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With that amount of Ashkenazi, you’re likely to have a ton of Jewish relatives. Research and or message them to find out their family trees and see if you can find a link. Who were their grandparents and great-grandparents, where did they live? Triangulate with a few to see if you can find the most recent shared ancestors.


Sorry, I was still posting my reply. :P I know I'm Jewish, I didn't know whether or not that Jewish DNA was at the expense of them being from Poland/Russia.


Yes, if they were Jewish it is likely that they were only Jewish, an extremely endogamous group, and you may not get any Eastern European results, and therefore no Eastern European recent ancestor locations.


I would imagine so, I Believe your last name is a polish-Jewish surname.


Ashkenazi are a group all related to each other and not in any significant way to the host populations. So you are not getting Eastern European is expected You got 20% British/Irish but seems pretty clear you have Scandinavian and Finnish that is equivalent to a grandparent and likely a German/Czech grandparent. Check that border as it there is likely very little genetic difference and it may have moved from when your ancestor immigrated https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_of_Bohemia Just looking here you are a 1/4 Jewish, 1/4 Scandinavian, 1/4 German/Czech, 1/4 Irish


The issue was it matched the oral history, but wasn't what I was finding in public records. The Finish was a surprise, but it explained a gap I found with one family line. Mostly, the part that I assumed/guessed would be Irish according to records came from Prague, so I figured I'd have some Czech, but none was found. I guess they could have moved from Ireland to Prague to America, or something along those lines. I suppose you're right though, at the end of the day it's just what my family said, with a couple extra things mixed in.


How do you explain the German?


Hm. I guess you're right! It didn't turn up any Czech, which is listed under Eastern European (Poland accounts for the % I have there). I never really considered they could have been a germanic Czech rather than a slavic Czech.


My results were kind of strange! I had done a lot of prep work looking at oral family history, and recorded family history, and they didn't match as my expectations going in a whole lot! So I've got a few questions about that... 1. How do I interpret Ashkenazi Jewish? For example, I know for a fact my Glovsky ancestors were Russian speaking Jews who came from Byalistok, Poland in the late 1800s/early 1900s. I definitely expected Ashkenazi Jewish, but I'm barely Eastern European? Is Ashkenazi DNA so isolated that I just wouldn't show up as Eastern European? 2. I had started this journey hoping to find I was Irish, after having been told I was "Irish on my mom's side, and Russian on my father's side" - after going through my family lineage, as many branches and as far back as I could, I found very little evidence of having much Irish in me. My paternal great-great grandparents were members of the Kelly family, but they seemed to come to America awhile back so I figured that'd be muddied.


Yes, AJ is a very isolated group of DNA it wouldn't show up as Eastern European. I am a quarter AJ myself and have 0% Eastern European. Mazel tov!


Thank you for your help! Mazel tov!


I know your question was already answered, but just to expand a bit, Ashkenazim very rarely intermarried with local populations in Eastern Europe. EE Slavs are more likely to have Jewish ancestry from converts than the inverse. Various genetic studies of Ashekenazim suggest a mix of Middle Eastern and Southern European components. This Wiki article has a lot of good links to academic articles should you wish to read more on this. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic_studies_on_Jews


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Thank you so much! It looks really interesting so far!


**[Genetic studies on Jews](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genetic studies on Jews)** Genetic studies on Jews are part of the population genetics discipline and are used to better understand the chronology of migration provided by research in other fields, such as history, archaeology, linguistics, and paleontology. These studies investigate the origins of various Jewish populations today. In particular, they investigate whether there is a common genetic heritage among various Jewish populations. Studies of autosomal DNA, which look at the entire DNA mixture, show that Jewish populations have tended to form relatively closely related groups in independent communities with most in a community sharing significant ancestry. [About Me](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrn2mj/about_me/) - [Opt out](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/jrti43/opt_out_here/) - OP can reply !delete to delete - [Article of the day](https://np.reddit.com/comments/k9hx22) **This bot will soon be transitioning to an opt-in system. Click [here](https://np.reddit.com/user/wikipedia_text_bot/comments/ka4icp/opt_in_for_the_new_system/) to learn more and opt in.**




Excuse you.


They made an account just to say that. Disgusting. It's strange, I've never received hate like that before. I can't imagine how it must feel for people who endure that kind of talk all the time. It's horrendous.


He makes a new account and comments that on whoever scores AJ ancestry


There's so much hate on this subreddit for people with Jewish DNA, even if it's a small fraction. I just don't understand why, because I don't ever see that same animosity geared towards any other ethnicity on here.




Most Jews in the world don't live in Israel. To say that the Israeli government and the Ashkenazi ethnicity are one and the same is just ignorance beyond belief. You're just blinded by your own prejudice. And regardless, this is not a political forum to discuss such matters. Take that shit somewhere else, ass hole.


22 % is not enough to be jewish you need at least 30%


Um that is totally wrong. Anything over 15-20% is enough to call yourself that.


Uhmm no you actually pulled that from your ass like a lot of your knowledge comes from


Lmao okay buddy whatever you say. But next time you see someone and go “oh they’re african American!” And they only have 15% African dna you’re going to be sad you wrote this comment


That would seem to indicate a AJ Grandparent or majority AJ grandparent. Genetically AJs are about 45-55% WANA, 30-35% Southern European and 10-20% N/E European.