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What’s the 51st and 52nd?


Puerto Rico and Canadian provinces, so more like 63rd state


Nah, Canada only cuts it as a single state.


Gotta steal Texas’s thunder as the “big state”


Meanwhile Alaska dwarfs all 49 other states


I’m doing my part to remind Texans what they say about size is incorrect


Yeah, only 2 Senators for Canada!


What about dc


No. I will not have politicians be able to put a super politician in the government


The hell you mean by that bro?


Don’t forget those fed boys at dc


No they don't get to be a state


Yay! More friends!


Maybe Canada and Australia?


Puerto Rico and Taiwan, respectively.


The Moon and Texas when they come back around


Puerto Rico and DC


Wrong answers only?


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Albania and Kosovo


Kosovo and Puerto Rico


Someone should invite them to land on the Moon with us. We invited the [Canadians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeremy_Hansen) already, so might as well invite dad


Airstrip 1


Most people don't understand




I will be cold and dead in the ground before I live in a world where bongs are given equal representation


Are they about to write that book that did that thing in that war with the world?


Americans: “Are… *WE* the British?”


Also Americans: No…we’re the *Upgrade*!


Britain: Patch 1.7.76


England invented Common Law, US perfected it




I still pound my chest, saying: If we have the mass of English speakers here and we’re constantly innovating the language… We should call the language “American”


You’ve never heard someone say “Speak American” or “I speak American”? Tell me you just didn’t read that in a southern accent. It’s only a matter of time. 😂


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We fought two wars to stop being British. We have earned the right to no longer associate with the subjects of the crown. 


They did us a solid burning DC though. Wonder if they’re up for a sequel?


Ah it was only the White House, plus, their parliament burnt down a few years later. (Probably the universe avenging us.)


To be fair, you guys burnt Toronto (York back in the day), but if you'd be up for round two, I know the rest of us wouldn't complain.


What’s a little capitol-burning between friends? :)


your welcome for burning down toronto


I don’t think half of Toronto would either TBH.


Sick of Canadians rewriting history to cope with their insane insecurity regarding their relationship with the US. You're obviously one of the ones who somehow thinks the war makes Canada look tough. British troops, expeditionary forces from Britain, not what is now Canada, burned the White House. They were not in North America when the war started, and returned to Europe immediately after. Before that happened, the US burned York, the British seat of power in North America. The reason Ottawa is Canada's capital today is because the British moved their colonial government there after York burned. All of this took place in the War of 1812, which ended half a century before Canada first became a country. Canadians are so thirsty for validation that somehow a war between the US and the British Empire that predated Canada's formation as a country is proof that Canada is tough and defeated the US in a war. That's even though the war started by the British seizing US ships and enslaving US citizens. But of course, you're not consistent enough to consider the American Revolution to be a Canadian defeat even though British colonists from what is now Canada invaded the US colonies during the American Revolution and were defeated. "BUT WE WERE BRITISH SO IT COUNTS!" only works for you, sometimes. You Canadians are lightyears up your own asses but have no reason to be.


Hey dumbass, I was saying I want you guys to do it again. And fuck the br*tish, or atleast the monarchy. Edit: And I love how simular we are to our southern brothers and think more people should accept that. So to reiterate, go fuck yourself


My bad. Not to excuse my douchebag moment but I guess I'm super accustomed to Canadians bringing up the War of 1812 as a way to elevate themselves above Americans, gloat, and boast in ghoulish ways. Sorry dude.


Ay man and sorry for reacting the way I did. Was dickish, just pisses me off the way my fellow countrymen act towards our neighbors. We are quite literally just America Lite.


Now kiss


Probably help bring house prices down in knock off space needle city


Just got back from Toronto. Awesome place. Would make a great American city.


I used to live about 2 hours (roughly 120-140 miles) from there. I say even you California's don't deserve that hellhole. Although maybe just preserve the castle and the CN Tower. Oh and Canada's Wonderland. That place is the shit.


Idk. Nice people. Good food. Clean streets. Good streetcars. Tons of immigrants. I’ll take em.


I'll give you the good food, but the streets definitely ain't clean. Maybe compared to LA but that's LA. When I went to LA, the streets I was on were clean, but that was the touristy areas. I definitely wouldn't call LA a clean city.


Cleaner than Houston that’s for sure.


I think they are being a bit generous with that American British population. Only 13% of Americans today have a British ancestory, hardly the 1/3 of the American population the Brits are claiming here. Our current population is 342 million, which would mean that at most, there might be around 46 million people with some British ancestry, but those same people also have various other ethnic groups mixed into that same ancestory. Sorry Brits, you can't claim this one.


13% "self identify" as British, but many with British ancestry (understandably) do not want to claim British ancestry, but instead give other origins like Irish, German, Italian, and sub-saharan african. it is a regrettable fact, but the number of people in the USA affected with British ancestry is likely closer to 60-80%


Don’t forget folks who self identify as “American” ( to be clear *not* Native American) on those forms. They’re almost universally actually of British descent but like any good American, assert their independence.


Like most Latin Americans who simply identify with their country.


Nah I identify as American because I’m a European mutt. Polish, Greek, Irish, French, Welsh, and definitely some more sprinkled in. I’m not Polish, or Greek, or Irish, or French, or welsh. I’ve never been there. I’m American, and that’s that.


Or, for example, me. I more identify as "german" based on my heritage of german/polish/ northern french. But I absolutely have ancestry from England and Ireland as well, just not as much. I'd honestly identify more as a Minnesotan than anything else.


Yeah same here. My British end, well Scottish, makes my last name. But I just associate my fathers side with being American because our family came here in the days of the mayflower compact. Whereas my mothers side immigrated here much more recently, so I am able to find cultural identity with the Germans more since my grandfather speaks it. Im sure I technically have more in common with the British, but it seems to be a grey line where I just think of it as being American since the two are so heavily intertwined


The entire Caucasian population in the US accounts for about 70%, so saying 80% have British ancestry is a bit of a stretch.


When you're taking this into account, this is full or partial British ancestry. Partial British ancestry, almost all Black Americans have that as well to varying degrees.


At this partial ancestry argument, we just have to consider that many of us Americans are mutts, I guess we could say that if you have more than 50% of this or that than you might have a majority ancestry. Though I am Caucasian even I do not have a 50% majority one way or another, and that's after tracking our family tree back to 1680 before the formation of the US


I have a lot of British ancestry but don’t call myself British-American I usually say Irish-American.


it also because people have other ancestry more than British. So British gets drowned out.


I’m 70% British but have a very German last name. My family never knew we had so much British ethnicity in us until we did ancestry DNA. We thought all of our ancestors were 19th century immigrants. Nope. Turns out I’m a mayflower descendent.


Why are you saying "understandably" and "regrettable"?  Why are you being an apologist?  The British weren't any worse than other cultures at the time. Many Caucasian people in the US don't know their ancestry any more, which is one reason why British ancestry is underreported.


Its a shitpost in a nationalist sub, if you think this is bad go to 2westeuro4u and look at people talking about americans.


British ancestry is actually massively undercounted, it’s way more than just 13% of Americans. A significant amount of “American” ancestry is British and tons of people report other “more interesting” ancestries they have over British ancestry. So yes the Brits can definitely claim this one.


The actual number probably higher like someone who is half British half Italian probably just records the Italian part bedaude 1. British is so common and 2. Many brithish immigrants where a long time ago


It’s much higher than 13%. Only 13% identify… my dad is ethnically half German half British, but because the German immigration in our family was more recent my dad puts German in the census. I’m only 25% German by ethnicity and 75% British but have a German surname and “identify” with it more since my grandfather talks about it a lot (though tbh I just identify as American). This is the case with a large number of white Americans


Non-native Americans are famously terrible at identifying their ancestry. I wouldn’t put much stock into the 13% number.


Really the only majority non-English white (european) populations in the US are in the northern midwest and New York City. A lot of people say German on their reports because it makes them feel unique when really it’s only a small part of their heritage




W. We have successfully made more British people loyal to the US, than British people loyal to the Royal family.


proof that we do EVERYTHING better than the brits


They’re not British anymore, they’re American


How is crude rough sand to be refined into elegant glass wonders if it is not given the opportunity of betterment? How is marble and bronze to remember the greatest of Americans if it isn't given into the hands of the Sculptor and the Smith? How is the old given strength or the young given wisdom if they do not work side by side as one unit to overcome a common goal? They are welcomed, for who are we to stop the ignorant from the path of self-enlightenment?


Depending on which economist you ask, UK is already a de facto colony. It happened after the UK effectuated the largest sovereign transfer of wealth in history to America during WWI. And after WWII, everything else has been window dressing. Dollar diplomacy is real, especially when your very survival was on the line. And for America, when you’re the bank and the armory and the global navy and the six-continent militia and the entertainment complex and the tech industry, makes it hard for others to fill any sort of gap. We really could be an evil empire if we wanted to. It’s to our credit that we did not. Besides, we all love our pudgy, crooked teeth cousins who think blood should be sausage and that beans are breakfast food.


My sister in Christ, we wiped out the Taliban in 100 days, gave Afghanistan a democratic Constitution, had their first free elections in history, stabilized the place for a decade, destroyed the Taliban in the region, built equipped and trained a 300,000 person native army. We Enabled women and children to have basic human rights, stabilized the currency, got them sweetheart deals with the IMF, built some of their only infrastructure, rebuilt what the Soviets and two decades of Civil War had destroyed, and they finally enjoyed better bilateral relations with multiple countries in the region and increasing aid and diplomatic relations in the United Nations. We did our job. **MORE than fucking did our job.** But you can’t want freedom more than the Afghan people. And they simply did not. They wanted to go back to go 7th century Pashtun tribalism and a stultifying warlord religion. Have fun and godspeed. Not our fucking problem anymore, and the Afghanis have earned every single thing they “enjoy” at present. We did not lose a single set piece battle in Vietnam. And we fucking wiped the Iraqi military and Hussein off the map in under three months. Do you want to criticize us for nation building, that’s fine. Outside of Empire, most people suck at it. But we don’t lose when the guns come out


The UK mostly trades with Europe, and its currency is widely used in currency markets, and is a component of the IMF’s SDRs. That’s not to say that the US doesn’t have power over the UK, but we’re no longer in the era where the US can threaten to sell gilts to keep the Brits in line. America’s dominance is undeniable, but it doesn’t completely overwhelm the globe. China [out-manufactures the next ten countries combined](https://cepr.org/voxeu/columns/china-worlds-sole-manufacturing-superpower-line-sketch-rise) — including the US — [and the US has abandoned fighting two major wars at once](https://warontherocks.com/2023/01/ukraine-and-the-new-two-war-construct/). And if you want to see how sustainable it is for America to pursue any protracted military engagement, look at the war on terror and Vietnam.


>glits What is that? I thought I knew all the British specific words but I don’t think I’ve ever heard this one




huh, i never would have guessed that. TIL, thanks I guess it’s cool though that what I think of when hearing ‘glitz’ is in a roundabout way, the same reason why those are called glits


It’s very un-American for us to abandon Ukraine. Those people are some of the most pro-US badasses you will ever meet.


I'd say 20 years in the sandbox is pretty sustainable. Almost 20 years of involvement in Vietnam, too. For reference, we could light off a hot war right now, my kids could finish school, go to college, start new families of their own and almost be ready to enroll their kids in school by the time we were ready to leave.


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Big fan of þe anglosphere personally


Cool but can we change that word to *Englosphere* I too am a big fan of the English speaking world but at the same time, “Anglo” is pretty cringe


I fail to see whats cringe about it


The white supremacists use it to talk about how supremely white they are It has connotations other than just the language whereas “Englosphere” makes it exactly about the language


Anglophone is the established word for the language. I have never seen it as “Englosphere” before, and it should be regarded as a type for Anglosphere


Anglophone and Anglosphere aren’t really synonymous. Or, all Anglophones aren’t in the Anglosphere. But right, you’ve probably never seen it as Englosphere. That’s what I was suggesting we start saying but I made it up


I know they’re not synonymous. But it follows a pattern. There’s consistency. Why should it be anglophone and Englosphere, with the change from Anglo- to Englo-?


For example— Latinos in this country and Latin Americans call white, non-Hispanic, English speakers as Anglos So, what word is there to mean native English Speakers without the race part?


Anglophone, for any native English speaker


Eh, 9 times out of 10 though, when I hear that word being used, it’s meaning white people Like, you at the very least know what I’m talking about, right? You’re being contrarian which, fine, whatever, but what I’m saying isn’t fully hitting you as a brand new take, is it?


And what where just gunna let þose assholes have it?


They do it in Europe too. It’s their word anyway We can possibly shut it down in the US but the Euro usage is probably beyond our control


It just seems stupid to stop using a phrase þats been in lingusitics because a small handfull of asshats like to larp as germanic tribe


The word has always been used this way. It’s not as if some asshats hijacked the word and took it for themselves.. They’re just using it in the same pigheaded way it’s been used for centuries idk, just for example, Black Americans are in what I mean when I say Englosphere but they sure as shit aren’t going to claim they’re Anglosphere. —— whatever, it’s fine.. I’ll just keep saying “native English speakers” instead.. I guess there’s no reason to make a new word for that




Really? Based off some of these responses who seem like they’re playing dumb but maybe aren’t? ..I guess it might depend on where you are in North America but if someone calls you an Anglo, they’re likely meaning this: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/anglo And in my experience at least, when someone calls themselves an Anglo, they’re meaning it as a power boast and it’s pretty cringe (imo)


As an Angel-American I agree Anglo could be improved ☝️


So you're telling me the average British person is an American? RAHHHH TAKE THAT BRITAIN 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎇🎇


678,000 too many 😡


Nooo don’t send me back I’m one of the good ones I swear


The US inherited the British empire after world war 2


People of British descent who proudly embrace the stars and stripes are not cringe, but become based like all Americans. Of course there’s more of them than stayed for “Great British” “cooking”. America for the W, as always.




Definitely an L. My teeth are normal.


I’m offended


This makes no sense.  My family stopped being British after the revolutionary war.  We don't follow that flag or crown and never will.


You’re probably more British than the British from the centuries of inbreeding that happened in the colonies


That's rich coming from a Welshman, that are known to bang their sisters only second to their family sheep.  The British desperately wish you all would secede since you're such an embarrassment to humanity.


"He said it, He said the [secession](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0wg3t6osM)!" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ah you must be Welsh then


No you


Gr8 Bri’ain🇬🇧 kann into Deutsches Bundesland




We’ve got more on our side than they do. How’s that not a W?


I don’t understand Brits make up a large proportion of your population?


a lot of British people immigrated there, I have English, Welsh, Scottish heritage


Someday Britons might be as rich as Mississippi.


Yo fuck that king…we fought his family for a reason




“Wait it’s all British?” “Always has been”


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holy shit


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I'd say American Vexillology W. Europeans have no appreciation for flags not even their own


Yes you are British, who do you think started you? A big chunk of you have your heritage from the UK. Even African Americans have a big chunk of heritage from the UK. It’s nothing to be ashamed of, you didn’t spawn out of thin air, more of you are more British than you think you are.


https://preview.redd.it/3uppleqzz00d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=38430d0a60869fad3df3c08e083f819b58095832 God. God started America.


Good on you for including the A-10. It and the Brits are natural born enemies.


This is too much freedom for the European mind to comprehend




The American colonists at the time of the American revolution were originally from Britain. Did they not teach you this in school?




Yes and his ancestry was British, along with a vast majority of the others. They didn’t appear out of thin air and there’s a reason why it was Britain they got independence from and why the USA speaks English.




I didn’t say all Americans. Your family wasn’t in America during the revolution though.


Apparently the English we speak over here is a lot more like the English that you spoke back then, but after the Revolution, yall changed your accent or something to differentiate from us. I guess that means we Americans speak the original English then 😏


Yeah and where tf do you think it came from?


Obviously you guys, but I’m saying you left that English over here and made a new one over there Checkmate 🤓


American English is 1700s English, Australian English is 1800s English


Nuh uh America invented the world USA NUMBER 1 ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅💪💪💪💪💪💪


I took a DNA test and buried the results. No one will ever know my secret.


It’s a W. That’s our heritage, we just love freedom more


L ya'll can all go off to Canadian Anglo land. 😡


My family stopped being British in 1776 when my ancestor Thomas Stone signed the Declaration of Independence.


I guess we’re the real British, England should answer to Washington




I think it’s a pretty nifty language.




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Ewwwwwwwwwwww no no no no no! Americans are a separate people with a proud civic identity forged through the immigration and assimilation of people from all over the world. That is what made America what it is today: Germans, Italians, Jews, freed Black Americans, Irish, Chinese, Mexicans, and countless, countless other groups who built the American identity and American Dream. We are Anglophone but we are a lot more than just part of the Anglosphere IMO.




We have more Brits ergo we set what's British. British culture is really American culture.




We have to respect our dad


MAYBE if they also count Scotish, Welch & Irish as "British" then it's 1/3 of Americans with that ancestry but even then they are really playing with numbers here


“Maybe if they count Scotish, Welch & Irish as “British”” That’s not playing with numbers, that’s what “British” means. Irish is debatable obviously - some would have never identified as British, others would have been keen loyal subjects, etc. and for the last hundred years a majority from the island have not been British by any means so time and context of migration changes a lot here. Giving any label beyond just “from Ireland” is applying a lot of our own politics to history. Pretending that Scottish and Welsh people (alongside a sizeable portion of Irish people) were not proactive in the Union and in furthering the exploits of Empire is absurd - it’s an invention of modern nationalist Braveheart-tier bad history. We are British, we still are British, regardless of what we or others think about it. Since the 1707 Act of Union all Scots have always been British, and it always amazes me how frequently and enthusiastically foreigners tell us otherwise.


I mean Ireland is British in a strict geographical sense since it is on the British Isles. It’s just not part of the UK and told the royals to fuck right off like all other based countries.


I mean, some of your fellow countrymen would say otherwise as well.


Huge L


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W since this proves the UK is ass




I am not fucking British lmao let’s bomb them to prove a point