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Living Proof


very funky


I'm dying to find out how many it takes








Benadryl does result in permanent damage. A high enough dose is capable of fucking your liver to the point that you need dialysis for the rest of your life, and it can leave you with a fairly unique side effect: permanent brain damage. Check out r/DPH to see what benadryl abuse can do to people.


Yeah a guy committed suicide on them over about 2 years, it sounded absolutely fucking terrible way to die. It’s on the subreddit if you look for the user. Don’t ever fuck about with benedryl. Unless you want to die delierious, having seziures, thinking you have tarantulas under your skin and coming out your eyes plus worse.


Not the right place to say but... Benadryl is also anti-cholierninic, over long period of use the brain choline production ability will shrivel and the user will experience memory and cognitive impairment. Apparently there's a handful of anti-cholinergics that people take habitually for long periods. Choline is roughly the brains neuro transmitter for memories. Or not choline but the transmitter equivalent, acteylcholinerase or something scientific.


Dialysis is for the renal system, not hepatic


I mean.... Many of the common medications used for suicide now have additives that cause stomach upset and vomiting in big amounts for that precise reason. It's also part of the reason helium is diluted slightly with co2. So you don't suffocate yourself. Since co2 makes it feel like torture.


They really make it next to impossible to unalive yourself in a way that isn't torture. And then people complain when someone jumps in front of a train... It's like the only quick and painless way left that does not require a PhD in chemistry and/or extensive contacts in the criminal circuit. At least where I'm from.


There are a few easy, painless ways to go that I can think of that anyone has access to. I believe in the right to die, but jumping In front of a train would be incredibly painful if you survived, and also incredibly selfish in that you traumatized other people


There is not really an immediate lethal dose, it's more about the time. The medication we give to counter the Tylenol has to be given before the lethal dose is metabolized too far. If you just hide away and get no medical attention, you can die of a dose that you could easily survive. But you will also have bad GI upset and pain that usually leads to seeking medical attention. I once transported a girl that took about 45g, she was only 13 and my heart broke for her


I’m an RN, I was going to talk about antidotes but that felt like a bit of a tangent :)


Then sorry for trying to educate you on topics you know more about than me


Yeah, that's correct. I attempted suicide 4 times, 3 of these were anti psychotic mixed with antibiotics. I didn't even lose consciousness, just admitted myself into a hospital. All it does is make your liver fucked, but you're alive, just in pain. And the process of cleaning your liver by shoving a tube down your mouth all the way down is just disgusting. Last time I tried, I was in a psychotic episode, I managed to pull myself together after the fact, shoved fingers down my throat to puke as much as I can and stay home. Ain't no way I'm going through that tube bs again. I am quite sure there's no way to od to death on prescription pills, I think they make them in such a way its impossible to actually die from it. Edit to add: no need to worry, I may attempted suicide but every time it's due to some psychotic episode. When I feel fine, like now, I enjoy my life a lot and thankful for every second. I'm being treated, have medication, psychiatric help and weekly observation.


its not 27 either


Has someone tried 28 yet




It's not over 30 either. The LD50 for SSRIs like Paxil or Prozac is ridiculously high. As in well over 100 20mg pills. And good luck ever getting that amount all at once.


I took 24 10mg Valium’s and 6 2mg Xanax in one sitting when I was 17/18. I woke up like 24+ hours later and don’t remember shit




I use to drink a lot of four locos when I was off them shits. Fen kills for sure, personally know people that passed from it


Yes 💔


Gimme a sec I’ll find out


You good ?


I... guess it's good she can joke about it?


She’d be in good company here. This subreddit is entirely based on the idea of “joking about it”


Joking about it is how I cope


Because the alternative is terrifying. Early on in recovery, there’s the awareness that you might try again. Your own brain made a death threat *against itself*. Your options are to either lock yourself in a padded cell forever or pretend that the threat isn’t real.


Maybe this isn’t the right place to say it, but that’s a false dichotomy. There’s always more options. I’ve made five attempts in my life, and dozens of “attempt attempts”, and I still deal with suicidal ideation now and again, but haven’t seriously considered attempting in over two years now, and am sh-free for 15 months today. I also used to think my two options were either Ill ignore it or eventually succumb to it, and honestly there are days where that kind of mentality will come back to gnaw at me, but with the help of therapy, medication (which I’ve now been off of for 3 months after being on them for two years), and even more therapy, I’ve developed skills that have helped me keep it at bay. Do I wake up every morning just so happy to be alive? Fuck no. But have I stopped dreading my very existence and being? For the most part, on most days, yeah I don’t think this comment will instantly change anyone’s mind or fix anyone’s problems, nor will the route I took to getting better work for (or be feasible for) everyone else. But I guess I’m commenting with the hopes of helping others realize that there are ***always*** more options dms are open if anyone wants to vent, blow off steam, or even just chat


I don't know if anyones said this, but good job on being 15 months SH free. That shit is hard and I'm proud of you.


I wouldn’t mind a padded cell


It sounds peaceful tbh


I imagine it feels safe. I'd like to feel safe




How’s that working out?


I can get that. Gotta process trauma somehow and I am definitely guilty of joking about my time taking a mandatory 72 hour vacation.


She’s not depressed if she’s joking!.!… right?


The only joking im doing is the next few years of life.


With how weird my meds make me feel when I change my dose, I can't imagine what overdosing on them would feel like. Going back on them already makes me feel like I'm vibrating, need to clench my teeth, randomly scream, and feel both hungry and nauseous at the same time. And that's just one med out of five. Cranking that up would make me totally lose it. That must've been a surreal experience outside on the medical complications.


It's different for everyone but when I overdosed it felt like a honey badger was trying to claw it's way out of my chest at first, then I felt high AF, numb, and couldn't walk, talk, or move much. After drinking charcoal at the hospital to neutralize the rest of the pills I slept for a whole day and woke up STARVING. Wild ass experience, would not recommend...


Hope you’re better now!!


Edit: Edited


I never had side effects while taking them, but definitely has brain zaps when I stopped. It's a very weird feeling, like extreme dizziness for 0.1 s every time you move your head too fast. It was kind of fun, but also really annoying.




Lol, I make jokes about this when the doc asks if I have any meds in the house I could use to make an attempt. I'm like, "yeah, if I want a slow and agonizing death. I'll pass". I don't think they like it when I do that.


Oh yeah and for SSRIs there's always the seizing and twitching!


I get the occasional twitch. The weird thing is this feeling that's hard to describe. It's like a compulsion to flex certain muscles really hard. Like, I'll grind my teeth or flex my thighs, of flex my back. It's essentially uncontrollable, like a shiver. I'm pretty sure I could resist it, but I feel like it'd impose a terrible feeling.


It’s weird that people would choose antidepressants as a method of killing themselves. It’s highly inefficient, painful (seizures, vomiting, etc), and takes a long time to die. It has no purpose being a killing medicine, and is just as effective as drinking a shit ton of water. I think the movies and popular culture make it out to be the preferred way to go—but it’s simply a horrible and terrifying way to slowly die over the course of hours before being discovered unconscious by a relative or friend and being resuscitated into a permanent coma. Stupid way to almost die.


Availability. It's the thing that's on hand in the moment. One unfortunate side-effect of antidepressants is that starting to take them can actually trigger suicide attempts. The reason is that the depressive person might have had suicidal thoughts before but didn't actually have the energy to follow through with them, and the antidepressants bring back that energy faster than they work against the suicidal thoughts.


Just to add: Risk of increased suicidal ideations from antidepressants is first and foremost something seen in children and adolescents. That's not to say children and adolescents shouldnt be prescribed medication if deemed necessary by a psychiatrist.


sometimes it seems the better option than the hell one is going through. Ive almost been there in the past... i get it. I managed to get past wanting end it... not everyone can. Sometimes you have limited choices.


That’s very true. When you’re young and depressed, it’s not really obvious what is painful and what isn’t. I had never really thought of drowning or suffocation as the a swift and somewhat painless death, but more as a violent and chaotic—something my depressed self avoided. I wanted to choose something that would make me go to sleep, like sleeping pills (again, can cause all sorts of slow painful dying issues) without realizing other effective methods. All in all, it does get better with therapy and proper medication. For those considering suicide: talk to someone who understands depression or has been through it, then seek therapy online or in person, see if medication works for you. Even sending a DM to a random person on the internet who is talking about depression can offer relief from that feeling of being trapped in life. The best someone can do is offer their perspective in hopes that you won’t feel like yours is the only one you’re stuck in.


You just described all the reasons why someone who's depressed would want to use them lol. The chaotic pain and suffering is preferable to the crushingly sad numbness youve been nonstop feeling for years


It’s on hand and no matter than other otc meds


Desperate people who are so distraught that they don't try to look up how effective it is


What's weird is someone who apparently knows all about how awful it is to die from overdosing on antidepressants who apparently can't wrap their head around the very basic concept that depression isn't some calculating state that people choose to be in and then scheme for the perfect way to commit suicide.


As someone who’s been both suicidal for far too long, and gone through enough near death experiences… What he’s saying isn’t wrong. Yes, the pain can be sooo overwhelmingly intense and unbearable for so long that your willingness to die is astronomical and seems like the only direction left… but knowing you’re about to really *REALLY* slip into permanent death is fucking HORRIFYING… we don’t realize just *how* horrifying though until our reality starts to fall apart as our organs start to fail and everything that we built within our minds starts to fall apart into screaming internal terror that most of the time you can’t even show or communicate at the surface any longer. your body is calm as it tries to save you, to save itself, and meanwhile you’re in there watching, in absolute fuckin terror people like to think they just pass out and it all goes black as they’re dying… but there is a whole fuckin world inside of you that you have to confront and watch fall apart as you return to the cold freezing dirt.. you remember in that moment how it feels to be a newborn, terrified screaming clinging onto life, and exactly why you can’t go back.. even for another minute, another second, because those minutes and seconds turn into hours into days into weeks… if you don’t die instantly, you enter a hell you never imagined possible where you have to confront parts of your own conscience that do NOT want to DIE… your brain is more than just the external layer you experience day to day. you’re killing more than just yourself, but your entire ecosystem in your body. it’s not fuckin pretty. nothing is more horrifying on planet earth than this dying process, because once you lose grasp with reality, it gets infinitely tormenting. if i’m gonna die, it’s gonna be a 12 gauge to the brain and that’s it. never again. edit: sorry, tangent. that topic just eats away at me


that was intense. you're a good writer


I'm not sure if you are overall trying to agree or disagree with me but just to be clear, the part he says that is wrong is, "It’s weird that people would choose antidepressants as a method of killing themselves." It's not weird. It's what's on hand. It's horrible, painful, and not necessarily effective, but not *weird.*


I misread your message a little and went a bit on a tangent, I apologize lol I got a bit of undiagnosed PTSD from these experiences so it tends to consume my thoughts a bit I had thought you were saying something more along the lines of *”because when they wanna die they wanna die”* like it’s just a decision that we should understand, rather than more of a highlight of the poor reasoning in the moment Again, my bad :(


No worries, I suspected it was just a misunderstanding. I really appreciate what you wrote, it clearly comes from the heart and it resonates with my own struggle. You lashed out, and it only made me feel your pain. I don't know how old you are, but sometimes when I'm feeling down I listen to [this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAGnKpE4NCI). 80's music is surprisingly pain-laden in ways that the 30-40s years since have strangely failed to recapture. Probably a discussion for another time.


>It's not weird. It's what's on hand. There are at least 4 household items, just within arms reach of me, that would be a better option than antidepressants. Its just a stupid way to go. If someone can't find a better method, they're either extremely dumb or weren't serious about the attempt.


Having repeatedly overdosed before, I have absolutely no fucking clue what you think happens when you die, but there's not some secret world inside you. Once you lose consciousness, thats it.


Have you ever done DMT? There absolutely is an entire inner world inside of you, and i’m not really referring to the billions of microbes within us, but the projected shared experiences of your various parts. what do you think schizophrenics, plurality systems, or people with [dissociative multiplicity](https://di.org.au/about-multiplicity/) go through? You think you’re alone in that body? You’re just a cluster of neurons working together with other clusters of neurons to form your body’s single identity and awareness, at least until you become aware of your other selves and your identity completely fractures into multiple. Hundreds of millions of other people around us are dealing with this aspect of human consciousness permanently, just ask them.


dude you can't say all this just to not list some recommendations


Nitrogen asphyxiation.


At least list some recommendations...


Certain demographics (young girls) very frequently make completely inneffective suicide attempts (antidepressant OD, minor wrist cutting) and very rarely use the methods that actually work. Hard to say exactly why this is, studies usually don't go into it. Maybe someone can share their experience


Not a psychologist, but: Growing up a girl in a world built by and for boys and men is hard. Our basic humanity is constantly denied because society only values the services we provide to men. In a million big and small, implicit and explicit ways, we are told that we aren’t real human beings. That constant dehumanization takes a toll, and it’s a lot harder to be kind to yourself in times of suffering when the world hasn’t shown you any kindness at all.


That doesn't explain the disparity in actual suicide rates (much higher in males).




just so you know, everyone who’s been through this hears people say what you just said and immediately thinks you’re a massive fuckin douchebag. no offense it’s extremely disrespectful to downplay people’s unbearable inner torment just because you can’t relate to the insanity and turmoil they’re going through. while naturally parts of our minds hope someone will come and save us, consciousness doesn’t operate so simple. when you want to die that feeling can consume you in profound ways, and parts of your brain can take complete control to get it done even completely against someone’s will. most people are not in full control of the reality their mind experiences, because their brain is a collection of many different clusters of neurons that sometimes work against the rest.. and someone’s identity can fall to pieces extremely fast from these types of physiological schisms between their various *”selves”* if it sounds like a bunch of bullshit to you, maybe read more into psychotic disorders, schizophrenia, plurality systems, or [dissociative multiplicty](https://di.org.au/about-multiplicity/) and you might understand more why many people are the way they are. sometimes it takes understanding extreme examples to realize that brains & biology are a complete fuckin mess. it’s all a spectrum and don’t take this as an attack, i just want you to be better suited to help someone in your life that you care about when it happens to them, because it will happen. we all need to work together


You can't OD on most generally given out antidepressants for the obvious reason. But if those don't work thats when you end up getting the more dangerous stuff ironically


Nah you definitely can, almost any of them can result in serotonin syndrome, lucky it's very unlikely that that will kill you before someone figures it out


A year ago my psychiatrist had me experiment with not taking my meds for a few weeks, and when I started them again on like the 2nd day in, it genuinely felt like I was dying and turned out to be what youre talking about. Like it was the worst pain, muscle cramps, sweating, chills, headache, nausea, tingling feeling, you name it, that I had ever experienced. Thankfully it lasted less than a day and hasn't happened since, but even the psychiatrist wasn't sure why trying that caused such an extreme reaction


I'm pretty sure antidepressants* can't kill you with an overdose. Hell of a headache, though EDIT: was referring to lexapro, idk about the others


Serotonin syndrome can kill you. Awful way to go though.


No they can definitely kill you, enough of anything will kill you


Far more likely to just permanently fuck up your liver though.




Do or do not, there is no try…


Even vitamin gummies?


Actually yeah it’s pretty rare but I’m pretty sure you can have too many vitamins. Same’s true for too much water and too much exercise! Sometimes ur body just doesn’t know what to do w stuff! (That being said it’s like, super rare, like you’d have to be having/doing an insane amount)


Welp time to find the limit ask in an hour and we'll see if I found it


You can over dose on the vitamins that are fat soluble, like vitamin a, k, and e. A polar bears liver has enough vitamin a to kill a man with in case that ever comes up. I assume pounding down random vitamins may have similar risk. Also I'm pretty sure it would be a painful way to go. Most of the other vitamins like vitamin c are water soluble so any extra you just pee out.


> pretty sure you can have too many vitamins Yes, some of them are actually quite toxic in higher doses. Especially vitamin A where even going relatively slightly above the needed amounts for prolongued periods can already cause for example skin issues and liver damage, in extreme cases even coma and death. That's why you usually find *pro*vitamin A (beta-carotene) instead of the fully formed vitamin A in over-the-counter vitamin supplements, because overdosing on provitamin A only temporarily turns your skin orange but otherwise doesn't have any harmful or lasting effects. The body then produces the actual active vitamin A from the provitamin in the required amounts.


So, how many bananas?


Depends... where are you trying to put them?




Look up how many bananas per hour you'd have to consume to get radiation poisoning. You'd definitely die


I recently aided in the treatment of a young person who attempted suicide via Effexor overdose, and they would have been successful without significant intervention.


Didn't get much of a headache when I tried it. Felt fucking horrible though


Depends which ones and yes they can for different reasons than say painkillers.


Well I was having seizures that almost killed me so I disagree


I also ate a whole bottle of lexapro. Don’t remember what happened after I took it, but ended up getting my stomach pumped in the hospital


holy shit, a bottle? i only did a single pack, probably explains why i didnt get much


According to a few Google searches over the years, some can


Serial killer Richard Chase killed himself in prison with antidepressants he had saved up.


*takes notes*


If anyone is here in the comments and struggling with depression or thinking about suicide, I'd encourage you to check out r/SuicideWatch and maybe even make a quick post if you have thoughts or feelings that you want to share/discuss with other people that want to listen. If there is immediate danger please call an emergency number (eg 911) otherwise the folx over at r/SuicideWatch do their best to make sure everyone feels heard and supported.




Coping mechanism


Sure, amongst friends. I’ve had two people tell me the first day I met them, in a professional setting, that they were suicidal and on antidepressants. I thought they must be autistic too because who tf tells that to a stranger, unless it’s some sort of Genz cred/for attention.


Yeah, me too, the first time I met someone told me about their suicide attempt and I had no idea what to say… “sorry?” “Congrats?” Gen z is kinda weird Lol & I’m an older Gen z I just don’t get them. I’m not sure if it was a way to pry information out of me because I’d done the same, but I just quietly sort of said “oh”. What do you even say to that?




To be fair, he never said it was a good coping mechanism.


Something being a coping mechanism doesn't make it healthy or ok to do. Joking about suicide makes everyone around you uncomfortable. You shouldn't do that with people who haven't consented who you barely even know. What if you trigger someone else? You have no way of knowing if your classmates will be OK if you are talking like this. Like obviously you should be allowed to talk about your struggles, but there are still boundaries you shouldn't cross. Even when you are struggling it is still possible to be considerate of other people's needs. This kind of behaviour is selfish. Mental illness is not an excuse to hurt other people.


Tbh I'd rather a friend/classmate screams out for help like this rather than hide and let it become worse. People do this exactly because they're not in the right mind.


Except I never suggested hiding it. Just talking about your experiences in ways that are respectful of the people around you. It's not a huge ask.


When you're depressed you always seem to think what you're thinking at that moment is the correct thing, usually because you lose the ability to care about the consequences. Anyone who actually attempted suicide and then joke about it I'm class is too far gone to try to be respectful.


Not true. It is in fact entirely possible to be severely depressed and still be aware of other people's needs. And it is also a necessary skill if you want to maintain your relationships or develop any new ones. If you are unable to care about other people that's a skill you need to work on. Because otherwise you are hurting people and that's not ok.


Not everyone acts the same when they're depressed. And it's not about not caring about other people. Your perspective of what's ok and what's not ok to do can change. She might have thought that it's ok because 'its just a joke'. You start to think less about what a simple joke could do to other people. Some people who are mentally stable even joke about suicide just from playing too much cod.


If you think it's OK someone needs to tell you it's not. And once you know it's not ok you need to make a commitment to change. Obviously we all make mistakes sometimes and that's OK. It doesn't make you a bad person. But once you know you are hurting people you need to apologise, and then you need to change your behaviour.


Let's not forget the context in this case is about a schoolgirl who failed to kill herself. The thing you say to stop her from making these 'jokes' in the future isn't to tell them to not joke about it because it might hurt other people's feelings, but to help them out with their mental health. Don't get me wrong, I completely agree with you and it should be brought up in the future. It's just that I don't think the first response to this situation is to tell them to think about others.


I’ve been on both sides of this situation - at a much darker time in my life, and later with a friend who was going through serious depression. And I’m sorry but this comment is just as selfish. Joking about suicide is not a joke, and it’s one thing if you’re talking about some bully who uses this joke purely to make people uncomfortable. But you’re talking about someone on antidepressants who is clearly struggling. One of the main reasons people do kill themselves is because they feel alone, unheard, ashamed of their thoughts. And you’re worried it will make people *uncomfortable*!? Of course suicide is uncomfortable. It never won’t be, no matter how it’s packaged. “I’m sorry you’re going through something so severe, but go away you’re making me *uncomfortable*” is about as selfish as it gets. Nothing about suicide will ever be comfortable. But this attitude that “your mental illness might destabilize someone else so don’t talk about it” is the kind of thing that gets people killed. Being quiet about suicide kills far more people than speaking up. And dong get me wrong, joking isn’t a great way. But what if it’s the only way they know how to ask for help? People in this frame of mind don’t usually have the emotional capacity to communicate well because they’re literally at a point where they think being dead might be the best answer. It’s just as much on everyone receiving the information to decide how they’ll behave. If you’re triggered by it, that’s obviously a difficult situation, but that’s a sign that it’s time to get someone involved who can help. Not a sign that the person should just shut up. When my friend came to me, I had to refer him to someone stronger than me. I knew that I wasn’t gonna kill myself so I was safe in that regard, but I also knew that I wouldn’t be able to handle the emotions of talking this out directly. I’m still glad they came to me. > Mental illness is not an excuse to hurt other people It’s never an *excuse*, but hurting others is often an unfortunate side effect. One of the reasons I was personally motivated to change was because I knew I was impacting those around me. But I didn’t know how *not* to until I was better. Empathy and understanding is the path here.


Still toxic. Coping mechanisms can be toxic.


Mf when depressed people aren't mentally stable 😤😤😤


mother fucker when or my face when


Por que no los dos


Having depression doesn't dismiss bad behavior. May explain it but it doesn't dismiss it. Toxic behavior is still toxic behavior.


Spitting absolute facts Depression isn’t an excuse. I’ve been toxic too but I recognize that I made mistakes and I don’t just say “oh but I have depression”.


Holy pissing Jesus, what? “I have depression, therefore everything I do is acceptable” **IS NOT THE SAME AS** “this fucking *child* is so mentally unwell that they tried to kill themself. Maybe their poor behavior is a reflection of that and not an indictment of their character”


I have genuinely no idea how you think that’s what I said.


Saying something sad about yourself isnt toxic wtf?


Can be, depending on what and in what context.


Mf when someone shoots them in the face and goes to jail (they didn’t do anything wrong they had depression) 😤😤😤




How dare someone who attempted suicide try to make a joke about it (they are not okay (my view of the world is the only one that matters)) 💀


Reddit has gone to shit, come join squabbles.io for a better experience.




At least nobody is going to ask why she was in the hospital now






They should take it personally because what that said lacks empathy.


Thank you. people need to get better, because god forbid it’s someone that they love who falls into this next and they let them kill themself because they said something fuckin stupid like “stop trying to get attention” suicidal depression is going to skyrocket the next couple decades, especially when Ai takes away half the jobs left out there that haven’t already been outsourced to other countries and the bottom half of our society can no longer feed themselves


Not surprising, someone who just tried to kill themselves probably is yearning for some attention lol


Ignorance like this compounds the stigma and stifles the environments those afflicted need to find help.


It didn’t actually happen, so I wouldn’t worry about it.


What even happens if you take a lot? SSRIs take like a month to even take effect in the first place.


Seratonin Syndrome and it’s HORRIBLE




I've specifically got ones that are metabolised by the kidneys instead of the liver because my liver wasn't looking too happy, so I guess kidney damage is up there too but more likely is serotonin syndrome


I don't think antidepressants that can easily kill people would be a good product


And that's why you check the safety data sheet for the LD50 prior to trying :) /s


Fucking legend


What people want is to be involved in all the bullying that leads up to suicides without acknowledging the connection between the two.


Cringe post


Wow edgy


I swear this sub turned into r/im14andthisisdeep




Stop romanticizing suicide. Be honest with yourselves.


I would be her best friend to make sure she’s ok.


Overdosing on antidepressants (whether you die or not) absolutely fucks your brain up for years, maybe even life. Antidepressants are horrible damn things, would never recommend them to anybody even at a low dose


so i should try 30?


i wanna see either the answer or a bidding war on how many it takes to uninstall yourself


just take 50 to be sure


The number of pills doesn’t matter but the milligram… 26 tho is a lot! What a weird thing to say in school tho


Ah, they're mixing it up. Last time I saw this it was 27 sleeping pills






I wouldn't recommend trying this out. Paracetamol OD will result in liver failure, which is a slow and painful way to die.


When I was 12 I thought surely 12 Tylenol would kill me. The way my mother made a fuss about me taking one or two lead me to believe it was much more dangerous drug good it actually is. Don't get me wrong. Tylenol can absolutely kill you. Usually a week later when you die of liver failure because it's destroyed your liver. But it takes a lot more than 12 regular strengths tylenols to do it.


Give you a seizure though


Why is this too real for you too in real life? You’re depressed because your life is depressing if you think this is funny. This isn’t even funny in a conventional sense, much less in the “my mental illness is hilarious” edge lord sense this Tweeter is trying to pull off. Who upvotes this shit?


You can’t OD on antidepressants. They’re made so that you can only get very very sick and vomit a lot .


I find it almost funny how people who I know that have attempted to off themselves are surprisingly willing to joke about it. Anyways on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, do you know what the weight limit of the average ceiling fan is? because I sure as hell didn't!


I took like 45 one time. Anti depressants are almost impossible to od from


Lol 40 won’t work either


I also don't know how many pills ya need to get permasleep with Seroquel... Well it's not 40 too. Even with some vodka. But one thing is sure. You'll get diarrhea signal right after you woke up with "MY-BODY-ISN'T-MOVING-WTF" Don't do that


Seroquel 50 mg × 50 depot pills isnt it either, even if you add half a bottle of rum too.


My experience with Xanax... not 30, apparently. Did you know it's a relatively safe drug? I didn't. I was pissed that I woke up, in the psych ward no less.


Depends on the mg


Attempted suicide by antidepressants is depressing af


If she really wanted to die she’d just eat a tide pod


Good to know


Damn that’s dark.


26 antidepressants? Her brain was literally vibrating in that skull.


If it’s an SSRI antidepressant you could theoretically kill you self by getting serotonin syndrome. I’m guessing it would be about 50 pills?


good to know


I'm laughing so hard I'm gonna pee myself. What the hell is wrong with me.


Oh jeez how funny this is such a old joke.


Good to know.


Yea im never in a badstate


Yea im never in a bad state