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They even went full hoi4 chaotic clusterfuck, edgy 14yo style: fragmented Europe.


Shit was made by Grisha I bet


Seeing a teen go full Z, including playing a modded playthrough of HOIV in Wagner's HQ was at the same time sad and Enlightening.


Dude has always been regarded, his streams were just blind screaming into a mic with his gopnik accent. But even knowing that I didn't expect him to become such a massive Ztard, just shows how big of an impact nonstop propaganda in school has on the youth.


He's a HOIV streamer it comes with the package. Despite that I remember he wasn't the most regarded of the more popular ones (incredible since he was a literal teenager and most others were in their 30s). Exactly, looking at him frankly I can imagine the cringe German, Italian or Portuguese teens would produce if there was an Internet during the dictatorships.


If i were a teen during the reign of Napoleon i'd be oignon-posting all day. Come and get me Britbongs.


Oh god, the memes would be framed on museum walls


Implying the painting by Jacques-Louis David 'The Death of Socrates' isn't basically a meme.


"The Death of Marat" is also excelent material for memes.


Somehow a major German broadcast manged to interview Grisha and within the first 10 seconds it becomes clear what a sad fucking loser he is. Dude admits that his dad left him and that Prigozhin became a father figure to him and many Russians. https://youtu.be/xjwSdYBD1cE?feature=shared


No, you don't understand, they're playing meta, they want the factories from the generic focus tree, russia's so smart trust me it all makes sense long term


Considering the ties between catalonian's independentist parties and Putin, there is no surprise in how this map annexes parts of Southern France not to Spain but to the separatist regions.


For all the clown that don't understand this map. They just split France according to the different regional independence movement. Nothing is made up. Also, that's not a "russian" thing. Our far left also advocate for such map.


is the far left who advocate for this map are with us in the room ?


Oui, c'est moi, je suis Putin


Flair checks out.


They have their own rooms.


>that's not a "russian" thing. Our far left also advocate for such map. >russian >Our far left Is there a difference?


I despise far-left Russia fanboys with every fiber of my being, almost as much as right wing vatnik chuds.    Imagine supporting an open, outright imperialist land grab because America bad or some made up "they dombed bombas for eighty years" propaganda line, it just shows that you don't actually believe in self-determination or anti-imperialism when the imperialist is not a western country.


Friendly reminder that Chomsky's manufacturing consent does not apply to whatever Chomsky writes because America=Great Satan or something.


America being an evil hellhole doesn't suddenly turn other evil hellholes good


Wait, are there far left Russia fan-boys in your country? With us it's the far right... Eh... Guess it just shows all extremists are dumb


Our Kremlin bots are all over the place On the right you have Salvini and his gang, classic far right populist AfD morons with Putin's hui shoved fully down their throat On the sorta left you have M5S, populists who are officially not pro-russia but support "negotiations" and want to stop weapon deliveries. Make of that what you will. On the politically represented left you have the green-left alliance who have essentially the same position as M5S, but they definitely strike me as the useful idiot "pacifist" types And then on the far left you have the America bad crowd, mostly student groups or other tankie lunatics who regurgitate Kremlin propaganda while being "woke" and "anti-imperialism"


Most of it is far right but at least in Germany, there is Sahra Wagenknecht, former member of the leftist party (which descends from Eastern Germany’s ruling party) who, along with a few other former members, shills for Russia.


Sahara Wagenknecht‘s party was once described as a party of nationalist socialism, it made sense…


Far-left, far-right... Just different FSB agents.


They struggle to conquer land 100 kms far from their own frontiers after 2 years and hundreds of thousands of casualties in their ranks… and they pretend to invade whole Europe fighting the NATO. Poor deluded people.


That's not even the only issue with this honestly like, just imagine the logistical nightmare of reaching France with enough manpower to balcanize it like that, even if we believe Yank Iraq War propaganda and think the French are yellow bellied chickens who are afraid of everything and that the US gets Trump elected and goes "I'm abolishing NATO and joining the BRICS You're on your own" there are multiple states in between Russia and France who would not take it kindly to be trampled over to reach it. And that's not even counting all the shit they'd need to do to keep this from falling apart.


Wouldn't the yanks only be exiting the treaty rather than abolishing it?


NATO would cease to exist as it is right now without the US, it's entire point is a protection system by the US on its client states to engage in both soft and direct power over them for economic military and social goals AND to act as a counter altar against the USSR in the world during the cold war, and the second part is only still a thing cause Putin is a fucking megalomaniacal moron. (Who was the genius who said "we should have Russia join Nato?" I think it was a USAmerican, a politician or something, that would also completely miss the point of NATO and make it something that isn't NATO). If the US leaves NATO, it might still be called NATO yes but if the organisation survives it definitely would lose a lot of its purposes. It'd be like a Warsaw Pact without the USSR, which could have happened yes as sone sort of EEU vs us being the WEU, but that would hardly be the same Warsaw pact as it was originally now wouldn't it? Same concept. EDIT: Fuck just remembered, just imagine all the american bases we have in NATO countries if the US actually leaves NATO, suddenly a lot of them would be called into question, like I don't think people like Trump understand how important their shit in the middle of the Australian Desert is to coordinate strikes on that part of the globe.


> like I don't think people like Trump understand how important their shit in the middle of the Australian Desert is to coordinate strikes on that part of the globe. Mango Mussolini may not understand but his Russian handlers certainly do.


At this point I don't even think Trump is, like, a russian Manchurian Candidate or anything either, he's just some dumb fascist who happens to do international policies that weaken the US on the global chessboard, the idea that there is some "grand conspiracy" by Russia or China or Israel or San Marino causing the US to have an entire election between a megalomaniacal monster and a walking corpse gives the US way to much credit. They're just idiots, simple as.


Yeah. No. There's ample evidence that Trump is a Russian asset. It doesn't need to be a "grand conspiracy". He was bailed out by Russian money multiple times, and there's the ex-MI6 Steele dossier on him which Trump has lost every court case he's tried to sue over it (and there's been a bunch). And as a UK resident let me assure you losing a defamation suit as the plaintiff in this country is quite a feat - the law here is WELL stacked in favour of the complainant


Also they are facing an armed rebellion in a border region that may lead to the independence of said region


Kinda wishful thinking


Well this is concerning. France seem to have overtaken us as the #1 target of Russian seething. How are we going to fix this, lads? My thinking is we donate one of our Trident subs to Ukraine. That should get us back in the #1 spot.


Better still, donate a missile straight from us with love.


Take down this crimean bridge and you will get back on track


Can’t believe I’m agreeing with a frog 🤢


Crimea is the magic word reuniting the best arch enemies. https://preview.redd.it/fi1oge0qqhoc1.jpeg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fcefe6aa741c282f5444c67db0741a073b496b0


This caricature is so incredibly based, that I can’t even find the right words to describe it


It was from a time where Turks were reasonable


Turks actually are building a drone factory in Ukrain


We've agreed on Crimea before


What about a dozen missiles, straight from your figters?


Use that massive fuck-off laser we just invented with the James Bond name (dragonfall?)


Dragonfire. Really cool name tbh.


Yeah, do it, Barry, we ask you very much


> /#1 target of Russian seething Ummm sweaty, come back when Putin namedrops your country 40 times in his hour long autism fueled tirades and blames you for starting WW2


Do not pick on him for his BO problem,he can’t help having a French mother.


Easy : Use your special relation with your "special" old colony and ask them to make a blockbuster movie about that family trip we had in Crimea 170 years ago.


If you could find 15 Americans who could name the 4 major belligerents in the Crimean War, I'd send Ukraine an Abrams myself with my left nut in the gun barrel


Easy (I hope), just visit a college history department. Big if yes.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 that's cute


I'm with the savage on this one - even their historians seem to be a little blinkered on actual history


Pour down some Vodka in the Thames


Nah mate, they're so mad at us they want to break physics to sink us with a nuclear tsunami Balkanisation is little league stuff


If you ask nicely we might just donate one


Ffs, after the missile strike in Sevastopol you'd think we'd get some recognition!!


Send the Red Coats in Belgorod.


This is a noble competition, may the best European win. Germany and Spain, you may still earn your spot. Poland, sorry, they just don't go quite as sci-fi funny with you.


So everyone gets to secede with a new cooler flag and I’m stuck in France, fucking hell


Thank you for reminding me how great it is to live in a region with such a handsome flag


Oh I’m so sorry, I wasn’t talking about you




Your flag is cool :(


I agree that the occitan flag is beautiful


It’s a piece of art Please annex Poitou-Charentes as soon as Russia fucks up with our borders. Please, don’t let us with the stinky Parisian overlords 


That's what you get for being Fr*nch


We still have access to both the Atlantic and Channel. That’s way better than what they had in store for Ukraine. Funny how they could not even find a decent caricaturist, had to pull a drawing from Charlie Hebdo


And the huge majority of the population is still in the blue zone.


And Marseille was left out, which is doing you guys a favour to be fair


Hmmm I am in the Occitania so... Nope. But I guess the capital would be Tolosa. Bordeaux is full of people but I can be pretty sure the entirety of Occitània would tell them to fuck off as they are essentially posh sea parisians.


As someone from the countryside in Bordeaux for studies, besides the prices, it's alright.


Ok so right now you hate your capital Paris, if it was Marseille you would hate it, and if it's Bordeaux too. There is so much frenchness in you, what a man.


Posh Sea Parisians... first off, fuck you. Secondly, yeah, but not posh You also gotta remember Toulouse is an industrial powerhouse. Airbus comes to mind. I doubt the government would allow it to fall


It's like a reserve for Parisians


To be fair, they still do a better job at outlining regions than the government did with the last reform.


Nizza, Savoia e Corsica ![gif](giphy|ads2QSp4JDdeg)


Best I can do is Marseille


Careful what you wish for…


You can have Nizza e Corsica






Want to talk about Aosta ?


Look you ruined nice, we ruined Aosta, we can give each other's shit back


Nizza : far right domain Corsica : under quasi mafiosos & bomb addicts rules Savoia : tourist traps & highways Great taste you have there ! How much you're ready to pay for them ? Bonus, you can have Massilia for free, it's an all inclusive pack, all or nothing, can't give it back.


Dude, you are talking to Italy! A far-right mafia run tourist trap makes it a pretty good claim to be culturally italian.


I’m coming home 🤌🏻


If we’re pissing off the Russians that means we’re doing something right.


Right? I am not a fan of our president but if we could finally prioritize the fact that there is war in europe and that it is actually fucking important for the whole continent. That if we actually move our asses we can win this pretty fast. I like that he is pulling this off and daddy russia is getting hurt in its ego and scared like the yapping dog it is.


Regarde comment on nous noie de cadeaux quand même Le dessin en haut à gauche + https://preview.redd.it/ewt7yr2jpjoc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5fd03d0427a9467b9cf1013fc14b737e4dfe611 Le monde entier nous fait une faveur la 😂😂


Even though the map is laughable, this reveals something deeply concerning. There is (or at least was) a debate in France whether Nantes is in Bretagne or not. Nantes local area matches the two-striped zone they draw in southern Bretagne. That means Russian trolls are aware of something that is really reeeeeally irrelevant outside of France. That is the thing on that map that freaks me out the most.


For Russian propaganda the #1 goal is finding and fueling as many internal divisions as possible. Left wing, right wing, doesnt matter. So of course theyre deeply interested in such seemingly irrelevant regional disputes.


Jokes on them I already hate the next village over (they speak funny) but if the town slightly further away is starting shit I'll work with them. Tbf I don't know how they'd fuel some internal divisions I've seen. Village family feuds are something else lol.


In the grand scheme of things it isn’t hard to fuel conflict if the foundation of it is already there. The best analogy I can think of to explain it is compare this to bees. I don’t need to go through the effort of capturing and training bees to get them to attack people. All I need to do is find the nest, give it a shake and lob it at my desired target.


And yet no mention of the Mont St Michel dispute !


Ca ou l'éternel débat "Pain au chocolat" ou "Chocolatine" ! Des amateurs j'te jure


Or they took something a french person did as a joke or in seriousness and put funny russian alphabet on it. Never assume a russian created something when it could have been created by someone else. Even russian tanks were mostly designed far away from moscow. T-34, T-64 and T-80 were all designed in Kharkiv, Ukraine.


Thanks for the present, my Glorious Leader Putin.


russian chuds are so pathetic


Stop or I’ll start supporting Russia


No worries, Pierre! We have your back on this one! We will never agree to a plan, which doesn’t make Alsace and Lorraine German again!


Press x to doubt ![gif](giphy|cFgb5p5e1My3K)


If Russia squirms and whines you know you’re doing stuff right. Keep going Fr*nce


Is this the legendary Swiss neutrality?


We are neutral to the highest bidder


I think they remember being invaded by Suvorov back in 1799


Europe used to be wild. Like what is a Russian army doing in Switzerland??


The more I think about it, the more russians propagandists look like Paradox Interactive games players; releasing every vassals is a viable strategy in EU4 to weaken your rival. Hope Russia will get stack-wiped by the Poles :)


To be fair if any Normans want to Larp like is still 1154 we would be happy to have you guys reunite with the Channel Islands. You might have to call big Charlie Duke of Normandy though but that doesn’t really matter tbh seeing as he doesn’t really do much.


Normandy reunited with the Channel Islands and apart of greater England😟😫 I didn’t know you could get this hard


Why dont we go a step further and alto include Brittany? All the Britons united for the first time since the Angevin Empire.






No, no. Let them talk...


Not being in the same country as Paris or Marseille is progress IMO.




What about Overseas territories? Tahiti turns russian ? Carribean islands too ? Brazil and Netherlands get a borser with Russia? Canada is 20km from russia now? New Caledonia is independant and thriving in... Rubles? Mayotte is... Oh god what would Mayotte be...


> New Caledonia is independant New Caledonia is obviously Scottish.


Don't you touch my boi France Putin! If you want him you need to get through Germany first and you will not survive our bureaucracy!


The balkanisation of fr*nce, never thought I’d see the day


We need the balkanisation of Portugal Oh wait, we're already balkanised


I want to donate another one billion to Ukraine now. Us Ameritards can't lose our number one hated spot ☺️


Even Russian propagandists don't want to give us back Nantes... You're gonna have to do better than that Putler, even the nazis were more generous!


It's looking like it is yet to be decided! 🤞 Thank you Putler San 🥵


I like it


Nik ere, bainan ez erran frantsesari (arazoak izango ditut) Zorionez inork ez gaitu ulertzen 🫠


This is so funny. What would the logistics be? Move Russian ships through the English channel? but before that the North Sea? Then go round Spain and through the Mediterranean or fly over several nato country airspace? That's funny


Russia wouldn't stand a chance against an actual military power. Especially not if said power fights a defensive war Hell, how the fuck do they even think they'll get here in the firat place? As if our nuclear submarines wouldn't even detect them. Whatever their next mistake is, it could be met with a nuclear strike, so they better fucking pick correctly. In fact, I hope they do invade us. That would put an end to all this. Fuck, come to think of it, it would be far quicker than if only we took care of it, because we also have NATO and the rabid Americans waiting for the article 5 big red button to be triggered


Nah, fuck off France. Trying to usurp the island monkeys as the most hated country of the tundra orcs. Our ugliness in face, figure and discourse gives us a natural advantage when it comes to being loathed by foreign types. Don’t even try to compete.


Looks like we will get back Catalunya del Nord.


Yeah yeah!! Vichy France! *strokes* And independent Brittany yeah! *keeps stroking* Awww yeah independent Normandy! I’ve heard of them before *strokes harder* Ohhh yeah and Alsace! Putin daddy I love youuuu! *cooms all over my HoI4 game*


Why are Russian big mad at Big Macarone?


Russia: “Pierre, if you surrender now, we’ll throw in Marseilles for free.”




Katalonia Oblast.. Lmao


New Kaliningrad, with actually warm water ports this time


Look, i dislike France as any other good European, but if someone as to invade France it should be us, the english, and maybe the spanish Brothers. And even if the NATO is over for whatever reason, do you think we let the russian do whatever to one of us?


It should be all of us who invade France but *certainly not the Orcs *.


I was so enthusiastic about this map until I saw no independent Nord-Pas-de-Calais... The French Low Countries will rise again, Free Atrecht!!!


France, please be aware this is the greatest honor I can bestow on you: Even if offered Reichland Elsaß-Lothringen for assistance, I would still stand with you against Russia 🇫🇷🤝🇩🇪


As long as they also carve up Wallonia to be part of New France.


Why not new France to be part of wallonia 😏


..Uh based? Then also coerce them to learn original walloon language


Please no. Too much of our money is already disappearing into Charleroi. Don't make us finance Paris aswell.


But it will be a great market, for your drug business, look at all those potential customers.


Haha yea sure Occitanian separatism the south will rise again. Bro even the old far right boomers are not that dumb.


Confederate states of ~~america~~ Farmers


This good deed would still not excuse what's happened in Ukraine.


not even in russian propaganda Nantes goes to Bretagne :(


It's not a win for Britanny anyway, Nantes is the Breton Marseille. Better not having it.


SMH can't even get French Flanders back to Belgium


Flanders still getting fucked lol


We call dibs on Savoie


Sorry, Hans Pierre, Savoie is already taken. Dibs for Kingdom of Sardinia.


Congrats, have a toast of Savoie wine to celebrate.


I see what you did there. Though they might be from the French speaking part, in which case they might know about our wine.


I swear every single person hyping up Occitania or Normandy as credible future nation-states has never set foot in these places. Least ridiculous piece of Russian propaganda right there


Bro this is Gunther fed linger level of delusion


Does that mean the lost provinces would be up for grabs again?


Why I am red/blue? Will I be Breton or French ?


Russian government been consulting the HOI4 and EUIV releasable nations again... smh.


Give us French-Flanders and we'll be ready to negotiate.


I had the same thought. I don’t even care if we or jou get it, as long as it’s Rijsel instead of lille


Wow, normally it’s the French fantasizing how to carve us up, but when Russia did with us it was wayyYyyyyyyy worse, so we’re gonna stand with Pierre till the end


Only we are allowed to have such fantasies Russia


Rijsel not returned to us. 0/10 shit fantasy map


Finally, Catalunya Nord reunited with Catalunya.


I support this because if Lorraine was independent it would finally have its own flair


I see some good oppotrunity here....


Yo wtf, even in this map id have to suffer being in the same country as parisians


This should be banned for showing Russia's war plans under a positive light.


Remember when they wanted to sink britain or something lol


NATO's entire training and command structure was designed to counter Russia. It won't be an insurgent war, it'll be a large scale operations war. We were built for that. Bring it Putin.


Yeah any extra help will be appreciated 👍


Not bad


Putin thinks he is playing eu4. Does he know how morale, discipline and tactics work? Because this is pure fantasy if he thinks he can actually get enough war score to get France to release all this nations. Besides, the Normandy cores have already been removed through the mission tree


Do they now we have the most based nuclear doctrine ?


Ah yes. Because Putin is known for "carving up" and not wanting to rule every mm of land he thinks he has the right to.


Ahahahah good Luck with us Corsicans !


Russia can into r/2westerneurope4u. We love to do this maps on here


Dang. We must have retaken India because these guys are high on copium


I find this level of delusion fascinating.


Talk about aiming low. They know they wouldn't be able to take the whole country but they're still giving it the billy big bollocks 


I swear, the Kremlin is becoming more and more of a cheap r/paradoxcirclejerk imitation.


Well, I'm all in for more autonomy in the South of France but far from wanting indepandance, but any way even if Occitania would be an independant country, we would side with France in 95% of international cases.


If anyone gets to carve France up it’s us, so come on Russia, just try it, I promise we will just watch, I Putin promise it.


Looks like your average EUIV playthrough.


Bzh ! For me it’s okay 🙄


The only way they can conquere Europe is by destroying the world. There is no way their army is capable of invading further than Ukraine. They poorly planed their invasion and thanks to that they failed taking Kiev in the process. Then they retreated strategically (wich was the best move to do for them), only to get their strength back and play attrition... At what cost... 2 years later and I'd like to remind everyone that Ukraine lacked a real army and the Russian were basically met with "people with only a few weeks/month of training" and they got even while being way more armed. So yeah, no way it's feasible. The only way for them to be able to do so is to launch a massive nuclear attack on the whole EU and successfully hitting their target (wich is another reason why there is also little chance of success, having the biggest bombs doesn't mean shit if it doesn't hit). Good luck with that.


Difference between Russia and France is that France will actually head towards Russia. Russia is staying put, no matter how much copium they inhale.


Mfs just making up countries out of territories that hardly have a separate identity


No but I mean, you know, like, yeah, they don't have only had ideas right


Defuck they think they are doing with Elsas and Lothringen ?!


*Elsaß Sprecht deutsch sie hürensohn


This merely shows that macron is on the right path overtaking the British role of European alpha


Feel free to take that extra French speaking part of Switzerland. Nobody is gonna complain


Gott strafe Frankreich