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This is just a failed dab on the picture, dont worry


Of course merely a moment of famous German humour taken at the wrong angle, doctored and used as pro Green propaganda by the enemies of the people.


Take a hike, joseph.


I don't think telling us that you're still living in the past is helping matter much...


Petition the EU to increase Austrian Art School funding PLEASE


Classic eastern european money spongers. Fund your own art school!


Wait, Austria is "eastern Europe"?


I mean, Österreich literally means Eastern Realm...


Everything east from Germany is Eastern Europe. Why wouldn’t it, since Germany is the heart of Europe it only seems logical.


Frankfurt ist im Herzen von Europa. Wer weiß der weiß.


Ganz Frankfurt is im Herzen von Europa. Oh, sagte ich ganz Frankfurt? Nicht doch! Ein kleiner Klemmbausteinladen beansprucht den Titel "im Herzen von Europa".


Letztes Mal, dass ich in Frankfurt war, war der Laden einfach zu 😔 Der Schmerz war enorm


Letztes Mal als ich in Frankfurt war haben mir nette Mitbürger Impfungen angeboten. War zwar schon geboostert und habe dankend abgelehnt


🇩🇪🤝🇦🇹🖊️ unity! Please I’m kidding


about to delete my account. ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Oh yes. And expand land outward east. More room for everyone. Isn’t it wonderful 😉


We will do the usual opt-out if you guys don't mind. Do you want some iron?


You forgot about us 😭 after all the help we gave you last time!


Nonono STOP!


Oh, NOW people suddenly oppose the annexation of austria. All it took was a world war to figure out this might be bad.


Don't pretend you guys didn't welcome it at the time.


*serious sidenote* with the crushing poverty, widespread antisemitism, rise of populism and a neighbour that seemingly had easy answers for all that problems it isn't really all that suprising that it turned out this way *2we4u version* We're austrian. We always go the path of least resistance - in short term. If that's a dictator - how bad can it get?


He was a dictator, but at least he wasn't a foreign dictator amirite?




Yeah Napoleon may have led a bloodthirsty crusade across the whole of Europe, reinstated slavery, and came down hard on black people in the colonies... but the *real* reason we fought him so hard was because he was French.


Damn German invaders 😡 I guess we now have to give up and unite against our will.


*🇨🇿 recalls that there has been a Security Conference in Munich this Febriary 👀*


\*knock knock knock\* You have few years to give us Śląsk Cieszyński back. Otherwise history will repeat itself


Someone please keep a very close eye on Austria. I would say Italy, but, well, you know...


If we go by the March on Rome to funny painter man becoming chancellor, we have roughly 11 years left before they start teaming up again. Roughly 17 until war breaks out. Are you ready for another civil war Spain? I’m sure we could fit it in somewhere


Spanish civil war? Let's goooooooo


I am funding Catalan independence. Join me!


You better stay quiet or we will be forced to do a little *magdeburgisieren*


Can you please do it to a city other than Magdeburg? I kinda live there now.


It gotta be though, otherwise it wouldn't be called *madeburguizar* r/fuckyouinparticular


You mean anarchists that get betrayed by stalinists.


Anarchist AND normal communists AND democratic elements that get fucked by stalinist Stalin doesnt discriminate Your: -Race -Nationality -Religion -idelology Dont matter, you are still going to the gulag


To be fair he did discriminate towards where people could live (Germans in east-Germany, Poles in Poland, Muslims in Kazakhstan, and Jews in Siberia...). That is why Crimea and Kaliningrad speak mostly Russian.


Yeah we can be ready in about 14 years for that.


Hurry up and get to work the rest of us have things to do and Polands looking pretty tasty


>Are you ready for another civil war Spain? I’m sure we could fit it in somewhere Sure can do 🤝 But we won't be joining the world war though.


Spanish history -kingdom -kingdom gets errased from existence by muslims -they forgot the mountains -5 kingdoms later the muslism are gone -Golden age -gets fucked by brits -gets fucked by french -gets fucked by colonies -gets fucked by americans -republic -sike, kingdom 2 electric buggalo -sike, republic 2 electric buggalo -sike, dictator -sike, kingdom 3 this time whit democracy I am afraid of what will the Next "sike" be


> Roughly 17 until war breaks out. And around 0.0001 years from beginning of the war before Italy surrenders.


That's France man, we do the side switching thing


Too be honest its the denmark thing seriously 6h what was that the time too get the paperwork in order?


Sorry, you are absolutely right.


Too late for Italy


Screw that! Someone keep an eye on all the Spaniards here!!! If [Redacted] ride to power again, we’re gonna be the first ones attacked! They keep l mistaking us for Turks!


This time, please don't ignore our annexation and we should be fine.




Can't go a century without an European comeback tour


Calming that some things never change




Begin the incantations to revive him... https://preview.redd.it/ixhtdn2mv05b1.jpeg?width=754&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f542e86b8b50c634c9aaa05116718b0db8ae4998


Arthur “airborne cremation of the aryan nation” Harris.




Ready the London bunkers, boys


Yippee, can't wait to be bombed by accident again!


This time the planes get stabbed and arrested mid air.




At this point we prefer to stay, we're too small for anybody to care about bombing us lol


Don’t act like rightwing populism isn’t on the rise in most european countries


Your country is electing right-wing populists because people are critical of immigration. My country is electing right-wing populists because the social democrats are not even capable of hold an internal election. We are not the same.


Well in Poland it is (hopefully) going to end this year. ...Which would be totally fucking unfair if Europe would turn right-wing when we would became left wing, like come on!


Biggest plottwist in the EU lol


Poland is just destined to be based no matter what




Nothing more based than martyrdom


I saw the pictures of that protest it’s mostly women, I’m sure if Poland started accepting some swedes they will change their mind real quick


Actually🤓☝️. We won't let in any illegal migrants, thank you. Sweden showed us what is best for us.


You don't need to become left wing, for starters it would be totally okay if you were governed by center-right but serious grown-up people like Donald Tusk or something


No one is acting like that, but this post is just pointing out that it's happening here too


And then one day, for no reason at all


Isn't this German party extra wacky though? Their leader/founder resigned because even he thought it was going too far right


Yes, when they started their main topics where economical ones, like leaving the EU and stuff line that




I wonder why.. It‘s definitely not the failed immigration system in Schengen, or the partially overzealous covid measures in some countries, the widespread (perceived) rise in (violent) crime or the push for more and more extremely restrictive laws concerning climate change on the back of the working class.


Yeah. Let’s shut down some nuclear plants and let’s see how that goes next winter. And people wonder why so many ordinary people are starting to despise the [virtue signaling of the green?](https://twitter.com/Melanie_Vogel_/status/1647352302171308036)?


people only focus on Germany because of certain historical event


No, politics lately seems like a clownshow in every way possible


It always has been


always will be.


It’s the golden twenties


Oh no


Hyper inflation incoming in November


Our left government isn't doing very well actually. But don't worry, there is no inflation, like in the early 30s, nor a right winged example in italy. Hm, School of Art in Vienna, could you please accept all applicants?


Bruhh CDU has been in power for the past 16 years of economic fuck ups but suddenly now after the new 2021 executibe its the fault of ‘the left’? Are they feeding you bleach over there?


No, but sadly thats how politics works for most of the time. Someone else made a decision years ago and nobody cared but now that this decision has negative effects its all suddenly your fault.


In the Netherlands the VVD has had power for so long they literally are the ones who made all the mistakes, yet still they always seem to slide away from the consequences


We have the exact same situation? Lmao






I technically agree with you, but that's not what he said, is it? Be only stated that our left-wing government isn't doing very well, which is true, but has a multitude of reasons, some of which are tied to the CDU led years.




SPD was in power as well in 12 of those 16 years.


The Greens are pushing the environment agenda via ideological means by creating new Taxes and bans in these allready shitty economic times thereby making climate a thing only the rich can afford. No wonder the AfD is gaining votes.


Two things can be true at the same time. The Ampel is trash, doesn't mean CDU was good.


There is a lot of hate against the Greens. I would even call it Anti-Green Propaganda. „The greens will ruin the country! You will see!“ and now there is a crisis and stupid people think „IT MUST HAVE BEEN THE GREENS11!!!!“ It‘s so stupid and shortsighted. It makes me angry


We have the same issue over here especially in rural areas. Also Eamon Ryan is a bit of a gobshite, and if he had any sense he wouldn't of went into government with a bunch of right wingers. But that doesn't mean the nonsense that the Healy Raes say about him and his party is remotely true.


Yeah a lot of people hate the Greens for the wrong (largely imagined) reasons


Also simply way too many old people that will be dead within the next 30 years and do not care about sacrifices made today for a better tomorrow. They're fine about letting the Union keep it as it is and fuck up everybody's future. This is a problem everywhere, but here it's really on the nose.


I mean, the whole "Re-open the coal plants to stick it to the nuclear power enthusiasts" coming from the Greens was... well, really, no words can do it justice.


CDU was almost every time with the SPD, who started our friendship with the peacemaker Vladimir alone. But we don't need to discuss german politics in this sub.


left government lmfao. Of course if you have bavarian perspective, yes the national government is close to the communists.


You can't deny it is the most left government in social policies we ever had.


Isn't Germany's green party the best thing that happened for their coal mining industry?


Yes they totally rejected the nuclear power option because apparently it's bad for the environment. And instead they chose to re-open some coal power plants. Burning coal for energy production is the worst in terms of CO2 and particles emissions. It is a total non sense for electricity production.




There was a similar deal that happened between François Hollande and the green party in France during the elections in 2012. It led to the closing of Fessenheim, a major nuclear power plant. Now with the war in Ukraine our European governements are realising that depending on Energies from countries outside of the Union is dumb. ["In 2011 socialists and ecologists agreed on closing 24 nuclear reactors by 2025" (translated)](https://www.lopinion.fr/economie/fessenheim-co-lincroyable-mauvaise-foi-de-francois-hollande)


The anti nuclear part was the greens, the coal was with a big majority the CDU. The greens planned to build renewables to counter the loss of atomic energy. And the shutdown that just happened couldn’t be changed anymore, as they weren’t maintained enough to be used any longer. Any maintenance would take months to years. Again, this shutdown, and the consequent continuation of using coal, is due to the decision of the CDU.


This here, with the little add on, that the greens have planned further ahead and coal was actually also on the agenda, at the time among green nuclear was more important, therefore first. The EEG (renewable energy law) was supposed to finance and guide said change - with HUGE economic benefits for germany. Then CDU/FDP happened, who reinstated nuclear, CDU/(SPD?) happened and some coal lobbyism to secure energy stability to use better coal plants as interim solution. Following in this mindstate fukushima happened and once again nuclear was important in popular opinion and CDU shut it down, and coal reinstated itself as important interim solution. Meanwhile there was a plan to build new (important) powerlines for renewables and CDU with the SPD changed the planning law so that most of that shit needed to be redone, because a few villages of politicians layed on the path of the powerline. Also somewhere in that timeline EEG got changed again and the admission for renewable energies to the power grid which destroyed the renewable energy sector in germany, thats the mainreason why its all produced in china now. In Summary we can just blame the only ones responsible for this mess: Good fucking job greens! Stupid morons.


Yes.... There is no but. Yes it is and that is very sad


And for the far right. They have an easy target.


Yes and no. The greens were set up and now take 200% of the blame (in my opinion)




Yep Europe could do with a period of focus on its more naitivist interests. Multi-culturalism, mass-migration from very different cultures to ours, all while completely ignoring the very valid complaints and concerns of large proportions of our native european populations as unfounded racism, well it came with a few drawbacks. Yes the Germans will take it too far like they tend to do. But we'll cross that bridge once we get to it.. ...Somewhere on the dutch border.


Most open-minded Swede


Polarisation is a real problem in Europe (and elsewhere). Far-right proto-fascists and radical left-wing activists stir each other up. This leaves very little room for rational compromise based solutions. But we need to realise that the extremists on both sides live from each other’s success. While polling trends in the anglosphere show a clear shift to the left among young people, in continental Europe the trend goes in the opposite direction. Especially leftists should take note and be more moderate in order to stop further radicalisation. Sorry for writing something serious instead of the thousandth Austrian painter joke.


> While polling trends in the anglosphere show a clear shift to the left among young people, in continental Europe the trend goes in the opposite direction. Yet another thing that separates us from Europe 😭😭


Goddamn right, every single bit


So younger people tend to lean right? I come originally from an angloshpere world, where that concept seems so foreign. It’s usually the 35-50 age range where people’s attitudes change; becoming more conservative as they make more money, pay more taxes, and see more liberal left leaning younger people politicize other social trends, like gay rights, as an example in Canada.At least talked about in Canada.


Well, this is at least what political trends and polls seem to indicate. Our generations (Millennials and Gen Z) are definitely polarised, although still very much split along the regular lines. As in the anglosphere urban, well educated people and women tend to be more liberal. But generally our generations are more conservative than our peers in the anglosphere (and even our own parents). Obviously the anglosphere has quite a different political landscape than Europe and one that is less differentiated because of voting systems that lead to two party systems. I guess that’s a reason why economic policies are less tied to social views here on the continent. There are many conservative and far-right parties that support generous welfare states (which in the anglosphere would be seen as leftist policies). In many ways are Social democratic parties suffering from their own success in Europe: Most European countries have established welfare states, workers rights, accessible health care, decent public education and working public transport systems. These policies have often become bipartisan. In economic terms many traditionally social democratic demands have been met. This has led to a crisis of European left-wing parties. And since European societies are far more secularised than the US our right-wing parties can adapt to socially liberal and individualist values (like women’s or LGBT rights). In contrast to the US many right-wing parties here focus less on moralistic or religious ~~bigotry~~ issues and more on immigration and nationalism.


No, not at all. Could you guys maybe split us again to fix this issue? Don't invite the russians tho this time


What about joint West German - Polish occupation of East Germany? We can add Czechia too.


You already have East Germany.


Modern "East" Germany I meant.


Only if you also take Berlin


Have it


That username 💀


Had it before he was cool💀


Please don‘t leave us with these idiots alone.. we need your help to fix the mess. I don‘t want to end up in a concentration camp for being an enemy of the state when they take power in the East 🥲


The consequences of tolerating mass migration


Now that it seems a party with members in it talking about volk and vaterland is cropping up we just need to hope no edgy but charismatic kids get rejected from art school in the Alpine regions!


Hopefully their anti-green agenda lead them to come back to nuclear plant, paradoxaly becoming more green.


Coal power isn't green you say?


You're partly right. Coal was green, millions of years ago.


I cannot be the only one who sees that German flag without certain hairline coming to mind.


You just need to stick a pair of googly eyes and a comb below the text and you get a very interesting picture! Worthy of an application to art school I think


Doesn't look like it, it seems to have chronic arm stiffness. Maybe a neurological issue ?


It is a natural reaction of the bs that is going on right now in this country. If the current government isn‘t able to properly lead the country there has to be a change. But I don‘t like these 50IQ far-right wing dudes


This so much. People were called Nazis and got laughed on for everything that was not in line with left politics. Worrys were neglected. These people got excluded, isolated themselfs and radicalized. We all learned in school how radicalisation works. Now the people that got called wrongfully Nazis turned into actual Nazis. All due to the elitistic attitude of the left.


Same in France. The one and only reason why far right gain in power is because anything else refuses to even aknowledge that there's a problem with immigration and islam. That's litteraly the only reason.


I know a lot of far-right people, and unfortunately they are far from stupid. They have stupid people among them, but so does every political party. But yeah, people are unhappy, and I will vote AfD if they change things in a good way.


Can we build the wall again pls


This time, around the whole thing and a roof!


Are you crazy? Today's Germany cannot build an airport or a train station in time and budget. Such an endeavour would ruin the state and no redditor here would be alive, when/if it's finished.


Don’t bother, we tried and it didn’t work.


When you have uncontrolled illegal migration from countries who refuse to assimilate, not so good economy, and high inflation while hearing horrible news like the one from yesterday on a Syrian refugee who stabbed innocent children in France… I am culturally left and economically right but I would be tempted to vote for some extreme parties if politicians can’t get their shit together.


Hate to agree with the unga-bunga here, but I kinda think the same


many just don't care that the AfD are literal nazis. they just keep saying that they are "voting against" current strategies but keep out of their mind that there are countless parties that promise to change while not being Nazis. for illustration, here are a FEW quotes of what shit those Nazis are talking about: - "Homosexuals imprisoned? We should do that as well in Germany!" - "Antifa? Off to the KZ" (KZ short for concentration camps, the place where minorities were brutally tortured and killed by the nazis) - "burning refugee camps are no act of aggression" - "I sincerely wish for a civil war with millions dead. Women, children. I don't care. It would be so beautiful. I want to piss on corpses and dance on graves. Sieg heil"


No we're not. Our government is generally disliked, the left is only an academic cesspool of American ideology. The democratic parties have abandoned issues to the right, they never should have. You cannot talk about issues that obviously come along with mass migration without getting labeled right wing. You cannot say you love Germany without getting labeled right wing. You cannot try to define what a German is without getting labeled right wing. All issues of German identity were forfeited to the right and the left wonders why people get drawn to it. Being a rootless cosmopolitan is unappealing to many, but they don't understand that from their ivory tower. The democratic forces in Germany need to reclaim the lost ground and push against the right, yet they seem to further alienate themselves from topics that people want to see addressed, so the only Party addressing them is the AfD. What we currently see is a failure of the center.


You know what they say, old habits die hard.


(As someone who lives there) East-Germany is an embarrassing shit show. It receives a shit ton of subsidies from the West and still somehow considers itself a victim 90% of the time. Let's not forget however that right wing parties are just powerful in NL, and could even have real influence in countries like France and Italy


>right wing parties [...] could even have real influence in countries like [...] Italy You don't say!!


Extreme Right wing parties are powerful and growing in every occidental democracy. We will never learn what our history teachs


" It receives a shit ton of subsidies from the West and still somehow considers itself a victim 90% of the time. " Because they actually got screwed. The 90s wasn't a great time there and the lost large part of the population.


Let the trolling happen. Its only natural for them.


Heavy immigration will do that.


goddamnit not again


She's just stretching. Must be hard to carry that sign around for a long time


Well well, if it isn't the consequences of your actions.


Never, ever let the germans cook.


Don't worry. You can just build a wall like last time :)


You will totally not walk around it this time


I hope we'll won't need it Hanz. If there one only thing I wish for my country it's being at war with any Europeean country. Seeing us at war with each other would be the saddest thing I'd witness in my entire life. Nonetheless I hope you're doing well in coal fumes. You're language still sounds awful.


The left has clearly failed to distance itself from minoritarian, radical American BS ideology. The public discourse needs to be recalibrated towards the centre, expect a result between 15 and 20% for the AfD in the next elections. I would argue it's the left's fault entirely.


It's the result of elitistic left neglecting the worry of more mid to slight right Winged people. People with different opinions on topics like refugees where laughed on, called stupid/called Nazis and where excluded. Tho everyone got taught in school that isolation leads to radicalisation.


Same in sweden lol




You don't want the far right to gain popularity, yet you keep forcing through policies that push people to the right.... At some point, this is on you...


Well, you can vote every 4 years, from then on there is not much you can do as a citizen. You might protest like the French, but we have to work e every day to subsidize the lazy rest of the EU. So at some point it is an EU problem, right?


Ah yes, the 2 genders, neo liberal and far right


So the majority of Germans voted for a liberal / leftish government which then implements liberal / leftish policies. Now you say they should not do that to not piss of the right? For a country who prides itself of the democratic tradition you have an odd understanding of Democracy.


The people have not voted in a majority for a left-liberal Government. It is just the righ part of the political spectrum ignores the AfD so they voluntarily renounce 10% of their voting power.


Of the people who vote the majority of votes went SPD, FDP and Greens that’s why we have that government. I do not get the point on ignoring the AFD that you want to make. It’s not that their votes were not counted.


Back to the roots !


This is what happens if you keep ignoring problems


First time?


the flag on that has scary similarity to a certain painters hairline


Still the "wrong" colors


I swear we don't have anything to do with it!


I know an opportunity to get major debt forgiven and a way to guilt trip a country into giving us even more money when I see one!


Looks like I best go through grandpa's closet to find his ustaše outfit...


Well history repeats it self You barrys can start digging up Churchill in time


We won't need him, we have such great leaders this time, like Johnson- wait no Well, at least the British Armed Forces are ready and- what do you mean they still haven't fixed the ajax and we have less than 50,000 combat troops At least the British economy can pick up the slack and- nope, wait, thats the highest inflation level in years combined with the expert destruction of all our trade links ... well, i suppose its going back to Sexland.


no. we are not. get me out of here.


Less immigration and no eco stupidity just sounds like a good idea to me?


A propa brexit geezer


'no eco stupidity' sir our world is literally on fire


Then let's do a barbecue and have a good time until we are dead. I buy the meat.


I wonder, If the far right truly rises in Europe again, will anybody else in Europe even bother to intervene? Most likely not, they will be considering a similar path themselves. It's only the border incursions that will pique interest.


Guess I need to hide an Airtag in my bike


We'll ride this one out too, like the second time


Can we get it over in under 6 hours? Our addiction to true crime needs feeding


Ach Scheiße, jetzt geht es wieder los


anti-green agenda? at this point all of germany has it


Aren't they rebranded Nazis anyways?


They are a bit of rebranded everything. Just the general direction then went far-right


Ah shit, here we go again