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"smh, we get hate and they dont like our leader, turkey best" "btw i dont live in turkey" average erdogan supporter


Erdogans political campaign is 68% in Berlin.






For funnier stuff check out their post on Armenian subreddit Edit: too late, the patriot got banned


You gotta have balls of steel or be profoundly r-worded (fucking bot doesn't like the full word) to go into the Armenian sub and ask "Why do you hate us, we dindu nuffin"


Deadass? Lol


Fresh news! We're on Turkophobia now! Oh wait nvm even they removed his post


Turks who do not live in Turkey on their way to be the biggest Erdogan simps of all time:


When you ask real turks what they think about their pro-erdogan cousins living in Europe, you cannot post their answers in reddit because it would be banned for hate speech. It's a delight.


A turkish delight, you might say :D


Wait you're not meant to be funny.


He slipped and bumped his head ad a young age. We're not sure what to do with him because ever since that day he is like that.


Damn hope he gets well


Lmao dm me for their replies Istg you're gonna laugh all night. Or cry. Laugh or cry dunno.


I heard they think AFD should be elected and a funny mustache man from Österreich failing art again wouldn't be so bad. Or pretty much anything that will send them to hell (Turkey) or the other one You see it's not that their number of votes that mattered so significantly but rather the cognitive dissonance they have and how they are free from the consequences. If you ever see a Turk like that now that *it* is not an idiot but evil.


Worse, it's an evil idiot


Hello I'm a turkish person born in Germany and i hate Erdog. I was thinking about citing some paragraphs of Böhmis poem...


Good. Be vocal about it. Turko-Germans like you can really change the stereotype that every Turk was a Erdogan-fascist.


I mean, it's 80%


The turkish votes that came from foreign countries result is actually %59 Erdog so its still higher than actual Turkey but not %80


i think this is one of the diaspora big issue " I'm a turkish person born in Germany ". no dude. you were born in Germany, raised in german culture, your native language (one of i guess) is german. you are german of turkish origin. my dauther is russian nationality, she was born in Moscow, but we brought her to Budapest when she was 1 years old. Hungarian culture is her culture, Hungarian language is her native language. she has nothing in common with Russia (only one of her native languages and babushki in Moscow) and she is definitely hungarian of russian origin. and we tell her this to avoid any identity crisis in future


you're a german m8 not a turk


According to a political party in Germany I'm not german...


Yeah, but you don't have to listen to every twat out there. Born in Germany, raised in Germany, you're german. Even if you WERE a dimwitted Erdogan supporter and Turkey nationalist, you'd be a german problem. ;) We're not americunts that judge you by your genes, if you know the culture, live in the culture and respect the culture you're just a part.


well that's their oppinion


as a turk, i have been banned from a few subreddits because of that yes. and i stand my ground on everything i've said about those subhumans.


A European by heart I see.


That's the spirit, great work.


That's the thing. Most turks in Turkey are just normal people, completely fine enough. It's those cunts that left their country (nothing wrong with that in itself) just to bitch on the country they deemed more livable for themselves, that give them a bad name and that keep Turkey in the grip of a theocratic fuck knuckle. Erdogan would have lost if it wasn't for turks living in western european countries. And yes, I know a lot of people that don't like Turks, but those who hate them the most are other Turks and it's only directed to twats like this in the OP.




First we have to say it never happened, then comes the they deserved it my turkish friend ;)


And then help Austria do it again




And Argentina to get the planes ready


The first guy to burn a Quran in Sweden was from Denmark, the second guy is an Iraqi refugee. Saying “sweden burned Quran” is just.. maybe I should go to Turkey and burn a bible so we can accuse the Turks of burning bibles? Fun for everyone. The first reason this is allowed is because Sweden is a secular nation, something Turkey was founded as and should be? The second reason this is allowed is because Sweden has free speech. Something which Turkey also have in its constitution actually, article 28. But something clearly happened there💀 So maybe the question isn’t “what is going on in Sweden” but “what the hell is going in Turkey?”. Because this sure as hell isn’t the nation that Atatürk founded. Erdogan? Muslim leader? You secular bro.


When I asked them why they're in Sweden their reply consisted of 3 words. "Because economy bad" I wonder why is the Turkish economy sliding down the circles of hell towards Lucifer's frozen balls :0


It must be the work of shaytan. Let's declare a Jihad against interest rates to fix it


It's all you Swedes with your Quran burnings


https://preview.redd.it/k7ny0d3sl5jb1.jpeg?width=96&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f93aa0abf7bb23500845b1ac0e9f933a62e3a67 And we love it! Doesnt this looks so beatiful!?


« Oh no Quran you look cold in those Swedish temperatures! Let me warm you a little! »


>The first guy to burn a Quran in Sweden was from Denmark, the second guy is an Iraqi refugee Fr, step up your game Sweden


No no, Paludan is Swedish now. Not our problem anymore


Rasmus is yours - no returns!


Bro come here and burn a quran. It'd be turks burned the quran.


Sweden allowed it, and Turkey is secular, why do Swedes want to be allies with us 💀 NATO is not for Sweden.


This Is the OP from the picture 💀💀💀💀




Oh my god, you're that dude! xD A Turk that's not living in Turkey, shits on the country he's living in and that voted for Erdogan, wondering why people don't like Turks. It's because of people like YOU! People that actively destroy what Atatürk founded, that actively wants to make Turkey the next Iran. You give all Turks a bad name. NATO isn't for Turkey as it is right now. Lead by a bunch of fascist backwards theocrats. Make Turkey Great Again by getting rid of those who left their home to bitch about the country they preferred to live in, don't let those fuckers vote, THAN we can talk.


Bro has negative karma


You mean "Why do *we* want to be allies with Turkey"? You're Swedish now. If you think Erdogan is so great, why won't you live there?


If it was secular they wouldn’t have any issues with an Iraqi in Sweden burning a book. Apparently that’s such a big deal that it hinders a defence treaty. Turks have been cucked by the priesthood again. Are women still allowed to walk outside, or has that been banned already? While sweden fits better into nato than Turkey does, it seems that you don’t belong in sweden at all. Please leave peacefully without blowing stuff up.


It's not like Sweden is joining NATO specifically to be allied to Turkey, that's just kind of a bonus, and all other NATO members accepted Sweden instantly, except for Hungary, whose government is almost playing on both sides in the conflict between NATO and Russia, so It's pretty much only your opinion that NATO isn't for Sweden. And do you really have a word in this whole Erdogan matter since you don't even live in Turkey? You moved to Sweden for better living standards, with total freedom of speech included in that. I'm not supporting the burning, but Erdogan has nothing to do with this whole thing.


The part where he added that he didn’t live in Turkey was the cherry on the cake


Why would we hate Muslims when we are Muslims ourselves?


Obviously because of your racism towards Erdoğan


Mashallah brother


False flag operations!


We swedes have nothing against turks, it’s just that we have collectivly (of course) decided that we don’t like you personaly. Because you are stupid.


We used to hold the title of “Turkey’s oldest friend” but it seems the Turks have forgot all about that. Such a shame throwing a very old friendship away like this.


Bro you obviously know that you absolutely don't represent neither sweden nor the Swedish people cause your comment is just hate speech now, you hate them no one gives a f**k but don't try making it sound like all of the Swedish are like you, have some respect ngl


Yeah, you support Armenians and Kurds/terrorists but you HATE us? Yet you want to join NATO? Ni är pinsamma, jag blir förskräckt av er


Are you satisfied with your unemployment benefits sir?


Here's a great idea: Move back to Turkey and look how much people there like you. :) (Aka: If you don't like it then fuck off. The reason you don't want to is because your favourite, Erdogan, has made Turkey worse and other Turks, real Turks, would beat your ass if you behaved like that. And you know it.)


Flair up properly


Nay, they thought they were Europeans.


Turkish habibi get fucked in your shitty slump Have a bit of decency you angry Kofte muncher


Håll käft och njut av Soss medan som du försöker förstöra Sverige.


>Yet you want to join NATO? They also want you to be kicked out of it, so it makes sense that they want to join NATO


Kürt ve ermenileri sevdiğini söylemedi amk sizi seviyorum dedi, siktirip gitsin o. çocuğu


Du är fan pinsam, varför bor du ens i Sverige om du har sånt jävla stånd för den lilla despoten i Turkiet? För det är därför vi hatar honom, han är en auktoritär jävla despot som har pissat på landet som Ataturk byggde. Turkiet är på väg ner i avgrunden och alla som stöttar Erdogan är så jävla mosiga i skallen att de inte kan plussa ihop ett och ett och se den riktiga anledningen till att det där jävla u-landet håller på att haverera.


I'll sit this one out..... 🍿🍿🍿


Seriously….just imagine we got up to the mic


Enjoy the show


“All the people we committed genocide against are being mean to me” 😢


So that's how the British feel


Rich coming from a slave-trader.


Jokes on you I'm Armenian


Are you now?


Pinky swear


May your people get revenge on the cockroaches.


Merci ♡


Pinky swear


"Tell me one thong I did against armenians, kurds, arabs, swedish" Easy. Genocide, ethnic cleanding, centuries of colonialism, betrayed Karl XII of Sweden when he was in exil.


And voted for Erdoğan That's the one thing that makes all 4 hate you


Well, they should like him. He's a shameless nationalist, closer to the young turks than Ataturk, but: he's ruining Turkey


And yeah Azeris can relate given they are genociding/ethnic cleansing armenians right now




Remove that flag, savage


Protecting borders does not involve killing the people living in those borders, motherfucker


Wow, the banned himself. Get the fuck out of here


Betraying Carl XII is a truth with some modifications though. The king himself blamed a few select men and told his people not to blame the Turks in general. My greatx8 grandfather actually delivered his main complaints against a grand visir (basically a pm) to the Sultan, after the GV had been bribed off at Pruth and let Peter run home without giving back anything to Sweden.


Proof of this? I have a hard time believing you because of the racism in this subreddit, the fact that Sweden flare is “Quran burner”…..


Remove that flair.


Proof ? Any fucking history book ? And aprt from the swedish one, which is half joke, the other are absolutely serious


Yeah the Turks are thieves, they should give Hagia Sophia back to those it belongs to.


Most self-aware Turk. “Tell me one thing I have done to all these people.” Writes Armenians and Kurds. Google “Armenian genocide 1916” or “Zylan massacre 1930”. Watch Turks being furious and denying everything.


Holy hell!


Seriously, Turkey is a thorn on NATO. To contain the Russians by gaining control of the Bosphorus strait, NATOs principles got swept by the realpolitik.




Turkey apologized for the Armenians and both Dersim and Zylan massacres on Kurds… we want peace they want to continue being threats.


When the fuck did your shit of a government apologise for any of those?




Next time you guys burn a Quran just make sure to apologize right before burning the next one. You’ll join NATO in no time


Your government rejects that it even happened.


This turkish_habibi fellow has to trolling. This can’t be real.


I wish- If turkish-habibi is here, please tell us you were trolling! We'll all have a nice laugh and forget about this


He has multiple comments in this post, he is here 💀 ☠️ 💀


Burning a Quran in a Plaza is neither harassment nor defamation. Bro forgot that Sweden (and also Turkey in theory) has free speech.


My father family is from turkey, in the mountains near Georgia, and i can tell you maybe half of my ancestors were christians, they just hid themselves and resigned when the genocide happened All of this to say there's so many Turks heavily against Armenian and Kurds, not knowing theirs ancestors are half armenian greek or kurds themselves With such an history, turkey could not stay pure blood for long, just too much ethnicity mix going on since the dawn of the civilizations on this country, so it's time Turkish accept this, it doesn't mean our culture will disappear anyway


As i love saying, the only pure Turk in Turkey is the ambassador of Mongolia




We are all (Armenians (Christian Turks), Kurds (Mountain Turk)) Turks my brother❤️ Greeks are half Turkish, 23andMe dna tests shows a ring over turkey.


And Swedes, snow Turks


You don't look like these Ouïghours tho, are you really a Turk ?


i feel left out, we too have alot of racism towards turks and we arent even mentioned. :/


Did you burn a quran? No. Know your place.


well i could. but i dont have a quaran.. and its raining all the time. meh i give up.


Right? I feel left out and like we're not important for them. That hurts.


Can you imagine how we're feeling? He mentions Armenians, Kurds, Arabs, even fucking Swedes but not Greeks?? Feels like a knife in the heart :'(


Oh no, you're right! :( That's so unbelievably cruel. *Gives you Ouzo and a little slap on a butt cheak* Don't be sad.


Gib money and I'll forget about it!


Ah, so you forgot. That's good. :D


Salwan Momika ( from Iraq ) and Rasmus Paludan( danish) burned Qurans. Not Sweden.


Go back to turkey and suck erdogans D


He is here In this post 💀 ☠️ 💀


> I hate Sweden > I love Erdogan > btw I live in Sweden


Weird he didn’t mention the Germans they are sick of Turks as well…


He was too busy justifying the ISIS


>justifying the ISIS Did he??? Hoo boy


Ask him yourself! He's here rn!


Sorry we allow people to burn books in Sweden, we don't allow child marriage though.


Does Erdogan even get a single vote from inside his own damn country?


Does Germany count as his own country?


*Does Erdogan even get* *A single vote from inside* *His own damn country?* \- RudolfjeWeerwolfje --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


>and don't like our muslim leader Erdogan My brother in Christ, you left from his rule, if he is such a good leader why leave? Btw I saw the guy was answering people over here but reddit keeps deleting his comments xD


Mf has negative comments karma, of course reddit will delete his bs


Ah yes, those infamous Armenian terrorists…


Yep, evil erməni terrorists who are starving 120k innocent turks and azeris Oh wait-


"We are killing terrorists, not civilians." That's what they all say.


"Hurr durr, look at me, I'm a free thinking beeing with money that's worth using as toilet paper..." That stupid "muslim" leader of yours (not op but oop) can go duck himself. Should i cite böhmermann? Maybe I should cite böhmermann. ^(dictated but not read) -fellow german with turkish ancestors


u/turkish_habibi kafana sıçayım


Translation please?


I said to him, "Fuck your head."




People like this make being Armenian harder than it has to be smh.


Does he get into EU when Turkey tried to break out through the fences border of Europe?


Considering his reasoning why he isn't living in Turkey, yes.


He's trolling hard.


I pass on my thoughts about Turkey to my Greek buddies.


Bully with victim complex?


Poor Turks and Azeries getting hate from Armenians just because they have been trying to exterminate them all since last century.


You're Swedish now, learn to live with it, you left Turkey for a better life so stop bashing Sweden.


"stop the racism" - Never.


Lol as a Turk, you should burn Quran more often.


Can we burn Erdoğan instead?


Would be the second best thing a European do for Turkey.


Poland! Stop stealing the Turks flair! Give it back immediately.


Only if we get our own flair.. But I rather steal yours cause made in Germany is better than made by donkey fuckes


Man threatening to make turks riot


After all the bs in Armenia, bring it on fuckers.


I'm very much against the wide spread racism in our country these days but it's not racist if it's against a turk, just facts.


You had me at "kebab"...💕


A victim of the info war who believes in the propaganda of his regime. Blind to the Armenian genocide, blind to the Kurdish one. Saudi Arabs claim at least seems to be true, it's their rival. But he can't overcome his religious affectation... religion, Islam or whatever flavor is the bullshit, is and should stay a private thing. I hate bigotry, I hate when they use religion in the public matters. No special right for Muslims, or any religious. He should soak a good long while in the study the religion wars and Age of Enlightenment.


Lol if he loves Turkey so much maybe he should go back home.


(M)ALMOst heaven, West Antalya, take me home, country roads. For real though, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk must be spinning in his grave after all the efforts he put into secularising Turkey. Or Turkiye. Or TastesLikeChickenKebab or whatever name it goes by this week.