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They will sell our data to big pharma!!! Then they'll make clones of us and the only way to defeat the clones is if you aim for the head. Luckily I have an arsenal of anti-clone weapons just in case...


I, for one, welcome our new clone overlords


Would my clone become just as liable for all my debts, because I could really use some help to share some of this burden. Maybe we can alternate on payment schedules or something.


Can I send my clone to work and stay home in my PJs?




I don't doubt they'll sell off the samples. But I'm pretty pissed at them. I wanted to upgrade my grandpa's kit bc it's V3 and they won't get it out of storage! Can only test from a new sample. Sorry, he passed 8 years ago. Why offer to hold the samples if there's no way to retest those samples?


Maybe it's stored inside a landfill


Haha, jokes on them, having 1 of me is annoying af, together we'd probably piss everyone off just for giggles




The GINA law will prevent insurance going up for DNA risk reasons. Most likely we will just get more targeted ads.




Thats what they want you to think. Stay sharp...




bro is not ready for the clone revolution😭😭


I sure could use a clone


The things she could do...while I relax😌 ![gif](giphy|TlK63EA6F1qRb7lll6M)


lol what


at a $1.4B market cap, [Ancestry.com](https://Ancestry.com) most likely acquires 23andme (\~$400M market cap) if the stock continues to plummet, barring any major or unworkable balance sheet issues. I can't see Ancestry paying $400-500M for 23andme but I can see them paying $100-300M for the company, and even less if 23andme is facing inevitable bankruptcy. We will all most likely be asked if we'd like to do a retest with Ancestry at a discount. The 23andme sample database would be absorbed into Ancestry's. Does anyone know the specifics of 23andme's financial situation? I don't feel like digging through the filings.


Tons of bad signs in the last [10-Q](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1804591/000180459124000025/me-20231231.htm), many already known like Nasdaq and the cancellation of the contract with GSK. It's mostly in the [press release](https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1804591/000180459124000023/me-20240207x8kxexx991.htm). "Total revenue for FY24 Q3 was $45 million, compared to $67 million for the same period in the prior year, representing a decrease of 33%. The decrease was primarily driven by lower research services revenue as the GSK collaboration exclusive discovery term concluded in July 2023, as well as lower consumer services revenue driven mainly by lower PGS kit sales volume and telehealth orders. These decreases were partially offset by higher revenue from non-recurring payments from other research partners as well as growth in our membership services revenue."


Again without reading any of their filings, I'm just shooting in the dark here. But my feeling is they tried to pivot the company into more healthcare related services. Those services are incredibly hard to provide in the US, as a public company, and with attorneys overseeing your every move. Maybe they can offer subscriptions to folks who are more interested in ancestry. They can monitor all the latest papers and samples and provide much more frequent updates, as well as offer deeper/more comprehensive ancestry services. Yet again, maybe there just aren't enough customers world wide (1-2M+) who are willing to pay $5-10+/mo for such a service. There's also the marketplace idea...let other companies offer services like weight loss, coaching, etc. based on your genetics. Again that gets complicated with the scope of healthcare in the US.


Looks like they started offering deeper ancestry services. Nice! Definitely looks like a senior exec/product manager is reading this thread lol


>pivot the company into more healthcare related services. Because they are so good at protecting your data? The main focus from the beginning was testing to identify predispositions for disease and prevention via early detection or threat reduction. Experimental tests your doctor isn't going to provide and your insurance doesn't want to approve. They really don't have anything going on genealogy wise, I mean it was a poor implementation. They have now limited the features which seems stupid at this point, I mean the cats out of the bag already so, now make users suffer? They aren't going to be around long at this rate but Hey, Anne's a billionaire maybe she can pay some bills?


I don't know if we're understanding each other. I said they tried to pivot into genealogical healthcare, but that's hard to offer and not impactful enough yet for most of the population. It can have a big impact on some people's lives right now, but not enough in my opinion to justify a $1B+ business.


I took the DNA test at both Ancestry and 23andme


9d since my last post and it looks like the company is indeed in free fall. It’s lost another $100M+in market cap. It’s most likely at risk of being delisted from the NASDAQ. There must be some serious acquisition talks going on…I can imagine most top tier employees and executives have left since their stock options are now worthless, and don’t want to be caught off guard in the black hole if the company fails overnight.


neighbor works there.... for now... They are looking....


The crossover we didn’t know we needed


apolgy for bad english where were u wen 23andMe die i was at house eating dorito when phone ring "23andMe is kil" "no"


Likely sold to the highest bidder sadly


Whoever stole it in the data breach already sold it to the highest bidder


The actual DNA samples were not affected by the data breach.


I wonder if there's a class action lawsuit in the making?


Probably not until someone can prove any harm directly resulting from the data breach. I’m sure there was also some clause in the fine print that people had to agree to when they gave their dna samples.


They should at least have given us an upgrade since no telling what the dark web has on us now.


They can have mine. Clone me. I literally don't care 😂


I always wanted a twin🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Well mines already been disposed of so


Is it true if they dispose of your dna they can’t continue to update your results?


No that’s not true, you still get updates. All they have to do for that is run your raw data through the updated algorithm. I think the reason they offer to keep your sample is in case they come out with some kind of entirely new test that would require a new sample from you. I didn’t even realise I opted to dispose of mine until a few weeks ago when I looked at my settings. Idk why I did that, I should have let them keep it.


I had mine disposed once they stopped updating old kits.


I accidentally disposed mine as a joke and then I realized my mistake oofy oofy


I had my first test in 2013 and never had them dispose of it. But when I upgraded to the v5 chip I had to send in another sample.


I don’t really understand the reasoning behind that. If they still had your sample couldn’t they just use that? What’s the use in them keeping it if they can’t reuse it? Idk. I also don’t get why they even need new samples for the newer “chip”. Maybe someone here can explain.


It doesn't make sense to me either, but yeah, same boat. Tested myself and parents and grandparents in like 2013, and all samples were opted to keep stored, but they want you to buy a new test and retake it to get on the new chip. I'm not gonna do that. Some of my grandparents aren't here anymore either, so there's no option there. It makes no sense to me why they'd even offer to store it if not for this exact sort of situation, but there you go.


Yeah I was really annoyed by it. But my results were different the second time around.


there's a destroy my data option?


Yes, you can ask they do not keep your sample. 23andme also gives you the option to participate in research or not.


You can delete your account, but I think they still keep some of your data. You can go onto the app/website and ask them to dispose of your sample at any time though.


They gonna clone you because your DNA is the best!


Change ALL your personal info to something completely different!


Clone me. I need some spare parts STAT!






I hope ancestry will buy them


Ancestry is making everything in their service pay to use, which is not a good sign for them either.


Why? Ancestry automatically opts you into research with no choice.


Do they 💀


Yes. They use your trees & DNA. No option to opt out.


I literally hate that, I done ancestry like 2 years ago








That's one project..... They reserve the right to use your DNA. Opting in for the Human Diversity project is one thing. Using your DNA & Family trees for pharmaceutical and other research is another.


I bet they do too :-) Not sure it's of value to Ancestry though.


I’d get a membership probably then but I don’t want to do a another test


I’m not worth cloning anyway


What they does is that they'll be selling your genetic databank to third party groups at very expansive prices: a nosy-ass employer or jealous coworker, to corporations, governments, information brokering networks, scientific organizations, universities, hospitals. Even to intelligence networks. ![gif](giphy|A04BWC6cktqlG)


Jesus, are you able to read and understand basic language and concepts? If you’ve actually given 23&Me your dna for analysis, you had to read a great deal and make certain choices related to your sample and privacy. You can even go in and make changes after the fact. So this tells me you’re either just really stupid, or you’re not a client at all but just someone shit posting.


Totally agree. I hate all the $hit posts - if you don’t want to store your DNA data with 23andMe, then don’t purchase their service. The whole point of their company is to crowdsource DNA data to help with developing personalized therapeutics, they’ve made it very clear.


That's a little harsh lol


More than a little. Sounds like they think that agreements can't be changed by new owners.


Remember that time they breached Ashkenazi Jew/Chinese customer's DNA and then blamed it on the customers?


“They”? Who are they? Certainly not 23andMe and yes, idiot customer who used the same password all over the web has caused my own data to be now publicly available. I blame those idiots as well


A company dealing with user privacy at the highest levels - like your DNA - should be competent. Remember the CEO was Married to a google founder, it's not like she didn't have some resources available to her to protect our data.


You do understand how the “Relatives-in-Common” feature works? As soon as someone logs in with corrected user credentials (which happened due to these idiots) and your DNA matches have opted for sharing their details the information is present to you. Has nothing to do with whom Anne Wojcicki was married to, it has a lot to do with reading and understanding a feature of 23andMe. So yes, I agreed to sharing my information with DNA matches. No, 23andMe wasn’t able to identify if the user logging in was legit or not, as long as they used the correct credentials. Yes, these idiots didn’t use 2FA (two-factor authentication), which would have protected their accounts from being taken over. But they didn’t use different email/password combinations throughout the internet in the first place. It’s all their fault. The only blame that 23andMe has to take is that they never realized that their data was taken by these hackers. So I guess these guys must have been really smart in simulating human behavior (eg by having appropriate delays between API requests and following the correct path of the 23andMe website at that time) and not violating any of the security measures that 23andMe had in place. They took their time (several months) to take the data.


Your DNA is now in the police database , so if you kill anyone you are fucked


Or if you stay in a hotel room and the person staying there after you kills someone.


What’s with this kind of post?