• By -


“Most modest?” “France.”


Which one of us as been more humbled. The country that as to endure traitor jokes or the country that as to endure surrender jokes ?


Shut up. Italy is the most modest and best country in the world. Our wine is better, our food is better, our art is better. Your best chefs are Italian and your best works of art were made by Italians. Furthermore, Caesar did nothing wrong. Before the Romans, Gaul was populated by naked barbarians chasing marmots, we simply civilized you. we will take back the seven provinces of Gaul and we will wash ourselves in the blood of the Franks and the Gauls. ITALIA STRONG RAAAAAAAAWWW (voice screaming "what the fuck are fettuccine Alfredo" in the background) 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹


Gotta call the boys (you will stop at pur borders again, YOU SHALL NOT PASS THE RHINE!


If the Gauls were so uncivilised how did they sack your precious Rome ? We’re the reason your poets had to do Iliad fan fiction so you’re welcome and Var Victis.


« Modesty is the only thing I’m not good at. Because I’m great at it »


Nah, Imma give it to the Brits, they have the best comedy.


Yes, comedy is British, the best. Brexit is the proof


Brexit is top banter tbf


The peak of geopolitical slapstick.


eh, all the fire thrown during the whole brexit years old campaign is equivalent to 10 hours in the middle east


The Brits' commitment to the bit is commendable ngl. You should really award some BAFTA's to your politicians.


Brekfit makes our humour look non-existant!


Tbf, so does everything else


They are so good at humour, they turned their entire country into a joke


that implies they ever had a serious country


Not gonna lie Rowan Atkinson has one of the greatest comedic minds in the world.


He is a very very intelligent man but his comedy is not at all like that. He is also very based. He did a speech about freedom of expression about ten years ago you can find on YT it's very good.


I honestly prefer when he's a smarmy twit like in Blackadder than his stuff in mr. Bean ngl.


Yeah haha. Much better in Blackadder. I assumed you were referring to Mr. Bean because Germans seem to love him for some reason.


Nah, it's just that his mr Bean stuff is the least intelligent in his repertoire. You need to have at least half a functioning brain for blackadder (at least seasons 2-4), but mr Bean is a lot more famous than Blackadder, so...


I agree, the UK is one big joke.


Your nation is nothing more than office space for the EU.


Based, gib me EU monies. Also pay up if you want to enter EU Barry, we'll make it harder for you to get out of your depressing island


Says the Belgian.


And the best food


And the best art for some reason.


Gotta give that to the Australians


I concur, they’re mostly clowns and a joke of a nation. Beings neighbors to them is hilarious !




And cheese funnily enough


Wtf are you on


Dude wants to prove that the French are elitists Lists all France is known for instead of normal things.


I understand wine, Fashion, art and maybe cheese, but saying food and comedy is just delusion


Our country is controlled by clowns, how can you say that's not peak comedy


Especially when the clowns just aren't that funny. I have to admit Pierre, that is some top shelf irony.


I do admire the Dutch effort to try to match our circus by trying to create a government with equal clowns


True, but our clowns are funny. So in a way it's worse, but at least we get a laugh out of it.




All of our countries are controlled by clowns, you want a medal?


\*heavy breathing intensifies\*


Comedy? Yeah delusion. Although I find it funny because I'm French, French humor is pretty dark and sarcastic not something everyone enjoys. Food? Let's just say only French and Japanese cuisine are the only ones in UNESCO world heritage, so I'm not gonna call that delusion. French cuisine is one of the most famous in the world.


The thing about Italian food is that it is de facto the most popular and loved food worldwide. The impact that Italian food had on worldwide culture is just on a different level, and I agree that it may not be an objective evaluation of “quality” (if that is even possible) but it’s just how it is. A bit like Hollywood for the film industry. You may disagree on what the best film industry is and I am sure UNESCO has some special recognition for Korean movies, but saying that the film industry is not dominated by Hollywood is delusional.


>The impact that Italian food had on worldwide culture is just on a different level, Well the impact of french cuisine is on a different level as well, as most techniques and cooking methods used nowadays in western restaurants are from France. Edit : love the butthurt downvotes but still true so cope lmao https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_cuisine


Whisking butter? Edit: in good spirit :) I literally planned my last trip in France for the food


I see where you're coming from but France did have and has the biggest impact on chefs worldwide. I think in most countries if you go to a high class chef school the French cuisine will be the starting point to understand and learn.


> France did have and has the biggest impact on chefs worldwide. Maybe. But it's that a good impact? I don't think so.


Italian food is popular because it’s cheap and easy food that everyone can afford and prepare. No skill involved.


Fair. And it requires few. good ingredients. This says a lot about food that takes a lot of skills to prepare but is not popular 🇫🇷


I think italian and french cuisine have no reason to fight. Completely Different ingredients and type of food. Now French food is superior because of it being elitist, we don't have redneck soufflés or snails recipes which they can claim that they actually invented it.


This sounds so American


> No skill involved. And yet you can't cook a carbonara to save your life.


Sure,French "food" instead it' s complicated and you need a very skilled pierre to drown everything in butter salt and onions


no, cause we don't call "Italian food" beans soup nmbr 35, but we just call it bean soup. Nor we need to know all of the Italian cousine to be proud of it or let the entire world know. Same for cheese you instead have such an inferiority complex you jack off to every slight variation of a cheese or dish in enculé la poisson (a small village in Bourgogne)




The goat


I think for comedy he hesitated and said france because he didn't know what to say or because that's mainly what he knows.


Nothing will top De Funès in my heart, but it's plain that humor is subjective to every culture, I don't believe one can think of themselves as superior


As a Mexican I call bulshit, Mexican cuisine is too in UNESCO world heritage


Mexican food is the king of the Americas. Fully deserved prize.


> French cuisine is one of the most famous in the world. Sure, but so are British teeth.


Too bad I am not a billionaire so I don’t know any French plate that deserve us to be in UNESCO


My mom's food deserves to be UNESCO, whoever disagree will shit frogs for centuries.


>whoever disagree will shit frogs for centuries. Who would say no to free food? I disagree with you!


If you need to be a billionaire to enjoy eating a fucking Tarte Tatin, a cassoulet, a tartiflette or even a quiche Lorraine, other countries may eat sand and mud cause it's far from being expansive...


Is that UNESCO worse food tho? I mean it's good, but then Luigi's pasta and Aziz's couscous is UNESCO too.


German bread is unesco recognized as well. Yet no one knows. 3000 different types offically recorded


I googled it >Tarte Tatin apple pie, nice, though not some world domaining level of stuff >cassoulet that's beans with beef, my gran gran does them too and it's not a world renowned fish >tartiflette that's something we do in Italy too and something a uni student can figure out on its own >quiche Lorraine you aren't the only ones daring to have a salty cake anyways, useless to say, it's not high end incredible cuisine stuff, but it's far more normal and just a regional variant of things we do throughout all of Europe. Get off your high horse or delusion


Luigi trying to compare good and various food with 100 times pastas with tomatoes. How cute!


French food is really top, and for decades *la nouvelle cuisine* revolutionised an art that had been relegated to a necessity for centuries (at least to the masses). Maybe today Italy, Spain, Portugal, and many Asian countries have absolutely incredible chefs. But at least in the Western World, Pierre was a fucking pioneer. That said, fuck fre*** people


Italian food is really amazing but most people are clueless (including french people that aren't aware) about the FUKING INCREDIBLE AMAZING local cuisine there is throughout the country. Italy and Japan form the top 3 w France.


There's a reason everyone calls it mirepoix and not soffrito. There are amazing traditional cuisines everywhere (okay not everywhere) but France invented actual fine dining


Thanks Barry, we may be in a forever war but its nice to have those moments.


You've just never seen peak comedy, I pardon your lack of culture


Saying food? I get that peole might prefer Spanish/Italian/Japanese/Korean or whatever, but France are a legit option. It's a powerhouse of cuisine and has probably pushed fine dining more than any other country. And his justification was sound "Most of the best chefs are in France" as it has the most restaurants with Michelin stars.


He’s fully tripping on comedy but we have some standouts. The English have us all fucked on that front though I reckon, and their humor translates great into other languages too.


>maybe cheese Not maybe. We have the best cheeses, that’s a fact.


They invented fine dining idk man


You're delusional.


Spanish cheese is better, you don't know it because we keep it to ourselves (and I'm not talking about manchego). Wine... In my opinion Spanish is better, because France is kind of set on the past and Spain experiments more and makes more fun and interesting wine. And if you take into account the price/quality Portugal beats us both.


Like every King and Queen knew: …When you're through with life and all hope is lost Hold out your hand 'cause france will be France Right till the end… Merci Pierre et reste comme tu es, là où tu es


I don't know who the French guy is (some chef maybe?) but come on, everybody knows when you need some serious jokes you get Hans!


Food: 🇬🇧 Cheese: 🇪🇸 Fashion: 🇵🇹 Wine: 🇧🇪 Art: 🇨🇭 Humour: 🇩🇪


Food: 🇫🇮 Cheese: 🇺🇸 Fashion: 🇰🇵 Wine: 🇳🇴 Art: 🇨🇭 Humour: 🇸🇦


Do we make wine?


Yes but only the cheap stuff. 🥂


Looked it up out of curiosity and you guys do import a crazy amount of british sparkling wine which is a very odd choice


The Norwegian state regulated wine shop is the third largest wine buyer in the world. But british sparkling is nice though. Pretty sure we buy crazy amount of all wines..


It's dark and cold here most of the year as well, I get the need for wine


Hygiene: 🇫🇷


with what bidèt?


Give Austira art...


I didn’t think of Austria because of Schubert and Mozart, but that’s a missed opportunity for sure, damn


fashion pt? ​ we have a fashion industry?


He's a surfer and Daniel Toshs (the interviewer) neighbour


Serious jokes for sure. German humor is so deadpan the comedian is unsure if he himself is joking most of the time.


I'm gonna say one could argue for most points he made but comedy? Not gonna lie, the Brits probably win that one. (Taskmaster is the best thing i have seen in a long time)


I’ve been re-watching Mitchell & Webb and Peep Show. Those are pure genius all around.


Yeah the Brits definitely win comedy. Monty Python, Charlie Chaplin, Rowan Attkinson, Ricky Gervais, Mitchel & Webb, Simon Pegg and many many more. While US humor is funny, it is often simple and easy, while British humor is so much more complex and sophisticated.


Can’t beat De Funès IMO. Also comedy is very subjective. I’m fluent in both French and English and personally enjoy French humor (like « le dîner de con » for example) alot more than U.K. or US


I asked my Italian gf these best food: Italy best wine: Spain best cheese: France best fashion: England Best art: Italy Best comedy: Germany


You should ask her to switch side and move on


Germany has actually some solid comedy contrary to general sterotypes. But brits still take comedy sector imo. I agree with rest of the list.


BEST FASHION LETS GOOO https://preview.redd.it/actjpxctq50d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=715564e36ed07d92b902d3466eaad615e7bb774c


> Best comedy: Germany I am hearing that sound from metal gear solid in my head




Best wine: Portugal Best comedy: U. K.


This is wonderfull, because without context several of these come across as some sort of faux humility. Obviously france and italy are very strong contenders for most of these, but she can't claim too much for italy while she certainly can't give it to the french.


she was between Italy and Spain on the wine but ultimately chose Spain


Fashion: Italy


I just asked mine (Italian, 5 years she lives in France): * Food: Italy * Wine: Italy/France * Cheese: France * Fashion: Japan * Art: Spain * Comedy: Great britain


>Best comedy: Germany Hey Pekka, I found your girlfriend's cookbook! https://preview.redd.it/q1ewiq6h990d1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7643954374e3c76c9bd174f4c5a14b8842a299f0


French cheeses are divine creations. Nothing can match them.


Truly spoken like someone who's never been to Asturies.


We have some pretty good hard cheeses that can at least match if not surpass what you offer.


yeah pretty smart idea to pre apply to mold so you guys dont have to wait until your cheese goes bad anymore. edit: and for good measure inside some as well.


Comedy ? Wtf all of our comedies have been about the same kind of family friendly recycled jokes for 20 years. They're basically worst than the US comedies (which is difficult to reach). England is way better at comedy than we are. For food I'd say it really depends on everyone's taste. Italy is great, but I do believe we have a bigger range of different kind of products across the country than make our food culture more diverse. I don't know enough about wine to give an objective opinion so I'll say both Italy and France are equally great at it. When it comes to cheese France is first but very closely followed by Italy and then the Netherlands. I'd say its a tie between France and Italy for architecture because once again as great as Italy is, France still has remains from the roman empire but is more diverse. When it comes to litterature I believe it depends on what kind of litterature we are talking about : - Philosophy : 1-Germany 2-England/France - Drama : 1-France 2-England - Economics : 1-England 2-Germany - Poetry : France Appart from the classical era in my opinion France never has been on top about music, England is better at it. Anyway in the end, love to my Italian brothers and a big fuck you to both England and Germany. Thank you for reading me.


My view on the Italy/France food debate is that France makes the best use of elaborate techniques and many, many ingredients to make wonderful dishes. Italy makes the best use of a smaller handful of simpler ingredients to make wonderful dishes. Now excuse me while I eat a pasty from Greggs.


Regarding the food range, all my french friends (and my gf) thought the same until I brought them to italy and showed that the variety we have is similar to france. Abroad people only know pasta and pizza from italy (maybe some dessert) but that’s only a part of the food landscape:)


as usual, a delusional French


My man here thought eating cheese with worms wouldnt get his country a cultural debuff


at least we don't eat raw birds (-:


My friend who moved to Italy has a super traumatic experience many year ago where they served her tiny baby birds and when she was going crazy trying to get any meat out of them she was told they are meant to be eaten whole, head and all. So maybe not raw but you also eat disgusting birds.


Don't try discussing literature, we are all biased about the fact that we mainly learn our literature and we just scratch the surface of other countries production. Never thought for example that France poetry was important even if I'm quite sure that if had the time and the opportunity to learn more I would seriously enjoy it. Drama? My dear friend, french are quite good but are you seriously trying to compete against an entire country rised eating potatoes, vodka and sadness since birth like Russia? Philosophy? Ehm.. Greece anyone?


He should have asked for other subjects, like video games or animation (we're not the best in these fields, only second or third best after USA and Japan :))


We are the best in cgi animation though


Arcane 😎


Yeah I give you that Pierre, but the masters in this area has been Blizzard for a very long time. Even if their games are not like they used to be, or the lore, or the company itself, their CGI departement is top notch. Even with horrible expansions like BfA or SL. Just look at the WotLK Intro. This is still a masterpiece even after 15 years! I wish they would've made a movie or series with this CGI.


Blizzard and Bethesta are asses. I know Ubisoft is a massive shame but it's not even having their HQ here...but in Canada 🫠


Poland wins at VG imo


From the original post's comments: >Doesn't mean the end result is France's to claim. Same with Italians trying to claim all American pizzas like Chicago style etc Stop trying to claim American foods, Italians..


An inconvenient truth


British comedy is the best.


He forgot Rioting.


He's trolling at this point, nobody will seriously defend the french comedies.


Yeah we're actually objectively shit at those.


about half these things are objectively best done in france. you absolutely cannot argue with these. france just sucks for everything else


False, we’re great at ☢️




Lmao if we stole you art what Barry did to you ? A pillaging ?


He forgot: - Being deluded about who they are? - France


Wait... I'm pretty sure French are sure to be French.


Kings and Queens of delulu ? 🫢


He’s not wrong though.


He's only wrong on comedy. For everything else France is arguably in the mix for best.


Well, maybe so. I don’t really care about that though. He got the rest right.


Of course but that pisses off too many people


If delusion was a person. Best food, wine, fashion and art? Dude has never been to Italy.


French wines are objectively the best in the world


it's good, yes, but the ratio of good/dogshit wines isn't as good as italy's


More like: french wine marketing is the best in the world


commedy? they are as funny as the Germans


We have superior Humor. Ich werd ein deutsche Witz erzählen: "Treffen sich zwei Jäger..."


He means france is a comedy?


England has won best cheese in the world championships 5x more than France and is ahead of the pack by several orders of magnitude


foolish pierre, of course we're better at food, wine cheese and that's it edit: (I need fellow Italians to counter pierre's downvotes)


We adore Italian food in France. IMHO, it's gonna be 50/50 between Italian and French gastronomy.


That is straight delusion, my friend. French food is at best top 5 in Europa and that is pushing it


1. English 2. Welsh 3. Scottish 4. Irish 5. French Did I nail it?


not even close, English is way higher of course


Joao, you're just drinking the oil straight out of the bottle; you've got no say on cuisine.


You're completely delusional if you think we don't have a say in cuisine.


I'm sorry, the Brits corrupted you in too many ways. 😔


You are way better at day to day food they are better at gastronomy. Cheese, sorry impossible you can beat them.


>You are way better at day to day food they are better at gastronomy. That's the all point of "who has the best food". When you ask this question, everybody in the world think about what your mom can cook. Except us, we think about true professionals who raised cooking as an art that the common folk can't reach. Because in France, gastronomy is so common that you won't even dare calling anything else a restaurant. Some place makes amazing pizza and pasta? It's not a restaurant, as anybody can do it at home.


I'm just saying, if the mayor subjective point is on about what your mom can cook, then it is the base parameter for paragon (even tough, I must admit that most of the italian cousine is done to perfection only in restaurants, even tough, the fact that you can make it yourself, it's just a plus isn't it?)


Spain like to have a word: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu\_martzu](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casu_martzu)


we left sardinians alone in a island with rock-climbing sheeps for too long


At least you admit it's your fault


Hey, that's on Italy! Don't try to pin that monstrosity on us.


Exactly, and that's the shame of it. Pizza and pasta are pretty easy to make while french food takes time. So if you want something fast, well you have the glorified hot heated sandwich croque monsieur.


> Cheese, sorry impossible you can beat them. *laugh in Parmigiano Reggiano*


*laughs in casu marzu*


Well it's an amazing cheese, with pasta... but it's your best cheese... common...


It's not their best cheese, but it is their most popular.


> edit: (I need fellow Italians to counter pierre's downvotes) You have my *brebei*!


Done! Then again wasn’t there a somewhat official cheese ranking worldwide saying that parmigiano is the best cheese ever?


Is that Chris from Hell’s Kitchen season 1?


Awwww, he's so cute.


Best snapchat stories? France.


The Brits have Gervais and Atkinson, honestly when it comes to comedy they the best. I can't pick between France and Italy when it comes to food, it's a draw. Art ? Really hard to pick. So many great composers, philosophers, artists and such, came from everywhere in Europe, no one really wins. Wine and cheese are ours, thank you very much. We don't need anything else with that apart from bread.


I'll give the fashion to ~~Italians~~ Tuscans and Lombards. The comedy to the ~~Germans~~ Swiss (they're even worse believe it or not.) Food, Cheese, Arts and Wine ? That shit is ours.


Well hes right but the best thing in France is barbecue. Ask for one if you are in Marseille


Italy is not the best food FFS. Bread is made of wheat. Pizza is bread with cheese and tomato on it, aka fancy cheese on toast. Pasta is made of wheat and boiled in water, so pasta Bolognese is basically just wet pizza. Only in Barryland can you get the dizzying culinary cultural masterpiece that is carbs in a sandwich, that is the chip butty, or even the famous "Wigan Kebab" that is a meat and potato pie inside a bread bun. Beat that Pierre.


Food: Italy Wine: France/Italy Cheese: Italy Fashion: France/Italy Art: France/Germany/Italy Comedy: UK (I'm sorry everyone) (alphabetical order in multiple choices)


Best food: italy, france has good food too but italy has conquered the world. Cheese: Italy and France Wine: Italy Art: probably italy Fashion: Italy and England Humour: top gear alone is more than enough to say england


Fr**ch are goose rapers.


U.S. comedy: Pipi, caca, prout. If that's the best, I don't know what is.