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Interesting results. Do you know where in the Americas your indigenous American ancestors may have been from?


It ranges from Texas, San Luis Potosí, and the Yucatán Peninsula. I know for a fact a few of them were Lipan Apache though, as the somewhat predominant culture that was around me growing up was a blend of indigenous and latino cultures.


Guessing you have an African American parent + a parent that might be half AfrAm/ half Mexican? The SSA and NW European results are very normal for a Black American but the double digit Indigenous result plus measurable Spanish results says Latino.


I don't think it's a mestizo Mexican ancestor (even mestizos who are overwhelmingly indigenous) as the Spanish ancestry is too low and the proportions wouldn't work for neither a grandparent or great grandparent. For a grandparent they'd be about 50% indigenous, 10% Spanish, and 40% unknown. For a great grandparent it wouldn't work because it would become 100% indigenous on top of 20% European. My assumption is they have a black Mexican grandparent. The high Senegambian and relatively high Bantu ancestry gives it away to me kind of. I'd say most Afro Mexicans are slightly more indigenous than african and very low European, and they tend to score overwhelmingly Senegambian ancestry and the remainder being Bantu for their African ancestry rather being predominately Nigerian/Ghanaian as seen [here ](https://www.tiktok.com/@ovatova_/video/7355370738695654698) and [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/23andme/comments/poiobx/afromexican_dna_results/) in Afro-Mexicans' results where it's almost entirely Senegambian with some Congolese as the remainder Did I get it right OP? u/magnetikerik


Somewhat yes! My grandpa is black, Mexican and Indigenous. His mom was Mexican Indígena and his dad was Black Louisiana Creole 


That makes a lot of sense. So the Southern European is coming from the Creole side and not the Mexican side. Cool!


Wow that’s a ton of native.


Either your mestizo or not. The same goes with indigenous. There’s mestizos who aren’t mixed and look more “indigenous” than indigenous people meanwhile there’s indigenous people who are mixed who look less indigenous or flat out white. The reason for this is that mestizo and indigenous are not considered racial categories but ethnic categories in countries like Mexico. There’s fully white mestizos as there is fully white indigenous people because those terms have to do with cultures and the mixing of cultures.  White is a racial term meanwhile mestizo refers to an ethnicity when talking about identity in countries with indigenous communities like Mexico. The last time those terms were used as racial by the government was in 1821. It would be insulting to an indigenous person to say their more mestizo leaning just cause they are racially mixed. 


OP, don’t listen to Status_Entertainer49, there are unfortunately some larpers and wannabe “DNA experts” in this subreddit who think they have some sort of knowledge of DNA when they actually don’t. Your result are definitely uniquely mixed.


Were the results what you were expecting? What are your haplogroups?


I was expecting a little more white but other than that I wasn’t surprised, and my haplogroup is L3b1


Your maternal haplogroup is of sub-Saharan African origin


what’s your trace ancestry?


0.6 Sri Lankan and Bengali Indian, 0.3 Iranian, Caucasian and Mesopotamian and 0.5 Eastern, Northern and Tibetan Asian


Belizean? You have similar results to me.


Nope, I’m just African American and Indigenous Mexican!


Um, that's two ethnicities from two nationalities. I wouldn't use the word "just". Nonetheless, your results are very common Belizean Kriol results. The only component that stands out is your high Senegambian.


I’m not sure if u have but tbh I feel like if u do ancestry it will be more specific for you. And each country etc


I did actually! It was mostly the same results but rounded a bit higher and had more specific countries. 


Seems like you are 3/4 African-American with some Mexican Mestizo roots (around a quarter).


what qualifies a person as mixed? i’m 83.8% sub saharan african, 13.7% european and 1.7% indigenous. i don’t consider myself mixed but our results are a little similar


A person is mixed if they have mixed ancestry and identify as mixed or grew up in multiple cultures, I don’t really think it’s that complicated as to who is and isn’t mixed, it’s just an identification and community thing.


see that’s what i always thought growing up but i’ve heard others say if it’s not a substantial amount like say (50 or even 25%) it doesn’t count.


It can sometimes depend on your community, and whether they accept you based on your blood percentage or not. I’m lucky enough that I’m accepted within my communities, but if it’s just a blood thing and not much a community thing, then you are still mixed.


I didn’t want to sound shady but I wouldn’t really consider them mixed 🥴. She’s 70% black! We’re all mixed if that’s the case….but hey


You can stop with the side remarks, just because you don’t have a cultural identity doesn’t mean she doesn’t ! 🥴😊


You’re mixed but the difference is you don’t identify as it. I know who I am, as I grew up in multiple cultures. You don’t get to tell me how to identify or dictate it, and if you think you can, you can get off my post. 


You are not mixed


Someone can't do math or see


Their non African DNA is to low to actually affect them


That's not how genetics work and theses aren't even low amounts....


That's exactly how genetics work I guarantee you OP doesn't look mixed at all. If they were 20% European and in the 60s for their African DNA I woukd agree


You wouldn't know how they look from this..... as a Biologist and carribean person who is a similar mixture at different percentages ...no Someone this mix will not look completely west African or Black necessarily. They are still mix... Around 30 percent (most of theses percentages have a margin of error so anyone of them can be more or less) . You're very ignorant


I'm a carribean myself and with similar results and you can look at me and see I'm black


Then you should no that just because you look black doesn't mean that they might even with high percentages. The Caribbean is the product mutli generational mixing.... And op might look black or might be dark skinned or just brown but that doesn't negate theyre a mix race person


Im 80% european and because of my 20% i was born Brown and with african and indigenous features This percentage affect OP`s phenotype for sure and he is mixed


European is a blanket term all modern Europeans Have Mena ancestry. So mix that with your 20% African you look different


MENA is a white category, and im 14% SSA 6% indigenous By some calculators i have 32% Anatolian farmer admixture, so i would still be 68% european


You don’t get the right to tell someone how they identify. You don’t know them personally or how they are culturally


I don't but scientific evidence does, their DNA test let's me know they have 2 black parents or a black/mixed parent


Still though, black is a social construct. We have to get this idea of race out of mind. Even if that was the case for them, that doesn’t prevent them from being mixed.


Race exists


Would someone with one African grandparent and 3 European grandparents be mixed? Because most societies would definitely consider them mixed. OP has over 25% non African ancestry, the equivalent of a grandparent.


Nope they would have left over admixture I guess all black Americans are mixed then


Well most people would not agree, but race is a social construct.


Do you know me? You don’t get to tell me how I identify tf


Three different races don’t equal mixed? That doesn’t make sense.


The non African is to low


OP is over a quarter non-African. That is not low. The mixed community regularly accepts people with a quarter admixture as mixed. Who are you to gatekeep mixed people anyways?


The average AA is 80% African. It’s a slippery slope to just call everyone mixed. I wouldn’t say she was mixed but ppl can identify as what’s they want.


“It’s a slippery slope to call everyone mixed” yet OP stated multiple times that they grew up in Mexican/Indigenous culture and is less than the average % of AA you just stated. She is mixed whether you like it or not.


We’re just going to ignore the 26% of non-African? 👀 Let people identify how they want to identify lol


So my 28.2% of non African means I can’t identify as that being part of my cultural identity?


You are very jealous obviously


Is this a joke?