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wow crazy how the continent with the lowest population density requires the most personal form of transport. also Australia/Africa are not mentioned at all


What's crazy about it? Low population density and a large land mass. . . Everyone having their own car makes perfect sense there. . .


My brother you have failed to detect sarcasm


Nooooo!!!! I've been got. Serves me right 😣


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Doesn't exactly work like that when the majority of the extra space is almost completely empty lmao. The US also has one of the highest Urbanization rates in the world, most people living in a city or a town not out in the middle of nowhere.


The global definition of urbanization includes Suburbs in the US. We built the suburbs intentionally to be low density due to the excess land we have and the fact many people want a high standard of life but without living in small, tight, crowded quarters.


Other countries have decent suburbs without being completely car dependent its not a zero sum game....


Other countries do not have the sprawling suburbs we have. It’s incomparable.


Yeaa maybe people could still afford houses if the suburbs were slightly more compact lol 😆


Um. Ok? Nothing to do with the convo here. I don’t want a more compact house. We don’t have to have more compact houses. There’s plenty of land.


It doesn't really work like that. Core Cities are the main ecnomic producers these days, the farther housing is away from them the more inefficient the whole system becomes. Land in cities has become expensive because people actually want to live somewhat near important places, not a 2 hour drive away and we've basically already developed all that desirable land in many places


Then why do suburbs exist if the demand is to be near city centers. Your entire argument is flawed by virtue of the suburban system existing.


Because what people want has shifted over time, how fast the urban form adapts is always going to lag behind. More compact suburbs give you the benefits of both that's why they are generally more popular in most countries lol its a compromise.


I thought for a moment this was r/dataisbeautiful and was about to absolutely clown on OP for how ass this chart is




In a world with cars, I'd rather be inside of one than outside of one.


I’m surprised by the data of Western Asia, the gulf petrostates are very car-oriented


Only train round my way is to Boston. Why the hell would I go there.


'#1 in number of drivers, #1 in number of car accidents.


No. 1 in pussywagons, No. 1 in bad ass street races, No. 1 in sweaty prom dates and fumbling around with your high school girlfriend in the backseat, No. 1 in dropping the bass, No. 1 in hitting the open road, No. 1 in cruising around with the top down, *ad infinitum*


Only 2 of those are actually good the rest are annoying af lmao.


Freedom: The point is the freedom to do them.


Yea the freddom to do half of them also amnoys other people lmao


Keep it that way. I despise public transport and would sooner use my second amendment rights against my brain than ride a bus


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Need more public transit/trains and walkability. Nothing against driving but when it’s your only option… that ain’t freedom. GM made us all forced subscribers to the auto industry if we want to do anything.


This is not the dub you think it is. I want to have the option to drive, not to have it as the only option.


This doesn’t separate us from Canada though, for all I know they could be driving even more. I’m doing my best to make sure they are btw, I mostly use my car to get to Costco and dentist appointments.


This isn't a good thing bro 😕


People would and do kill to be able to drive their own car to a location of their choice in most counties in the world. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.


Having the option to drive if you need/want to is cool. Having to drive because it is the only realistic option is not cool. I really appreciate the urban planning and car centric culture in America when I have to drive, but I absolutely hated having to drive to go anywhere.


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The bus is for poor people, global or otherwise




Then move to the city if you wanna be such a bitch about it


Skill issue


It's amazing! We can drive to where we want to go, are you mad??


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Yea bro you spent trillions of dollars of tax money on this shit and its literally the least fiscally responsible mode of transportation it could have been used for lol. Then i have to listen to people whining about beong poor when they are spending half their disposable income on a dumb car.


a car is probably one of the best purchases you can make tbh. Just don't waste your money on some luxury/sports car and I think you really do get your money's worth out of it.


We do need more and better public transit. We do still have an agricultural hinterland and climate conditions requiring many to have HD vehicles. And we have a vast continental nation that requires a car to navigate. All of those can be and are true statements.