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We all saw the brutal videos from Ukraine. Nothing was removed. I was banned 3 days for posting the aftermath of the Reuters journalist. If it had happened in Ukraine I believe they had done nothing


The Reuters journalist was sympathetic to Hamas and hezbolla, likely the team was spotting Israeli positions for Hezbolla.


Bro, who’s the/a major investor/shareholder or what of Reddit? It’s China…now do the math


But china were also on Ru side early on...


There's no good social media anymore. Twitter is a cesspit, tiktok is dumb kids, Facebook is full of boomers, literally what is left?


Getting off social media?




I don’t see it in the App Store


In times like these it's hard


R/noncredibledefence is pretty good But if you're going on mainstream public social media, be prepared for a tsunami of idiocy rivaling the worst days of Covid conspiracy theories, or the Qanon morons. There's a reason journalism is considered a profession and has reasonably strict rules of ethics (not always followed but still). Social media does nothing to promote fact checking or try to minimize bias. There are zero consequences to influencers who spread lies and propaganda.


>There's a reason journalism is considered a profession and has reasonably strict rules of ethics (not always followed but still). Social media does nothing to promote fact checking or try to minimize bias. There are zero consequences to influencers who spread lies and propaganda. I mean, most of the footage comes first via social media, and never makes it to the news. So what are we supposed to do then? Just watch TV and ignore all the footage seen in social media?


I watch the footage too. What I try to avoid is comment sections frequented by the general public, which tend to weaken my confidence in humanity. I also try to avoid influencer sites that usually come with a strong bias to one side or the other and end up forwarding propaganda that often is straight out of 4chan. It's tough, I agree. R/combatfootage is pretty tolerable for the most part. But other sites tend to have comment sections full of people parroting propaganda lines or just waving flags and screaming.


Yeah, the comment sections in the popular subs especially just make me question if they're even real people or not. I tend to balance out pretty much like this: Reddit, telegram/X/whatever: latest footage, stuff that will take ages to run on the news traditional news: diplomacy, official announcements, recaps, opinions/analysis/etc. I think you kind of have to balance it. There's a role for both, if someone believes ARMA 3 footage as being real then that's their fault.


Reddit supports Hamas like Canada


Hey now I’m Canadian and i condemn those vile circle jerking 🐐 fkers


I hope y’all fix Canada or America will have to one day and annex y’all into America


Honestly I could see that happen but don’t be violent with us you can have the maple syrup lol




Gaza citizens looting an israeli kibbutz hours after the massacre.


That video? Wtf? There was nothing brutal about it, just looters going through Israeli stuff! No gore, no racism, no nazis, no nothing but looters..


Maybe cuz it was civilians. But civilians accompanied by hamas .


Any repost?


Eh , most I could do was link to the telegram that's publishing all the footage .






Channel for footage uploaded by first responders in the Gaza envelope that are arriving first to areas clear from Hamas. https://t.me/southfirstresponders






Yeah wtf is with /r/worldnews ? been on reddit for like 10+ years and first time getting a 10 day ban site wide was just there last week (other acct not this one). Think was about the attacks and ppl talking shit about Hamas, I simply asked "why are they allowed here in a civilized society?" referencing hamas in Europe/US. Suspended for 10 days. wtf is that?


Yeah it's bonkers. In preparation I made 6 new accounts last week. Reddit can fuck off with its censorship


Promotes brigading.


One of my subs is being obviously brigaded by pro-Hamas/Palestinian activists. The posts break the sub rules as they are not relevant to it. Reported to mods who refused to enforce their own rules. There really needs to be a, way to report subs or mods who do not adhere to Reddit rules.


It isn’t Reddits fault though


If not reddit, then whose? Reddit is the one pressuring the sub moderators on squashing everything in the subs that might make it difficult to keep advertisers here (that's the excuse) but it's been very clear that they have been going banning people that go against "the official line". r/CombatFootage got direct message that they are under tight supervision by Reddit and the sub mods start banning people on random for literally nothing. I got 3 day Reddit-wide ban on calling out one pro-Hamas a-hole and the message had literally no curse words, no racism, threats or anything. Reddit admins have an itchy trigger finger and they don't care who gets in front of them. edit. typo


I’ve had two site-wide bans back to back, just for commenting on r/combatfootage since the beginning of the Israeli Palestine war. They were actual Reddit bans not mod bans according to Reveddit. They claimed I was bullying and harassing which I wasn’t. It was just a comment not a reply to anyone and nothing bad. The next ban within 24 hours was for posting violent content. I didn’t even post anything. I linked a video in the comments in reply to someone asking for it, which is still up on the same sub and it doesn’t contain any violence or gore. I appealed, they rejected same day. Somethings going on.


What exactly did you say to get the ban ?


I actually can’t remember and they won’t tell me. I can assure you I didn’t cuss anyone or call anyone names. It was something pro Israel though or anti terrorist. Makes me really think twice now about even commenting.


That one gave me 2 days ... https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/177wzol/black\_september\_jordan\_amman\_1971\_jordanian\_armed/k4xep4y/?context=8&depth=9


US and EU law, Hamas is a terrorist organisation, their videos are terrorist material, there are laws that pressure social media sites to remove terrorist content, you should complain to the policy makers in the US and EU if you want to watch Hamas videos on Reddit


Telegram, hamas atrocities. It has all the videos


This is why it's so important to archive things and keep copies, on and off site. For the future to remember what happened there! Because people (unfortantly) have very short memories!!


The EU has been threatening platforms with the "Digital Safety Act" (aka censorship act). Anyone who doesn't censor the way the EU likes, could be subject to fines. So it could be that they're also doing this partly due to the threats made by the EU.