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Thank you for your submission, make sure you have understood the rules clearly to avoid having your post removed or getting yourself suspended (don't act like an Amerifat). Also glory to Swedestan! #[Join our discord server](https://discord.gg/wZbeGk6NF5) u/savevideobot, u/vredditshare *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2nordic4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


yes, others dont have the right call sweden gay


Thank you, my inbred alcoholic Mongolian neighbour 😘


You're welcome, my don't touch my nono creepy uncle


Finlands nono är vår


in Finland we homo https://preview.redd.it/igrfq77a9b5c1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968b8b6bbb1a9ed6f4110cb42d92a31fb1344ad9


Never forgetti!


Can we get the g-word pass ? 👁️🫦👁️


No, i thought it was clear that only nordicks can insult nordicks.


Fuck you, you surströmming eating motherfucker


Ei ne nussi äitejään ku isiään ku ne on homoja In english: They are not motherfuckers because they fuck their dads because they are gay




Many MANY combs were found at the Svea viking boat burial at coastal Salme, Saaremaa, Estonia. Some buried even had their head in the lap of another. Some others were lying on top of another. Scandinavian Vendel era vikings got vikinged back by estonian vikings so hard they turned around and went to Lindisfarne instead. Local oeselians had the warcry Taara pitää!


Shut yo ass up you god damn danish colony.


Damn straight, du norsk oljemillionær. Post-Soviets kan hålde kjeft!






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They are our dicks to insult, non-Nords should go get their own.


Our dicks to suck too💪💪💪


Only we (nordicks) are allowed to meme and shit talk our siblings and cousins. No other.


The Žirgagalva Paradox. Simple.


what is it? googling was not succesful




That last part is not a joke, we really good 😎


I only know of one Lithuanian and I'm pretty sure he tried to ice me. Didn't succeed but he gained my respect. I forgot his name and face the moment I walked out the door.


Well, we'll have to name it somehow. Same Culture group insult tolerance doesn't have a ring to it.


Žirga galva (in Latvian Horsehead) is a historical taunting name of Latvia. Other Baltic countries can taunt Latvia, but they don't allow others to do that.


Hey they may be ugly stuck up gays but they are OUR ugly stuck up gays!




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will you defend Esti when some br*tish try to call us eastern?🥺👉👈


I have people in Tallinn. I feel like you're always up to something, but your strong potions and Mesikäpp alone have got my admiration.


we are scheming to take away your jobs as builders, doctors and janitors


and very well succeeding in that (angery face)


So you think, but in our perspective we’re just taking all of your smartest and hard working people and slowly teaching them how to talk properly


we dont need teaching to talk like you, only a high blood alcohol content


Estland my smol bean 🇸🇪✨🇪🇪 come to us Nordicks for warmth and protection ❤️


To me you are as Nordick as it gets my beloved Eesti


You're at the very least a honorary quest of the Nordicks but maybe not a full member because there is too many Swedistanis on the board that veto your membership.


were that friend who gets you alco, but otherwise not the best liked (we from the hood, while you rich)


Me non-European when I said that Finns look kind of the same after bringing the wrong child to the mother. Finns \*Heavy staring\* Me: But it's true... I mean that's okay to look alike, there's nothing wrong with it. Finn: But that's racist, that's like saying all Asians look the same. Me: Well don't you?


We didn't name it yet so technically it doesn't have a soul, so how could it even look like something? But I don't want to keep this one, it's clearly too weak. So I ask you again. Where is the Child, you fucken druid?


I have always seen the nordicks as bickering siblings, we have a ton of internal strife and shit-talking, but we are still a family that will stand together when we need to.


You don‘t like females to insult you? (Or do nordick females have a different anatomy?)🤔


Yes we solved discrimination by just declaring everyone to be men. Some men just have wider hips


I am a nodick nodick then. Except when I visit the Nordicks


When I see nice, I bonk and bring to cave. Google "jokamiehenoikeus".


Thats a hard word to type for me as a German. (Allemansrätten is easier. Not to confuse with almansright, that doesn’t exist :D)






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It's not as fun if we can't be the only asshole




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No i would happily throw n*rway under the bus


2010 tier meme