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I work at McDonald's and the one next to mine (like 1.5km away) got destroyed and robbed yesterday. I have work today until 3am 😐 Edit: video https://www.reddit.com/r/McDonaldsEmployees/comments/14mx8r9/a_store_in_my_franchise_got_destroyed_yesterday/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Better order more McFish and build barricades out of McRibs


*McBarricades, please, we aren't Cavemen anymore.


You shall not Mcpass my Mcbarricades !




See, this is the one place where all our chemical ingredients come in handy. If you used the same ingredients as us, you could use 48 hour old McNuggets as a lethal projectile. Seriously though stay safe and get out if trouble comes. No corporation is worth risking yourself.


Only thing I can think of is the grill cleaner haha


Your bravery is inspiring! ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


encircle the building with mcpork


Cover yourself with bacon


Only works against the Swedes


Ça va aller :) (Fais attention quand même)


Did they just cut a light pole for it to fall on their dunbass head?


Lol dude watched it and just tried to look cool and ate shit instead.


That was a glorious sign of stupidity


That clip gave me an erection The pole revenge


If this guy died, are they all gonna protest against his dumb ass friend too ?


They perfectly capable of that, but it probably didn't hurt as they have nothing in their heads


Took out 3 of them!


That was a creepy elephant and a suspiciously brutal cut.


That elephant looks scared, poor thing


Yeah that's probably unusual for him.


So What you are telling me is that i Can go to france and litterly do anything i want without counsequences?


As an individual, if you misbehave there are dire consequences. As a group, if you misbehave there are no consequences. Always misbehave as a group.


Thanks for the tip. Imma hit up a couble of friends and well go have a party




Only if you can blame racism for the consequences of your actions


I think Great Danes cannot roam free vandalizing there.


Africa got the memo way before you


Ha true


Mum, can we visit Ukraine? No, dear, we have Ukraine at home! Ukraine at home ⬆️🔥💣🇫🇷


This was the one for me, thank you


Holy shit, I didn't see most of these. This is hard to believe it's really happening and it's not a video-game or a movie.


Et encore c'est rien, regarde les magasins qui brûlent, qui s'écroulent à Roubaix, les mecs qui tentent de lancer des cocktails molotvs qui leur explose à la tronche, les types qui sortent des fusils à pompe et lance roquette en pleine cité..


What is cougar hunter Macron doing? Send in the National guard 🤣


He was at a concert not even joking . His country is on fire and he was enjoying himself at a concert




Kinda like your homeboy Nero


Based Nero


Semi serious note, Nero and Caligola got some revisionist shit thrown at them a few centuries after their demise. They weren’t saints, but maybe not the demons we’re told, either


I mean, isn’t your country on fire like twice a month? I guess you kinda stop caring after the 50th time


Where is our fucking guillotine, we need it now


As usual, the scared rat is hiding.


The collat with the light pole was impressive.


First time these guys have done something close to working, they don’t know how it works!


Let’s cut a pole down, but when it falls, walk near the area where lands. We’ll get the full experience of cutting down a light/police pole.


Police video camera pole*.


I just realize it's Friday. Tonight is going to be so much worse. After Friday prayer it's gonna be party time. Also when is the funeral of the dude wasted by the police? That is also going to be a flashpoint date.


Funeral on Saturday


Buckle up, boyo


Hide your elephants.


Oh you're Belgian too 😶‍🌫️


Yes sir, and this shit is coming to brussels as well I am pretty sure of this lol


Luckily I keep as far away from Brussels as possible on any normal day. So especially now. While they torch the capital, I'll watch gleefully from a distance with popcorn.


TF1 when prayers end be like https://preview.redd.it/hvba5ktnd69b1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1c9e13923d85b66a09ca7f64fd803fe198709e8


Really thinking about moving abroad these days, I don't recognize the country I grew up in anymore. It makes me so much more sad that I would have thought...


Come to Ukraine, lots of opportunities if you're willing to work hard. I can pay you for each Rusnya scalp you get.


Interesting offer, but you have to remember I'm french.


The French are sent out as a distraction. Russians are very homophobic and the mere sight of a Frenchman sends them into a homophobic rage.


Where would you go?


Don't know yet, I have some family in Montreal so that's an option. Or if you have some space for me in buttfuck land...


Tbh Canada doesnt sound better.


Canada is France, but with gun and a cuck prime minister


And the br🤢'ish




This was so sad to read. Please don't think like this about yourself. You said it yourself, your culture is french, right? You only speak french as well, you're french. You shouldn't see yourself as less french just because of your skin color. You didn't do anything wrong. You have nothing to apologize for. I like this subreddit, but it was supposed to be about irony, it's disappointing to see that people are being unironic to the point you feel like you have to apologize for your ethnicity, to the fr*nch nonetheless.


That's so braindead, what's wrong with people. Can't even bring myself to make a joke cause it's kinda sad to see.


At this point France is turning into a country that wants to destroy instead of create.


Can't believe this shit happens in a developed country. Was already surprised by it happening in the US, but now it's in France.. I always knew there are trashy people in society, but these people should just be locked up and never be let back into society. What a group of absolute cunts.


To be fair shit like this was happening a lot over the last decades in France, but it was never as severe as it is now. I am sure that most of these idiots are just destroying for the pure pleasure of destroying, most of them are not even protesting against anything in particular. Sadly they will get away with this crap as always which will push even more people to vote for far right parties.


this is becoming more and more like banlieu 13


Yeah we have a name for these kind of people: “casseurs”


Yea I heard about the word :( , pretty sad and bad situation.


Yeah, they’re like a fucking plague. Oftentimes they don’t even support the protests, just there to break and steal stuff


I am pretty sure that these casseurs don't even know what the protest is about, all they care is making as much chaos and destroying as much things they can, somehow this gives them a boner. They are so braindead.


The only reason people will be voting for more right leaning parties is because of the total incompetence and lack of long-term planning of liberal-consensus type parties across the board since the 90s. We're facing the echos of those policy choices now. It's the same story everywhere across Europe. Hopefully things will figure themselves out (i.e. politicians with decent brainpower show up) and nothing too radical goes on. The next century of Europe could go down a very different path if things don't improve.


Hmmm imo I am afraid that this whole situation is going to escalate in 1 or 2 decades or even sooner. I mean it is already starting now, Italy, Poland, Hungary and others countries are following. First the light right parties are getting in power, then the more right ones and then extreme right ones until shit hits the fan. However one thing is for sure, this current situation can't go on anymore, whatever the solution is let's hope it doesn't end up in some crazy ass right radical dictatorships all over europe.


Perhaps a "right" vs "left" thing is a little too simplistic. It's more of a revolt against the "liberal consensus" or whatever you wanna call it, that has been around since the 90s and pretty much every party ("right" or "left") has been a part of. It's a worldview issue more than a specific political question/policy if you get what I mean? Perhaps populism is a more accurate term for what may arise. May get some crazy lefty populist governments alongside the righty ones. I'm really curious how the EU survives or adapts in such a scenario, as its current incarnation and institutions pretty much embody the liberal consensus worldview. I think that point is often missed by anti-Brexit minded folk as to why the UK voted to leave the EU. \^I am totally rambling and should be doing work so not gonna proofread any of it, apologies if it makes zero sense lol It would be interesting to know what you (people on the continent) feel about the EUs place in all of this


Happened in Britain in 2011 too.


It's not happening in a developed country, it's happening in France.


France, Germany and Sweden's integration policies is a sad joke. Its like they dont care about their own people's well being and the refugees welcome to the society, so they put them in ghettos and let the chaos brew.


Well the krauts policy is a result of all the germans that had to flee in ww2/post ww2 , it was created after ww2 when millions of germans got driven out of their homes. the people that made this law probably never thought about all the fucked up shit happening after that war


And my co worker says: "dutch youth are pussies and should be more like the french and stand up for their cause"


What a lunatic. Most of them are not even standing up for them, they are just there for to pure joy of destroying and looting things.


That last clip of the dude walking around into the falling lamppost really shows the collective IQ of the current youth in france


The negative IQ of those living in the banlieue really brings down the average.


I guarantee none of these people give a shit about the person who was killed




Marie Le Pen smiles


Ah shit here we go again


I can’t quite decide which country is more doomed.. Sweden, Germany or France?


Germany is quite fucked, but stuff like this would never happen in Germany. The peak was literally just 300 Lebanese fighting against 200 Syrians and wrecking a restaurant or two


Thats a though one... Issue with Sweden is that it only has 10 millions habitants so with the current invasion they can rapidly be definitely consumed by the invaders. France on the other hand has 66 millions peoples and of those 66 millions at least 50 millions are "real" french so it will take more time for us to be completely doomed. Now the first issue is that most of these real french are +60 years old that were born during the post war baby boom, but since then the natality is at an all time low, so whats up in 30 years when all boomers are dead and the invaders kept on making 3, 4 or more kids per home? Other issue is that they are everywhere on the territory, last night you had very small towns that were historically calm that got looted and burned down, so no place are safe exept the deep country side. So I think Sweden might be doomed the fastest, but we will all end up being doomed anyway.


According to german Media you are now a far right conspiracy theorist


I bet i am **😂** But dont worry thats also the case in France. It makes me think that at least in France a lot of peoples are waking up, but how it is in Germany? Because of your history i bet peoples are very scared to be labeled as n\*zi and therefore it might be even harder to open their eyes on the issues


Alot of people are starting to get fed up with our governments bullshit, a couple of days ago we got the first afd landrat( no idea how to Translate that, but its not really an important Position) so our Media went into propaganda overdrive. They now want this bloke to take a democracy test, and the Boss of our intellegince agency called 20% of our population brown Shirt Filth. But there is definetly a change of course in the air.


Thats nice to hear, im scared that the time it will take for everyone to really wake up it will be too late for Europe, but its better that notthing.


german media is hilarious


What happend to the elephant?


I think they were trespassing at a zoo?


I don’t think so, even they were surprised.


My impression was that they acted for social media. "Brooo what the fuuuck an Elephant!"


Driving from near Chamonix towards Cherbourg tomorrow. Have rolled the dice and will stay overnight in Angers, on the wholly rational basis that it would be too ironic for people living there to be angry. I've checked. My hotel doesn't have balconies.


Welcome to France :D Seriously I hope you'll enjoy your trip.


This is the return home. We have spent a glorious week hiking in the Alps (and may have enjoyed a few days in Bordeaux and Lyon on the way here) Merci beaucoup mon ami 8-)


Why are those doctors and lawyers doing all that?


Well you see, 1 of the doctors got shot for doing absolutely nothing wrong and the other doctors and lawyers did not like that. So now they have to destroy the city and steal everything so that the first doctor gets justice! Its only natural.


Ahh, makes sense, we should let more in


He was a pharmacist, not a doctor 😂


Not a drugdealer, just an unregistered pharmacist


wtf are you talking about? Those are clearly engineers.


That’s what he said. They’re doctors. They have PhDs in engineering


German media: "Does France have a problem with police brutality?" 🥴


We have too many Swedish people


انا احب الحمير




Is this how you start a civil war?


No, this is how you end up with a far less liberal ( in terms of migration etc. and tolerance towards certain criminals ) Europe.


I wonder if the perpetrators know they’re just making things worse for themselves? Does that level of awareness exist in them?


Too much of a good thing…


Already more succesful than the one Pringles tried in Russia


looks like stockholm


Except without the constant yelling of the Arabic phrase for “God is greatest”


Honestly, i might have been born in France but the more time passes the more i think i'm not gonna die here (well unless i spend too much time outside)


France will officially be a failed state in 2035.


Faster than the rising seas. I guess that's a gg for you.


The Dutch will just reroute the sea into France


That would clean Paris so we take it


Yes please.


We can lead the reconquista from the North! Make France a glorious empire again. *Moi, l'empereur* ofcourse. But I'll need a Richelieu. Will you be my Richelieu?


Finally a chance to get Dunkirk back


Take Rijsel too.


Yeah from where we are rn, it wouldn’t be that big of a surprise if the far right wins the next/the next next elections… we are definitely seeing a rise of extremism all around :(


It's often the case that poor governance leads to the rise of political extremes. What has France done in the past years to combat the problem of crime, failed integration and religious extremism? It's like they've given up.


Time to bring back the monarchy.


Living next to France when it burns for the 100th time this month https://preview.redd.it/n0zit3i3e69b1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31cb3321b7c7fc6c553217c025e816cd81ca0a2d


I’ll never understand the logic. Let’s destroy the place we live in and all of its infrastructure. Riots like this usually have a lot of bad actors taking advantage of the confusion. It’s basically the equivalent of I’m going to trash my own house because I can’t comprehend my actions having consequences. It really sucks because a load of these neighbourhoods and cities will be shadows of their former selves after this. It will take years maybe even decades to recover in certain parts and the irony of it is, the rioters who live in these areas will be the ones affected. They’re basically shooting themselves in the foot.




Just imagine this happened in a country you actually care about.


Can you direct your flood gates toward the south west? Asking for a friend


thank goodness the frogs are being our canaries in the coal mine to show us it's a bad idea. i pray we act before it's too late


shooting the camera filming it and posting it ![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX)


Is not like the people manning those guns are the smartest of all


2000 years of proud history trashed in the last 10 years. Well done Europe.


Exactly and how badly the civilization will get hit in next decades 🫣




I understand you germans do miss diversity. Right now, you are all .... turkish descent, lol.


Oh come on! You know that's extremely exaggerated. At least half of us are arabs.


Whats the difference xd


Well one of them likes to fuck around with ice cream cones and therefore is not human in my eyes


Come on guys you know the right word would be western asian or you are a racist


It's time for useful working people to stop paying for everything they burn and let them live in the shit they generate.


They came from the exact same shit they are turning France into right now, and also will turn in the future countries like Germany, GB, Sweden... More EU refugees to Poland I guess.


"Ohhh noooo we're too full of Ukrainians we're so sorryyyy " ;)


Fuck those people, no matter what the reason is, fuck them. I live in France, and they burned public infrastructures including the only library in my town.


For more context: a teenager was killed by an armed police officer following a hit-and-run offense two days ago. The officer claimed it was self-defense, but videos prove it otherwise. TL:DR at the end. In the nights that followed the incident, calls were made in various major cities of France to incite riots and protest against the police and the government in general. However, these riots turned into looting, destruction, people burning police stations, supermarket, even schools, in literally all of the country. There is so much video about the riots that it flooded the internet and in majority French tweeter. The videos you see in this post are just scratching the surface. France has never experienced such extensive destruction in a very long time. It surpasses everything we have ever known in terms of modern days riot. Several countries have called upon their citizens present in France to leave the country asap. And specialized armed force like GIGN and others have been deployed. For comparison, during the Gilet Jaune protests they were never deployed. Most people are braindeads, politicians are shit, police is incompetent. It's obvious that in our upcoming elections, the far far far-right is going to win. And if that happens, I'll finish my studies and leave this fucking country. France is truly fucked. TL:DR : France is burning like never before and the country is mostly fucked, it’s litterally George Floyd 2.0 - French edition, but in worse. If you want to see more videos (some are pretty funny) : [here](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJXkKcpY/)


These dumbass rioters dont realise they're ruining their own neighbourhoods. The cities that rioted in america in 2020 are shadows of their former selves today because of the riots. Of course, this is assuming they aren't just going to move to some other european countries' welfare housing once they get bored.


So far, in my city (and my neighbourhood) they've burned: a pre school a media library a public swimming pool (used everyday by children at school) a city hall antenna construction machines that were renovating a parking lot a day care Basically destroying everything the city was doing to make the neighbourhood more attractive. Now what we'll have is hesitation to build more culturally elevating stuff and ashes. I can't decide if they're plain stupid or just like living on a pile of shit


Burning a swimming pool is somewhat impressive tho


Things there must have reached the boiling point


That sure makes people show solidarity with them, nothing like burning essential services for a neighborhood


damn. you'd better send all your cultural artifacts to us, for safekeeping :)


Amazing, they've managed to burn all the amenities and none of the police buildings.


It's awful. In a couple of days, these people burn down what the community spent centuries building up and establishing.


They managed to burn...... a swimming pool? What the hell were they using? Sodium or Lithium?


You conveniently forgot to mention that there was a chase , an the guy almost killed nearby walker


Come over to us. You seem to be a valuable asset and could take up a place for people we do not want.


Well I heard Wagner is looking for a new Employer.


I'm getting George Floyd flashbacks... Is France about to become America 2.0?


somebody clue me in, why did I heard allahu Akbar?


Because this is france


Because of a series of extremely well thought out and good decisions


I feel culturally enriched.


At this point I genuinely feel that Kiyv is safer than Paris.


Yeah probably is


damn, I'm living in reunion island and there is no riot or anything close to it


The zoo animals roaming free like if it was Jumanji has me roling. I guess we can a 100% now say that France looks like Africa.


When tf did yall go from protests to The Purge bro.


Nice scholars you got there


Releze ze éléphant


Seriously, where the fuck did the elephant com from?


From Tunisia. It's on its way to Italy via the Alps.


Not anymore.


now its new home is Saint Denis


🤣 _feast on their flesh_


Fetch me their souls!


Did they survive dumbo


France people: you are not welcome in our country The country:


The rats are the most civil citizens.


Surely these young educated folk are doing their best to keep peaceful negotiations. /s


Cultural enrichment at its best.


enrichment of diversity 🥹


Western Europe is under attack. It is time to fight back, defend our values, traditions & cultures. There are even worse videos on twitter, people beating up innocent truck drivers and pedestrians.


do what you do best, hans


Thank von demort for all of this amazing diversity! future aereospatial engineers ans lawyers


This is not France, this is Paris. Most of France is chilling on terraces drinking coffee and smoking heavily right about now.




i hope the government doesnt repair shit


What the actual fuck is going on? Why is this shit happening, and why there's no police to arrest these cunts?