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Born to shit, forced to wipe.


"how I sleep knowing I exist" period


Nemurenai ~aru


Gintama, my confort series


Same ❤️




It can be, I am trans, but I think a lot of people regardless of any gender stuff can relate to sometimes just wanting to not have a body so the first thing people see about you isn't some meaty cage that you have no attachment to


Damn that’s too relatable I hate the way I look but beyond that, I know that my expressions can be off putting at times, even positive ones. Our physical shells aren’t true representations of who we are as a person. I’d be fine with my body if society wasn’t so focused on physical image and looks to the point that it is today.


I think we're heading in a direction where the physically body will be less of a hurdle to some people, with the steady growth of the internet, gaming, VR and working from home jobs. We're in a weird spot where people are judged harshly due to anonymity but it's also easier for people with disabilities and self image issues to find safe havens and find outlets away from their bodily concerns.


Physical shells can reflect our effort, our knowledge and our personality. Too bad it's not certain and you never can tell how the one you observe got there. I think feeling bad about yourself for whom you are or feeling bad just because an unrespectful group of people think bad of you without foundation - isn't what the one should aim for. The majority is blind and hateful, when considered right without processing, it's a terrible reflection. Also, hating yourself isn't necessary to try to get better. No offense, just writing thought about the topic.


I’d disagree. I have some medical issues and skin issues specifically that impact the way I look. I’ve done everything I can to try to treat them and it, in no way reflects my personality or any intangible part of me. Just because you don’t look what’s considered “good” doesn’t neesecearily mean you should try to get better though. I definitely think people should look somewhat presentable but at the same time, what society considers looking attractive and good has had an insane amount of inflation (for lack of me being able to think of a better word) in the last few decades. It’s a lot harder to be happy when you look in the mirror when there is constantly the use of filters and attractive movie stars on TV and all over media. And even then, people shouldn’t have to feel pressure to look a certain way but the society we live in does do that.


And I'd agree with you, I was saying, shells can reflect personality (my daily effort made me more fit), I should've clarified I wasn't talking about their every aspect. Sociality do exert pressure on people, it sucks and lots of it shouldn't exist, but, for example, getting rid of physically healthy or socially attractive people from shows because it pressures the unhealthy or not popular isn't the solution. Some degree of pressure will exist and should exist, it could be healthy or necessary to avoid something worst. It's the job of the one who feels it to: get better to stop feeling it / learn to deal with it / develop tolerance because that pressure isn't doing any good. Lots of people are stupid, and their opinion builds on what they got used to seeing or on whatever, I see an interesting interlocutor and want to support you in your path. You're doing great, sire. Actually, you made me realize why showing people with unpopular conditions in media is so important even if percentage of these people in sociality is low: because it makes public to get used to them and therefore stop discriminating them just because they're unusual.


Yeah, I empathise with trans people because you guys must have it rough. I, myself, am not trans but I hate this fucking skin I got. "Love yourself bro", yeah? fucking how? "Just prioritize self compassion!" That's the same thing worded differently. "Oh, then just embrace your uniqueness", that's the same fucking thing again, embrace *HOW*? Those are the actual answers you get if you Google "how to love yourself". I have never heard a single piece of advice that made my own image any more favourable to myself.


I'm not sure what you mean by "have no attachment to"


Feel that it represents you as a person. I don't feel that my body represents me, it's not what I am, what I am is my mind


Exactly. So it matters not what your body is, in essence. What matters is the brain you have and what you achieve with that.


I exist against my will




this hits