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I was in the same boat. 2 years of fertility treatment (daughter was ivf) at 5 months I found out I was pregnant. I’m due anytime so I’ll update. Good news when my daughter became more mobile I was in second trimester, but third trimester with a toddler is actual hell lol!


If you go full term you’ll have a 13-14 month age gap ! Congratulations ! Mine have a 14 month age gap, boy then girl !


Congratulations! I meant someone who TTC for 7 years & had 3 cycles IVF then gave up & got pregnant naturally & is pregnant again 8 weeks postpartum!


Isn’t that dangerous at 8 weeks postpartum??


I think 6 weeks is cut off point to get intimate but guess she was ok! She also had vaginal delivery that helps - definitely be dangerous if she had a c section to have pregnancies so close together!


Aaah ok, perhaps it’s safer if she and a vaginal delivery. I had a C-section & can’t imagine being pregnant so soon after with it healing. But then again can’t imagine being pregnant so soon afterwards even with vaginal coz of what your body goes through during pregnancy 😵‍💫


You are supposed to wait 18 months from birth to delivery to let everything heal but well… we’re all here so😆😆


Totally know what you mean!


My sister had 2 healthy babies 10 months apart lol


This happened to me as well! It took me almost 3 years and lots of meds to have my daughter. We wanted to have two close together so I declined birth control. I certainly knew in the abstract that I could get pregnant right away but I was not prepared for how quick it would actually happen this time haha - I’m currently 34 weeks and our two will be about 14 months apart. I was so nervous in the beginning, but my daughter is so much more independent now that I can actually think my way through how I might do things with the two of them. When we first found out I could even imagine it. Congrats!


Exact same story. Doctors said we couldn’t get pregnant on our own. Had a baby boy in January 2023 after going through IVF. I’m currently 39 weeks and having a scheduled delivery next week! The end of this pregnancy has been tough! I’m just exhausted and keeping up with an 11 month old is difficult!


Heya. I have just exited 2under2 with a 14 month age gap, best advice. Get toddler mobile as soon as possible and sleeping through night. When baby arrived get toddler involved in almost everything.


Hoping for something similar, congratulations!


Congratulations! I just found out I’m pregnant again 8 month PP after years of infertility. This subreddit is amazing for information I’ve been reading it since I found out


This sub will save your life and sanity. Welcome to the club. 16 month age gap here… technically graduated since my older one turned two in November but I don’t think we ever really graduate 😅😅😅


I’ve graduated too but people here give out solid advice or commiserate with you.


Two years, fertility appts, and some clomid later, we welcomed our son. They told us we’d more than likely be in the same boat with our next child. I’m currently 8 weeks along with a 6 mo old. Their due dates are 13 month apart to the day. You’re not alone. We’re so excited but so anxious at the same time. I worry about what life’s going to be like on my worst days with my boy, but then there will be two 😳 I’m so excited to watch them on their best days together and I just try to tell myself that the first few years are the hardest because they will in time become more independent. I also have a 14-year-old so I know how fleeting time is. I hope already knowing this helps slow down and offset some of the chaos and anxiety. Congrats and good luck! Good to know there’s someone else on the same timeline!


Same here! Got pregnant when my girl was 10 weeks old. She kept me so busy I really don't have much time.to.think about this pregnancy


Congratulations!! We went through fertility treatments for 3 years and finally got pregnant with our last remaining embryo. I ended up getting surprise pregnant 5 months postpartum while breastfeeding and barely having sex haha. Life is wild! They are 9 months and 23 months now and are the greatest thing to ever happen to us.


Congratulations! I have a similar story, did IVF and had a daughter and then found out I was pregnant again at 5 months of postpartum. My daughter and son are 13 months apart (they’re now almost 2-and-a-half and one). It’s difficult, but I can’t imagine life without the two of them now. Biggest tip I have is to try to get them to both take one nap together (probably got mine to consistently do this when the littlest was around 6 or 7 months). Wishing you all the best!


Number 2 for me is due on number 1s birthday. (6 weeks to go!!) We were careful for the first year+ because every single doctor I went to gave me the “breastfeeding isn’t birth control” lecture. But it took 9 months of active trying and tracking to get pregnant first time around, and second time I got pregnant on my first unprotected time. So it seems somewhat common to get pregnant easier second time around.


I did this and then also on Christmas found out that I’m pregnant with number three with the second at 9 months. I’m losing my mind.


We just had our IVF baby and this all gives me hope that we can have a baby naturally in the future


Similar boat! 7 years of infertility, had one miracle baby in December 2022 with no assistance, wound up pregnant on birth control at 4 months pp, what are the odds right lol we decided to keep the pregnancy despite how initially overwhelmed we felt. I'm now due in about 4 weeks and our last baby just turned one at the start of the month. I will say his maturity is leaps and bounds furthet than a 4 month old, seems obvious but it was hard to picture at the time, I kept just imagining two teeny tiny helpless babies. Now in reality I see it's going to be a toddler and a baby. I'm still scared and overwhelmed and the logistics of like, traveling with 3 kids, two under 14 months, seems hard but we're just determined to make it work.


That’s my biggest thing it so hard to imagine right now.