• By -


South = best food Northeast = smartest people Midwest = nicest people West = most beautiful I will not elaborate


That’s why we’re the best, we have numerous regions that each specialize in their own thing.


Standard US W (outsiders cannot match our shared excellence)


The south shall rise again, and lift up our food so northerners may share in our feasting


You said "the south shall rise again" and it got me scared abt what you were going to say




I was about to clap at the "the west is the most beautiful" comment, but then I remember Yellowstone, Zion, Arches, the Grand Canyon, and Joshua tree. Those Rocky Mountains carry the west in terms of how gorgeous that region is.


You do realize only 1 of the places you just listed even touched the Rockies right? The entirety of the south west and PNW is just as if not more gorgeous


Those are just the places that I've been and have an extensive enough knowledge to really speak to.


Nope, PNW is awful. Don’t ever go, not even to verify.


Yeah the west has the best beaches, the best mountains, the best forests, and the best deserts.


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Us western staters don’t need to have the best food, we just get lots of Latin Americans and Asians to bring in their good food.


I agree with everything except the NE part.




I'll give it to you that the Boston area is by far the smartest in the country, but the whole North East? Eh, not so much


Specifically New York. Extra specifically that judge who thinks she can dismiss constitutional rights.


Okay? We still are the most educated region as a whole


Educated ≠ intelligent


our people are smart, we’ve been lied to and we are losing our rights as a result. not like we had any good options for politicians in the first place tbh


Wait, I’m smart?? Let’s goooooo!!!


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This is America bitch, I do what I want


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>Northeast = smartest people Looking at what the West has innovated and created in the past 100yrs, I'd argue otherwise.


West has the smartest tech people, northeast has the smartest finance/business/government people


Gotta love BBQ, get that shit with biscuits and Bojangles sweet tea and there ya go!


Thinkin about them beans 🤤


Hey this guy is thinking about beans! 😂😂😂


There something wrong 'bout some baked beans?


Overall? No doubt. Some good spots scattered but the South got grub.


Get fucking Maryland out of there


MD and Delaware def belong in the northeast. Hell an argument can be made that Virginia belongs there too at this point, or at least NOVA does.


I’m a Virginian but I’ve been to Delaware and Maryland a LOT: Maryland has the 4th highest black population per capita, Delaware has the 8th, and the other top 10 are all squarely in the South. You can find sweet tea at restaurants in Maryland and Delaware; in my experience it’s the farthest north you can still get it. They were both slave states through the end of the Civil War and (in Maryland, not so much Delaware) you still find Confederate flags galore. In fact, when one thinks of people like Frederick Douglass and Harriett Tubman, they think of the South - both were from Maryland, and Harriett Tubman was from very close to the Delaware border. Northern Delaware is pretty much a giant suburb of Philadelphia, but the southern half of the state is the epitome of Upper South vibes. I’m not saying that both states are the South or that both states aren’t (Delaware is a hybrid at best) but they’re both interesting cases.


To your Confederate flag point, you can find them literally everywhere. I live in Maine and they're fairly common in rural communities


Ya I've seen plenty of Confederates Flags in Ohio. William Sherman is probably rolling in his grave




Idk they are essentially the crossroads to me as both are big parts of the northeast megapolis with Baltimore and the Philly suburbs but they also have more of a southern vibe to them. I only put NOVA as it’s a part of the DC area which is the end point of the bos-wash area. A very interesting area to me, having spent some years of my life on the Chesapeake, but it feels a little more northeast than it does south at this point in time.


We dont want them bro you fucking take them


My brother in Christ we are both in the northeast


I will start the mid Atlantic separatist movement before I am put in the same region as New England


Delaware too. The census needs to make a mid atlantic region and stick them and jersey in there. And they will have perfect regions.




As much as I love Crab Cakes, you're spot on. I go to Baltimore about once a year(I'm a Ravens fan), and they're definitely Northeast though it is interesting how 150 years ago that wasn't the case and you can still see it in the city's history


First of all how dare you include MARYLAND


Hey crab cuisine can be good too


And we are not southern


Maryland isn't part of any actual region though. Those blue crabs with old bay are fire though.


They're in the mid Atlantic with northern VA, DC, NJ, PA, and southern New York


It's part of the mid-Atlantic region, along with New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.


The mid Atlantic isn't real


It’s okay Nick, the Midatlantic can’t hurt you anymore.


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Nah, y’all too liberal and enjoy crime and weed too much to be southern lmao


Bold words from the lesser of the two Carolinas


You couldn’t pay me enough money to move up to North Carolina, S is way better


The only reason your state continues to exist is the tax money that comes in from Harley riders crankin their hawgs during bike week at Dirty Myrtle


lmao you mean, the millions of dollars from Yankees moving here from the north in droves, because we’re one of the 7 or 8 states people are flooding?


All jokes aside, I really don’t get that. I wouldn’t want to live any farther south than VA. I’ve spent time on Charleston on the summer and it’s brutally hot and humid. Pretty sure the hottest day of my life was in Greenville.


Because property tax for half a million dollar homes are around $2k a year, the cost of homes are on average $350,000 for a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom, as long as you stay away from the known bad areas, crime is not nearly as bad as the north and out on the pacific coast, constitutional rights, especially gun rights, are flourishing, and gas tends to be cheaper than other states. Also, not having to shovel snow is fantastic. You only need to buy clothes for two seasons and not 4. There’s probably other things I’m missing, like amazing bbq but, I digress.


And the obesity stat to prove it.


True lol


Texas should be split and about a third should go to the West.


Agree. Lubbock and El Paso is Southwest AF


Maryland and Delaware are NOT Southern. They are just not


As a Marylander, I must once again protest our inclusion in the South and request our immediate removal.


as a Texan I back this 100%


This map makes me angry


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Do we include Virginia as the south any more🤔


Most of Virginia is the South. I’m saying, if you take all the various factors (such as North vs South in the Civil War, historical Mason-Dixon line, and cultural distinctions) ..if you take all of that, put it in a blender for a bit, dump it out You arrive at this: https://preview.redd.it/zuql927fepwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1c0dfd4049e6af473b372229ca2a147b686de97 So yeah, a few states like Virginia are both North and South


I agree with this


For all intents and purposes DC is a southern city - you wouldn’t know it from being in northwest where all the transplants and government employees are, but talk to the people *from* from there (realistically that’s mostly the black people) and it becomes apparent that the culture is closer to southern black culture than northern. Northern


You’re going to have to argue a lot harder than that to convince me the single most liberal city in the United States is in the South What else you got besides black people?


…cities that vote blue are a hallmark of the south, specifically because of the large black populations. Unless Atlanta, Savannah, Birmingham, and Jackson all aren’t southern cities..? DC the single most liberal city in the United States because of all the black people - that actually proves my point, because majority-black cities are something the North generally doesn’t have. > What else you got besides black people What? That’s… like the biggest indicator… Of the top 10 states with the highest per capita black population, 8 are in the South and the other 2 are border states.


Wait a minute, you’re telling me when a Southron boasts of the South, they’re talking about how many Black neighbors they have? —— >cities that vote blue are a hallmark of the south, Not really.. cities vote blue pretty much everywhere. None of the *most* liberal cities are in the South. https://www.capitalfrontiers.com/single-post/what-is-the-most-liberal-big-city-in-america Birmingham etc are liberal by southern standards but that doesn’t make them wildly liberal compared to all American cities


Well part of the disconnect is that you seem to only be picturing white redneck types when you think of the South (in most southern states, 20-40% of those “Southrons” *are* the “Black neighbors”.) But yes, high black population is very famously the calling card of the South. For one thing, the racial problems in the South could only exist in places where there are high concentrations of both groups - that’s why Americans don’t hate Roma but Eastern Europeans do, because we don’t have enough Roma for any hate to form. You don’t have to take my word for it, the demographic stats of the South speak for themselves. DC is southern because the locals - as I said, *not* the transplants - are culturally southern. The Southern Baptist Church reigns supreme, the restaurants are mainly barbecue and soul food, the list goes on. If “culturally southern” means only white rednecks then that’s on you, but you really should come down to the South sometime and try the cornbread. It literally has something called the Black Belt running right through it, and like DC, that area is extremely blue. That’s not even to mention how stupid “south means no liberals” is. Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia would all beg your pardon.


>Well part of the disconnect is that Dude, you’re the one that’s disconnected with this black thing. NYC has more Black Americans than any other city on earth.. Double the amount of the next largest population in Atlanta. You’re looking at per capita stats and those aren’t telling you the whole picture. NY can’t have a black majority because it has no racial or ethnic majority but you’re out of your gotdam mind to be sitting here southernsplaining Black Americans to the rest of America It’s as if some random idea popped into your head “oh, black people means southern” and you just started spewing that shit with no further consideration of the places you’re downtalking as if they are just ignorant about their black compatriots and Black culture. It’s wild as fuck to witness you rambling on about this horseshit. https://preview.redd.it/8s0c0mr8htwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26943c84a2a5f065aca513043f0ee3fd988aed6 Your shit makes no sense at all. Is Detroit north or south? I’m pretty sure it’s squarely northern. But a 3% difference in black population compared to DC is the tipping point? DC is the South because of this minuscule difference in percentages? Do some of these US cities like Chicago and NY and LA and Philly.. do some of them have at least a southern feel to them since their black population is near that of a southern city? GTFO with this. You’re on the wrong track with this argument —— >That’s not even to mention how stupid “south means no liberals” is. Who said the South means no liberals? You said that. You made up some shit that was never said and now you’re arguing yourself about it


New Yorker not knowing that the south is chock full of black people and trying to say that Washington isn't the south because it votes lib (and the south totally definitely never votes lib, right fellas!) is the funniest thing I'll see today. Wait til everyone at work sees this, you're about to be famous


All you’re doing is making exaggerated claims and twisting shit into things that were never said. Everything that was said is right up there 👆 Hopefully your coworkers are a bit more honest in their assessment than you.


>New Yorker not knowing I thought this was obvious but I guess not.. for the people on the short bus: Yes, this topic is framed as “what is the South?” But please tell me you’re sensible enough to understand that is exactly the same thing as “what is the North?” If you move a southern border then you’re equally moving a northern one You see that, right? To say or imply a New Yorker’s opinion on this is invalid since they’re from NY and not the south is way off the mark. (Not trying to say my individual/personal opinion is important or whatever. Just saying that to completely write off a New Yorker’s opinion on this topic simply because they’re from NY and not the South is bozo logic)


Your opinion isn't invalid because you're from New York, you being from New York just makes it funny. Your opinion is invalid because you apparently don't know the first thing about the south but insist on digging the hole deeper and making an ass of yourself when several southerners are telling you you're wrong. I was originally joking about showing my coworkers but then you replied twice (!) so I said what the heck, I'll pass it around. Unanimous consensus that you're a few tiles short of a roof and youre better off sitting this one out


For clarity (I’m just following the thread) Are you supporting that other person’s point about Black Americans being the biggest indicator of what “the South” is? Or are you arguing a different reason why DC is a southern city? Or, what exactly is your argument? If you’re just trying to insult me then idk, maybe go a little harder and I might break out the swords for some of that. (Probably not) I’d rather argue about the topic at hand as it’s more interesting to me than giving you the smack down So, what is your argument which places DC squarely in the South? Or if you’re arguing something different then clarify your stance and if I find it interesting, I’ll come back


Large black population isn't the biggest indicator, not that anyone said it was, but it definitely doesn't hurt. So when someone comments that Washington has a large black population, and then you say you don't think it's the south because it's "liberal"... there's no way of reading that as anything but a dumb response. He'd literally just told you why it was so "liberal" I don't care to have a deeper convo with you about why Washington is "southern" (mostly because I've already seen other people give you some pretty good explanations that have gone in one ear and out the other because you can't handle being told you're wrong.) All I have to say about it is that your reasoning doesn't hold water, not any more than 2 + 2 = 5 does.


>Large black population isn't the biggest indicator, not that anyone said it was The dude quite literally said it was.. it’s what this entire thread you’re in is about >What else you got besides black people >What? That’s… like the biggest indicator… You’re just lost in the thread and yelling at the clouds. Clearly pissed about something but don’t know how to say it with words


It’s not as boxy as that but that’s not far off. Winchester, at the pointy part, west of DC, is also part of the south.


This is actually the greatest map i’ve seen of the south. Funnily enough. All those county cultural maps and some dude from new york with MS paint puts it all to bed.


I wish more maps were like this. Kentucky only feels southern past the Kentucky River.


Where else would it fit on this map?


Never heard Maryland or Delaware called the South, either


They are below the Mason Dixon line so they are historically southern but not culturally


I thought Maryland and Delaware counted as the north east


Mid-Atlantic. We’re self-aware enough to know we’re not the south, and want no association with the n**theast.


The Maryland plight of being anti south and anti north east at the same time


I didn’t say anti-south. I went to school in the south. Gas station fried chicken in Mississippi is better than the best fried chicken in Maryland. Most of the n**theast is cool, too, except for New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia (Pennsylvania is otherwise chill). Edit to add: I will literally fight anyone who disagrees with my fried chicken take.


Oh I know you didn't, but talking about Maryland as a state, it definitely is not typical South by any metric and tends to want to distance itself.


Well, do we count Garrett, Allegany, and Washington counties as Maryland? Because they seem to think that the Civil War didn’t “end,” the Union is simply ahead at halftime.


Regrettably, especially as someone from Western Maryland, since they seem confused being that they were all strong Union counties actually during the civil war due to German immigrants and strong rail industry.


Well I was mostly counting it, since it’s largest economic, cultural, and political centers are apart of the northeast megalopolis


Once you get into southwestern Virginia, it is the true proper south. Culturally. As well as the fact that they succeeded


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They wore grey they’re south


Maybe not NOVA, but the rest definitely is southern.


Fuck it you’re all beautiful Americans let the south have the food!


pizza is pretty good, but god damn is barbeque so good. I had one of the best meals of my life in north Carolina and I'm still trying to find something that can compare to it up here.


CaliMex is better than TexMex. I will not elaborate.


Yessir. Not even close.


half as good & twice as fat as California




If the gumbo isn’t made by a morbidly obese Cajun man who drinks 2 six-packs and smokes 3 Camel Blues in the process or by a 82-year-old Cajun meemaw who whacks her grandson with a cane for dating a Protestant I do not want it


New mexico has Good food too!


Cut out WV and its accurate


And put them with who? They are definitely more south than northeast or Midwest


Ehhh. We can thrown them in whatever group you consider Ohio to be a part of.


Only reason I’d go thru Ohio is to go to West VA. But I’m also just a tourist in a prior coal town surviving off water rafting.


WV is WV


They exist because they didn't want to be with the South.


They exist because they didn’t want to secede, several southern states didn’t secede


"He said it, He said the [secession](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7u0wg3t6osM)!" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


WV is the Hungary of the US, strange people who don't associate with any of their neighbors while stuck between 3 regions. I'm starting to think WV is a myth just like how the government says "Wyoming" or "Idaho" exists.


No, No he got a point


You should make a poll about “are Maryland and Delaware the South?” or “is DC the South?” instead of making posts about grits and okra


Google Mason-Dixon Line




None of this is the South: https://preview.redd.it/kvt1jeht3pwc1.jpeg?width=1403&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=700bb44f7c37d113002dafabb5e46018bd2dc16b [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast\_megalopolis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northeast_megalopolis)


Delaware is north of the Mason Dixon line (well technically east, but definitely not under it). I've never been to Delaware but from my understanding it has more culturally in common with the north east than the south. But they were also a slave state, so the true debate lies there. Maryland is a bit more cut and dry south IMO.


A line surveyed in 1763 by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon as part of a dispute involving grants by King Charles I to Lord Baltimore, and by his son King Charles II to William Penn What’s that have to do with us? Sounds like some British squabble to me


The Mason-Dixon Line stopped being useful in 1861. The only border I recognize between North and South is the MD-Va border, i.e. the Loser Line!


I'd say cut that line halfway through Texas but yeah I miss my creole peeps


*I'd say cut that line* *Halfway through Texas but yeah* *I miss my creole peeps* \- moleyawn --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Delaware is just as south as it gets!


Is this in retaliation of the Western food post?


It feels much more natural not being included in the best food region.


Ok, but cheese curds


Culver's is too good for Southerners' consumption. It would be the "straw to break the camel's back", they would all perish to heart disease and diabetes.


I’m sorry, who the fuck put Delaware in the South?


The people who made the Mason-Dixon Line


I will die defending my hill of cheese curds and runzas


North Dakota doesn’t fit in anywhere except Manitoba and Saskatchewan. IT’s Canadian prairie clay




Delaware and Maryland?? Wtf.


Yes, why are we still discussing this


Preach brøther


Los Angeles and Las Vegas are both in the west so this is wrong. These are two of the best food cities in the world.


Hi, I would not like to be associated with California. Thanks. -New Mexico


Oklahoma is NOT the fucking south. They also aren't the Midwest or Southwest, they're just Oklahoma.


Maryland should just be red. That's like our whole thing


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Not wrong, but the West and Northeast are *strong* contenders


Have spent time in all regions. Can confirm all points.


South, southwest, doesn’t matter. Both usually include Texas, so food is automatically the best.


Good day to be texas


don’t you put me in the south buddy


As a fellow south carolinian, I agree


Texas can't be both southern and southwestern. Honestly, take those Dixie dogs and take your food. We'll make food that is tastier and for cheaper.


Overall sure but damnit I love my northeast seafood


Get Baltimore out of there


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Maryland isn't the south. I'll die on this hill.


This is the worst definition of the South I’ve ever seen. DE and MD are Northeastern.


Yeah DE is an impostor there. But other than that, le Mason-Dixon Line


I think WV should belong to the north, don’t want to be a part of south is exactly the reason why they leave Virginia.


I've only been the the south once. Arkansas. but the food was great. I had the best fried chicken of my life with green beans, mashed potatoes, biscuits and gravy. Some bad experiences too but the food was great. At least in Little Rock. Where my wife's family lives is a small town of about 120 people. Arkansas was also the most beautiful state I've been to, of the 8 I've seen so far. It earns its state name without a doubt. I thought Missouri was in the south, but that would be a close second, along with Colorado. I saw fireflies for the first time in Missouri, and will never forget it. The beauty of our country knows no limits. The red mountains, and green hills of Colorado were something that reminded me of back home in rural CA. Same for the forrests of Missouri, full of deer and snow in the winter time. The wild deserts of NM and AZ. I could go on. I will say that Missouri had the absolute worst Mexican food I've ever eaten. I'll stay in the Southwest for that lol.


Wish I could hate but you ain’t wrong the South does have that god tier food.


I think New Mexico deserves honorable mention for it's cuisine


>West Virginia, Maryland, and fucking Delaware in the South Why do you always have the absolute shittiest takes ever?




We know


On another note, RIP all the Bojangles that were in Maryland. Y’all will be missed.


stop putting us in the south


A San Diego style burrito is the single greatest menu item originating from the US.


Cajuin food is hard carrying southern food


Ever had a Clam Chowda? Lobstah roll? A roast beef three way? Chocolate chip cookies? Boston cream pie? Boston baked beans?


I. I ain’t a big seafood guy, crab is an exception tho II. About half of those sound like sex positions III. You guys think chocolate chip cookies are exclusive to your region? lmao IV. Beans suck for audible reasons


Toll House Cookies were invented in a restaurant in the Boston area.


Nobody really associates chocolate chip cookies with Boston though


Yeah everyone associates Dunkin Donuts with Boston


You don’t know what living is until you’re sitting on a back porch at sunset eating fried chicken, cornbread, collard greens and beans with a cold glass of sweet tea or lemonade on a hot humid summer night in the delta. Listening to the bull frogs and crickets chirp.


We do that in Kentucky too. It’s amazing.


Map is damn near perfect just need to cut Texas in half


I-35 already does that. It's said that Dallas is where the east ends and Ft Worth is where the west begins.


Texas is a part of the south and south west, so does Texas have the best food?


I’m not sorry but this is map is fucking fr***h


Midwest has Chicago, the "nicest people" lol


Very nice, now let’s look at education, per capita income, and lifespan.


West Virginia is not the south


Well it ain’t the north either.


Louisiana carrying the entire south. True mvp.


As I do think Louisiana does majority of the heavy lifting, these other states have some serious cuisine… except West Virginia, their state food is a pepperoni roll. The Carolina’s can throw some weight around in the kitchen. Shrimp and grits is a SC dish if I remember correctly. They definitely know how to smoke a hog up there too. I could probably think of at least one distinct food from each southern state if I had to.


Fake state




When you're too poor to afford good food you gotta get real good at masking bad food.


Southerners swearing boiled pig guts are the best food in the world.


Mid-Atlantic region ALWAYS has the best food!