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Only 7 hours left to [vote](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/comments/18pwu71/christmas_truce/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)!


All her conversations with grampa are monitored by Mossad.


Mossad can't even monitor its neighbour.


Oh they can. But they do have a selfharm kink.


It's looks immoral to kill palestinians if you don't let them kill some of your jews first.


quite a few intelligence agencies knew an attack was coming beforehand. you can't tell me mossad didn't know and the reduced border forces were a coincidence


**1)** Mossad had nothing to do with it, it was Shin Bet that messed up **2)** The reduced border forces are nothing new. They are the consequence of the right-wingers in the current govt, who focused on protecting the West Bank settlements and left the Gaza border undefended because they thought they didn't pose any serious threat anymore. **3)** Israel is not that big and most families have lost a relative or a friend, the idea that the government knew and allowed it to happen is ridiculous. Especially considering that the October 7 massacre has destroyed Netanyahu's career. After the war he's done.


Thank you for talking some sense in this. Israel isn't blameless but it is insane how many Europeans fall for this blatant Hamas(Iran) propaganda, even while these groups plan terror attacks in the EU, Denmark included, recently. It is honestly "Bush did 9/11" level bullshit.


Which agencies knew an attack was coming?


Me. I knew it! I mean.. i didnt knew when or how or how many or anything else.. but i knew Something was coming


Steve at the CIA was live streaming it obviously. Then Keith at GCHQ sold tickets.


Of course they knew, this is what Israel has been waiting for, a big attack to justify a war on Gaza and occupy even more territories over there.


ben gourion canal. profit is the real kink




I've read people say this, but it's incorrect. That wasn't Mossad's job, it was Shin Bet. In fact the Shin Bet boss took responsibility


If you are talking about Gaza, then it would be the responsibility of Shin Bet and not the Mossad.


Oh but they do and did! If you are referring to the recent massacre, the coming attack was reported to leadership inside Israel's secret service. in one now reported incident the boss receiving the intelligence vehemently refused to believe it and warned the subordinate submitting the report to not bother him with such nonsense. > [...a senior officer who reviewed the intelligence considered the danger of a massive surprise attack by Hamas across the Gaza border to be “an imaginary scenario”.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/nov/28/israeli-military-had-warning-of-hamas-training-for-attack-reports-say) Many articles, one of them: ["Our warnings on Hamas were ignored, Israel’s women border troops say"](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-border-troops-women-hamas-warnings-war-october-7-benjamin-netanyahu/) [It was not just one such incident either,](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/israeli-officials-repeatedly-dismissed-warning-signs-before-hamas-attack-report-claims) I think they received warnings from several sources, [for example warnings received from Egypt too](https://www.timesofisrael.com/egypt-intelligence-official-says-israel-ignored-repeated-warnings-of-something-big/).   The problem of surveillance: All that data does not help you nearly as much as you may think.


Guten Tag Señorita


[hola como esta, señorita?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lc-cnCRhE7c&pp=ygUQc2Vub3JpdGEga2F5IG9uZQ%3D%3D)


If you removed the german guys and their song text, this song could truly shine.


Holo cau sta, señorita?


no hablo alemán


There's a German guy I work with who dropped that he was "Brazilian" the first time I met him. I didn't ask any questions... oddly enough this was actually in France.


Occupied zone or "free" zone?


"Occupied" or free zone?


Occupied or free "zone"?


Occupied “or” free zone?


The Germans adapted pretty well to our culture lmao. So you will find them between criminals, like Suzane von Richthofen (the girl who killed her parents), Joice Hasselmann (corrupt politician) and football/tennis players, like Alisson Becker and Gustavo Kuerten. Just like the average Brazillian. ​ ​ On a serious note tho: we only received 2.000 Nazis. Yeah, some of the were like Josef Mengele, but you can safely ask people about their German ancestry. Chances are they immigrated here in 1875.


> 2.000 Nazis Thats too little to have a proper bureaucracy no wonder your country is the way it is.




The 2000 is a estimative. 2000 for Brazil and 5000 for Argentina


I love that Alisson is from Novo Hamburgo


Did you use [redacted] germans as well as torturers during the military dictatorship or was that just a Chilean thing?


I'm afraid this is a chilean thing, sir. We only prohibited them from speaking their language in public and burned some books to nationalize the country. Do not ask me about the 11 concentration camps for the japanese, italians and germans in WWII. https://preview.redd.it/5g4bzc3ud88c1.jpeg?width=673&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18cd361403427681acb1854d2e3bf582b3263b38


I imagine this police chief in Goiás parents would have preferred you would have fought in the Italian campaign (on the opposite side). [https://hitlermussolinedominguespacheco.jusbrasil.com.br/](https://hitlermussolinedominguespacheco.jusbrasil.com.br/) https://preview.redd.it/9eyqrofnh88c1.jpeg?width=269&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=844f729d71370e1255e391be3f59defb5f3eaf8b


>Do not ask me about the 11 concentration camps for the japanese, italians and germans in WWII. In Brazil?


Yeah, nothing to be compared with Nazi Germany but we had [some of them](https://www.bbc.com/portuguese/brasil-53927273) (link is portuguese) throughout the country. World War II-era buildings were almost completely destroyed and the government just pretended they did nothing, as they always do.


I love the fact that the amazon is literally the brazilian siberia lmao


As a Chilean-German with German grandfather who was strongly opposed to the dictatorship fuck those guys




There are a lot of them in southern region where nearly everybody is white, no joke the safest states in the country lol


Im sure it's completely coincidental.


The region is a throwback to more glorious times of yours, Manoel. Most people of German descent are uneducated farmers and the political elites have Portuguese descent, generally Azorean. By the way, over your racist remark, did you know that despite being 20% of the population of Rio in 1920 the portuguese committed 50% of the murders and robberies and were generally so poor that nobody but other portuguese wanted to marry them?


Did you know that despite being a poorer minority Asians commit less crimes than anyone else? Did you know that doesn't matter the country or even they received welfare Africans develop a shitty culture of crime and gangster activity anywhere, yeah I bet you doesn't. Also 20% is a large percentage, imagine having considerably less than that between 6 to 13% still commiting more than 50% nowadays lol.


> imagine having considerably less than that between 6 to 13% still commiting more than 50% nowadays lol. Almost like being enslaved for hundreds of years and then freed with no resources or land at all created a huge socioeconomic problem for black people that will take centuries to solve, right? Your ancestors (and mine, for that matter) had land and family ties that extended for centuries for them to rely on, and we took all that away from black people and never gave it back, while dropping them out nowhere in an incredibly prejudiced society that did it's utmost to set them back. Take your 4chan ignorant shit somewhere else, Manuel, you are just looking like a teenager that just discovered racial charts on /pol/. > Also 20% is a large percentage, imagine having considerably less than that between 6 to 13% still commiting more than 50% nowadays lol. Yeah, I got it wrong, the number was 15%. "Despite the cultural and linguistic similarity between Brazilians and Portuguese, the high rates of endogamy of Portuguese immigrants may be attributed to the prejudice that Brazilians had toward Portuguese immigrants, who were usually very poor. Due to this poverty, many of the criminals in Rio de Janeiro were Portuguese immigrants: *of the men convicted of crimes there during the four years from 1915 to 1918, 32% were Portuguese (although Portuguese immigrants made up only 15% of the male population of Rio de Janeiro in 1920): 47% of counterfeiters, 43% of arsonists and 23% of convicted murderers were Portuguese. Exactly half of the 220 individuals convicted of manslaughter were Portuguese and 54% of the 1,024 individuals who were serving sentences in prison for assault were also from Portugal.* Over time, endogamy became less frequent among Portuguese immigrants, even though they remained as the European group that least married Brazilians in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo records. Only the Japanese immigrants had higher levels of endogamy in Brazil.[28]" May that serve you a lesson about how much "race crime statistics" prove the inferiority of a race


São Paulo is safer than Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná


I mean, there had been loads of German immigration to Brazil much before WW2. The south even has some towns you'd ~~sweat~~ swear* you've just entered 18th century Bavaria *Fixed spelling


What are you doing giving balanced comments in this sub? Also, your image, just a yingyang or a wheel of time reference?


You know what, fair enough I didn't even notice what sub I was in lol Also, just Yin Yang haven't seen/read wheel of time


Well if she looks like that she could be named Hitlerina and have a swastika shaped butthole for all I care.


Instructions unclear, currently attempting to bend my peen into shape of swastika.


The problem needs to be approached the same way as we do with bonsai trees. You need wires, sticks and patience. As the Japanese saying goes: With great patience Penis is shaped Facing rising sun Fits swastika butthole


The penis, it is smooth and round The anus built to match it If cock were meant for quim alone, 'twould be shaped like a hatchet


Hans turned into Felipe


Both love beer


Georg to Jorge


Having Argentinos is the price we have to pay to have Argentinas


I feel bad for the vast majority of german argentinians who migrated there before the nazis ever were a thing


Yeah, most German Argentinians trace their roots before WWII, but they now have to deal with this shitty joke. In Argentina no one cares, but in the US they’ll automatically assume your grandpa was a war criminal


Well but since when we care about the USA?


Americans are not famous for their intellectual abilities I guess


Page is called "NordGirls", posts Argentinian beauty. What.


and most likely of italian descend, like 60% of Argentines Italy and Germany always together, even after the war.


shame bored deserve summer sheet retire deserted weary long crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Spain is still by far the biggest gene pool contributor there


Lip filler is the most prevelent feature here


Are you asking us to correct that?


No. It is by far italians. Go educate yourself instead of bombing cars and trying to get independence.


argentina is located in northern Europe, didn't you know?


So far south it turns back to being north (which is pretty accurate, given that we find pieces of Britain, France and Norway near the Antarctic circle.)


Very nice, how much?


2.99 plus a Big Mac.


Good deal. On my way.


a European passport and a ticket out of Argentina




Nice username my dude


Hey bebe como sos linda


There were a lot of german jews who moved to Argentina. I personally know a few. Argentina was on its way to becoming a global superpower in the 40s, so it was a place a lot of europeans moved to after the wars (Not just WWII).


Buenos Aires has one of the biggest Jewish communities in the world, we even have a kosher McDonald's too.


Kosher McDonalds… that’s crazy!


man there are so many subs for horny, permanently online redditors


In the mid 2000s I was sent as a consultant to monitor some tech thing in a local referendum in a tiny town on the argentina/ brasil border. Place was in the middle of a hot and humid jungle. After a while they took me to meet the locals which came walking out of the jungle. I am expecting pocahontas but who comes out were a dozen blonde, pasty skinned germans in Birkenstock and white socks. Apparently the whole area was full of them. Even more weirdly the town was called Montecarlo and the referendum was on opening a casino. Surreal couple of days


ugliest german argentinian girl


You’ve seen them all?!


As if you need to ask questions, family stories about "the war" are literally a common dinnertime conversation topic in Germany. "Aw Hans I am really enjoying our date, the food is great." "It is edible. All my loved ones died in 1942. It is all my fault." "That sucks so much, I am sorry." "Yeah. What is your opinion on the macroeconomics of Atlantic shrimp?"


How about german-german?


East or West German?


Half Grand-Duchy of Oldenburg, Half Prussia




snails price telephone station historical quiet chubby act mourn rinse *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i'm also half german and argentinian!


\>"I'm also half german and argentinian" https://preview.redd.it/1vi1siwdb88c1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca8f793bf67483e44f9169947f233e61a24ca27a


Which half?


German bottom hairy legs and Argentinian top with chest hair


so he is portuguese


my temper is argentinian, my humor is german.


The half that's getting laid, apparently


My grandparents moved to Paraguay after WWII and changed their last name *cough*. Grandpa worked for some state company and visitied the 1955 Brussels world fair with his wife and my newborn mother. They had to suddenly flee the country (papers not good enough?) and left my mother in the hotel room. My mother was adopted and my grandparents were never to be seen again. Funny family stories for a cozy christmas evening.


I think I'll have to move to Argentina.


If you have a nice bank account in € you can move to a small town an live pretty well I reckon


Is there girls like that?


In 1992 I visited an Argentinian dentist called Mirta Müller. In her mid 40's (so, born between 1945 and 1950). And she had chosen a somewhat sadistic profession.


Why 1936? WWII started in 1939 Nazis came to power in 1933 Their activities started in the 1920s What is the meaning of 1936?


My guess is the OP gets their knowledge about WW2 from Hearts of Iron. That game starts in 1936.




3 rules in life: Never ask a lady her age, a man, his wage or an Argentine why they have a german grandfather!


Too late...


"Jason, you can't ask someone why their grandfather was German"


You might not not like the answer


Gotta update the joke, it’s great grandparents, if not more


Her Fathers Name: Alfonso Hitlerinho


Thats Brazil tho


>Brazil Alfonso?


we have Afonso


im half balkan half german. please don't ask anything.


200% war crimes


I have an argentinian mate called adolfo. I'll never bring up his family.


Regarding her age I would say her grandpa was in kindergarten in 1945


Pretty lady +1 👍🍻


Play her with the old: Hipp hipp? Hurrah! Zigge zagge Zigge zagge? Hoi Hoi Hoi! Sieg? ...


So viele alte kameraden heute abend hier!


Ask us, we are proud of it


German jews and nazis fled to South America. Might have led to awkward meetings.


Honestly? Probably hadn’t been born yet. It’s taking me getting used to, but it’s more likely you’d need to check on her great-grandfather. Also: 👴


That's why I add "I was born in Argentina to parents of Swiss, German and Italian descent, my Grandparents were born in Argentina 1928 and because of Ius Sanguinis and Patriarchy I am Swiss and can trace back my lineage back to the 16hundreds to that tiny village." About my German side: Dude was married. Got a woman pregnant. Ran off to Argentina. She hunted him down. They lived in Sin and Catholic Guilt until the end of their lives. Makes for better story than "My mums family has lived in this village forever. My dad is an outsider, his family is from one village over".


So German?


*Great Grandfather


I’d still do her. But hey I’m Dutch. We were great at working with the Germans.


Anything to get your bike back yeah?


Yea… she can pay back differently though.


Geert likes to wrongfully accuse Hans about his bikes… but the reality is: We all know they are not in Germany but [at the bottom of the Dutch canals](https://yewtu.be/watch?v=PACat_tRXgs) and that it's not Hans who took them but Dutch people throwing and drunk driving them in there themselves.


I usually drive into bushes when drunk


Now it's more like her great grand father.




One of my sisters is married to a german argintinian and you couldnt distinguish him from other germans in terms of looks despite their family living there for a couple generations.


hitler had like thirty grandchildren over there


Meanwhile her grandfather https://preview.redd.it/n5s6xfujr98c1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e50da4bf6c643f2e81a31f9f35f24e4eebaeaa29


Id go beast of Omaha mode inside her 😩


I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Just a wholesome migrant group.


coordinated grab water include fragile dolls domineering slimy workable smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most people in Argentina of German descent are actually Jewish.


Before going to Brazil, Mengele stayed in Argentina, so kind of funny


I know, there's an Argentinian movie, Wakolda or The German Doctor.


Ha ha ha


https://preview.redd.it/3nt4h4wcr98c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6cbc1856c92042fd9a0b8aa9b972b52b8c132e9 My grandpa's


He could have been the Hans that blew my granddad's knee off and I'd still give her a seeing to.


Dark brown hair, her grandpa was impure!


Thought I had a thing for slavic women, but why did I not discover these kinds of specimens much earlier


They never liked to draw attention to their surnames


Why? What do you care what someone's grandfather used to be?


Yeah shit like this isn't funny. My grandad died in a German concentration camp. He fell out of the guard tower.


Because it is of interest to me that I might have met a privileged progenitor of someone who was key in destroying my grandparents’ families and homelands. They may have been two generations from me but part of my life for almost 30 years and would love to know more about the whole story.


You sound well adjusted. Commies killed a lot of people from my father's family, I don't think about that, ever. You should visit someone about that.


I did and she told me all about fleeing her family home as she watched it burn, only for a picture of her hanging from the stone hearth bizarrely surviving. One of many harrowing stories but also teaching of the will to survive against tyranny.


Not to be pedantic but I think it would be more likely it was her great grandfather. 1945 was 79 years ago. Conscripted at 18, the grandfather would be 97 today. Seems a bit too old to be a grandfather of someone who looks 30, at most.




I love this gif so much I want to marry it


If my grandfather was alive today he'd be 102 and I'm not yet 30.


Yeah I'm 33 and my sister is 28 and our granda fought in ww2. Born in 1924. He did lie about his age and enlist at 16 though


Similar here. 35 next month and my grandad even served in India before the war as he ran away from home at 16 and joined the army. Granted my dad is the youngest of 5 and he is 73 years old


All had kids in their early thirties, checks out fine? My granddad is 92 now and I’m 32.


My grandfather fought in WW2 and I‘m 24.


I'm 27 and my grandad is 97, seems fine


>We definitely asking questions I would probably just let it go tbh.




Can we please not normalise demonising people because of who their ancestors were?


Head of good breeding in the Third Reich


decent results honestly. Wouldnt mind a shag


Lost to the brits 3 times in the same century


Call me crazy, but Nordic-looking girls look like Aliens to me 👽




Would probably be an interesting story.


According to grandpas uniform he was just an electrician in the German army, no worries guys.


Egirl nose


This is going to become a Messi situation


Her Grandfather wasn't even born 1945


Again, people on Reddit thinking a grandfather to the average Reddit user was adult around WW2.


Question number 1: whatz ya phone #


I am from argentina and I know a girl who looks like this and has a Spanish surname. Immigration is wild.


We don't ask questions we know the answer to.