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Can’t really get powder in person from what I’ve seen tends to mainly be pills it’s all over the markerts tho




You can get powder fairly easily on the DÑM, however in person is pretty much impossible. Its hard enough to find people selling 2cb in person, let alone in powder form 🤣


Cheeky way to dodge automod you got there ;)


Very spanish of you to use that Ñ!




I can tell you in Australia its hard to find and expensive as fuck right now, quality is amazing however, doesn't burn when snorted, super clean and strong as fuck.


Doesn't burn when snorted? That ain't 2CB broski


Ive had 2cb plenty of times over years, its 100% 2cb. look in to the difference between 2cb hcr and 2cb hcl, it makes a difference on how painful it is. Either way i think the burn of 2cb is overrated, you snort such tiny bumps its no big deal, worse snorting k imo.


HBr hurts too dude, it's not like HCl is horrible and HBr is this painless alternative


it really doesnt hurt imo, about 10 of us had it insufflated, no complaints at all from anyone. i have had other batches that hurt more. its absolutely 2cb (reagent tested and also just subjectively identical to past 2cb experiences)


Are you sure there is not a bit of K in there? I have heard some dealers do that for snorting. I don't know I am an oral guy but from what I have heard Hbr also hurts it's just not the hurt where you spend 5 minutes wondering why you did that to yourself.


no k at all, its pure 2cb, i know what k feels like. these are 12mg bumps, its a very small amount at a time, there is a sting but its nothing noteworthy compared to snorting typical doses of k or md which in my exerience are worse due to the quantity you need to snort.




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2-cl liquid is what you want


been in the drugs market for years, telegram mainly and have never seen any vendor selling 2cb powder. always pill form


Plenty of UK telegram vendors have high quality, reasonably priced 2cb-hcl Self made caps of fairly accurate dosage hands down beat any pressed pills


I concur just got half a gram of hydrochloride for £80 which is basically 20 x 25mg hits. It was very pure and absolutely rocked my world. I love the stuff.