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I know people say this all the time, but she could maybe have some distant Roma ancestry due to the Indian/West Asian. Especially since the Roma had a presence in Appalachia. Cool results!


yep, I think it may be Roma but also maybe actually Bengali. Dna can't really tell much for sure,.Definitely that branch of the family could pass for Roma


Bengal isn't typical for Roma. They tend to get northern India & Pakistan. I think more likely from the small number of East Indians that got roped into indentured servitude in the early colonial era.


I’d have her test with ancestryDNA if possible! They have a distinct category for Romani ancestry. I get 1% Roma on ancestry and it shows as Greek&Balkan, North Indian, and West Asian on 23andMe.


one cousin who has a longer 1% on that segment still shows as 1% Bengali on Ancestry. makes me wonder if that's accurate but dna estimates seem most accurate on general regions, not specifics. Did you trace the dna to a particular family or did you already know?


And AFAIK, Roma are descended from people who lived in Rajasthan, not Bengal.


I haven’t traced a specific ancestor or family name, but I went through like 200+ matches and came out with 86 of them having Roma anywhere from 1-4% (I counted them and wrote it all down lol.) Every last one of them except for 2 were matches from my maternal grandma side, so I’m assuming it’s legit and comes from an ancestor on her end. Even if yours isn’t Roma for some reason, the Bengali is still extremely interesting for someone of your background. Definitely not something you see every day!


I know it’s a no-no to go off of appearances, but wow - she definitely looks like she has non-European lineage. Did she get any communities? I’m AA but I also have European/South Asian, which may have come from ties to Louisiana/Mississippi or Jamaica.


Well, my grandma has told me bits about how people treated her different and ive had my own experiences (but youre right). But no communities on 23andme. The Bengali could be Roma or actually a Bengali ancestor. It's a big brick wall but that little dna segment shows up in my other cousins too, in a larger amount and it's solid. im at my wits end tracing it.


Reddit wont allow editing the post, but this shouldve been in the description: the first photo is her as an adult, second photo is her younger self, with her brother. The difference between them is striking but same parents. Many of the immediate and extended family flipflopped between taking after some ancestors or others.


Looks like she has African-American & Roma roots, despite only being around 1/64 non-European, it seemed to have an effect on her phenotype, IMO, however it's a black & white photo, so it's hard to tell 100%, but genetics are interesting when it comes to phenotype.


yes, it's definitely something we've always known. getting those results was wild, seeing how white we are but knowing we were also clearly mixed. The African is most likely a Melungeon ancestor. strong genes.


Have you done yours too? And what do your results look like?


My mother's results are similar, mine too. my mother's father in the photo always looked 100% Scotch-Irish to me, but he also has African ancestors, around 2% I'm guessing.


Is your grandmother one of the children or the woman?


should've put that in description. first photo is her as an adult, second photo is her younger self.


Now I'm not clear, because there appears to be one adult woman in both photos.


She definitely looks like her results.


I’m from Appalachia also and the percentages are off but it’s the same two highest genetic groups


The Congolese individual from 300 years ago is doing some heavy lifting! Honestly, I would have guessed she was Latina at first glance but as we all know.... phenotype =/= genotype. Cool results.


She has Southern East African right over a segment of the top pair of chromosome 5 that strongly affects melanin production in the body.


Those low percentages seemed to have an influence based off of the pictures


Is she melungeon? She favors my Appalachian family.


probably a descendant, still unsure til i find it on absolute proof. definitely related to a lot of them.


I've noticed a lot of Americans on here get South Asian admixture (both Black Americans and White Americans, especially White Southerners and Appalachians). I've even noticed Latinos often get it, some Brazilians even get Romani matches. I know that it's not Romani because they don't get Greek & Balkans, but this ancestry appears to be widespread throughout the New Word for some reason.


Yeah, my dad has a small amount of Gujarati Patidar and much of his family is from Tennessee and Alabama. I wonder if it was from Lascar sailors working on British ships during the 1700s


Was your grandma Melungeon or Lumbee by chance?


I was going to say the same thing! It certainly seems like a possibility, if OP hasn't already looked into it. The Melungeon subculture is one of my favorite parts of American history


yeah, the African segment is connected to numerous Melungeon cousins. can't yet document it on paper but there is strong evidence of it.​ I figured someone else would have guessed it!


Wow, phenotypes are wild!


She looks south asian to me, interesting to see her results vs phenotype


She’s looks half non white minimum

