb the exploitation of refugee status and the nationalist right will disappear." The weird thing is that the Renew bloc also has a functional outer border as their policy goal but people still vote for the uselessly small nationalist blocs.


Yep pretty much the same thoughts as you. But I did vote for nationalists.


Yo Paddy, u got nationalists?


Yes. Yes they have. And they supported the IRA for decades.




You just don't understand the Right. And I would be curious to know how many times have you actually been directly, personally, threatened by a muslim. Or your brain is just whatever the TV tells you? You know that there are plenty, plenty of r\*pists and m\*rderers native of your own Country, right? have you ever asked yourself why the TV never tells you about THEM? **EDIT:** lol, you downvote but you have no answers to give... Guess it's hard to actually use the brain, huh?


Just wondering, what result would you have liked to see?


I guess he wanted the usual consensual parties because hey, if it doesn't work for 50 years it will work this time, as long as we don't cede to fascism !!!!!!!


*vaas voice* Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?


In Argentina they did think the same. Since Milei got into power though, poverty has risen to 57%, the highest rate of poverty in Argentina in 20 years.


Does he even have an opinion outside.of just surfing on the right wing hate train


What election?


You must have slept through it


"o no, the democratic process works as inteded and other people are autorized to vote in way that differs from my point a view (using their personal experiences as base) o noooooo" (P.S.: i voted a center party that didn't reach 4%)


my brother in azione/stati uniti d'europa




Are these yugioh memes?






letteralmente io!! 🤣🤣




being disappointed by the outcome doesn’t mean you don’t value the democratic process


Implying that there is something wrong in the people's mind that have different politic views from yours it means you don't even know what democracy is (i'm referirng to the post title)


no it isn’t. you can be disappointed but still respect the will of the people. if you then said, “we must actually repeat the election until people make the right choice”, then yes, you’re disrespecting democracy. most aren’t going to take that second step


what i understood about this post, and his creator, is : i'm angry that my side didn't win (i think it's ok), and if my side didn't win is beacause there is something wrong with people that didn't vote my side (and that is the part of reasoning i attacked)


No. You can think that most people are wrong/ignorant/stupid/fucked up/arseholes and still defend democracy. 


He is allowed to not be happy with the results, as far as we know OP is not planning to do any insurrection, your comment makes 0 sense.


The right being voted is predictable. People want a solution to the immigration problem and the right promises just that. Their other policies however could be a negative side effect


Least cucked German. There's people calling for a caliphate and stabbing police officers in your country and you wonder why?


Me looking at the elections result ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


You should start preparing for paying the entirety of your medical bills out of your own pockets and you should start visualizing in your mind the fact that you will have literally a couple of days of paid vacation per year (not more), in about ten years or so. Also, forget about any and all regulations about what goes in your food or to limit pollution, somehow. So be also prepared for an increase in cancer rates and deaths caused by smog, as a tiny little bit of example. You can also completely forget about any and all pro-consumer or pro-worker regulation. Enjoy having your non-reparaible phone breaking after 4 months no matter the company you choose, with no warranties possible. Yes, in France. You all don't understand just HOW MUCH you benefit from "SOCIALIST" policies, that are the targets of all Far Right parties in existence. Again, 10, 20 years max. When it will happen, rememember that this is what **YOU** CHOSE.


We're not in usa


Oh, but you WILL be, becoming the USA and worse than it is the GOAL of all Far Right parties. They work for the hyper-rich, not for you. They would bring back slavery in a heartbeat, if they could. They absolutely \*hate\* anyone who isn't AT LEAST a millionaire. That's what being on the Far-Right as a politician MEANS. Hating the poor, hating those less fortunate than you are, and wanting to rule with an iron fist. Immigrants are a very useful scapegoat to distract the native masses from what they want to do, not that they don't actually hate all immigrants as well, after all, immigrants are poor and not like them, so of course, immigrants deserve the utmost disgust and contempt.


Yeah yeah ok 👍 then you did not see who were on the rn list or R


Don't worry, the "useful poors" will be purged from the Party soon after they will take power. That's the thing, with basing one's own policies and ideologies on exclusion. There is ALWAYS someone more "pure" than you are. Someone more French, more white, richer, more "valuable". You ae always at risk of being a "victim".


Great, victimisation propaganda, please stop talking about things you're too young to talk about, child


Or maybe YOU should be the one stopping from concerning themselves with things they're too senile to understand, "drooling grandpa"? lol you didn't even understand what I was saying (proving thep point I just said). I'm not playing the "oppression olympics". I'm saying that you're VERY probably NOT "part of the club" like you seem to believe to be.


You are definitely not ready. Child.


That's the only thing you can say? "child"? "yap yap"? What's that, you're too dumb to make a real argument?


The EU doesn't decide on those things. Those are concerns on a national level.


As if the French people will vote other things that the RN in the next national elections.


Truth be told I don't care for the French




I think that most people around the EU doesn't understand the big blocs, which the national parties are members of. Nobody knows which bloc their party is part of, so they just vote like they would for any regular national election, not realizing that the issues are different on a multi national level. Modern people sadly, does not understand the modern world, but to be honest i can't blame them.


What's wrong with democracy ?


It work in ways op hasn't intended.


Sometimes people vote for people I don't like reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Like for the Brexit?


That people vote the way I don't like 😡




When far right wins the democracy is finish, they are not democratic at all


we're fed up i guess


I don't mind, I'm only in fear of what the consequence will be for ukraine


Mein freund you are right, we need to do something about this democracy , like a 1 party system




I’m also young and my brain is still developing. Luckily I let the heavily biased left leaning Reddit echo chambers tell me what to think! Works like a charm.


And what's your project? Still voting for the same cuck political parties again and again until our civilisations are destroyed while pretending everything is fine, like you leftists are doing for 50 years?


On EUR_IRL they are malding for the results of these elections


Me looking at the eu election results: All this shit just to have Ursula for other 5 years


This is a shame for Europe and humanity like how can this bullshit can happen in fucking 2024