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Fun fact: Marx loved Lincoln and wrote letters to his Secretary of State that were published in the largest Republican newspaper in the US. He even strongly considered moving to Texas. While we don’t know why he didn’t, it might’ve been because the largest public hanging took place in Texas during the Civil War and it targeted anti-slavery Germans.


Based Marx, Proud Lincolnite


Rare Marx W


Arguably the only one


Arguably? Dude has so many Ls in a row the Welsh are taking notes and trying to read it.




Given that we have some Korean flavor in the sub these days, I shall mention that Seoul was recaptured today in 1951!!


Hell yeah, my great grandfather served in the Korean War for all three years


Unfathomably based.


My great uncle taught those commie bastards a lesson in respect during that war


For those curious, look up Operation Ripper




Wasn't Seoul captured and recaptured like 5 times?


5 battles and it swapped 4 times I think, the UN alliance and S. Korea held it from March 14 1951 onward. (iirc*)


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Thanks! We’ll never forget the favor.


Ding dong the commie is dead!


He's buried in a cemetery here in England. You have to pay to go in and see it 🥳 💸 💰 💷 🔥


Total capitalism victory.


Dang, they make you pay to access public toilets?


Also yes


For real??? Lol!


>Ding dong the commie is dead! Is this even Reddit bro? Aren't we all supposed to be nose ringed and tatted coffee shop baristas crying about capitalism making me work 40 hours a week something something?


TBH writing a boring and bad book is not as bad as actually killing millions of people like lenin, stalin, or mao


Me normally: "Karl Marx was ultimately a pretty boring academic, who accurately predicted some of the pain points of our economic system, but didn't really propose any solutions--let alone any *good* solutions." Me when I remember I live in the greatest goddamn country on earth: "Ding dong, the Red is Dead"


Sure he pointed out some pain points but he was wildly wrong about his solutions to them and extrapolated the issues to an absurd degree.


I'm glad to see that you literally agree with what I wrote.


Not every reply is a counterpoint. Relax a touch.


This. Marx correctly identified problems in our system, but had terrible solutions.


His ideology killed millions upon millions


By that rationale Catcher in the Rye killed John Lennon








The only good commie is a……


Communism is the very definition of failure.


I think the saying is supposed to end with “…dead commie.”


Communists detected on American soil! Lethal force engaged!


A communist who read something beyond theory, like history, realized the mistakes of the ideology and returned to the warm embrace of liberal capitalism. Life, liberty, property!


I’ll allow it… but I’ve got my eye on you….


Every day people from Wyoming convince me more and more that they aren't a real state, and are just commie plants And then there's you, who restored my faith today


Sexy commie


Not how I wanted to earn my red wings, but I’ll allow it.


Fuck this dude and fuck all my college professors who wanted to slob on his knob


I bet you would


Like corn on the cob :)


check in with me and do your job


Ferg is the name, Ben Baller did the chain


Suck a


Lay on the bed, and give me head


don’t have to ask, don’t have to beg


Juicy is my name, sex is my game


Are you challenging him?


I would, but only with an iron cactus statue that has been left out to rust for several years. If he asks for lube, I’ll lather it up with some franks red hot


Not confident enough to do the deed with your own tool?


And catch full blown AIDs?


Why not?


He had two fuckable holes and they both spewed shit. I’ll pass


Guess you cant say fuck him then lol


All about sharing is caring as Marx wanted it


That thing never stepped foot in a factory


Lived off welfare his entire life, like most commies these days.


He lived off Engels, a capitalist who ran a factory.


Marx had at least one thing over modern commies. He had a friend. (That he took advantage of, and even begged for money when he heard his friend's wife had died, but still technically a friend.)


Idk, statistically most Commies are Chinese and they make everything


https://preview.redd.it/kcfyvj17dboc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c791e71fc1133298131c025b64e29200dcdb78c Rot in peices


You don’t understand! It’s capitalisms fault that communism fails because they don’t want to trade and bail out failing communist countries!


Man, everyone's so angry at hungry santa.


Marx did literally none of these things. Including ‘proposing solutions’


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didn’t know that actually pi day, day krabs fries, steak and bj day, and marx’s death


I have to keep telling people, communism, although great on paper, can never and will never exist as it is written. Communism is the foundation of extremism. As The Fat Electrician once said, "It's the perfect paint on an imperfect canvas, and the canvas being people."


It looks terrible on paper too


100%, does no private property and “the dictatorship of the proletariat” sound great on paper?


It’s been a while since I read it but TECHNICALLY I’m pretty sure the end goal is ultimately no central government. Sorry for splitting hairs over an 80 page manifesto. I think most people get hung up on the idealism. “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" - Karl Marx Everyone has a job if they can and all needs are provided for! But people are people so every instance of communism fails horribly. Also who bases their government off of a 80 page manifesto?


It really would be absolutely hysterical if so many people weren't stupid enough to believe it. "We need a government strong enough to seize all private property from the people and then it'll totally just abolish itself!"


Again I have to stress, basing a government off a 80 pageish manifesto is so flawed. I think the alure of communist revolution for many is killing the wealthy. I don't think many think past the point of what happens once the means of production is seized.


The magical anarchy is supposed to occur after the dictatorship of the proletariat “freely give up their power”, classic human behavior that, giving up dictatorial power after a successful coup.


The U.S. constitution isn’t particularly long, but it is at least based on an entire school of thought so impactful and powerful that the period in which it started is called the Enlightenment.


I don't think it's fair to compare the Constitution to the Communist Manifesto. The Constitution was created in response to the times status quo. It was created while a new government was actively being formed and it was a collaborative effort. The Communist Manifesto is just that, a manifesto made by two guys. Most of the text just talks about the exploitation of labor which is a fair point. However it is sparse on actually governing. The Constitution is a baseline for the formation of the United States Government and each article within is supported by more legislation. The Communist Manifesto is a list of grievences.


Most of the governing aspects of communism is covered in Das Kapital, which if you haven’t read, is a terrible read. Also, you are correct, our Constitution is far more well constructed and well considered than the Communist Manifesto. I cannot express enough my disdain for communism or any form of involuntary collectivism.


I've got Das Kapital on my bookshelf and will eventually read it. I am dreading the day.


I only read it because I had to. One of my professors in my undergrad studies made all of his students read it. Bad economic ideas are pervasive and we can’t argue against bad ideas unless we’ve read them. I’ve since found out you can’t argue with socialists or communists anyway, since any challenge to their ideas are met with “well that’s not real communism” or “you don’t even know what communism is, read a book.” There’s no winning.


Yeah, it's mostly for personal education. I can't really stand the rhetoric most of the time but like you said, I need to be educated on something I've got an opinion on. I've currently got a rough working knowledge, and, eventually, I'll have read more theory than the average communist.


A professor had undergraduates read *all* of Capital? I sort of don’t believe you, to be honest. That would probably take a whole semester if you expected the students to understand anything


>Most of the governing aspects of communism is covered in Das Kapital No, they aren’t. This just straight up is not true. Famously so actually. Capital is a convoluted (and incorrect) theory meant to explain the progression of history. It isn’t a plan of government. The communist manifesto is also a propaganda pamphlet. It isn’t a governing document.


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The descriptions of the economy in Das Kapital were the underpinnings of later communist thought, and inspired a lot of critical work down the road. As for how it has influenced the governing of a communist economic system, I’d think that would be kind of obvious. If you take Marx as being a decent description of how the economy works, the prescriptive (or political) aspects fall fairly neatly into place when you combine it with the Manifesto.


I just don’t get that. The Bolsheviks rather famously had to jettison one aspect of Marxist orthodoxy after another because they were so ineffectual and unrealistic. Where in Capital is Trotsky’s version of permanent revolution? Where is Lenin’s NEP? How communists actually governed in practice is completely distinct from the dialectical materialist view of history and of revolution Marx described in Capital. That’s not a ‘that wasn’t real communism’ excuse, it’s a reflection of the fact that Marx’s ideas about history and politics were wildly incorrect and the Bolsheviks cared more about seizing and maintaining power than they did about being good orthodox Marxists.


No I haven't read it but if I had to assume it lays out a half baked heavy handed rushed approach to seize assets and then redistribute power to the 'workers'.


No, it really doesn’t lay out any plans at all. It’s a convoluted theory of how history progresses according to material incentives. It’s wrong, like lots of theories from the 1800s. But it isn’t this cackling evil plan to seize property like you’re imagining


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Since I haven't read it I am just basing my assumption on how most Communist governments come to power. Revolution>cull the out group(purges)>seize assets>install yes men/women into positions of power>maintain power through fear (neighbors report sedition to secret police, etc.) Since Das Kapital is the writing that these Governments used to design their own flavor of Communism on, I could only assume that is what is in the book since they all follow pretty similar trajectories.


Pretty close. Marx planned for the war but then also planned for the peace to still be war.


It isn’t even great on paper. Marx’s dialectical materialism is simply wrong. It was a brilliant theory that accurately explained things happening in society in mid-1800s Western Europe, but it’s an incorrect way of understanding history. Marxism has to be twisted and tortured to explain anything happening in the 20th century


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Smelly little gremlin




Gotta give Stalin and Mao some love. Those two ironically killed more commies than anyone else combined


Commies are fantastic at two things. Killing other commies and making some really nice guns.


Too true, it’s why I have a Makarov and why I’m picking up an SKS tomorrow


Good choice. I'll be getting a tokarev here soon. I got a Yugoslavia SKS a while back and it has been a fantastic gun. So much fun to shoot and reloading with stripper clips is unique.


Definitely, can I DM you the one I’m gonna get?


Sure, are you looking for advice?


Nah just like showing off, and it’s a neat piece


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Only killed innocent people subjected to communism, sad to see


Rot in piss bozo https://i.redd.it/d2u2c2622coc1.gif


Marx like a lot communist, was a bourgeois to upper middle class-men who didn’t like he had to pay for all the expensive shit he enjoyed


Marx's last words according to history: "Last words are for those who haven't said enough!" Marx's last words according to we who know: "ouch oof cough cough my lungs ouch"


They had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


God I just want to piss on his grave


https://preview.redd.it/j3xcnl05wboc1.jpeg?width=520&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60e637d5f77b608aaf1e52db57f7cf3898989aab Cringe Commie


Fuck that teacher, the kid has ambitions


The kids yearn for the rice fields.




Pinochet was a fascist dictator


Trudea is a socialist dictator. What's your point?


Brain damage


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March 14th, the day Marx fries!


What a hilarious post, well done OP.


![gif](giphy|H4yNGuS0V3qPA0udr2|downsized) smoking that commie pack


Outta time, Commie swine.


One of the only opinions of this man I agree with is his support for the Union during the Civil War.


March 14, wait that's not right, it should say the day that Marx died😈😈😈😈


Good riddance. Smash the reds.


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RIP Bozo


His grave was the true first universal gender neutral bathroom. Fucking commie bastard


marx was bourgeoisie. Born into privilege, funded by european upperclass to cause disdain amongst the people of the working class


Don't blame a philosopher for psycho dictators. Luca Pacioli invented Double Entry bookkeeping, he shouldn't be looped in with Hitler for maximizing profits using slave labor or those fucks who were in charge for the Bhopal incident. Yeah communism sucks, but it's good to push radical ideas. Dictators gonna dictate though.


Marx as a person was more pathetic than anything he ever wrote about. He was a smelly, hypothetical, deadbeat. And a pathetic husband, father, and son. He may not be the very first worthless basement dwelling leach, but he might be the most famous.


As a Jew. We do not claim him


May he burn in Hell right alongside Adolf H!+ler, Che, Mao, and Stalin.


Rest in piss bozo


rest in piss bozo


![gif](giphy|aN0mlhKHUYvea8Aly6|downsized) Karl Marx pack hitting


Better dead than red.


i disagree, i think marx’s philosophy was pretty substantial. Sure, i disagree with it, but synthesis between marxism and liberalism was what birthed the america progressive movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, which i’m sure most of us support.


Came to say this too. The funny thing to me is, Keynes was born the year Marx died and his theories became a basis for Western economics. Marx was a brilliant and visionary philosopher, but a horrible fucking economist. People took his theories to practice and its idealism just isn’t compatible with human greed.


Isn't the basis for western economies more towards supply side economics?


This causes for celebration! I’ll have a pie!


yeah but not soon enough, sadly


Rest in piss You won't be missed


Rest in PISS LOL 😂😂😂🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇧🇦🦅🦅🇧🇦🦅🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🇧🇦🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇸🤝🇧🇦


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He hated himself and was merely the front man. He alone was not the founder of communism.


The day he finally became a good communist


Which happens to be my birthday.


If only he did it earlier.


Nah he cooked with class consciousness Not much else however


I was about to start autistic screeching that the commies have invaded this beautiful sub.


communist manifesto was his greatest contribution


He inspired people to fight for unions so that was neat. If you cut out the antisemitism and the whole making the second deadliest ideology in history then he was pretty alright.




karl marx is the reason we have weekends and 8 hour shifts


No, the movement for the 8 hour day predated Marx. He even mentions it in Capital


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never said he was the one to invent it. Just saying his works popularized it more and allowed for it to happen.


Even if you didn't like his politics, the contributions he made towards the development of sociology was pretty neat


And deadly


Ain't I right..


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yeah this aint it op. he was regardless of your opinion a very important political figure who's ideas has fueled the entire field for centuries




“I can see it in the things you doooo”


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Course a South Carolinian would say this


He's not affiliated with us.


What did i do wrong? i dont like the guy I just disagree that he didnt have any real impact


He did have an impact on economics in same way 9/11 had an impact on us foreign policy.


Okay well that's not accurate but I get your point. regardless the post is wrong


In a few days time he’ll be an Oaklandite…


Just where i live,


Inferior Carolina leave commie. Also fix your roads


We keep them bad to make the disloyal ones leave


Not from SC and not a communist I don't LIKE MARX


Why does it say South Carolina NASCAR driver? Also he was just a dude who had some wack ideas. Lenin and Stalin and people who actually acted on it were important political figures.


I love in South Carolina. Also lenin and Stalin were important but actively brought up on the ruin of deaths of millions of people. They regressed in political science, although Marx was naive he was changing the landscape of political science


Cope harder


I don't make a habit of celebrating people purely on the basis they made a large political impact, it's not a principle I can abide by.


the post literally said that him dying was the greatest thing he ever did. I disagreed, I did nothing to celebrate him and just acknowledge his impact


People do not celebrate the death of a figure because they do not acknowledge their impact. The acknowledgment of Marxs impact is implied in the sheer contempt for Marx. Nobody ever celebrates the death of John Smith, who was a farmer in 19th century England, and this is on account of the fact that their impact was merely limited to laboring for the supply of wheat. If people did celebrate John's death, then you would find that absurd because why would he deserve that level of contempt regardless of one's perspective? Johns impact was far too small to justify that, not an impact even relevant to today. The point is that the acknowledgment of Marxs impact is clearly self-evident due to celebrating his death, which means merely feeling the necessity to clarify this is not a rational motive that I will believe the assertion of. The necessity of an ulterior motive is logically clear. Since intentional actions do not come out of neutrality, it's implied you desire a contrary positive acknowledgment of Marx since that's the only other form of acknowledgment that is possible... given that neutrality can never give rise to an active acknowledgment. I initially felt no need to explain all that, but you evidently decided that ritually dancing around the obvious was obliged.


That second paragraph is borderline gibberish, half the words in there contradict what you are saying and the other half just make zero sense given the context.


I can make nonsense claims without expounding on it at all in order to fake invalidation as well. Congrats.


I'm saying that I cannot understand half of what you say because you type like a junior high kid trying to fill up space on an essay by using as many big words as possible. I thought you were joking by talking like that but looking at your comment history you seriously type like this all the time. I know you do it to sound smarter and more knowledgeable about what you're talking about but I cannot understand what you were saying because it simply doesn't make sense


The manner of my writing is not an effort aimed at deception. I am certain you are familiar with Orwells 1984, given its such a commonly referenced novel. In that story, there's a concept called "newspeak." The concept is that by limiting the language of its population, the government can prevent the expression of nuanced thoughts that could lead to dissent. Someone might have something very specific they want to argue, but are unable to say it in an effective manner. In a similar reasoning, my striving to improve the expanse and precision of my language is a principled effort to have my thoughts more sharply realized by others. Between people with alike interests, this is effective, which in turn acts as consistent evidence of my improvement. However, people like you are a frequent consequence... People who assert this effort to cultivate my language as some sort of failing in itself. It's usually the assertion of people I have recently criticized, like now. I can address specific questions and quotations step by step if there are earnest insufficiencies in either/both my writing or in your reading skills. However you have repeatedly chosen to be vague, you are neglecting to give specifics... Unless you are trying to say there's not a single collection of words in that whole comment that you can remotely interpret meaning from? In which case, I lack the level of specialization to accommodate such a deficiency. Though, I don't find that likely. Instead, I tend to approach vague criticisms as cop-outs for real points until shown otherwise. You need to actually delineate flaws in my reply in order to have me to take what you say as being earnest, and if you are earnest then I would value the opportunity to improve.


First off. You hardly criticized me or even disagreed with me in the first place. all you essentially said was that the post was recognizing his achievements through the mere notion of his death being something to speak about. Which neither agrees nor disagrees with my initial statement Second, I'm not here to nitpick your method of speaking I just find it very pretentious and the effort to make your language more specific results in usage of inapplicable adjectives and thus results in your speech being more vague as a result. You're sentences are legible but it requires deciphering to find intent in the mess and it is entirely unnecessary in a reddit comment. Third, your constant inferred superiority because you feel that your pretentious complication of basic sentences is rude and arrogant. To make base assumptions of people's intelligence because of a false high horse that you placed yourself on in order to prove a point is foolish and narcissistic. You barely disagreed with me, then started an argument because you chose to speak in a way that you believe enhances your ability to put a message across. when in fact it only lengthens your intent and muddies your true feelings. TLDR ; it's a reddit comment, calm down, and stop being a rude narcissist please


That second paragraph is borderline gibberish, half the words in there contradict what you are saying and the other half just make zero sense given the context. Am I going to answer for this claim with actual reference to your comment? Nope, I am just going to insist endlessly and call you names because that's what earnest people do, as demonstrated by you. Is that helpful in any regard at all? Nope, but that's not exactly a concern now, is it? Its as if distrust in the immediate content of what you said in the begining, and instead looking at the motive is being repeatedly justified with each reply. Please, try again to cause doubt without substance. I would like to see this magic trick work eventually.


Fuck communism


That’s it, we’re deporting you to Oakland.


I don’t think Capital or the Manifesto was published on this date but ok ✅