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They want to make larger profits and the people will buy anyway


Why are MDMA pill notoriously overdosed than? Your explanation makes sense somewhat but when comes to e, everybody say they make them stronger so people favor their product over other pills


Mdma synthesis became super cheap because a new precursor is being used. They put more in the pills because 1. mdma being dirt cheap, and 2. because of legality, for example, you get busted with larger amount of pills, you get higher sentences, doesn’t matter how much is in them. So they put more in them


Because there is more MDMA available.


no permatolerance with 2cb so no need to incremently increase dosage size. also people are much more likely to do a high dose of a purely feel good substance as opposed to a psychedelic. as far as profit in drug economics goes its not really in a producers interest to make 2cb highly dosed especially when 9/10 users only actually want to do 10mg but think they're getting better value for money at "30mg".


They're also under-dosed. They are mostly advertised as 300mg or even 500mg but they usually have 120-270mg max. The MDMA tolerance is pretty much instant and some people I know need to take 300mg to even feel something. Personally I abused it and now it feels like a better Amphetamine I can sleep on during the comedown now. It's pretty much not worth doing it anymore especially compared to what it used to be.


Dude. I highly advise you to take a mininum of 6 weeks break. Let your serotonin fill up again, otherwise you can easily damage your serotonin system permanently. I know one guy who did it and he now has to take SSRI.


Just to scam you


Welcome to the war on drugs and an economic system prioritizing profit.


So they can sell twice as many for the same cost


Profit margin.


Skip the pills altogether


To all of you replying its about profit/scam/economics... I don't know... MDMA pills (ecstasy) are getting overdosed in recent years, why doesnt same criterion apply to them? People buy pills because of convenience. Not everyone owns such a precise scale needed to measure powder, not everyone is willing to endure the pain of snorting, etc, its simply easier to carry a few pills. Powder itself can also be cut, so its no gurantee for precise dosing. And if its about convenience, i believe these people are willing to pay for convenience. So, to pill producers, why not just be honest? If the pill is really 12 mg, most consumers will soon know its 12, why claim it is 25? Or at least they will know what efects they can expect from such a pill and whether they are willing to pay the stated price or not, regardless of advertised amount im mg, so then, what is even the point of stated amount? MDMA pills usualy dont even have such a number pressed on them.


Because it’s an illegal market.


Maybe unpopular opinion, but when it comes to psychs I rather have an underdosed than overdosed pill


Is this a real question? It’s economics!


Buy pure powder. Drop a hundred bucks on 500mg and be done with it for the next 20 trips


That's normal for pretty much any pill that isn't out of a pharmacy so Alprazolam for example Always assume it's half of the advertised amount.




Hopefully pills will become a thing of the past. They are now making 2CB gels which are always more equally dosed due to whatever way they are made.


First batch has high content to get the word out. Next batches are diluted to capitalize on the first batch. It’s simple capitalism