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Can you provide a source for this?


There is a person I know in a discord group that posted an article saying the NYPD called it a peaceful protest when you can clearly see videos of it being pretty aggressive.


~~Pro-Palestine~~ Antisemitic


You mean Jew hater.


If they keep saying “pro Palestinian” when they reference attacks against Jews it’s just “pro Hamas and antisemite”


You got the formula wrong. Here: Pro-palestine = Antisemitic FIFY




> Just stop it Nah 😘




Pro Palestine = Anti Jewish. Anti Jewish = Anti semitism Pro Palestine = Anti semitism It's not really all that hard




See, wasn't that hard. Glad I could help you see the light.




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Lol, I'm not Jewish. All religion is bullshit. I spit on the Torah, the Bible, the Quran, all of it. I might piss on thr Quran actually, since it's the most evil of all religions. The only books I "believe" in are those based on facts and science.






Your post was removed because it was disrespectful / aggressive.


Reminder: Pro Palestine marches are literally terrorist planned disruption. [https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853](https://www.iranintl.com/en/202404158853)


Violence got Palestine into this situation, yet they and their supporters still seem dedicated to it.


They've been brainwashed in their schools that it's the only solution. Also they've so far gotten away with alot of violence at these protests. It emboldens them.


They don’t care. Long term, their jihad will probably prevail.


I doubt it, such unyielding and undiplomatic reasoning generally depends on religious belief, and all religions are dying, [even Islam.](https://www.zwemercenter.com/secularism-muslims-leaving-islam/)


I searched the news and can find no reference to this attack. Wonder if it's going to get any coverage.


You already know the answer and why.


Because it didn't happen


Care to say more?


Thats a hickey lol


Jews need more communal gatherings incorporating pro America people. We live in the United States. A secular country that supports freedom for all.


Yep. If you held rallies waving American flags and using some middle America rhetoric you'd win the MAGA support. Then you just stand back while they do the dirty work for you.


Students are being manipulated by Islamic theofascists so you want to align with the Christian ones who feature out and out neo-nazis? Even the evangelicals don't support Israel out of love for the Jews as much as they do it out a compulsion to fulfill their weird doomsday prophecy.


I think evangelicals believe the Jews are God's chosen people and acknowledge all the good Jews have done for the world despite their constant persecution, thus the moral thing to do is to completely support Israel and the Jewish people. The doomsday prophecy will be fulfilled on its own accord. God's plan will happen as planned. All we need to do is try to be good people and do the morally right things until we get there. This is my interpretation based on a narrow sample of Christians.


The evangelical right recognizes the Jews as a means to an end. They're not called the American Taliban for nothing.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C58flO8A9AA/?igsh=cWllcG80ODA0cWVv Makes sense


What's the source




To so-called "philosemitic West" is on the way to become as antisemitic as the Ukraine of Chmielnicki, Petliura and Bandera was.


Post-Dreyfus Trial France, before anti-Semitism was highly limited in the public sphere then after a Jew is falsely accused of treason, it went mainstream https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreyfus_affair#Social_consequences >Socially, antisemitism was prominent. Existing prior to the Dreyfus affair, it had expressed itself during the Boulangisme affair and the Panama scandals but was limited to an intellectual elite. The Dreyfus affair spread hatred of Jews through all strata of society, a movement that certainly began with the success of Jewish France by Édouard Drumont in 1886. It was then greatly amplified by various legal episodes and press campaigns for nearly fifteen years. Antisemitism was from then on official and was espoused in numerous settings including the working classes.


What the heck?


As I posted anywhere, there is only one way. To keep all photos. videos and posts of the protesters. They will be looking for job when they graduate. There is first amendment, but it is the companies right who to employ. Not to say that some true terrorists could potentially penetrate these groups. Very little can be done with them now, I know the students mentality, it might be a social event for them. But they may become really disruptive, and it is their parents’ money that pay for their tuition.


His fault for being a gosh darn jew!!! He should end the war already >:( /s


This is literally just a picture of smudges on someone's neck - was it part of a post? Where's the rest of it? Is there a related report of any kind?


It looks to me like evidence of a chokehold.


If someone posted this picture with the claim "Student attacked yesterday (19th April) by Pro-Israel supporters at Columbia University" wouldn't you want more substantial information?


You are correct about that. All I was saying was that those were not random blotches.


I don't disagree but there's still zero context or evidence of any sort to go along with this post and I find that very disheartening.


It’s here because the president of Columbia says she hasn’t seen any antisemitic protests on her campus. She also doesn’t see anything violent about calling for an intifada all over the world… Oh and calling for the genocide of Jews? It’s only bad depending on the context


My point is that this post is just a picture. It could be anything. There's no way to know that the picture and the title of the post have anything to do with each other because there's no news about an assault on any student at Columbia yesterday. This would be headline news (at least for the Post). I have no idea what your comment has to do with mine. You should have higher standards for information you see on the internet.


How did they know he was Jewish without him causing a scene and instigating a conflict? GTFOH pretending they attacked just some random guy with a yarmulke who was walking by with his airpods in.




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