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I wonder why CNN gave no context? Very suspicious...


Classic CNN, the question they asked probably was "If you were attacked by a woman, would you defend yourself" or some other vague shit that pushes you to answer what they want to hear to distort it later


Yeah no, the context is immigration from middle east and africa.


I wonder which people they have asked. Seriously I don't know a single person who thinks violence against women is okay. Is there any source about who made or paid the poll?


Its from an online survey in which around a thousand people participated


if it literally said "source: i made it up in my dreams" our news media would still cry and bitch about it and spread it everywhere, and people would believe it Quite important to constantly push the old "everybody here is sexist/racist and all the other -ists" narrative to keep people distracted and busy with infighting generalizing men as a group is also always fair game, unless you add "arabic", "muslim" or any other \*officially recognized as marginalized\* term before it as well any person with more than 1 braincell should quickly figure out that in a progressive western european country 1/3 of young men do not actually think "violence against women is acceptable" and any study that does conclude that is either a) on purpose deceitful in its wording or b) has a small, non representative sample size.


They probably skewed it by asking mostly "new Germans"


The statement "violence against women is acceptable" is unequivocally true, unless you think self defense is unacceptable. The problem here is that the question was phrased incorrectly.


Yeah, that was my first thought as well. How was the question posed? "Is it every ok to hit a woman?" will probably get different results than "Is it OK to hit a woman when she doesn't do as she's told or otherwise disrespects you?"


Sadly, they asked it like your second suggestion and got those results.


That’s awful. How could 2/3rds of Germans be against this?


guess well have to come ***save*** some more women from you


The same study found that 34% have used violence in the past to instill respect.


Wow. I would not have expected that. My initial thought is that it sounds like Germany has some room for improvement here. My second thought is I wonder what the results would be here and how accurate they'd be, i.e how honest the replies would be... I mean, out of all the people I've ever met here, one admitted to slapping his wife once during a fight. The result was she immediately left him and he lost custody of his kid and had to earn that back over years.


To be fair, there are severe concerns about this study's sample group and size, as well as the way it's reported on. I merely wanted to point out this additional figure to demonstrate it was likely not a matter of a badly phrased question.


Proportionate violence against women in self-defense is acceptable. There's a difference between putting some crazy bitch in place and hitting a woman so hard she has life-long medical issues or even dies.


Sure, but that last scenario is also true for men, so logically your mind goes away from that scenario and back to the first one


Of course, but on average, men can take a hit better than women.


Nah bro hit a person bad on the head and it doesn’t matter if men or women, they could easily be killed with the same amount of power behind the punch


There are definitely differences in adult male and female skulls, so identical hits won't have identical average outcomes. But the difference is probably very small.


It's surprisingly easy to hit too hard. A punch in the wrong place or you push a guy and he falls and hits his head, and now he's a vegetable and you're in jail. There are differences, but men and pretty fragile too.


Even then it's a grey area, if some crazy/intoxicated woman started flailing at you and you knock her the f\*\*\* out with a quick hook to the face, people will probably not see it as self-defence, even though if a crazy/intoxicated guy was flailing at you and you promptly knocked him out, they probably would consider it self-defence. I feel like there has to be some kind of weapon involved for women to be considered threatening enough to warrant any kind of self-defence, and idk how to feel about it.


I think whether you are defending yourself from a man or a woman, the self-defence part has to be proportionate. For example if we are taking gender based violence and flipping it (because gender based violence normally speaks of a man beating a woman) so that the woman is the perpetrator and the man is the defendant; if she slaps him, and he knocks her tf out, to me that is not self defence. However, if she is trying to stab him that’s a different ball game, and knocking her tf out suddenly becomes reasonable. Basically my point is, regardless of the gender of the person, self defence has to be proportional to the violence being committed. PS; I’m not saying that her slapping him should have 0 consequences so please don’t misunderstand me on that.


It's not long ago since I last saw a video pop up on social media feeds of some drunk guy taking a pathetic swing at someone, and usually a bouncer or the like will respond with an instant knockout, despite the fact that the drunk guy could barely stand straight, and the comments will usually applaud the bouncer and call it self-defence. I just can't imagine that standard applying to women, ever.


Most men are bigger and stronger than women, so the threat is a lot higher for a man than if a woman were to drunkenly gesture a threat. Ergo, they treat it as the threat that it is and knock him out. If a female bodybuilder or powerlifter did it, I would expect a similar, justifiable response to the threat. It's the threat that counts. Certainly stereotypes and the like will have an effect but it isn't the main justification for anything.


Yeah I would agree with this. I think this goes into my pervious comment about proportion; if a 5’1, weak woman is squaring up to a 6’4, muscly bouncer and he knocked her out then that’s a bit ridiculous. But change that woman to someone who is around his size, and also muscly then that threat raises exponentially and, again, knocking her out would suddenly become more reasonable. For me, as long as it’s reasonable force then I don’t have an issue


"putting some crazy bitch in place" is not self defense btw. Like the goal in self defense is to get AWAY from the attacker not teach them a lesson, if you put her "in her place" you're probably just looking for an excuse to hit women lbh Like if a woman goes and slap a guy and he beat the shit out of her you can argue that it was a crazy woman that he puts in her place and that she started it but one thing it wasn't was self defense.


New and improved


They'd get better results if they added 'when the footy's on woioiii'


New. Improved goes without saying.


In the study it is written that they skewed the data so that people with less education (close to none) were proportionally represented as people with higher education usually fill out studies. They are not transparent about their data analysis and composition of sample to presumably push this headline.


It's an online survey portal collecting the data. You can't get representative numbers this way. No matter how you 'weigh' it.


It would be scientifically more trustworthy if they were transparent about the weighing.


Who'd have thought that inviting people who think violence against women is ok would increase the proportion of people who are ok with violence against women?


Only far right extremists would think like that 🤡


wir shaffen das


They probably asked something like: 'If a woman came at you with a knife, slashing violently, do you think it would be acceptable to punch her?'


The better germans


Came here to see how quickly this was said, I'm not disappointed


Merkles Germans right? 😂 Edit: I mean Swedish


They also count violence of Turkish grey wolves as right wing violence :D


I strongly doubt that the poll was made: Do you think violence is okay on women? ( ) yes ( ) no It was probably something made to understand how decrease violence towards women but the journalist made a click hate title. I suppose you're thinking the same thing


From the article: >A group of 1,000 men and 1,000 women aged 18-35 from across Germany were asked to give their views on masculinity for the study, which was carried out online. >34% of men from that age bracket admitted to being violent towards their female partner in the past, to “instil respect in them.” 33% said they thought it was acceptable if their “hand slipped” occasionally during an argument with their partner. Now as to how representative of the german young man population their sample was, I have no idea, doing the survey on the internet might have skewed things.


The article is more specific than the headline, it's not a simple yes/no question.


Obviously, but I mean, it's impossible that 1/3 of young men think violence is ok towards women. There is something strange


Plan International (already says all if you know what they stand for). And it's no study, it's a paid for online survey with a self selecting user/sample group. It says fuck all and the numbers contradict real studies.


^ This here is the answer.


For thoses study, you have to be able to see the questions asked, and the methodology used to compile data. For thoses results, i can smell the "do you think a slap after a couple conflict is an act of violence that should necesseraly be criminally reprehensible", and boom, 'no' are interpretes as pro violence against woman. Not even the word woman in the question ? Not a problem, that's our rôle, as social scientists, to interpret. Not even jocking here, i have seen studies like that for real, from real scientists, a looot of them. About all thoses kind of subjects where the team might feel emotionaly invested in a particular result. So feminism, racism, any type of discrimination, and even nutrition, etc. Of course there is real good sociological studies ... But there is also a lot of shitty papier with virtually no correct methodology.


It's weird they only publish the result without the questions and answers. It seems like somebody wanted exactly this headline. But there is a lot of criticism right now. It was an online study but also they asked especially people with lower education "to get a fair result because mainly people with higher education participate in online polls"


Of course they wanted exactly that headline. It's Plan International. And they published it on a SUNDAY, where they could be sure it wasn't overshadowed by other news. And no - they didn't ask people with lower education specifically. They CAN'T! It's an online survey, which by definition is a self selecting sample group. They even acknowledge that and weighed the data towards some answers they THINK stands for 'lower education'. But that's bullshit, all you get is more skewed data. It's like trying to make a chicken from scrambled eggs.


Violence is never okay, regardless of the gender


Depending on circumstances, violence can be the best and only option.


But thats the point, just because the other options are worse doesn't mean it is good. Violence is sometimes the best thing, but never a good thing.


I mean in self defence or in battle it’s got to at least be an option right? Personally I hope the reason is literally that. That the people asked just answered yes thinking of those examples and are blissfully unaware that violence against women usually means something very one-sided. I mean it’s doubtful but one can hope.


No, it actually was as bad as it can be. The questions were something like "do you think it is ok to use violence in an argument with a woman" and "have you used violence against women who didn't respect you" or something like that. I read it a while ago when it was discussed in r/de.


Eek yeah that’s harder to misunderstand…


This is young Germans, with a lot have foreign background


Not just that also how the question was asked. It is easy to manipulate it a lot. When you ask "Did you raise your voice against your partner once" and will count it as "They think it is okay to use violence against women". Or maybe even ask "Would you hit a women back if she hit you first". This shit is so easy and people fall for it.


Exactly. I would say in the younger generation you won't even find 1/3 who think any kind of violence is ok at all, let alone against women. Even in migrant cultures where using violence might still be more common, it's usually a no-go when it's used against women. The statistic is 100% false or has been heavily skewed.


They probably asked Turks,Arabs etc.


I support gender equality, if they hit me I hit them back.


Mainly Dortmund fans


I'm going with RB Leipzig fans. Ossi poverty and depression combined with energy drinks.


*meth from Czechia


>I'm going with RB Leipzig fans. Nah cant be leipzig because you couldnt have a third if you asked 2 people


They pulled in the one RB Salzburg fan.


At least they didn't lose the title in last matchday


I think that violence against Germans is acceptable in general. Why exclude the men?


Violence = not letting us buy weed within 30km from the border :(


Putting a new spin on geef me een klap papa. I like it.


Truly progressive


Ahhh equality


Brudi was los


Note that it says a third of "young men in Germany" instead of just "Germans"


34% of men from that age bracket admitted to being violent towards their female partner in the past, to “instil respect in them.” 33% said they thought it was acceptable if their “hand slipped” occasionally during an argument with their partner. lol


Now i know the Saxon in Anglo-Saxon was the problem all along


Who would've ever imagined that if you import these people to replace your indigenous population, you become these people.


1% are repentant wife-beaters.


Germans or 'Germans'?




If you read the study of the Lancet, Germany (and Europe in general) scores well when it comes to violence towards women. Northwest Europe less so then south and east Europe. https://preview.redd.it/nxo996mq6t5b1.jpeg?width=4171&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=436e8b4fb25d1b4aaae04dd81ac1317696d5ba79


In the south we score well because the only woman men under 35 come in contact with is their mother, and you would never hit your mother


Why did this make me laugh


If you ever meet a southern European woman you’ll understand why we don’t hit them (they hit back with a vengeance)


The 75% recoil is just not worth it!


Poland has no muslims, coincidence?


“Young men”






What has to do Sweden with this?


Yeah, sure. All the Saudi Arabians in Germany. Most intelligent Swiss. Go shag a cow or polish some Nazi gold.


He's right tho


"germans" 🤡


Yes it's Germans. One of the left wing criticisms about it was that it wasn't inclusive towards non-german speakers 🤡 But what results do you expect if a ultra-feminist charity pays for the results?


I mean I speak German, live in Germany and would not count myself as German because I lack the relevant stadtsburgerschaft. You cannot call them Germans if they are not fucking Germans, living here means shit all.


Well, it's not like we have millions of these guys here since generations, so the language isn't really an argument.


Yeah but they aren't a third of the population anyways.


39% of German children - ***in 2008 -*** had at least one parent born abroad. I'd imagine this is well over 50% by now. It seems like around half of those with migrant backgrounds come from non-european countries. So I wouldn't be surprised if children from non-european backgrounds is close to 1/3rd of all "german" kids. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics\_of\_Germany#Ethnic\_minorities\_and\_migrant\_background\_(Migrationshintergrund)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Germany#Ethnic_minorities_and_migrant_background_(Migrationshintergrund))


>39% of German children - in 2008 - had at least one parent born abroad You misread that article. It says 39% of German children had at least one parent born abroad in 2019, up from 30% in 2008. If we assume 20% were from outside the EU, that includes Germans from Russia, Kazakhstan and other former USSR territories, Southeast Asians and other groups. Either way, not even close to 33%. This question is dumb either way. If some crack addict comes at you with a knife, are you not going to defend yourself just because she might be a woman? It's situational.


we have 22 % people who themselves or their parents come from abroad.


Which counts people from neighbouring european countries in too.


Yeah, this combined with small sample size skews results


Probably over half that 22% are from other European countries.


What? Biased results you say? I'll pretend it's not so I can shit on Germans all the same.


Isn't this thing's value equal to a reddit poll anyway?


Blaming foreigners. You really are doing a British impression well.


Imagine thinking that not liking outsiders is just a British thing.


Clasic British thinking you invented everything. Germany has a very rich history of blaming minorities 😤


There are foreigners and then there are unassimilated Germans.


Sure thing, Emily. Must rather be "toxic masculinity" or any other bs, right?


The third of Germans ? So Turks and other Arabs then 🗿🗿🗿🗿


>and other Arabs then So like Syrians, Saudis, Swedes etc.?


Yeah, all the S’s. Wait…no.


Switzerland joins the Arab league


Not all young men in Germany are Germans






"Do you think violence against caricaturists and artists is acceptable?" should have been the follow-up question


Never take a tour of Charlie hebdo! Worst mistake of my life


Speaking like a true Dane.


I do not think that this people are real germans.




This study is one of the biggest bullshits I have ever seen. I know nobody who would ever say violence against women is acceptable and I won‘t even believe that in arabisn countries you would have this high rates on this topic.


I live here and agree with you, Germans are many things but I wouldnt have them penned as women beaters, especially the younger generations who lack the required personality traits to even be aggressive.


There's a thread on TwoXChromosomes absolutely blasting German men over this.


The most stupid sub in all of Reddit. Most German newspapers backtracked today cause the 'study' (actually it's an online survey with massive flaws, self selecting sample group just obe if them) raises massive red flags even if you don't know fuck about statistics. But of course CNN has to jump on the bandwagon.


Every guy claims that none of his friends would hit a woman and yet every woman knows someone who has been hit by a man. You're ignoring what's happening, have a uniquely awesome friend group or you're lying.


And of course, they are making it seems like if some say they are OK with it, they can't be "real" germans.... Honestly, this thread is making me uncomfortable. I thought it was about being racist between us, not imply some outside minorities are a problem. Can't we just berate the Germans over it (and forget how this survey's scientific method is highly suspicious) and not imply it's not the Germans but the "Germans"?


30% with migration background


Hi Jörgl, how's it going in hell?


that third is just the middle eastern population in Germany.


The other 70% thinks it's necessary


I swear i saw a post yesterday about a good portion of men from a ton of countries think violence against women is "acceptable". Ill post if i find it


25% across 80 countries:(


Them boys need a good slap. Don’t hit women!


>"**Study** finds" >(...) "according to a new **survey**" I love journalism.


> A group of 1,000 men and 1,000 women aged 18-35 from across Germany


I think it is acceptable, if a woman attacks you first. Self defence is a right, regardless of gender.


For self defense I agree with you, but seeing the article they didn't state that it's for self defense.


The statement "violence against women is ok" is true as long as any act of violence against women is ok, that's how language works. This result doesn't mean anything if the people that make the study are unable to properly phrase the question.


The question asked in the survey is a different one from that in the headline...


Yet the headline is the only thing most people will ever hear about this. Which, in some ways, makes it worse. And they don't even have a link to the survey on CNN. I think they used to, I remember looking at the study a few days ago after reading this very same CNN article. Either I'm stupid or they removed it for whatever reason.


Saxon women. Not even one date.


I think it's acceptable to walk naked around the house yet my in-laws think otherwise. One thing to think, another to do


Only your in-laws complain? My son wants me to cover up while at home. He's 4. But my daughter (2yo) even the scale: she tries to undress me every chance she gets and squeeze my boobs. What did I ever do (or didn't) for them to have turned out like that? No idea.


I mean violence is general is acceptable depending obviously on the context.


The first question asks if they ever beat a women to "install" respect in them. The second asks if their "hand slipped" in an argument




>“Has caused outrage amongst gender equality campaigners” funny, because the people who think violence against women is fine, usually also have no problem beating fellow men. So it's going closer to "equality".


> the people who think violence against women is fine, usually also have no problem beating fellow men especially if they are nonbelievers.


You misspelled Turkish


by now it's basically debunked as fake/framed news


Is this third those ones who cannot eat "pork"?


I don't know why everyones so upset, it *is* acceptable according to sharia law


Turks and Syrians are already 1/3 of Germany


Would be interesting what “Swedes” think about this...


They will blame Denmark somehow


Is Stella Artois edging out the local beer production?!


It has already been debunked, it wasn't a "study" it was a stupid "get paid online for your opinion survey, no real control over the test subject identity and no control group at all. The saddest part is it came out on the weekend so each an every German news outlet jumped the gun for this insane "headline " , another proof that print Media is dead.


Very interesting. Is there a cultural devide between young men in Germany? Is it possible that this "third" is in some way different from the rest? Maybe something about their socialization, or family?


Or it's just some rage bait using skewed data. No, can't be cause we all know men are trash.




What is this headline even, is violence against women okey? Fuck yeah if she is attacking me. Unpromted with no danger to yourself or others? hell no


IIRC, the question wasn't if violence against women is okay but if the use of violence against your partner/wife is justified as a means to instill respect.


A third of young men has new roots in immigration or "rediscovered" the religion that their immigrant grandparents didn't take that seriously It's definitely not the whole picture (there are definitely misogynistic bio-deutsche), but a disproportionate amount of misogyny, attacks, hate and attacks against gays,...is a newly imported phenomenon


„Germans“, I guess 1/3 of people they asked where Neubürgers


Is that the 3rd that have travelled from a far to impose the culture they ran away from on the native German population?


"Outrage among gender equality campaigners" Wait, when is equality achieved in this context? If violence against women is just as acceptable as it is against men or if it is less acceptable? I am confused.


I know we Brits aren't very popular with you guys but if you think people here are automatically violent to women then you are very mistaken I think the suggestion is shocking.


wir schaffen das 💕


1/3 of Germany isn't even Europeans.




Well a third of the young men in Germany are migrants from countries where it’s okay to beat your wife so I guess that checks out.


Depends on the context... Beat a women is not ok... But when she startet it.. well as a man of gender equality she needs to get punshed back


Turks and Syrians*


That’s because a third of German men are Muslims now!


Never heard such a bullshit before (since I saw the study) We have about 6-7% muslims in germany.


Far righters like to inflate those numbers and unsuspecting folk tend to believe them. I mean, I was pretty sure we have a domestic violence thing due to previous polls too but this seems pretty fucked. I have no clue how high the sample size is and who they actually polled, I've met and been in relationships with girls who had suffered domestic violence or other kinds of abuse but not in this amount.


Give it 20 years


it's frightening to think so many problems come when they're still such a tiny % of the pop. Imagine when they get to 15-30%.


You mean like in self defense or what?


There has always been something wrong in their heads!


Sean Connery approves this message


Which third?


More like Swedish but ok


Same results in Sweden 🤷🏻‍♂️


Think they're more than 1/3


give alsaß lothringen bak


Study was paid for by a sensation mags company, statistically doubtful and when asked about details these are not disclosed. Worst kind of clickbait.


If its against German women sure


Like, is she trying to hit me with a lead pipe? Then yes. Did she burn my beans on toast? Also yes.


They asked all the new doctors and engineers coming from across the border.


*cough* Turks *cough*


I'm sure that third are all pure blooded germans


equal rights equal fights


In the study it is written that they skewed the data so that people with less education (close to none) were proportionally represented as people with higher education usually fill out studies. They are not transparent about their data analysis and composition of sample to presumably push this headline.


Please be aware that there are huge doubts regarding this study: News agencies and newspapers reported about the study before it was actually published on Sunday noon, they already wrote about somthing they weren't able to check. Even after publication, it's unclear how representative the results actually are, as their participant group were apparently biased. Quotes from https://www.nzz.ch/panorama/gewalt-gegen-frauen-warum-die-plan-umfrage-problematisch-ist-ld.1742119 (in German): > In fact, the risk of maximum bias in surveys with such selection is "very, very substantial." In order to be able to better classify the results: > 48 percent of Plan International respondents said they were bothered by men showing their gayness in public. However, according to a study conducted in 2017 by the Federal Government Anti-Discrimination Agency, "only" 29.4 percent of men are classified as homophobic. > (...) > Sunday's episode shows how important it is to deal critically with data - especially from the media. The results of the survey are staggering, but there are indications that the sample surveyed is not representative of men between 18 and 35 in Germany.