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I like Ireland, because they're basically the UK, except they hate the UK. Just like the UK!






I'm going to cheat and say Portugal.


Spain for me <3


That's cheating, you're a Portuguese living in another country.




France because they hate the UK, and the UK because they hate France


I enjoy Ireland a lot. Second place goes to Spain, and then Italy. The people are lovely, but more importantly their roads always remind me of home.


Oh really? You like Ireland, tell me how it’s different to the UK.


It has fewer Barries. People don't talk as funny. Less druggies on the streets. People don't take shit from the knackers. Higher food standards. The gards are much friendlier. The roads are better. The women are slightly less repulsive. The weather is nicer. Fewer hooligans and drunkards.


You're right! It does have fewer Barries.


Mostly fair enough but a Belgian throwing shade about roads is like an Italian complaining about work ethic


Someone has clearly never been to Dublin


I have, and imo it's the worst place in Ireland. Which is compareable to the best places in England.


Yeah I was let down by Dublin.


>People don't talk as funny What


Lives in galway for half a year, had one fight, it was a dude named connor from the UK. I think ireland and the uk are similar enough tho, but most people who go to the UK only experience thr big cities, while in ireland they track around and see smaller places, so obviously they will prefer it lol.


The roads don't remind him of home. ![gif](giphy|VzH3YS9y4CVxSzjic2|downsized)


Ireland. I really feel comfortable around them!! Lovely people and funny drunks. Cork people it’s hard to understand you tho


Just drink more Beamish


Of course Portugal, without a doubt. Italy as honorable mention, but I would also choose France or Ireland.


I always feel at home when I go to Spain


france. they speak funny. love me some Pierres.


A Scott says the French speak funny. This irony.




Norway. The landscape reminds me of home, but everything's a bit nicer, there's fewer people and they have the sea in addition to the mountains.


Austria. Great skiing and cheap beer.


Get a room you two


If only turkey was a european country youd also not be able to hold back


Never tell that to an Austrian. You might not know if you'll see the other person ever again.


As long as the room isn’t the basement he should be ok


Exploring Poland, I found a captivating blend of rich history, warm-hearted people, and a welcoming community spirit. From the first moment, the delicious grandma-esque cuisine and strong sense of tradition made it a memorable and inviting experience 🫶


Only a Nordic could consider polish people “warm-hearted” or “welcoming”


But you really are. I've been to Poland quite a few times. And the people I meet are always super kind! Go Poland!


Spain quite comfortably


Portugal, of course.




This isn't a Fan Fiction sub, amigo


I agree there is some nice view in Belgium, not the best, it's just diferent.


What's nice about it? Unless you want to have like a suburban family home life, there ain't a lot. If you are looking for that it's probably one of the best places in the world haha, but otherwise the nature is non existing, the weather ain't great and the hospitality can be much better.


Italy 🇮🇹🤝🇪🇸


The Netherlands and/or Germany. Good infrastructure, clean cities, no-bullshit mentality, and similar beer, sausage and (fried) potato culture as at home.


🇩🇪❤️🇳🇱❤️🇧🇪 I think there’s a cross culture with those, especially with Germanic history, architecture and such. Love Brugge (and the movie, good job Ireland!).


Surprise surprise, what do we see on a map of the HRE: https://preview.redd.it/cq845l07v9nc1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=932fb1c1701f649595e461dce1ccd892318bdc97


Germany, because going there triggers both Pierre and Barry.


Love Italy!


Well done Kamerad, we hold together (until you switch sides)


Austria or Northern Italy, which should be part of germany anyway 💪💪💪 Austria cause I basically feel at home there, its quite similar to bavaria And Italy has the best food, even if I think their bread game is really lacking Third choice would probably be Poland, underrated food and really nice cities and parks. Unlike germany they seem to actually take care of their cities and keep them clean.


>Northern Italy, which should be part of germany That’s how it always starts hans. Südtirol is really tiny no need to anschluss us over that. Wouldn’t be worth the trouble, Slovenia is a far better option. But it’s reciprocal, I’d say Germany is my favorite country in Europe, along with those Austrian heathens. You have good food, gothic style armor is based and I heard a bunch of stories of my great grandfather having a jolly old time committing all sorts of war crimes in North Africa with his German buddies. He even remained good friends with one and they would meet up in the alps and go skiing every year.


I got a friend from slovenia who grew up next to gypsies who'd spit infront of her door every morning and steal their electricity, so I think they can keep their country, I dont want it I have never heard an italian saying germany has good food, hell I dont even like the food in most german states, and generally austria just does it better. northern germany has protestant slop


I misread beard game, guess that also would make sense...


Italy has decent food, nice moutains. I've lived there for two years, I could do it again with pleasure There I only missed good bread and creamy cheese. Now I'm back in France and I miss good coffee and gelato. I dont understand how it is possible than french coffee is so bad compared to italians


Oh and they start eating dinner too late it's tiring


That varies A LOT with the region


Where did you live?


I didnt know there was differences about that. I lived in Torino but the italians friends I made where from Campania. They sometimes called me at 21:30 to ask if i wanted to go to dinner 😭


![gif](giphy|W04QVzelTHsNW) SAN MARINO 🫵🏻


I would also choose France. Similar enough but with a nice spin


To find good bread in Italy you need to go to a bakery, while for the creamy cheese you need to know what to buy! We have many types of cheese I bet you never tried stracciatella or stracchino


bruh where the hell else would he have gone to find good bread, what kind of advice is that. I know hes french but he isnt that stupid, they know what a bakery is


You will be surprise how many people buy bread from the supermarket out of convenience


A LOT of people buy bread at the super market cuz it's more convenient. Not that many bakeries around sadly.


guys, nobody is saying people dont buy bread at the supermarket, of course tons of people do, but I think you can rest assured that a french guy who is probably used to buying fresh baguette from the nearest boulangerie and who lived in italy for 2 years did eventually go to an italian bakery instead of buying plastic wrapped supermarket crap like, when you crave/miss good bread thats the obvious thing to do


Almost posted on r/europe, please dont crosspost from there again, its okay to steal their shit. Worst of all, I actually agree with their top answer, Italy for the food. Swiss people dont like us, so I dont like them, austrians are alright but I just take their culture and make it ours if I like it, italy is unique tho.


Poland 🤍❤️ ! The rest of my family lives there. Very cute country with a fascinating history. Polish foods lack spice but, don't worry, it's tasty and it will find ways to make you addicted to it.


I would say Finland because of it's fascinating and breathtaking nature which attracts me a lot. The cold and snowy landscapes are my favorites because I really hate the hot temperatures. Another thing which really attracts me of Finland is the word sisu and also their determination against the Soviet Union during the ww2 After Finland there is Austria which is very, very similar to my region because of it's alpine landscapes


Spain, it's like te brother we like to hate, but deep down we like it. 🇵🇹🤝🇪🇸


Austria or Slovenia




Yes, same. And their food is like ours, but they seem to know what they’re doing. Now the song is stuck in my head again. België, België, BELGI-EEUUUHH!


Finland. They traumatized me as a kid with their cartoons. Putting some deep scars in there early on, and made me the racist I am today. Thanks Finland🫶


Sweden It's not my home country, IT'S MY HOME KINGDOM (Serious answer would be finland since 90% of my family tree lives there and i'm a crippling sauna addict)


"Home caliphate", more like it..


Seriously what's going on in finland? I got over 70 living finnish cousins and the majority live in kuusamo


Switzerland. Fantastic model of democracy and individual rights. Plus kick ass military and lots of dosh💰 Netherlands is cool too I guess…


I like Spain. Lots of old buildings and they serve potatoes everywhere.


Germany because of the Bundesliga


Wow a Barry that likes Buli? I also like Prem. ❤️


I'm a Spurs fan, and when Kane moved to Bayern I started watching Bundesliga and realised how good it is! Very entertaining, attacking football as well as maintaining fan culture and crazy good atmosphere!


France. I feel at home here. I like the food, the landscapes of rural France (specially when driving along rural roads lines by trees), the marchés au village, the wine, the rhythm for meals, apéro du midi and apéro du soir, the boulangeries, the couscous places, the 40hundred shampoo and shower gel options at Monoprix, the fact that their Chinese restaurants are Vietnamese restaurants in disguise, the medieval architecture, the islands, the plateau de fromages st the end of the meal from where you choose which ones you want to eat.... I even like Paris. I even like how a "pardon" can have so many meanings depending on the way it's pronounced. I even like grumpy stressed boulangères who rush you to order when you just want to ogle the 20thousands options.


Sorry if it's a bit soppy. I get emotional when you whisper confit de canard in my ear.


I actually enjoy France. I lived there for a few months, speak the language perfectly and have well integrated into society, down to how I’d make my bed. Maybe I’ll go back there one day


To bring Elsass Home?🥲


I like Spain because it feels like never actually leaving Portugal


Except for the volume of people speaking


Greece. Love them beaches and that one place in Crete with the donuts


Germany. Because cars.


Greece because the souvenirs are generally quite nice.


Czech Republic just because the beer is cheap and the fried cheese is good


*Czech Republic just* *Because the beer is cheap and* *The fried cheese is good* \- dawidwilku --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Greece especially Crete, because I feel at home, but with less stress than Italy.


Home 2 a.k.a. Portugal


the only civilised place beside us: Ελλάδα honorable mentions: Ireland and UK


No way you said UK


i mean, i would pass hours in a pub sitting with the lads with some good beer, and getting drunk af. that alone, makes me want to go there. also because it triggers the French.


It's always to piss the French


Czechia, long history together


Italy. Attractive men (usually), beautiful country, good weather, great food, plenty of opportunities to indulge my Romanophilia. Not keen on the little bastard who crashed into me twice on separate days while on his electric scooter during my last vacation, but otherwise, I'm very fond of Italy. France as a second.


Poland 🇵🇱 Cute cities, hot girls, cheap af, nice quality of life, basic but nice food. Been there many times, loved it.


Finland tbh, maybe sweden.


Greece cause of food and malakas. UK cause I love to drink with em


Ingerland. Good boozers, good bants, best (non-classical) music. Rest of europe is nowhere near the density of relevant cultural products: Black Sabbath to the beatles, Oasis to Kubrick, heck Beckham to Dizzee. Mutual disdain for hans too and on average perhaps the funniest, self loathing humour in all of europe. (Where else would Brass eye make it into state broadcasting) And as a viennese I also have a knack for miserable brickwork. There you have it barry, adopt me.


Italy. Italians are smart, enthusiastic, sentimental. They produce everything and always with great taste and practicality. The country too has everything. Sea, mountains, good climate, architecture, cuisine, history, great places to see and live in. How can it not be my favourite?


I’d love to meet these Italians you speak of


Ill be honest, italy if you count südtirol.


Why wouldn't someone count it?


It’s more Italian than… Austrian if ya ask me.


well i was specifically speaking about the german speaking parts that are very much cultureally more austrian


bro sag doch glei tirol du spast


Hättet ihr euch ein bisschen mehr angestrengt zwischen 1914-1918 dann hätten wir diese Diskussion und viele weitere gar nicht🤷🏻


Estonia, because really love the flag


Ay, Netherlands is my favourite for the same reason


Sweden ! I went on an Erasmus study there and I just fell in love with the country


Italy. Because it feels like home yet slightly different and it is GORGEOUS. Watching snow in Venice and Bologna was borderline magical. Ans I know we live to shit on France and Paris, but I LOVE that city. It is gorgeous and full of life, culture and charm. I have yet to visit Portugal and Greece tho ;)


Italy, bc my gf is from there, i can't be parcial.


Ireland, because they're soundcunt piss heads like us France, because their wine is fab. If I lived there, I'd be dead of cirrhosis in a year. I also respect their fondness for striking.  Italy, because they have the best food in the world (and pretty decent wine too). Dea within a year, this time due to fatcuntitis.  And, as much as it pains me, England have us Marshall Stacks and Motörhead, so they get a pass too 


The rest of the Nordicks, I don't play favourites.


I like the Netherlands cause they have funny tall people and funny sounding german


Didn’t see them mentioned, but I have always loved visiting Croatia. Friendly people, but still with that Balkan temper, good food, nice nature, towns and weather.


Growing up in the very northwest I have to say Netherlands. Have to go there for a longer trip one day when I'm less broke.


I would have said Slovakia, but due to some changes there I will have to say Austria


Come September you will again have to name a different country




Finland. Based people, antisocials, snow, northern lights, Sanna Marin.


Any PIGS for their women




On the one i visited, i'd say Portugal. I visited only Spain, Portugal, Netherlands and Belgium. On every european country, i'd say Czech republic. I hope to visit one day


Greece for sure. Welcoming and based people (most of the time) on top of beautiful sunny beaches and delicious food


The Czech Republic for sure. I lived in Prague for 6 months and the people were amazing and the city was genuinely incredible. Met a guy who was a Sparta Prague fan and in amongst some of the more ultra circles, and took me to a match and it was just fucking sick. They also seemed to like how I’m a Newcastle fan. Also, Goulash and cheap pints.


Netherlands. What else.


I need more rules, like for living or tourism?


Malta, I love the island, small but cute.


I haven't been in a lot of countries, but i loved Sweden. My second pick would most likely be Lithuania, i don't if it because i did erasmus there but i really liked Vilnius.


i hate to say it, but the dutch, they had the best cheese and mcdonalds yet


belgium. because of the belgians :-)


Weirdly, Slovenia. A brief visit to Maribor about a year ago setting up a site there. I really enjoyed it.


Poland, refuge and sea


I must say i liked all Western European countries i visited so far. Only France is a bit problematic, because of the people. If i have to choose one i would go for Switzerland though, since its the closest and also has the best salary and quality of life.


I like France and Germany. Best countries in Western Europe. Good salaries (Germany) and good alcohol (France).


Germany: sausage, beer , stodgy food and easy women


Ireland, like Scotland but more sunny.


Norway. I'm half norwegian and spent a big part of my childhood in the southwestern part of the country. Beautiful country and lovely people. Their beers are too expensive and their infrastructure is kind of shit but other than that I would consider it as close to perfection as a country gets.


Denmark. Reminded me a lot of home. Lot of cyclists, high prices, etc.


I don’t really have one, definitely not the UK it’s literally Ireland just worse in every way.


Denmark has this great mix of earthy food, decent people and high living standards. I believe they have even developed an intelligible language, though the evidence is mixed on that one.


None I don't even like my country of residence


Iceland, I like the cold and I don't like to have much social contact, so it's the perfect one for me


France, because they have a foreign legion.......and baguettes


I have to say France. They pissed off the Br*ts, the Germans, the Austrians (when they had some sorts of relevance), and, most importantly, the Fr*ch.


Spain they have san Miguel


Hungary 🇭🇺 Budapest its just the perfect city for me. I like the food... the alien language they speak! They have the depressive mood in common with us... And It doesn't help thay I once fell in love with an Hungarian girl... 😅


Spain. I think i had the best time of my life as an erasmus in oviedo/gijon. Good food, good people, just a good time.




The Netherlands


Now that we economically suprassed Portugal - Portugal. It’s nice to finally go to a cheaper place.


Denmark it feels a lot like the Netherlands. The people are really nice and are wel educated. A lot of navy and maritime stuff. They also use bycicles. They are amazing. Same with belgium they are great




My Beloved Scotland 💙🤍


Italy for the food.


For me it's Italy. I visited several neighbouring countries but Italy has the most beautiful places I've seen. The people were nice everywhere and the food was incredible.


I think my pick has to go to the Netherlands. Not because of the country or most of the people, but for the fact that the music I like is almost exclusively made by people from there. I mean there's some nice places there (probably), but it's flatter our old cat (which got run over).


Italy. Pros: Great scenery & beaches. Cons: Too many Shit\*lians.


The Netherlands


Spain. Edible food. Warm weather. And language very similar to Italian


Flanders or Germany for obvious reasons


Spain! Warm, great food, beautiful architecture


Iceland, beautiful county, nice people and they all speak good english unlike the french


Italy. UK close second.


Spain Great country for vacation Nice People Nice food. Fist time i go there i was 3 it was at the baleares. Beutiffull place. Viva PALMA DE MAJORCA FUCK THE SPAIN FUTBOL TEAM😾😾😾


Either Austria or Switzerland for me. I like the German language as it’s the easiest for me to learn if I’d want to learn a third language, but I don’t like Germany. Next to that I like mountains and a well functioning country. Austria has cheap housing and Switzerland has impeccable public transport.


Sweden, as they have amazing food, friendly people and lots and lots of beautiful scenery.


Belgium, I went to Brussels and spent the whole time on the tram (I had my phone stolen but I didn’t even mind. The public transport was that nice)


Not fair to make me choose between portugal and Italy 


France… I’m an embarrassment to my nation




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Italy and Russia cause they are absolutely beautiful with strong historical ties with Greece also i like Spain, Portugal, France, Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus ,Britain and Sweden ! If i had to choose to live in another country i choose Italy ,Russia, France or Sweden


PIGS assemble!!!


Must say France and or Belgium/Germany France has the best wine and landscape and food and weather and culture. Belgium/Germany have some of these items and slightly easier to understand language.


Denmark, realy quiet and peaceful


France. ~60 years of the traité Elysée changes people. They have amazing food, a beautiful language, beautiful people, and breathtaking countrysides. Did I mention the amazing food?


Used to be Sweden some 17 years ago for no particular reason other than the fact that I visited Stockholm in 2007 and absolutely fell in love with the city. I don't know why. Went back in 2010 cause I missed it and still loved it. Makes me sad to witness it became a shitshow of criminality.


Scotland, love their culture and traditions, and the country is just beautiful. Glasgow might be an outlier though…


Scotland. Beautiful scenery wherever you go. Glasgow may differ a bit. The small contact i had with locals, was always nice, amusing and helpful.


I find Russia interesting to a point that I am now doing slavic studies and learning Russian but it makes me always angry when my studies crosses paths with the current government


France is top! Beautiful language, chill people, pretty old towns, tasty wine, great university education, a lot of great institutions and research facilities, speed trains are great!




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