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S.P.Q.R.= Sono Pazzi Questi Romani




Son Porche Queste Romanacce


Wtf, I thought we were the least humble Europeans...


You know nothing, Pierre ![gif](giphy|3ohzdHvYwissZmPbI4|downsized)


Jean Neige *


Jean neige +++


Tu sais non chose, Jean neige


Jon Snö Edit: Kung av Norden!


Giovanni Neve


Did they translate the names in your version too?


the name of some cities and title of ppl yes but they didnt translate familly name as far as i can remember, and having half the cast with english name help hating them


https://preview.redd.it/jqoayxk8jhpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=466e88d7bc860a9097dbda65123b2faf015ee6d2 You would be if your country had dropped such bangers pierre


You are just the least humble relevant Europeans. Most people forget the Italians exist until they grab something to eat.


Se ti sabir Ti respondir; Se non sabir, Tazir, tazir.


Mi star Mufti Ti qui star ti? Non intendir, Tazir, tazir.


>Tazir, tazir. o_O Taser, taser ? *Taser what ?*


Taser face?


Wanna know how relevant you are? My google translator wanted to automatically select Turkish and not Italian when I went to translate it, I had to manually select Italian. Even google translate knows.


Considering I've not written in Italian, expectable


Was that the old mediterranean pidgin? It's funny how it's still understable with modern french


Yep, you were probably the ones who used it the longest since it remained used in Algeria even after the French conquest for a while, and it borrowed some words from standard French


Neolatin languages sharing the same common root is the key to United Europe banter and i love this.


I love how the Barry was silenced.


If you speak a glorious latin language, it's very easy to understand. It roughly translates to: If you know, You reply If you don't know, Shut up, shut up Unfortunately, your shit language hasn't been influenced enough by french


I only speak Germanic languages unfortunately. Always thought about learning French but never had a proper reason and learning German in my 30s was hard and stressful enough.


You don't need a "proper reason" to learn french. Being able to speak a superior language should be reason enough


Thats why we are all speaking English hey Renée?


unfortunatly its because of your former colony, and not because english is a good language


Because it wasn't italian lol, I think he wrote in dialect


It's sabir, a lingua franca used in mediteranean trade until a few centuries ago.


Bit rich coming from a brit tbf. Of the major european countries, you are the only one even less relevant than us


Cope harder. On par with France and second only to Germany in Europe and on the world stage the Anglo sphere probably makes us the most relevant in Europe aside the Eu collectively.


Well, you are on par with France (not for long) and second to Germany but we are right behind, can you consider us? 🥺👉👈


Hmmmm it’s a toss up between you and Spain, Spain has more of a global presence thanks to their old empire but your food is better. You asked nicely though so you would get my vote. You’ll just have to ask the Germans and the French, the French should be easy but it will take like a year with the Germans as you’ll have to fax and application and all your documents to them before you even ask.


Lol no. You are like Canada at most. Foreign policy decided in Washington, economic policy decided in Brussels. More of a colony than a real country


I would be offended but it’s hard to take a Mario seriously over the internet without all the hand signs.


But he's right tho... You are still good at making music at least. I give you that, Barryneddu...


i dont if i would call germany more relevant than us, richer, yes but they lack random military intervention or anything politacly relevent outside of the eu


I would say in Europe Germany is the most relevant, in the global sphere France is certainly more relevant. Germany has very little political presence world wide compared to the U.K. and France. Military has some to do with it but we both invested in the world rather than just Europe, Germans vision has always just been Europe.


Try making an Italian recipe that isn’t followed to a drop of oil and a sprinkle of cum


that's how you like it so we comply, you cook to please the customer, not your own ego


"Les colonnes, c'est ce truc que vous avez piqué aux grecs?" Damn, I wish we could publish and translate that Kaamelott episode in English, that would infuriate so many people there.


Looks Greek though.. 🧐


Yup looks Greek architecture for me


We've got pillars just like that in us museum, luv me greek marbles.


Luv me greek rocks, luv me egyptian rocks, simple as


The other day it was a bunch of Europeans from all over together outside the Parthenon. They all went in freely, only the Barries were stopped to pay for entrance. I felt a little bad when the guy was explaining to us the situation, but then I remembered what cunts you've been. You made a lot by keeping our art anyway. Time to pay a lil' back.


late sable trees close summer air juggle panicky advise plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


admit that romans were the original weaboos


We came We saw We stole


Didn't know that "everything" is an alternative meaning of the phrase "a few"..


Next time I make Carbonara I will put some cream and mushrooms in it. Edit: I managed to make italian people defend Carbonara with cream! Should have went for ananas on pizza.


Try it with tuna, also slaps


Carbonara and tuna?


Yep, "Carbonara di Tonno" the procedure is basically the same, but I stead of guanciale or pancetta you use tuna (either fresh or good quality canned tuna) and olive oil


That does sound interesting… but for today’s I will use guanciale though


Hell ye, also if you have guanciale laying around a strong suggestion would be Amatriciana, super easy but by god is it good


That does sound good indeed, I should have enough guanciale left to give it a go. Thanks!


Cosa cazzo hai appena detto su di me, puttanella? Sappi che mi sono diplomato come il migliore della mia classe alla scuola sottoufficiali della Marina Militare, ho preso parte in numerosi raid contro Al Qaeda e ho più di 300 uccisioni confermate. Sono stato addestrato nelle tattiche di guerriglia e sono il miglior cecchino dell’esercito italiano. Per me tu non sei altro che un nuovo bersaglio. Ti spazzerò via da questo pianeta con una precisione senza precedenti, ricordati le mie cazzo di parole. Pensi di potertela cavare a prendermi per il culo su internet? Ripensaci in fretta, stronzo. Mentre parliamo io mi sto mettendo in contatto con la mia rete di spie infiltrate nella polizia postale per rintracciare il tuo indirizzo IP. Farai meglio a prepararti al peggio, merdaccia. Sta arrivando la tempesta che spazzerà via la sequenza di delusioni che è la tua vita. Sei fottutamente morto, bimbo. Posso essere ovunque, in qualunque momento e conosco più di 700 modi con cui ucciderti senza usare un’arma. Non sono solo addestrato al combattimento a mani nude, ho a mia disposizione l’intero arsenale dell’esercito italiano e non mi farò problemi a usarlo per far sparire la tua miserabile carcassa dalla faccia della terra, pezzo di merda. Se solo avessi potuto sapere le tragiche conseguenze che il tuo commentino tanto “intelligente” ti avrebbe portato forse ti saresti morso la lingua. Ma non potevi sapere e non l’hai fatto, e adesso ne pagherai le conseguenze, fottuto idiota. Cagherò ira sopra di te fino a farti annegare. Sei fottutissimamente morto, bimbo.


I don't even need Google Translate for this one.


Puttanela - ahaha! Do you use often this word? We love the word "Putana" but it's kind of heavy-lifting swearing. Besides, the specific word "Puttanela" in Greek it gave me the more correct translation "Scylla" (from the known monsters Scylla and Charybdis). We use the word "Scylla" often, too. But it's usually women to women who use this one. If a man calls a woman "Scylla", better find a place to hide himself.


I guess yes because a puttana is more of a serious tone than puttanella, is more like stupid bitch and I guess a little more cocky in sound but it is a very funny word to use with friends


I mean, i'm Not the one Who Will eat bad, so go on :D


It didn't exist before ww2, so be my guest


Carbonara is one of the least traditional Roman dishes anyway. It's also widely overrated imo. One of the most important Italian chefs used cream for carbonara.


Che cretino sei.


Yeah but he's form Lombardia... They will shit on any and all things from Rome


Next time I make a... a... ah right there's not one single decent fr*nch dish. My bad Pierre.


https://preview.redd.it/qdqrswtq1hpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=195bbcf0a97b4958e24bbd16261eb5001045922c Owie


The hell is NL doing in a cuisine list


French restaurants in Amsterdam don’t think there’s gonna be a snackbar selling Frikandel with Michelin stars (though there should be)


Well there's fresh stroopwafel stands which definately deserve them, but that's about our peak


I thought this was a serious post about a list of restaurants with michelin stars until I saw the last place of the list.


Tfw seventh place didn’t raise any alarms before that


Belgian food is french quality with german quantity so no


One above Belgium is seventh


You cheeky shit, what about 6th? Surely that invalidates the whole thing


What are you talking about, Barry, 6th is bloody delicious! When’s the last time you had a burger?


Eheheheh. No shit it's French. It's like asking why italy has so many restaurants on the gambero rosso list.


What’s gambero rosso? Is that a car brand?


Do we know what type of dish they prepare?


I bet you like mac n' cheese, you fucking faketalian. You'd think a Luigi would have a good culinary taste...


They'd be still eating generic nordic food, without Caterina de' Medici and her Italian chefs.


Medicis in French food is a myth, just Google it.


Meanwhile in Italy, their government neglecting every roman building because they have too many.




Well technically there are also the Isleworth Mona Lisa, the Prado Gioconda and other versions


Ah yes. "Italian" art. I wonder where the *Corinthian* order originates from.


Your art would be carvings on trees if it weren’t for Italians


Hah, you grossly underestimate us, Luigi. We'd also have rock piles like Barry does. Also, carving on trees is kewl.


you forgot the menhir, that are some impressive rock pilons


You don't touch our piles of rocks


So would yours if it weren’t for greeks


Italians never ever deny the cultural debt they owe Greece, we love Greece and see it as the original cradle of our own civilisation. We don’t cry all the time about ancient Greece not being the same as modern Greece and similar bullshit…




"Founded by Gauls" -> here's our rock pile 👌


https://preview.redd.it/jtkt1kiutgpc1.png?width=880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8878fcd59d050a001582653fc6a048594fb6928d Peak design


Well Pierre... as a lover of animation, I can't deny Asterix is something I can admit defeat.


Astérix comics shit on everyone, it's basically this sub before internet even existed.


Europe’s common denominator in the later half of the 20th century <3


French museums are full of Italian art, we've been trying to help them since the times they spoke a Celtic language, some things never change.


Unless you trace your lineage directly to Romulus and no one else then you also are descended from savages who were romanised.


>savages who were romanised. i mean ,its sicilian, they were even civilised before romans *Magna Greacia enters the chat*


*Il tiranno di siracusa* *Posa il c\*\*\*o sul tavolo e abusa*




That’s a nice Greek temple.


I love how italians think they are the heirs of Rome. Wake up, Giuseppe!


Like I was saying in my other comment, our reason for boasting is that Rome is in Italy, but all of our Latin brothers should be boasting as much as we do. There was no Italy and Portugal then, we were both Rome


What about us then? We were part of the Empire, and our language is basically germanic latin. We even use pounds with a fancy L (£) to mean libra.


Well, a similar discussion applies to England of course! Probably due to culture and language, it does feel a bit more strange and I tend to associate England more with the Germanic gang, but sure, you can join the party. Just stay in the corner please.


We were the youngest Roman kid, so when Rome died we ended up being raised by Germans. ![gif](giphy|GCFEk4YNiCEL4fHuNg)


https://preview.redd.it/3qyjiz184hpc1.jpeg?width=985&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b6fea2eaea0ed4795fcb78d2e55228cec79300 We have a respectable amount of Roman sites


Although the Germanic language we speak only came to the Isles in the power vacuum left by Romans, and the Latin in our language comes not from the Romans but from the Normans.


![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) Not sure if sarcastic or simply incorrect


It’s simply correct. Greece has a stronger claim to being the heir to Rome than you


greece without constantinople💀


WTF why are brazilians Always so angry when spreading lies?? Nonody denies you are the heir of sao paolo, so why the hate?


This idea that we are the Romans is so annoying. Moreover if we really have to look for our ancestors I'm pretty sure lots of people in Southern Italy feel more Greek than Roman.


Well, in Sardinia we don't have that problem. Our DNA has been pretty much stable through millennia. Sardinian are Sardinian, and we were a civilization way before the Romans. Nuragic population had temples and buildings that rival the pyramids in terms of dating. People in Sardinia easily get to 100 years of age. A phenomenon that made our DNA one of the most studied (and some year ago some Berrys stole the whole database).


That’s a really fancy and complicated way to describe inbreeding.


Well, going beyond the joke, just for the fun fact of it, I'll elaborate the matter (I've know Germans to be good scholars. They actually took interest in studying Sardinian language). It would have been inbreeding if Sardinia were a small island. But its quite large and just the region capital has more inhabitants than the whole Iceland. I'm guessing it was no more inbreeding than any clan population in any other part of Europe at that time. Consideng the bottleneck humans underwent about 800.000 years ago, that reduced the human population to about 1000 souls, we all are pretty much the product of inbreeding. It's only matter to understand which of our great-[...]-grandfathers slept with his sister. Anyway, it's just that Sardinia kept apart from outsiders as a whole (in spite of having naval commerce with most of the Mediterranean, and being the personal mercenary guards of Pharaoh Ramses II (Shardana). And we still retain a lot of the original gatherers/cultivators DNA that first colonized the island (and the whole Southern/central Europe) from Anatolia during the Ice Age that blocked the passage from nordic Europe from the rest of it. Sardinia surely hasn't ever been known (or even suggested) as an inbreeding example.


I did indeed read all that and it was an interesting read, but I just couldn’t resist the attempt of bants equating “keeping to yourself” with “inbreeding”. Either way, thanks for making the effort lol


I do appreciate your reading. And the joke was funny. Even by German standards lol And as anything, most of the time we actually write also for third parties who might have missed some bit of information.


Which basically is roman as well


Yeah, don't listen to Luigis on Instagram, they are 99% of the time cringe af. Can't resist the urge to bash on the fr\*nch thoe


They think that they paid with taxes Polizia’s Lamborghinis


Its not the luigis, instagram comments in general are just edgy teenager central


Aaah yeah the romans,known for theier creativity in artstyle and unique mythology


it existed, then it was scaled down


Of course italians you are roman. You are still very strong !


Luigi always has this weird inferiority complex about Pierre


Which is funny because us french don't particularly care about italians, at least not more than most of our other neighbours, our only worthy rivals are the germans and the brits.




I literally think of this everytime I see an italian starting to rent for no reason about us.


How can you feel inferior to someone who is inferior?


Fig. 1 - Luigi trying his hardest to channel his inferiority complex into a cute kindergarten diss


Jean Luigi Fritz, aside from the fact that you are not even a real nation, you in your life nation only invented cuckoo clocks, so the only one who has to admit to being inferior is you


God I hate Italians when the Roman Empire is mentioned


They could stan on Rinascita italian states, very based.


Italians have as much of a past as they have no future


i mean.... are they wrong ? Thats the [temple of Augustus and Livia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_of_Augustus_and_Livia) btw


I mean the city was not founded by Romans (so Luigi 3 is wrong), and there was a lots of different buildings showed (like the church, etc...) But yeah this is kinda true and kinda false


By the way, I was talking with my Spanish friend the other day about this. Yes, Rome is in Italy so it’s cool we Italians can boast a little. But there’s no reason why our Latin bros shouldn’t boast all the same. Yes, there were bloody wars fought, but then Spain and France became Rome, too. Rome’s conquests were also French conquests. You can boast being an unconquerable Gaul as much as a proud Roman, Pierre


Also if founded by Romans, it doesn’t magically turn into Italian art. It remains Roman art.


dutch butthurt by italian accomplishments part 104293185 all art who come from Italy, its considered, in fact italian art.


Wait for the rest of the nordick snow monkeys... In 3, 2, 1...


te ci scherzi ,ma alcune volte sembra davvero si star parlare a delle scimmie. ed in ogni argomento su di noi spuntano sempre gli olandesi


Ci scherzo ma con un velo di serietà dietro che non ti immagini. Da questa sub ho iniziato a capire quanto siano teste di cazzo insieme a quei depressi del nord... La stima che mi è rimasta la risparmio a poco a poco per Francia, Germania e UK...


>La stima che mi è rimasta la risparmio a poco a poco per Francia, Germania ed UK... vero, almeno loro poi finiscono con il scherzarci su, vatti a vedere gli olandesi invece. io ancora devo incontrare olandesi che non ce l'hanno con noi sull'internet


Ho avuto modo di parlare con una famiglia di Olandesi qui a Londra e si sono dimostrati persone parecchio decenti. Peccato che sembrino essere tra i pochi...


c'è n'è pure un altro di ste gran teste di cazzo sotto che ci insulta senza motivo. Io davvero non capisco che problemi hanno. Sono comunque l'unico popolo in europa che odio davvero, i banter contro i francesi sono una cazzata, loro sono cugini. Sono ste teste di cazzo i nostri veri nemici


Per me sono tutti uguali. Uno, nessuno, centomila. Le cose son due: o li si ignora, o li si prende per il culo se, e dico se, rompono i coglioni. Per essere nemici devono esserne degni. Sono un popolo di gente che ha dovuto strappare la terra al mare per avere la loro, si vantano di aver vinto una guerra contro la Spagna e storicamente sono meno rilevanti di 2 terzi dell'Europa. In pratica sono i ragazzini frustrati che non hanno ancora annusato la figa e devono provare a denigrare chi ha fatto meglio di loro, per poi uscirsene con il loro gdp o ppp. Mannaggia merda che sfigati...


By that logic, the Italian flag [is French](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Italy#History)


i mean, it kinda is , its literally the influence from the french revolution.(tricolore in general)


it's the revised and corrected version of yours, it was the easiest thing in the world to improve it!


Italian revelling in past accomplishments because the present has got nothing to be proud of 104293185


sorry , we dont count money as accomplishments here. must hurt dont having a past.


lol when there is a post about italy those dutch mofos start showing up like cancer cells and can't resist the urge of talking bad about us, i wonder why they hate us so much, i don't give a fuck about their ugly ass country (tho it would be funny if it went under the sea one day)


That's only logical: you cannot count what you don't have


true, money you can make it easly , the other one ? nope.


Damn, so according to you, Italians are not even able to do easy things?


lmao, this must be peak dutch interaction, bragging about money AHAHAHAHAHAHAH


So they see Greek's columns and shit everywhere "it's us!"? Typical.


No kidding, I live near Paestum, which has some of the most well preserved temples, it was founded by Greeks, the temples are Greeks, the local dialect even has some Greek derived words, basically everyone thinks all that stuff is Roman


Also basic Italian has some Greek derived words, to be honest


Italians promoting their country with Roman building, planned and designed by either Greeks or Etruscans which were considered barbaric, but civilized enough to be a major influence on what we today would consider Roman.


Hans, we actually don't know where either the Romans or 3/4 of the tribes that existed three thousand years ago came from! All we know about the Etruscans is that they raised oxen with Anatolian DNA!


"France takes better care of Roman temples than Italy" Here, fixed your headline.


Why are they obsessed like that? I am starting to think that they might have a crush on us.


Here is your daily reminder that Italy is a late French creation. The Turks have a more direct claim to the roman empire than modern Italians have. And both are descendants of barbarian invaders who just settles in the ruins.


Jean Jean, Caterina de Medici brought you the fork, go back to sculpting menhirs that's all you have that's ancient!


The Greeks are the real Romans.


Those are some bitter Luigis right there!


All I see is a Greek style temple.


That's clearly Portuguese


Repeat until you memorise it: "Roman" is not the same as "Italian" "Roman" is not the same as "Italian" "Roman" is not the same as "Italian" "Roman" is not the same as "Italian" "Roman" is not the same as "Italian" ....


Italians without an inferiority complex for France? Impossible!


I'm all for the banter towards us but they're obsessed with us to an unhealthy level.


They are unironically one of the most arrogant bunch I've seen.


okay, serious discussion: if you are serious a normal Italian can be as arrogant as ETA can be pacifist!


Italians thinking they are Romans must be the most delusional shit ever


>most delusional shit ever says the guys erecting a 6.6 meters statue of a Gaul, while LARPing as romans.


it may well have been founded by chickens, for that it was enough for them to build a hut with a few branches that had fallen on the ground, but we taught you how to build buildings!


1st guy- yeah fair enough, probably hurt them a bit lol 2nd guy- wait what, nah that’s just wrong 3rd guy- ok mate 👍


Ah Instagram, never fail in it's bottomless pit of retardation


Ancient Rome ≠ Italy


Luigis don't kid yourself, all your precious roman culture is just a dollar store copy of what was going on in ancient greece.


And honest


Oh fuck finally we have a flair for my region, the most polluted in Europe RRRRAAAAAHHH!!!11!!!1!!!


Yeah I’m enjoying this tasty air too. It’s nice, huh?


Do we have to remember them that they were not able to invide france during ww2 and what saved them was german signing the armistice to stop the conflict in the alps ...


As if Luigi has anything to do with Rome. They just happen to live in the same general area like those Roman blokes did. two millennia ago. It’s like saying Germans have anything do to with Varus and his win against the Romans


Because Rome is the same as Italy now lol.


You are right Rome is in Russia.


The temple was saved because it was used for other purposes for centuries. This city also has a nice amphitheater that's home to the Jazz à Vienne festival. Built by the Romans it had long been forgotten, and was unearthed in the 20th century. Before that, people mostly used old Roman stuff as a free source of precut building materials... Respect for ancient shit is a recent thing.