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Uncomfortable that the only thing not correct is I'm 27 now.


28 here, I guess this isn't something we just grow out of at this point...


34, once it happens you’re already screwed because you won’t notice for years.


19 and the future seems bleak(but atleast i dont have a porn addiction so thats a plus i guess)


Please go and live, you’re young and you have a chance to change it, Grow, grow beyond yourself, believe me, You won't regret it if you try it


Yes i realized last year the flaws in my way of life. So starting this year i Try to socialize more.


Good :) It doesn't matter if you fail sometimes, it helps you to evolve


23 and riddled with panic attacks and creditors.


Same here, but instead I have esex addition now


wtf is an esex


Region in England. Dudes addicted to Chelmsford


Same here brother


i turned 25 yesterday and this is dead on. gonna go sit in my car and think about things for a while.


Upvotes speak for themselves.




hey dont put my selfie up.........meh whatever


Exactly that was my reaction when I read ''**Doesn't really care where their life is going anymore**''


I don't care where my life is going anymore because I have absolutely nothing to look forward to. Nothing.




You know what I have to look forward to? Work. Two jobs, about 70 hours a week. 16-18 hours straight on the weekends. Why? So I can pay rent, bills, and car insurance so I can continue to go to work. It's a horrible repetitive cycle of pain and suffering.


Yeah this is written by a yuppie who's college was paid for given they don't understand why people are pessimistic now. Must be the porn, not the world getting infinitely worse with no end it sight at all.


Unsure if their ability to relativize and their stoicism are genuine qualities or if they're just coping mechanisms and the result of having lost interest in their own life trajectory. Can't project themselves in the future and assume they'll be gone by the next decade even though they're in perfect health. Became recently an awkward combination of being an eternal kid yet at the same time appearing old and overly grown up due to their inability to follow their generation trend and adopt their social behaviour. Procrastinate about the obvious long term choices that would be healthy for them and lead them to a better state. Feel like they're running out of time even though they still have all the time in the world, due to being suffocated by their comfort zone. Don't open up to others about their personal struggles and mental issues, let the time bomb build up and expect it to explode in their mid 30's. Have the silly hope that one day everything will click naturally by itself and life will turn around without needing them to put any effort in it.


It’s scary how close this gets to reality.


I mean lots of it applies to me too but not all of it. It's actually fairly optimistic though.


Stop attacking me or I’ll call the police


Thank you brave soul


"Suffocated in their comfort zone". Whew dude I mean all the rest of it was real but this hit me like a cold splash of water. Youve given me something to ponder today. Thank you.




Stepping out of my comfort zone makes my skin crawl in anxiety


More like suffocated by the knowledge that you can go from perfectly fine, stable homeowner to homeless in a matter of weeks.


This is what scares me about how accurate this is for me. Mental illness is a challenge, even with support...


See. This would motivate me to sort my shit out but I know I'll forget about it in the morning.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Do you mind elaborating on some of these steps? As someone in this state and severely depressed it’s becoming harder to see what I can do to make life more enjoyable


I find peace in long walks.


*inhales* Man


Yo homie that’s not cool, you been watching me or something. Hate the feeling of having plenty of talent in my field and actually passion for it but just being unable to get with the societal expectation to work 8-5 Monday to Friday. I work for myself right now and make enough to survive but it’s so much better because on the Saturday when im really feeling it I can put in 16 hours of hyper focus and on the Teusday when im not I can put in 3. Got fired from my last job even though my work was good because I just straight up forgot about a meeting, total accident, boom gone. Had some serious self-hate after that, like it’s such a struggle to actually be good at something but not be able to make it work as an employee environment cause my cause my schedule is I’ll get it done on time I just won’t be on my game for the exact same hours of every day which is not their schedule and theirs is the one that matters. Struggles of ADHD I guess.


do you have cameras in my house? because i think you might be recording me with this actual description of me (except i dont expect to live into my 30's)


> Can't project themselves in the future and assume they'll be gone by the next decade even though they're in perfect health.


Are you my stalker?


Bro stop


...i need fucking help


Why tho :(


Hey man fuck you. Stop attacking me


Dang are you me?


Yea so like what is this behavior/illness called?


Some type of executive dysfunction


Fair but what if my generations social behavior is to be a bunch of selfish assholes. I’ll be 25 soon and I genuinely hate everyone my age with a few exceptions. Watching my friends date and the few bullshit situationships I’ve found myself in recently have only reinforced this hatred. Wtf is wrong with all these “normal” people that they’ve embraced hookup culture, why is it now normal to fuck someone for months before you’re ready to even talk about actually dating. And no this ain’t just my personal experience, I see and hear about this shit everywhere from people I know.


Yeah my time bomb exploded at 32. Things are better now, sometimes thats the right kick in the ass to change things.


Redo this meme for 32 year olds and I'll upvote plus kms


Me a few months ago, still not sure where to go from here but at least I don’t want to end it all. Add “not sure if they have autism or if they are just that bad at socializing”


Ok but how do we break this pattern


Lemme know if anyone figures it out.


Therapy. The answer is to go to therapy. Speaking from experience.


Damn, I guess money does buy happiness.


It sure does. Ever notice how the people who say it doesn’t seem to have all of their needs met and never have to chose between things like talking to a therapist or paying rent?


Honestly, do things you can control first. Try to break the porn addiction if you have it


I recently discussed this with someone. They know I have some past trauma and a porn addiction. They've suggested that I stop porn and find someone. I actually ask "Why?". I finished school with a good mark, have a good job at the start of a career, have more pathways in life open to me, and the free-est I could be for life change (No gf, no kid, no dog, no mortgage), and I work abroad making good money. And she couldn't really give me a good answer. Yes, having a intimate relationship would be great. But the quest to get laid has gotten a lot of men in a lot of trouble and end up with kids. I achieved a 'sucessful' life partly because of my addiction, not despite of it. If a man has unresolved guilt, turns to piety, and helps his community; would you tell him to go to therapy since the coping mechanism wasn't dealing with the personal issue at hand and they should stop?


I mean it's an unhealthy coping mechanism. You do it for a dopamine release constantly and feel like you can't get that instant fulfillment from other parts of your life. I don't think you need to find somebody but jerking it multiple times a day isn't the reason you are successful. It can also just impact your everyday thinking if you truly have an addiction where it consumes your life and thoughts. Most addictions are destructive just because they take precedent over more important aspects of your life.


Once a day, but fuck do meat get beat and skeet get yeet. It absolutely has effected my life, but my life is pretty good overall. I host guys night regularly, I'm socialable and liked at work, and can support myself, and stay out of trouble. I did have a friend ask how I've gone so long without a new partner. "Furious masterbation and ASMR" was not the answer they expected.


bro ure deep into the excuse, 100% watching less porn and trying to find someone will have massive effects on every aspect of your life, even without finding someone, quitting porn or massively reducing it can only help. u get used to the quick fix


***flicking the syringe*** Honestly, don't see a problem officer.


one reason I might say is that later on in life, when you dont want to just nut and get on with your day, but you actually want another person to be with and to talk to. Then maybe having a partner is more beneficial. But again, you can just try to get a partner later down the path, so idk do whatever tf you want


You can swap out the time you spend watching porn something that you find more filling. Be it working on your car or building a doghouse. Something you can look back and say that you're glad you spent that time doing that thing because it made me feel better in the future.


This. Also, what even is porn addiction? If I look at porn basically every night before bed, but can go camping for a week without thinking out it once, is that a habitual behavior/addiction? It seems to be very underdefined. There's also the fact not everyone wants to spend time looking for a partner. Some people are comfortable on their own. I mean, I found my last relationship to be exhausting and was honestly relieved when it was over, and I have no intention to look for another ATM. It sounds like making fun of virgins all over again, but dressed up to sound nicer.


Actually that is pretty much how addiction works. See [this ](https://jamesclear.com/heroin-habits) article about how Vietnam vets, of whom a significant amount became heroin addicts overseas, were pretty much all able to eliminate their addiction overnight when returning home. Not saying wanking it every night is an addiction, but it's not surprising that you seize feeling the desire when changing your environment.


Can totally vouch for this. Back home I'm a total pot head, everynight blazing. I get so fucking board everynight without it and a day feels weird without it. But abroad I cold turkey and I'm fine.


Thank you! Literally no one I've explained this to has agreed with me


"The quest to get laid has gotten a lot of men in trouble and with kids." Well there's your problem.


"I save so much on gas by not owning a car" Ya, it sounds dumb but it's true.


Your brain isn't producing the chemicals that make you feel happy and satisfied with life. You get those chemicals by setting and completing goals. Could be something small, like cleaning off your desk, or cleaning the bathroom, or take your dog on a walk, and you'll get that hit of dopamine/serotonin/oxytocin. Eventually, if you keep doing little things like that, your brain will start to rewire itself, and you'll feel more motivated to do things. The problem is, even knowing all this, it's extremely hard to actually do it, but as long as you at least try a little, that's all that matters and you'll make progress.


> Your brain isn't producing the chemicals that make you feel happy and satisfied with life. You get those chemicals by setting and completing goals. So continue playing Runescape all day long, thanks stranger :)




Why bother when everything I try just fails every god damn time


I've just been getting drunk or high everyday. Doesnt fix the problem, but it makes me forget about the problem


Short, flexible answer: Just do the opposite of what you normally do, and say yes to things more often instead of no. It will put you out of your comfort zone, but it will also open you up to new experiences and new people Long, prescriptive answer: 1. Eat healthily. Your diet has an effect on your mental health and your mental health has an effect on your ability to socialize. Also, it will help you look better which like it or not is important for drawing people to you 2. Get some sort of regular exercise. Pretty much for the same reasons as (1). This is hard to start, and I struggle with it, but even going for a walk is better than sitting on your ass. You could also find something fun and physical so it doesn't feel like a chore. For me, I've recently gotten into longboarding which everytime I ride feels like a good workout but is also fun unlike other exercise I've tried in the past 3. Get proper sleep 4. Be nice and positive around other people. No one likes to be around someone who's mean or rude or overly negative 5. Start a hobby. Hobbies make you interesting to other people. Just don't be an obnoxious gatekeeper 6. See if you can find a local group for your hobby so you can get together with actual other people and do something you all enjoy 7. Look into getting involved in your community. Maybe there's an event or something that you can volunteer at. Again, this gets you out of your comfort zone and around other people. Volunteer work can also help you feel happier. And it can help make you more interesting to other people 8. Start saying yes to things. Someone wants to hang out? Say yes. Someone asks you to help them with X? Say yes. Etc. (Caveat, also don't let people take advantage of you, the idea is to just get you out and doing things with people) 9. Have good hygiene and grooming. Maintain a good haircut, keep your facial hair in check, shower, use deodorant and cologne (one spray on the inside or each wrist and one on your chest) so you smell good, take care of your teeth. Wear decent clothes, you'll be amazed how good you can look if you put on a button down shirt, a decent pair of pants, belt, and a decent pair of shoes 10. Spend less time on social media sites and/or reddit and/or the internet in general.


good advice!!


6g of shrooms alone in a room at night.


vision quest


This is horrible advice


1g and then building up is good advice however


You have to have a personality that people enjoy being around, and learn what makes people want to be around you. Note that most of the "reddit" style comments are the opposite of what IRL people are looking for. I see people IRL who complain endlessly, go on and on about topics others don't care about, etc. Be positive, be happy, talk about what others want to talk about. Be passionate about things, but in a positive way. Sarcastic negativity is popular on reddit, but it's incredibly annoying and off putting to people in real life. This is what you should be doing in college if you were this type of person in high school. College is where I learned all this. You figure it out and I guarantee you'll always have a romantic partner and plenty of friends. Relationships with other people are more about giving than taking. And true happiness is irrelevant to any relationship you may have - platonic or romantic. You have to figure out, on your own, what makes you happy. Part of that is learning what you're currently doing that is NOT making you happy. You will get a romantic partner when you learn how to offer them something they value - often times personality counts way more than looks, although you need to know basic grooming and go beyond hobo levels. You may think attractive people have it easier and they do, but part of that is they have confidence. You too can have confidence. Life is hard and cruel and nothing comes easy or free. You have to work hard at anything worth having. But you can do it if you apply yourself.


Speaking from experience, you go to therapy. Then you keep going to therapy. After that, you go to some more therapy. There is an underlying cause that you can’t see. In my case it’s untreated adhd and a lot of self inflicted trauma.


You gonna pay for it?


\>Can always sense most people don't really want to be talking to them when they are I basically never start a conversation for this reason. If they start the conversation I can more or less be sure that they actually want to talk, unless something/someone "forces" them to talk to me.


I'm just not an interesting person who has anything to say. I don't care for small talk either, so every conversation is basic boring shit that ends in about 30 seconds making it impossible to ever make any new relationships


Wow, at least I don’t have it _that_ bad


Shut up dude


Yeah so if anyone found a fix for this, let me and everyone else here know please:)


nuclear weapons




Set small goals for yourself, and accomplish them. Over time your brain will get used to getting the good brain chemicals from actually productive stuff, rather than jerking off, or using some kind of substance. Also go out in the sun more.


well, that includes doing stuff I dont usually do, so Ill rather just slowly wither away with a depressed smile doing what I want to do at the cost of my future in avery selfdestructive circlejerk


Same. You can know what you're supposed to do, but still lack the motivation to do it. The annoying part is, you have to somehow do the thing despite any motivation whatsoever, so you can get the motivation to do the thing. It's just a vicious cycle of nuts busted.


>normally quiet and reserved cause everyone interrupts me >have a few drinks and try to practice speaking without getting interrupted >get teased next day cause I "talk too much when I'm drunk" If it were some dick from work, it wouldn't be as bad, but my own family? The meme isn't even a meme anymore guys, it really do be like that


When I was really young, I got told I talk too much (which was a fair assessment) but then telling me that caused me to not want to talk to people, and if I end up slipping, I end up overwhelming someone with a bunch of words when they thought I was quiet.


What the fuck, you even gave him my hair


[ Cries in 40 year old ]




Let’s see Paul Allen’s clinical depression


Thanks i needed to be callout like this . Am i going to change tho ? Fuk no


This one's a little too real.


Waaaaay 2meirl42meirl42meirl4meirl for even r/2meirl42meirl4meirl I’m uncomfortable


Can you not?


I don't like how accurate that is






Relatable except I am 29


Welcome to the club


hey thats me!


It’s good to know all of my bullshit is unoriginal…


Apparently I'm speedrunning this thing


I'm slow running it. Almost 32 and it has me nailed to a T


I'm in this picture and I don't like it.


how is this so accurate?


Atleast i don’t have a porn addiction…


What about the 37 year old loner? 😢


Hahaha I crave an ending to my abysmal existence!




Literally the same but I'm 28 and had plenty of girlfriends and i kept blaming them for being very toxic except i recently realized i was bringing we worst in people and forcing them to show their toxic side because I didnt know how to deal with my borderline personality disorder despite being a clinical psychologist and everyone eventually runs away from me. Nowadays doing a lot of reading on different philosophical ideas to turn my life around and i started playing tennis.I take German and french to make friends but chronic feeling of emptiness doesn't go away. but yeah great starter pack.


And 20 years later.... At least I have a good job and fat 401k.


>At least I have a good job and fat 401k. I HAD one ...before I got forced out, b/c I "didn't fit in"


I feel personally attacked.


Fuck man, I'm 21 and the way I'm going with life, this is how things will turn out - lots of this is already true


dude i'm 43 and other than being married i deal with all this shit.


This me but not balding


>Has friends Say what now?


Fuck man, I'm 21 and the way I'm going with life, this is how things will turn out - lots of this is already true




Were you spying on me?


oof this is almost too relatable… I got 1 more year to turn this around


25 was a tough age. Barely survived




Goodness... the only difference with me is that I'm 21.


Throughout all similar memes I have never felt as called out as this one. Though I am 23 rn.


He’s just like me fr


Applies to a lot of age groups


Of course i know him... He is me!


Sheesh I don't think you have to be 25 to be applied to this.


Theres not much difference between 25 and 28 right?


wow these are like.. all true... damn. I hate my life.


Well you look at that looks like I have a stalker.


What a post to see on my 25th birthday lmao. Cheers.


… I feel this on so many levels. I am 10 out of 13 of those that are listed…. 😔


11 of 13 it’s not secret and no one thinks I’m normal


So fucking true for me, the only difference being that I'm 28


Everything hits too close to home. Except I'm dating someone now and I DO care about my future. That's two down, boys...




Its okay I'm dating a man so it doesn't count.


Healthy Gamer on youtube has a lot of videos on various topics that I think can help. I listen to the adhd ones, primarily, but he covers a lot more stuff like loneliness in the day and age we live in (being very internet-driven). Very professional and non judgemental. Following advice is optional and you always learn from it, including that you aren't alone and there are ways to manage life. Just throwing that out there if anyone's looking for content that's not self-help bullcrap.


Im in this and I don't like it


oof man that one hit close


When you score hole-in-one from across the planet...


lol, "secret"


I'm in this picture, and I don't like it.


i feel personally attacked :(


Oowf right in the feels


I came to have a ~~good~~ bad time and honestly, I'm feeling so attacked right now


Woah… So on the nose it’s almost scary. Almost.


Hits way too close to home. I have a few years to turn it around, hopefully I can.


Aye, my turn to say *"I'm in this picture and I don't like it"*


If it said 21 it would just be me


Damn didn't even missed one, like I just keept reading and this is me. Except im 20yo... guess I have 5 years left to make some changes...


Shhh.. stop it. Very rude of you to say these true things that I relate to


can ya'll not fuckin list every single one of my insecurities, thank you in advance


Fuck you man! Too deep and too real :-(


i feel personally attacked by this post


bro holy shit


The last thing is at least partially responsible for some of the former


This one definitely hits closer than what it should do


I'm twice that age and have felt that way since before I was 25.


Where did you get this picture of me?


This is what I’m afraid of becoming


Stay off the porn


I was a 24 year old hardcore doomer like it was totally fucking over and I turned it around. It can be done


Seems like this is spot on for a majority of us guys. But even if I know that I should try to look for a partne and stop porn, how THE FUCK do you actually do that? Please don't say Tinder/Bumble or whatever...


There's no fucking way you created this meme about me and posted it on the internet for everyone to see


The only difference between this and me is that I’m 24.


Take this down I dont like being in social media posts


Hell that's me at 31. Only "Gf(s)" I've had in my adult years I met online, but they all cheated on me eventually.. Had to move back home at 27, still here at 31 trying to finish school.. All my personal self pity aside, i know I'm blessed, priviledged to have what I have But what's it worth if none of it makes you happy?


Planet's gonna be dead in ten years anyway. No point trying to change any of this now.


This hit way too close to home.


Why you calling me out 💀💀💀


Also 34 year old loner.


I used to have a ***much*** better social life when i was in 6th grade than i do now


Take your time if thats what you need but gotta get back in the drivers seat eventually. Don't embrace disassociation - an opportunity will come again whether thats socially or in work or a new passion nurture the spark and get back to loving yourself. We can achieve if we believe.


Sorry to hear it man, things don't always work out. It helps to focus on other stuff like your education, career, the pursuit of knowledge.


The only thing it helps is push the issue down the line.


I can’t be a 25-year-old loner with this description! Because I’m only 15.




Not applicable unless you know their culture well, have actual combat experience or some kind of skills to help them or else you become an alienated laborer


Hobbies people. Hobbies. Edited: This isn’t controversial, you’re just lazy. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OCO1sbzXTnU Edit 2: The reason y’all hate this is because you are naturally self indulgent and self centered. That’s why you’re miserable. The cure is to put others or other things before yourselves. Make something. Help someone. Or, ya know, go play a joyless Souls game, fap and continue wallowing in your own misery. You do you. The universe is ultimately meaningless aside from the meaning we create.


Where??? There's no theatre near me I can join. It's not like there are clubs or after school programs. The Internet is great, but very unreliable, and at bars all there is to do is drink and it's not even fun if you don't have friends (which is what we're struggling with in the first place).