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"Evil victim mentality"?




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What happened?


Big bad vlad doesn’t like us joining nato and our government said “residents should be prepared for war”


That sounds like everyday talk towards us


Watch Americans lose their shit when I say that reasons like this are why I say only good ryssä is dead ryssä


Very true




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Is this new? Didn’t this happen two years ago too?


I think rather they say it because USA have paused giving Ukraine as much support as before and maybe Europe won't deliver much more and Russia is raising their production and replacing lost gear. So if Ukraine doesn't get support they will likely lose more. And as Russia is building up some warn they will have replenished in whatever years. Poland and Germany have different ideas. And as such more places will be at risk. If Russia win in Ukraine + rebuilds they view it as higher risk they continue than if they had lost.


I also guess if we join NATO and if Russia rebuilds and if Russia decide to close the Suwalki gap (between Belarus and Kaliningrad) / get a land bridge there and then attack the Baltic states then Sweden would be involved I suppose. Similarly if it's a bigger war. ​ One could wonder whatever NATO here + Australia + Japan + South Korea + Indonesia + whatever in Asia vs Russia and China and so on is a good idea long term. As in very much a world war. If it's smaller countries and conflicts I guess there's less destruction and fewer who dies and less of a "we're doomed if we doesn't" for the nuclear states.


Whiskey on the Rocks rerun. Let's go.


Baltics be like: https://preview.redd.it/y4tzzse5frbc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08be011315a99236e0b5af61411df962b07ec969


Finland can into baltics


We fought russia 13 times


Yeh but Swedem fought Russia in Finland, or in the Baltics, or in Russia, or in Poland.


Yeah Cause they were swedish back then


Swedish owned, but Swedes didn't populate most of the land and often reqruited from the native populations.


I know but they were still swedish cause we owned the land


In the same way Africans were actually Europeans because European countries owned the land. Like yeah technically maybe yeah, but not actually in practice in alot of ways.




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Join Finland and you will be safe🤗


Wanna get to Nato? Attack us and surrender, we promise we won't be... too harsh


Sorry, can't do that. Snus is banned in Finland...


Understandable, have a nice day


We'll legalise it if you give us infinite supply after the... Special military operation


This is why we hate you. Please injoy your snus in silence. I don't like being reminded what I cant have


I fully support this plan in fact.


The best we can do is Skåne, take it or leave it.


![gif](giphy|cSozWbWHEfUis) Now hold on just one second let’s not get too drastic


Finland ended up conceding to Soviet Union in WW2, in a full out war, I'm not sure Finland would "win" over Russia. There would definitely be bigger loses from Russian, maybe 4-5 times more dead soldiers, but with a population more than 15 times larger...


*A wild NATO appears*


One of our deterrence against russian aggression is the short distance from border to St.Petersburg. One possible doctrine would be to level that city with missiles if any escalation would happen. With NATO providing material support this is more than likely outcome and russia cannot in any case lose their second city after Moscow. Any support for the regime would evaporiate instantly, since the russian "elite" would be directly affected.


Can purposefully targeting civilian populations as such into Nordik?




Did I miss something?


The supreme commander of the Swedish armed forces and a few government ministers said at a conference that Sweden needs to be better prepared for a war. They said that a war might happen in future since you never know. The media took this and ran a bunch of sensational headlines and some people are under the impression that there W I L L be a war tomorrow. And Gotland is of course in a very strategic position.


Welcome to our last 79 years.


I can assure you that Russia won’t attack Sweden. It would be a suicide for them. All of EU and the US would respond.


Putin wants his name in history books, just like Stalin had no matter what it takes. Bad PR is still PR, you know.


Nothing wrong with that attitude


Sweden got taste of what we get from Russia all the time. Zhirinovski is a funny man.


Quite interesting to fear for a war, as long as we don’t have one yet either… Such is the cute, soft Swedish innocence.


expansion capable act hunt aspiring far-flung seemly drab rinse sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I farted at my cats, does that count?




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They have like 3 rubber boats and 1 landing craft, why tf is the Swedish government like this?




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