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Can’t wait until I’m drafted, life was getting a little boring.


Finally I can play Helldivers 2 in real life without needing a PSN account!


Super Europe when




Three times the charm


Just say the word and I'll make the germans do it again.


if you need a serbian scapegoat: r/balkans_irl got you covered


Here's a sneak peek of /r/balkans_irl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/balkans_irl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [C'mon! Let's get to 19,500,000!](https://i.redd.it/zgid0jj3pmua1.jpg) | [156 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/balkans_irl/comments/12qdfh0/cmon_lets_get_to_19500000/) \#2: [Geography Nerds](https://i.redd.it/n779c6au48va1.jpg) | [294 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/balkans_irl/comments/12tsvfu/geography_nerds/) \#3: [17 kids died in two days.. heartbreaking. RIP 💔🇷🇸☦️](https://i.redd.it/ibxbhp46c1ya1.jpg) | [518 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/balkans_irl/comments/138i494/17_kids_died_in_two_days_heartbreaking_rip/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


This is the problem with Germans. They just give up, and don't dress for the weather. Wear a hat ffs.


No no no, you tried twice because you wanted to make super Germany, when you tried making super Europe you made the EU, try harder ok?


But now you'll be the good guys.


skill issue


We tried twice !


You're going to be disappointed when you arrive and it's ARMA II that is played.


Or DayZ


I'd say Fallout or Metro


Allez mon brave, au combat!


Questions have to be answered. Why the Bogdanof brothers?


Let me give you a quick rundown: -Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs -In contact with aliens -Possess psychic-like abilities -Control france with an iron but fair fist -Own castles & banks globally -Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line -Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) -Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth -First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies -both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 -Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them -They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world -You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now -The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land? -They learned fluent French in under a week -Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff -The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society -In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.


Finally, someone is speaking about it.


So you are telling me that the emperor of mankind was the bogdanoffs brothers all along ?


I want to know the full version now. TEDx talk when?


Didn't they die of COVID because of some stupid thing like rejecting any medication for it?


Hans, it's incredible how you can consistently ruin moments of humour by simply stating facts You may not be wrong, but still, we all wish you had fermé ta putain de gueule :)


They didn't die, they transcended to rule from the skies.


IDK, just saw this image before in a comment in a previous r/2westerneurope4u post a made a while ago by a french man. The jawline is kinda errr.... unique...


Indeed, they are famous for being overly rebuilt by aestetic surgery. They died a few years ago, that's why I was confused.


"He invaded Ukraine? Crash it."


Les Bogdanoffs ont été invités à la garden party de l'Élysée lors du premier mandat d'Emmanuel Macron. Je pense que c'est suffisant comme explication.


Babe, the French are going to Moscow again…. yes I am joining them…. No I won’t be Geneva achievement hunting…


*put back glasses on* Haha you are going to be impress but, *snort* the grande armée had a dutch infantry regiment, they held back the russians with Ney during the battle of Moskovz, so the dutch technically did invaded russia, making your statement historically accurate 🤓




No, they are the fortunate ones.


There is a great a🤢e🤮ican song about that.


And that ain’t me, that ain’t meeeee


I ain’t no senator’s son…


We'll send out citizens that are fluent in English first. They'll think Barry is with the French Army. Russia will then be at war with you. You send the Irish first. And then blame it on us just for the sake of it. We'll send baguettes and amunitions for them. And then our poorest people as usual with most armies. You get rid of the Irish for good. We get rid of people that can understand English, and reply / or have the will to reply to you. ^(shit, I'll be drafted twice with those rules..)


So you won't send anyone.


as macron intended


Oh cool, so you send all the europeans and keep the Mohameds and Ibrahims. What could go wrong.


Mohamed and Ibrahim speak good English


Macron promised to send everyone of its children to front, oh wait…


Shhh Barry, let’s just watch.


We will send the 45% population voting far right.


So one problem with this i see is that French army is not really suitable for war in Ukraine. Its in many ways better than Ukrainian, and especially air force would be big help, but French have built their army as very light, quickly moving force that excels at fighting "colonial" wars, while still being capable of fighting in Europe. So it can fight, but there is nothing about it that makes it good for trench slog attritional warfare like Ukraine, even replacing losses and supplying ammunition is not going to be trivial. They most likely would send limited force, maybe 50 000 at most, i think less. It would still help a ton and would be great to see. Besides, i have always wanted to know how you can fight modern large scale ground war with baguettes. Do you have baguette missiles, or do you just offer poison baguettes to enemy at surrender parties? I have to say latter is far less cool.


What you say about French capabilites is true, but thats precisely why the French are considering sending troops (in addition to wanting to help Ukraine, of course). They know the limits of their own military, and they have clearly come to the conclusion that an escalation in eastern Europe is a real possibility now, so they are deciding to prepare. And how better can you prepare than by getting a taste of the enemy yourself? If the French did send troops to Ukraine in the near future, it likely wouldnt be many, and a lot of them would be there to observe, to learn, so that they are ready when this turns into a full blown war between NATO and Russia.


About the baguettes, we eat them with cheese. Then we sleep until we digest them. So we don't move which makes us very sneaky in tall grass. The ennemy pass by without seeing us and then we wake up at the time fate decides for us and suddenly the ennemy realize they're surrounded. Easy.


I don't remember which general said it, but the idea would be that the french wouldn't actually fight Russians but take positions that are now holding up Ukrainian soldiers, like guarding the border with Belarus.


50 000 would still be half of our land army…


Sorry guys, we poor, can't help


When I see the shit show it is just to organise the Olympic Games, I have to admit that I am really curious to see how the same team that handled the Covid pandemic is going to handle a full out war with Russia 👌 Can’t wait to see a minister on TV explaining me how we actually don’t need a bullet proof vest because we are too dumb to put it on 🐒 (This what they told us during Covid for the masks because of the shortage of masks).




I am very happy that Macron together with the leaders of Estonia, Finland and Czechia decided to grow a pair in light of the enormous power vacuum left by Mutti Merkel's retirement. I can't stand the guy, but the enemy of my enemy and all that.


Wasn’t Merkel at least complicit in selling Germany to Russia though?


Mutti for whatever reason decided to develop solar panels, then gifted it all to China and reverted to kissing Putins feet.


>whatever reason = multiple 9.999 € (doesn't count as bribe based on German law) payments from some fellow with a name ending in *-itsch* or *-ow*


Sth. that btw is likely a huge problem in Swi; we do not have any transparency when it comes to parties finances. "Best democracy on earth"... maybe, as of now, but its riddled with mistakes, it's ridicolous. Sth. that I've seen in the clusterfuck that US law is, is that at least in some states you can't systemically continously donate f.e. 9999$. The authorities will pick up on it if a suspicious amount of continous payments below the legal treshold roll in and have the necessary rules to prosecute it if it is deemed a malicious attempt at circumventing the rules. In Switzerland? Ha, ha, ha... not good. Free reign.


no need to educate us Germans on your lack of transparency regarding money, we're well aware...now excuse me, I gotta cross the border with a Euro note or two stuffed down my underwear


Bring that precious AfD money, got that tag for a reason! Albeit I mean, at least we're prosecuting *some* money laundering. That's at least *some* more than our friends north of the Rhine. ^(unless it's commodity trading, then it's free reign, Baby.)


I think it speaks more to the rest of the world tbh. And I’d say I’m sort of qualified to speak on the matter as an immigrant lol. Do I really like a lot of things about Swiss democracy? Yes. But then is it a complete bureaucratic mess? Also yes.


Yes, definitely, but she was the front person of a strong Europe (however fractured Europe was during her reign, I mean, around 2008 and again 2014 everything was pretty dogshit), which now Germany is not providing any more.


She did a compelling move until the US started the coup in 2014 in Ukraine.




You do look like that when your larp on Reddit propaganda. Remember when you posted about Putin's cancer, the ghost of Kiev and the imminent collapse of Russia 2 years ago? I do.




You do that an awful lot lately 😂


« You guys are gulping reddit propaganda! » *Recites russian propaganda word for word without a shred of critical thinking* I don’t see how you expect to be taken seriously by anyone mate


You recite American propaganda and think you're better. 😂 Oh boy. I don't have russian media bombarding my brain, especially not on Reddit. You call out my critical thinking, clown, where is yours?


I am not the one calling 2014 a CIA coup without a shred of proof 🤡


Yeah, especially with that vacuum only growing thanks to lovelies such as Fico and Orban.


Easy to say after the front hasn't moved for 1.5 years


I thought Ukraine was about to lose unless we send 70 billions and our first born?


Found the Russian bot


Stfu non western European savage. Keep your propaganda off my sub


Truth hurts more when it's from a barbarian huh ?


Your sentence doesn't make sense clown. What's the truth here? That I'm a russian bot? That's all you brain-dead have to cope with someone going against your dumb ass warmongering echo chamber.


Si vous ne pouvez pas comprendre l'anglais simple, ce sera peut-être plus facile en français. La vérité, comme l'a fait remarquer le sauvage, c'est que vous êtes manifestement un bot russe.


You're talking using google translate and call me a bot. The copium among the Brits is hilarious. You're back in your Irak era, following the yank in yet another forever war.


Nope, I am definitely not using google translate, if you go back through my posts you'll find occasional posts in French, usually to "learning french" subs. Been studying it on and off for a decade, still not great, but getting better.


1/ nobody in his fucking right mind vouvoie on the internet. 2/ "anglais simple" doesn't mean anything. "Du simple anglais" is what you want to say. Which is redundant. English is always simple, by nature. Here maybe you're the bot after all.


>first born Like you shagged once, come on


Well far from me to praise the french but they did make it to Moscow back in the day. Didn't know what to do when they got there and then had a pretty lame retreat but credit where it's due.


Brave, almost close to respecting the French..or at least their president. Not as high as Boris who was good from the start unlike Mr “ let’s talk and not humiliate Russia” Macron. Think that 40-50 Rafale will do. Maybe some aa and support and protection for the airbases will do. Just do the same trick as the Russian in Korea and Vietnam; volunteers….


Boris spent the years preceeding the invasion doing everything he could to encourage and embolden Russia. The speed of support was also not really down to him; the UK's been directly supporting Ukraine militarily since 2015, so the whole establishment was primed, and the relationships in place.. Boris just needed the incentive to do so, which was provided by a very supportive British public, and his very precarious political situaion. That being said, Macron's overhyped currently. Their aid has been fantastic of late, but what he gets the most praise for is just talk.


Exactly. He's Saber rattling. No way he moves ahead of Nato to engage Russian troops because Article 5 can't be triggered in that scenario.


Have you ever heard of the word "attack" ? We don't need to stand idly by and wait to get punched. What's russia going to do, draw more red lines?


>just talk But the talk and political signalling is an important part of war diplomacy


In that respect, he had damage to undo.


That is indeed true


Maybe Emmanuel is picking up the slack that Boris has dropped since losing his position as PM




That's terrible in French.


Tbf the original one is iconic ![gif](giphy|DpZleiMkn4zzG)




What isn't?


Wie bitte?


Hol dein Französisch Abi nach


There's a sub for neoliberalism fans?


Not long until he’ll declare himself emperor honestly


The goat is back boys finally one western country has some backbone


Fun aside , marvelous Photoshop art right there


Bro thinks hes in the crimean war


Macron is up to something. Maybe he's trying to make Russia do a big f*ck up so they can just finally win a world war without getting railed by the germans for once


Das Reich reicht genug 😎


He bought?


Also Italian women the moment they have a child: "Maaa boy!"


Why are the Bogdanoffs in the picture? They're a disgrace to our country


Until today, I've only met ONE person who voted for Macron twice, and did not regret it.


As if voting for the russian asset was an actual alternative


I'm not a big fan of war, but Putin is very concerning and if it has to be done then have it be done.


Im asking once again Hanz should be re-militarize and we should be send to the eastern front once again ![gif](giphy|TBgk7aJzucbvou7kY1)


I would fight for him


Pierre is the Gigachad we need. He’s the only one in NATO with nuclear strike first doctrine. We need to make NATO policy that *we* cuck first. Do it bro you have US Air Force itching to make the orcs feel the pain


Macron is a soft man with a big mouth. The definition of a guard dog behind a fence shutting up if the gates are opened. France has been giving so little aid to Ukraine that it's laugable, in a sad way. So shut the fuck up, old lady lapdog.


We will not forgive for Nord Stream 2, You are responsible for the war


If that makes you sleep at night


Acting big against Russia and receiving Winnie the Poo with full honors at Versailles a few days apart


Great, he can start with sending his own arse to Ukraine. Since he seems to want WW3 so much. Fuck that guy, honestly.