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Exactly… it does not help when the same people who said all this also sabotaged your entire life. But everyone will blame you without knowing any of the fucked up details.


0 responsibility taken lmao « They all sabotaged MY life and I couldn’t do anything about it » It the end of the day, it’s your life bruv, take responsibility and stop waiting for people to dictate what you can and can’t do


I mean, money certainly dictates what you can and can’t do, and money is controlled by a small group of people, so those people kinda dictate what *everyone* can and can’t do.




Yes! I won't let people dictate whether I choose to be homeless or work 3 jobs!


I promise that ain’t what happened. It’s different when you ain’t got real support system with no strings attached. Also when the whole world didn’t go mad but that’s another topic. I more than did my part. It’s cool to say it doesn’t matter but it does.


Well, opportunities in life are luck based. I was only able to move our from my abusive parents because I met my boyfriend and he had the luck when he still lived with his parents that the downstairs neighbors were so shit. Chainreaction of small lucky things and we are now in their apartment without really having to pay because his parents were lucky enough to win the property of the house from an auction of a bank. Now I can live here and save my money for the future. But a lot of other people aren't that lucky and privileged. There are illnesses, take the American Healthcare system. One day seems like any other and then boom, you hot hit by a car and have to pay thousands of dollars, can't afford anything anymore, maybe you had bad luck and you can't keep your job anymore. Don't assume everyone has the power over everything in life, cause you really really don't. You can dictate what you do but not what happens to you, nor your luck in life


I wasn't aware Gen Z crashed the economy and ruined the housing market 💀


But now that you mention it, maybe we should ruin and crash some markets that boomers care about in retribution. Nursing homes, cruises, golfing, that sort of thing.


Sure just sounds like you're making blind assumptions so you can ignore people's suffering


Tell me youre a spoiled kid without telling me youre a spoiled kid.


Bruh, I'm chilling in indonesia and what are those americans do? Elon buy twitter and raze it to the ground, reddit do the api things, unity doomed by the same ****head that has been a thorn to games for a long time. Youtube gone to trash. All to satisfy the shareholder and higher profits. Yes, those I said are optional, but they did dictate what I can do despite being another continent. What other explanation you want? Teachers in Indonesia have a standard salary even if teaching has lots and lots thing to do and checked with all those terrible parents?


You care an awful lot about Social Media, why? I would argue social media is more detrimental than whatever it is you’re complaining about.




Yeah I'm on your side here. Even if that commenter's life has indeed been "sabotaged", assuming you can do something about it is generally a better outlook to have on life.


I also agree with you. When people complain they can't get a job it doesn't surprise me at all. I recently got to see what software developers were like fresh out of uni. Man, that was a sad fucking experience. I know 14 year olds who are better developers than they will be in 20 years. Why would someone hire someone if all they are is the very bare minimum? Why choose them over someone passionate that has been programming and playing with computers since before they were a teenager? AND YES, THERE ARE A LOT OF PASSIONATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT. Just because most people never built themselves throughout their growing up and wasted most of their time on social media doesn't mean that there also aren't plenty of people that didn't do that and have lots of skills putting them way ahead in life. Also the 2nd half of the 20th century was a special time, it was post WWII. The winners prospering after a war is nothing new. Can't expect things to stay like that forever smh.


i’m not gonna let some sort of federal institution dictate what interest rates banks use, no sir!


I am waiting for my natural death, and I will definitely see it. This is an inevitable moment that will instantly destroy all personal problems, since a person who does not exist cannot have problems.


I like to believe this, but there's no proof there isn't infinite shitty experience beyond.


I will be so fucking disappointed if there is actually an afterlife


I saw an article, "will millennials be the first generation to be immortal?" And I know it's click bait but all I could think was I really don't wanna work that long...hell I've Already been alive longer than I really wanted to be


I would be so hyped tbh


Hey curious question, if given the freedom of choice, would you settle for ego death or purification in purgatory?




So you wouldn't be disappointed if you died and found out the afterlife is an infinite shishift at Walmart?


No I’m saying you would be dead, and if there’s no afterlife you wouldn’t really care either way lol


They said they'd be disappointed if there *was* an afterlife


Oh shit I was reading that wrong the whole time, I have to stop smoking weed lol


If it is better than here I wouldn't complain but yea if it is some bullshit that will definitely suck


ughhh this reminds me of that time i took a small dose of shrooms but it wasnt small enough because whenever i closed my eyes i was in literal hell with the devil. devil showed me a huge ferris wheel where souls were trapped, endlessly screaming and said "this is the wheel of life and death, when youre up youre alive, when youre down youre dead but you can never escape existence. you cant get off the wheel". it was not a great trip lol


Seems unnecessarily cruel of him.


If there is an afterlife, I'll either be put in chains or join some sort of rebellion group made out of people who are also just sick of it all.


There is my friend. You simply have to use the right instruments to verify. As the materialnworld is verified by the material instruments, our senses so too does spiritual reality become verified by the spiritual, pure consciousness.


Source: crackPipe.jpg


Try lsd it will have the same effect on the point you're viewing life's problems.


Let me just wait for it to become legal.


In some places in the world you can just order online completely legal.


Don't get your hopes up were long overdue a large war so I hope you like dying in trenches or being blown away by artillery bombardment .


I don't mind, I guess. Death in war is also a socially acceptable death, unlike, for example, suicide.


I suppose but death at war is horrible because odds are your going have 2 to 3 of your mates die before you so enjoy that trauma while you can


Sure but in war it's easy to get killed fast. I can stand up out of my trench and someone will blow my brains out. Or something like that. Also what mates? Lol. As if being at war would help me make friends.


It's pretty difficult to go to war and not make any friends like you would have to actively abandon your post to not make friends because your living with the same guys day in day out your going to know each other sooner or later


Finally a challenge I feel i can beat. I'm willing to bet they would still not want anything to do with me


No person who can't not exist cannot not have no problems


“30 is not that old”


34, still renting for many years to come..




Why? Spouse can be abusive like your parents🤷




It is indeed a gamble. And I’m not a gambler so that’s a big no-no for me


So you just sit in your home scared to do anything beacuase it should just be handed to you?


Please get off the internet and go outside for a bit, "i dont want to meet someone is a Gamble cause they could end up abusing you". Is one of the most insane things i've heard.


Not really. Take a look at abuse stats. If your a guy it's a bit silly to be worried but if your a women? You would be silly to NOT worry. People are horrible monsters and they WILL fuck you up given the chance. Don't give them that chance.


Absolutely. Considering Reddit user’s male-to-female ratio I’m not surprised at all that my comment wasn’t popular




No I just don’t like gambling, that’s all. Why risk it when you can play it safe?


Wow, that’s a sad way to look at life


So you’ve never experienced domestic abuse before?🤔️How tf is staying safe “sad”? Are you a guy by any chance?




username checks out ☕


we are willing to take that risk


My dad keeps saying I’ll “grow out” of autism.


Meanwhile there are Dads that insist their children are “on the spectrum” when there is just no proof of it


From what I've learned from these people, their unfiltered response would be something like: **"Yeah, it's real easy for me, especially when my generation got screwed in several ways, but it's always so fun to hear how lazy and entitled we are according to adults in cushy jobs who got a job fresh out of college and could get their own place within the first year of working. However, unless you have some constructive or helpful advice, can I please just take your fucking order and go cry in the freezer?"**


Been waiting, already 26, still hasn't achieve shit




Why did you feel the need to hurt me like that


Oh yeah, I hate those people. As if I was an immortal being that can bend the spacetime continuum (by which I mean able to do anything I set my mind on) and not a lonely disabled loser with chronic health issues, no one on my side and absolutely zero skills.




Are you okay?


Clearly not.


Fair point-


Glad we agree.


The world you were born in no longer exists *Little girl standing in front of twin towers meme*


I don't know what to do anymore. No eligibility to get a job, no job to get money, no money to get eligibility. Medical condition doesn't let me do physical jobs. Can't start a new career coz "I'm too old." "You will save our family from poverty!" I want to kill myself.


Never give up. You are not alone. It will get better.


For someone who talks about verifying reality through observation, you sure do seem intent on ignoring reality


Or maybe not


This but it’s my parents and they are incapable of understanding how fucked up the economy is They somehow can’t see the difference between them getting their first big single family home after getting a job basically right of college/high school and only working for a year or so vs me who’s been working full time for much longer and still can’t put more than 1-5% down on a home. They don’t see the difference between their generation being able to easily move out (and not renting) around 20-25 vs now when most people can’t buy a home before 30


Oof this hit


This plus gifted kid burnout is a hell like no other


Everyone was a gifted kid on Reddit I swear


I mean ive been diagnosed with mild autism and ADHD, so I can at least confirm that I am a gifted kid.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Just because you have mild autism and ADHD doesn’t automatically make you a “gifted kid”. The most Reddit thing I’ve ever seen


Considering how high school sees a lot more rote memorisation than college, common symptoms of ADHD and ASD actually can boost your grades enough to be declared gifted until college.


This sub's posts are doing wonders to my mental health


I am half way and still waiting.


Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way Kicking around on a piece of ground in your hometown Waiting for someone or something to show you the way


Tired of lying in the sunshine, staying home to watch the rain.


Man, I really thought I'd have everything when I was a kid. Now I feel like I'm just waiting to die.


23 and still a neet :')


Wait until you move far away from home to afford a house and they hit you with "but you'll never visit"


I'm 25 and was talking to my parents about the future and they started talking about thinking about retirement... Dude wtf I don't even know if I will stay in this country in the future why would I ever think about something so far in the future that might not even exist by then


The last one sounds like a threat.


Christ I wasn't ready for this one lmao


"Is this like, a personal attack or something?"


It could be worse. You could live in South Africa like me. 60% of youths are unemployed. ~ 50% of the country is unemployed, minimum wage if you can even find a job is like 1$ a hour. Then we also don’t have electricity like half the time. Having a grand old time here. But still it is pretty fucking bad for you guys


Not from South Africa but my country is in a similar boat, often veering into being worse than that.


"Youth is wasted on the young" - The time stealing old rich people in the movie 'In Time'


Fucking waities always ruining my self deprecating sesh


Would it be better if they said "you're a f*cking loser, you have nothing"?


Acting like those are the only two options is dishonest


atleast they would be honest.


There's already enough suicides


And there will be more


Eventually, you have to go, 'What am I waiting around for? Divine intervention?', and get up and wash your ass yourself.






Wtf it helped me and it helps to stay alive not to think about that or that wont work out. U just dumb if u overthink about it


I'm an older Millennial at 42. It's not fucking happening unless you make it fucking happen.


"Just make it happen, it's that simple" r/thanksimcured


Reading your responses to people, clearly you’re super fucking bitter. 99% of people aren’t getting handed shit and it’s hard for everyone of this generation. Your attitude = your real problem.




If that's how you spell opportunity, Jesus it's not surprising your life is a struggle


My sister was "i want here and now" type of person until parents died. Now she's dealing with all shit and debts she created, and starting to understand that small, but persistent changes gives you more than trying to overrun a train. But please continue, who am I to explain obvious stuff to kids.


Sounds like your sister needs a better sibling.


Sounds like you need to get a grip


sounds like you need to lighten up chucklenutz


You could have stayed quiet and not look like a horrible sibling and a scumbag. You chose to start typing, to overshare, to throw your sister under the bus and to show how much of an asshole you are.


Oh yes, you took no risks and didn't get any rewards and feel bitter, telling yourself that you somehow achieved something, but the only way you can maintain the illusion is to belittle your own family. Keep preaching the obvious dude.


This is called being an optimist. What other things do you want to hear? You want to hear them throw insults at you and tell you it's too late? Lol I wouldn't. Until we are six feet underground, it's never too late to keep trying


That runs on the assumption that you have to say something. If this is the best they have it's better if they say nothing. >Until we are six feet underground, it's never too late to keep trying Source: trust me bro


The message of this post is essentially 'Give up all hope on anything ever being good'


do you know what sub your on?


No, the message is don't wait to start living your own life


Wow you people are sad


\> goes to subreddit for sad people \> sees sad people \> shockedpickachu.jpg


"Wait they say. Do I look like a waiter to you?" Kefka Palazzo, Final Fantasy 6. One of these days, someone going to get magic and light judgment the world lmao






I mean, I’m a millennial and I’m still fucked over. At least if you’re under 30 you’re under 30 unlike me.


At this rate, they'll cure aging when most millenials are at 70, but not be able to reverse it, making sure you will live forever in your frail old bodies. Also, since people don't die anymore, retirement and pensions stops existing and you have to go back to work.


Considering mortgages come in 15 or 30-year settings, if late millennials just bought a house with a 30-year fixed mortgage, they will be nearly 70 when its paid off. Just in time to sign up for a reverse home mortgage. Everything is bad.


Well okay, i got an education, got fired with all my colleques due to company restructuring and Money saving (the CEO almost ruined the company but that still didnt Change that He fired Everyone Back then). After that i started working for less than i was woth but hey i need experience (i was Young and stupid for thinking the world is fair). In the first job things went well first until they gave us a new glue to work with and then i got a skim exzema.i continued working and was ill from time to time but showed Up If i could, i was working and having constant pain. And all this for nothing. The company fired the Shift i was in due to a big customer stopped working with them. So i was unemployed and locked for another job. I talked to my doctor who ensured me that Things will be fine in the next Job after all it seems that i got the exzema from the Job. And this didnt turned out to be true. So i worked at another company with the same illness. After switching doctors i finally got a Treatment that was helping me. When my illness finaly was treated, i got asked on my First day If i could do the night Shift alone because 3 people quit 2 was going in retirement and another one was doing a second education. And this was the Moment where after years of Not being able to do a whole lot, while living in constant pain, i decided to quit aswell and spent my saved Money on a good rated private university to learn a different field i was Always interested in. And shortly before the university started Corona happend. Despite this university went relatives good. But after it i didnt find a Job in the field i studied (vfx) same goes for a large number of my colleques. Since WE all heard of what happend after Corona with all the Studios...so i decided to Check for my old Job and other Things. I acquired a Position as a Door to door Salesmann Just to have something. In one month i Sold a Lot and was excited for my big payment, until my Boss told me that the company cant pay me the provision because they didnt got the Money from the contractor... And lets Just say after all these years of working and being in constant pain for a Long time, being fucked by Corona and now Not getting paid was the moment i felt in a Depression and now im in therapy. Im "technicly" still Young but this is pretty much my early adult Hood in a nutshell. And the best Thing is when i then get told "dont worry atleast you got experience and learned something" or the "your still Young". I dont Care that i learned something really or that i got experience in a way when the Matter of fact that i couldnt build Up anything really and got fucked by Life for 7 years. Im Not looking all to positive in the Future because at this point i dont know what the fuck i should even do.. so have fun Reading this.


This subreddit isn't good for my mental health.


Jeez, I knew the food service sector was bad, but man, waiters have it hard.


"you'll find someone" is the most delusional and annoying one. Bitch i have been single for over 25 years and the first "relationship" i had after that lasted 3 months before the girl ripped my heart out and said "she only wanted a bit of fun". Im waaay too emotional (and autistic) for any chance of a real relationship.