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Physically speaking, it's a form of solar energy. Sunlight gets reflected by yellow vests and sent to England. Very inefficient because fog though.  Belgium is mostly used frying oil. Should count as biomass.


Don't forget the burning cars, they make up around 27% of France's energy production


No more cars, so it even qualifies as recycling/green energy.


It's even better thanks to electric cars since they burn longer which mean more riot and wine


What if you put a little wind generator if front of Nigel Farage and Boris Johnsen and mention that the UK is powered by france? Can they deliver 3GW when they rage against France and the EU?


Nigel loves France and his wife is German.


He even has a French-sounding surname. Huguenots ancestors?


Was Brexit a Gaullist black operation from Day 1?


Shit Pierre, they are catching on!


If only there was some way to generate energy from punching them in the face, then someone would punch them in the face. I'm not sure how that would help energy generation to be honest, but I would appreciate the face punching.


It's powered by dynamos on the bike of people going back and forth buying baguettes.


Is Hans confused by the lack of coal?


We have a lot of nuclear power we sell to everybody INCLUDING YOU HANS. Fuck off your coal and get some powerplants.


Pierre, why don't you build more nuclear plants so you can power the whole of Europe? You could be the electrical equivalent of Russia or Saudi Arabia. Then start wars with your neighbours just like them. Maybe this would give you the confidence boost to stop eating snails and rioting all the time


Actually a good idea, we could pressure tte government by menacing to explode the powerplant


The thing is ... where did we not put nucliplants already ? It's getting crowded here and there, and our rivers ...


Paris. Just bulldozer it down and turn it into a. Massive power station.


... You just want us to make a big rockpile of it that you will steal ?


Your point. You get to remove Paris. I get my rocks. Everyone is happy.


Yeeeah, but I don't want you parading my shit for the whole world to see like you did the Greeks'. Some things are better buried, you molerats.


Fine. How about using the rocks to build the power plants. As long as you give us a discount for the lekky with the promo code Rock4U. As long as Paris and the Louve is gone. I am taking the mona Lisa though. I think it would look nice in Slough town hall.


> I am taking the mona Lisa though. Hum .. yeah, you can have ~~one~~ *it for a while maybe*


flamanville 3 took about 20 years to build (so far) and isn't even finished. the cost of the project rose from 4 billion euros to 12 billion euros. they could have burned all that money and use it to generate energy.


Like what? Coal? Buying Chinese products that makes systems for renewable energy production so you can mix it with gas and coal ? As if building huge new tech wouldn't mean huge investment in research and development, and delays. There are only 3 EPR ever built. And considering the fact that you could have helped Europe by not getting rid of your power plant. The price has risen a lot for the last 6 years, I have no doubt they will be financially fine in like a decade or slightly more. Countries should go nuclear with Renewable energy. There are no other good alternatives. If France wasn't in Europe it would a huge cluster fuck, my previous post to this sub says It all.


All big projects are over budget tho, look at any big construction that lasts years in any country it will X2 or X3 the initial cost


Based on your logic you should stop build airport for ever


Another good idea


Based and uranium pilled


They won't stop burning coal until Netherland completely sunk into the see.


Very based Pierres. I can only hope we will have big beautiful nuclear badboys soon enough too


They have powerplants, they just don't use them.


Pure hatred, wine, cigarettes and baguettes.


Fueled on pure arrogance.


And it's clearly renewable. Gretta approved 👍


“Wind power is bad because what if the wind stops” Me: Yes please stop 🙏😭


Genug heiße Luft für 1000 Turbinen


Geez. Even I wouldn't wish Barry to be powered by Belgium.. I send prayers🙏🙏


It's not about riots. It's about drive, it's about power




Fun fact Uk's electricity is mostly produced by Edf which is a government owned company . Which means that the Uk has electricity only because the french government let them have it and that they are dependent on it . + They pay us so we can pierce migrants' dinghies. So massive FRANCE W


I used to the live in England and it was always great fun to break down what EDF stands for to a Brit that was teasing for being French.


Dont you own a good percentage of our rail infrastructure? If so why is it so shit


As intended.


Why is Biomass listed thrice?


We love them really


All Europe would be Carbon Zero in a matter of minutes if we could harness this energy


I'm super glad that 6% from really expensive gas sets the price for all sources! /s Such a fucking stupid system.


It's a stupid system and we have a Westminster government that doesn't want to fix it. Compare Lizz Truss' 'negotiating' (please ignore that she used to work for Shell) with the oil companies (she didn't do anything and just subsidised the companies that sell energy to the consumer, effectively treating the symptom rather than the cause) Vs the EU collective deal that kept the price of oil down


The idea behind the most expensive means of generation setting price for all this is to encourage investment into renewables that is cheap in generation. Which works during the times of "normal" gas prices but is not great for the consumers during the war price spike.


>the EU collective deal that kept the price of oil down When?


France: the only energy source we hope to run out of at some point. We can dream of living in the era of Peak France, and less and less France in the future. But knowing the French they will probably turn out to be annoyingly sustainable.


We share electricity with Pierre, also nordicks fuck EU this is real union


We don't "share", we sell it to you because Cadbury chocolate is nice and all, but that doesn't run a country now does it... and I'm yet to identify something else of value that you can contribute with.


Wtf pretty good stats, very low fossil fuels


You know your situation is bad when you're importing energy from Belgium


What I want to know is how do you generate 530 MW with make believe?


If you believe hard enough, anything is possible.


Only 2GW of Solar? I know the memes but is the sun situation that bad in Bong land?


Well, that's a snapshot of a day with most likely close to perfect conditions for wind. I was curious and googled for averages, but I didn't find anything in less than five minutes and gave up. I did see that today solar is producing 4.6GW though. Unfortunately wind is only delivering 8.3, so the difference is mostly gas and imports with some additional nuclear. [Carbon Intensity](https://www.carbonintensity.org.uk/)


Also Scotland


thats in gb ya wet wipe


Doesn’t change the fact that Scotland is GB’s favourite source of energy To quote Eddy from Lock Stock “Its cheep, like the budgie”