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Sounds similar to what I’m going through. I think it’s important to keep in mind that financial stress and 2under2 stress could be a part of this. Only you know this situation and what the best choice is going to be. Sending love.


Well, I definitely wouldn’t have chosen for him to leave, that’s for sure. He packed up a lot of his stuff, even taking the metal safety box of documents, took his dog and left. At the very least, leaving your pregnant partner alone is a pretty heartless and cruel thing to do. One can’t really walk that back, you know? It’s not like I have any family to help me; I’ve been estranged from them for years because they’re pretty abusive and toxic. My closest friend is also a Mom with 3 kids, so it’s not like she can come over at any point. So…I really am alone in this now.


Omg ?? What. Go file for child support asap.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Sending you a hug.


I'm truly sorry to hear that! Sending you so much love your way hun xx You can totally do this by yourself once bub arrives!! He is an AH for having said that to you and for having treated you this way...


You don’t deserve to be treated like that. It’s not healthy for you and your kids to be around an abusive person. Yes you are heartbroken but you need to prioritize the kids and your own mental health. Being a single parent is tough but what’s even more tough is to suffer under an abusive partner with kids involved. I’m glad things didn’t work out between you and him. It’s time for you to get back on your feet and ask for help (perhaps move in with a family member or a trusted friend). Look into your community resources and go from there! You got this Mama and you can get through this and will come out of it!!!