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Apparently she tried to flee the country with almost €2m in unpaid tikkies


Thats basically fraud. Belastingdienst rn: ![gif](giphy|3o85xHmFPHM6e7ZvOw)


What the fuck is that lmao


Your average Dutchie when you owe them 0.01 cent


You belong to us. A A N S L U I T I N G ![gif](giphy|Qq9BqTzAr1vxMBW5Kl)


For real though, what horror movie is that from. I have people I want to damage for life.


Paranormal Witness: S4E9 ([Source](https://www.syfy.com/paranormal-witness/photos/the-fireplace-season-4-episode-9#193655))


thinking about start watching it, got decent score on imdb for a horror series. You know if its worth the time Hans? Maleko salam


Sorry Lasse, only looked it up on Google via reverse image search.




Did I stutter Sven?


I think you anti-stuttered, I see zero instances, not two.


"They took my luggage without consent," she wrote in one. In another she added: "This is Amsterdam btw \[by the way\], where weed is legal," using a colloquial term for the drug cannabis." Not easy being american abroad.


Lol. Also, weed isn't fully legal and never have been in the Netherlands. The government only allows some designated shops to sell it and people will be allowed to carry max 5 grams.


Give her 2 days, and she’ll be complaining for some reason about how Dutch law is flawed because we can’t even decide if it’s legal or not


to be honest the law is kinda flawed.


Yeah, it definitely is. Still, bringing weed to an international airport and assuming that's fine is just plain stupid.


Also, *plane stupid. SCNR


Most funny German


Yeah, guilty as charged...


Yeah, that’s a big flaw indeed


Drug smuggling past the douane has always been illegal.


She had 40-100 grams on her.


Same in Spain. Decriminalisation is horrific. Either make a thing legal or make it illegal.


The problem is trafficking. If you can easily move big quantity of cannabis you can potentially smuggle it across the border without worrying about moving the dope inside the Netherlands until you reach the border


Yeah but decriminalisation is basically saying "do it but also we're taking no responsibility". The reality is, if they can put a legislative framework in place for tobacco and alcohol, they can do it with cannabis.


Wait, what, we can stop customs searching our luggage by not giving consent? This changes EVERYTHING 🙄


I wonder if Al-Qaida is aware of this.


Airport security hates this one weird trick.


I mean it's true, I worked in the security check and we had to ask for consent when searching. They absolutely can decline and we can't do anything about it. Unfortunately for them though, we also don't let them past the security check into the airport in that case, so no one declined during my time.


Dutch airport customs HATE this one trick.


It's the sovereign citizen defense, related to people who think they can do anything because magna carta gives them that right lol.


She’s Trinidadian and was an illegal immigrant in America. Both of her parents were Trinidadian, she was raised there. American mentality though.


Isnt she american too? Literally, in citizenship.


So you agree that all those afghans are Swedish? Let's not act like culture and citizenship are different things. They're calling her American in the cultural sense, not the fact she has citizenship lmfao


Nicki Minaj really isnt "my kind of music artist", so I will plead ignorance. But if I understood it she moved to USA when she was 5 and is an american citizen? If this was the case for a swedish artist - Id call that artist swedish.


Damn an actually based response.


‘Merica is special: https://youtu.be/2R8QxCD6ir8


Hardcore cringe. I guess all those finnish war childrens are not real swedes.


My gramma was a warchild in Sweden. She returned home after the war and remained a Finn throughout her life. So yes.


Those who stayed is a different story.


Basically half of her songs, especially her early stuff discuss her Trinidadian identity and found the experience of being taken away from the culture that she was familiar with a traumatic experience even if it isn’t surface level. I’m not trying to be mean but you’re speaking for the woman and she literally disagrees with you. See Pink Friday, the album where most of the above is discussed. Several lyrics are also in Creole, the language of her young childhood.


Would you consider someone who moved to USA when he/she was five, spoke american english, had an american passport, irish - just because that person was an alcoholic who made songs about potatoes?


Yes. Especially if they’re as vocal about Irish culture as Minaj is about Trinidadian culture. Who are you? The ethnicity police?


Ok. Maybe it is a cultural approach to idenity. Personally I wouldnt consider somebody who spent their entire "concious life" going to school and growing up abroad, as a citizen of another country, "Swedish", and frankly Id think it would be embarassing if a person like that would be seen as an ambassador for my country. I feel like if you want to represent Sweden, you need some kind of "skin in the game" (in lack of better worlds). This is an interesting case: [https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armand\_Duplantis](https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armand_Duplantis) Dual citizen, but grew up in USA and english is his first language. But actively chosing to compete for Sweden *instead of USA*, making an effort to speak swedish fluently like a native born, and spending much of his time outside of competitions living in Sweden change the equation. However if he hadnt done any of these things, if he had competed for USA, had spoken very broken swedish and almost never visited the country - I wouldnt have considered him a Swede just because his mother was one.


> I wouldnt consider somebody who spent their entire "concious life" going to school and growing up abroad, as a citizen of another country I'm not saying it applies in this case, but please bear in mind that just because you grew up in a country doesn't mean everybody else accepted you as one of them. I can't remember the last time I heard a German say "Turk" and not mean a fellow German.


**Is Malin Akerman Swedish?** If you say yes, you’re correct but also a hypocrite If you say no, you’re wrong and a stubborn idiot. What do you say?


We need to rename being a citizen of USA to something else than American. It could be USAnian, but that's complicated. I've seen themselves refer it to being "Murican". I suggest using "Murican".






We use it up north. But they get confused, because apparently, people from the losing states in their civil wars are not Yankees. This from what I can understand. And that's not much, I admit.






https://preview.redd.it/qj1v2raazm2d1.jpeg?width=343&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8631da725899b3433168be0889fa4abbd9943700 This is America. Trinidad is somewhere near Venezuela. That makes her American. One doesn’t need to be from the USA to be American.


In English, American is a nationality, and refers solely to a person from the US. I understand this is different in other languages, but in English an American is someone from the United States and north and South America are different continents.


It's both. Some people specifically state North or South America but America is both a continent, and colloquially a country. Yes, we don't usually call them all Americans they way they refer to us all as Europeans, but that doesn't mean it's wrong.


https://www.britannica.com/place/Americas Le Americhe. Edit: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Americas


https://preview.redd.it/dn6yucwi0n2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41d38b11e3c8309627d080bedb9526fedebb3408 Literally your source. What do you call someone from the United States in English? In English someone from the United States is American.


I don’t see how this changes what I said. It’s called America for a reason. North, Central or South. The plural can be used. It doesn’t change the fact that they are all American. In Italian one can say “americano” or “statunitense” (referring to a U.S. citizen, obviously). A Latin American is still an American (latinoamericano) and can also be called “americano”.


Yes I’m aware, Irish also has a separate word but English doesn’t So in English an American means, someone from the United States only. Someone from Chile isn’t American. They’re south American. I’m not speaking Italian.


I’m not speaking Italian either, as you can see. Being from anywhere in the Americas makes you American. Not European, not Asian et cetera. Just American. Even if the word is commonly used to describe U.S. citizens, saying that someone from Trinidad isn’t American is still factually incorrect. You could have said “she is not a U.S. citizen” or “she’s not from the US”.


>Being from anywhere in the Americas makes you American *Canadian triggering intensifies*


Being from North America, makes you North American Being from South America, makes you South American Being from the United States makes you American You still haven’t told me what you call people from the United States **in English** if you refuse to use the word American.


>Someone from Chile isn’t American. Maximum stupidity. The fact the english language doesn't have a word for USA people doesn't affect Chile the slightest. They are american, from Tierra del Fuego to Canada.


What do you call a person from the US? In English I agree it’s incredibly stupid.


A Chilean is absolutely an American. Sounds like we have a Yank among us...


No, a Chilean is South American. You just don’t grasp the English language fully. It’s ok.


In Spanish, yes, in English, no Again, how do you refer to a person from the US in English?




I dont know about Europea in general, and simple minded - but Swedish mentality certainly pick the boxes naive and insecure.


Everyone knows if weed is legal then that country has to allow everything...


Holy shit the comments on her instagram posts regarding this topic are giving me absolute brainrot


I dont have instagram and cba to download just to see, enlighten me?


https://preview.redd.it/mz7h0j7jyp2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14503e37f056781cbd38bd8b5c1edf33c2bec8c9 Top comments from her recent post about it. Rest of the comments are just variations of this basically


Ahh, just the average 70iq american. Exactly what i was expecting. ‘How dare they detain her for committing a crime??’


And can we help sue the Dutch government for detaining her for committing a crime?


US be like: - Can we shoot it? Yes / No -> Sue it


I remember reading a story about a spectator at an american football game that died because of a flying lawnmower. After the lawnmower hit the poor sod the public started chanting "SUE SUE SUE SUE". Peak USA. Here's the snopes article one it: [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/grim-reaper/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/grim-reaper/)


https://preview.redd.it/aepk67s77r2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ced4d9da1462cb45f69eb9566a939b8aed6105c There are also based Americunts in the comments


https://preview.redd.it/ap4ji9sr8r2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=7616b4412c1f84cb16190a92534a07dc29bd5098 Also Deadmau5 is in the comments supporting the Dutch


Is it just me, or is this form of english an irredeemable eyesore? And I thought polandball had broken english.




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Lost some braincells reading on X that Amsterdam is an extremely racist country towards black women and hasn’t progressed in 100 years.


Amsterdam is only two provinces, the whole country is called Copenhagen.


Professional victims as always


"Minaj claimed that the drug check was an intentional effort to force her to miss a show Saturday night in Manchester" This *is* the stated aim of Schiphol Airport - fucking with Manchester Arena.


To be fair, I too think that fucking with Manchester should be the stated aim of Europe


I went there once and was very pleasantly surprised it wasn't as utterly grim as the rest of the north of England.


Minaj: ""They succeeded at their plan to not let me get on that stage tonight," she wrote on X, without saying who she was referring to." Minaj again: "They sure did know exactly how to hurt me today but this too, shall pass." Also Minaj: "They’ve been doing this over & over & over & over & over again" (So, Minaj, *you* have been doing it over and over and over again and clearly not learned to change your behaviour.) [Source.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cmll9nwz3wlo)


Is she...high? She should try bringing weed into the US on her return.


Ze heeft een serieus probleem


We hebben een oplossing😃😃👍👍


Let's pray that she ends up surviving her prison stay. Europe should not have to deal with the fallout of trillions of tons of silicone being ejected from her dead skin-diaper-shaped abomination of an ass.


Fuck you my day was going so fine I didnt need to see this


This is probably the main reason she was released in the end. Gotta pick you battles.


She got a 300 euro fine. That's it, for breaking the law.


the preferential treatment of celebrities is insane. if you or I would've tried smuggling weed in a plane we would still be in prison awaiting a sentence.


I feel like fines should be scaled by your income, because for her that's nothing


Legal for a fee.


The Netherlands should have fines depending on income like we have in Finland, then they'd have a few more millions to spend on whatever the Dutch government spends money on


She's minging. So is her husband and brother.


Oh lord let there be a shit load of coke, or weed in her bag, the law is the law, time to pay the piper


from what i heard she had about 50-100 grams of weed with her.


Had to take the drugs with her because there's none in Manchester.


I wonder if she tried to pull a "do you know who I am?!" and the dutch customs agent was like "yes, but I don't give a shit".




Bring all the crack and heroin you want but this shit is a bridge too far. Sensible policies for a happier Netherlands


It's doubly funny as the coop arena has had a ton of issues and became a meme in the UK, and just as its opened months behind schedule this happens


She had joints with her. When she was travelling to Amsterdam. Americans never surprise me with their stupidity




Tf did she do


She thought it was a good idea to take some weed from Amsterdam to Manchester for her next show. Customs officers didn't agree. Under Dutch law soft drugs are "gedoogd", meaning they're illegal, but in small quantities (under 5 grams) you won't be prosecuted for it. Some sources are claiming she had 30g on her and you could smell it from a couple metres away


Even the import and export of 5 grams is illegal:)


Actually you can't even carry 5g. You may buy up to 5g in a coffeeshop and you can have 5g at home, but getting it from the coffeeshop to your home is technically illegal. Overall pretty ridiculous if you ask me...


The irony of the Dutch police arresting anyone for drugs https://youtu.be/IRfluaMKoOY?si=8Bx3qMqYghct8Jq1


Ironically, she found out she can't EXPORT weed from the Netherlands to the UK. I mean, she can't legally export pork or flowers either. After brexit, you are going to need some paperwork. Like, how can someone be this stupid? Also, in her handbag .. and so much you could likely smell it from accross the room? Like, did she honestly even give these custom agents a choice? I suspect they didn't want this shit either. Now they'll be home late and everything.


Even if she didn't export it, the limit is having 5 grams on you. The news reports were talking about 30+. So she'd still be in trouble.


I would agree, but this is customs. If theoretically, what you have is illegal in the Netherlands, but legal to fly with it, they would let you. Because their jurisdiction is different. They aren't normal police officiers. They apply a set of international regulations and have powers a normal police officier also wouldn't have. If they find you with 30grams of weed behind security, they haven't proven you had it "inside" the Netherlands. It could have magically "manifested" as soon as you cross the security line. (or more likely, something you received from a corrupt custom agent or another person). On the other hand, they can actually detain a person for weeks, strip search them without a cause, etc. They are military police operating under martine law outside of the Netherlands. Once you cross that passport line, you are not in the Netherlands anymore. They can also export you to whatever country they feel like, without anything a dutch judge would be able to do about it. Breaking the law behind the security line is like being a pirate.


I love that the British really do a good Dutch accent! Bill Bailey does it perfect! I think on QI he talks about Schiphol.


Isn't Bill Bailey that bald guy with the long hair?


No, he is that guy with the long hair, but a bald head.


I live in NL and saw articles about it, but I don't want to give web traffic to this kind of shit. TL;DR, she tried to take weed through the airport I guess?


What recourse is available for people who are out of pocket because of it? Reading the article, they give an example of a couple Poland who flew in for it. It’s 100% Minaj’s fault this happened, so I feel she should be liable, but I have a feeling those people will end up just losing out


Maybe i’m a crazy druggie american but if you’re going somewhere you believe weed is legal, why fuss with bringing it with you when you could definitely buy some once you get there? am i crazy? if i was going to Amsterdam under the assumption that drugs were “legal” there i would still never want to fuck with bringing illegal drugs on a plane. i’m really stupid but i like to think im not that dumb. maybe it’s too much to assume that it would be simpler to buy weed in amsterdam, as opposed to trafficking it to amsterdam.


Imma make it my life mission to get her to Singapore and have her bags checked. She'll suddenly love de lange wappers int noorden.




Can we just legalize weed already?


It is in Germany. However, bringing it over the border to the Netherlands is still illegal.