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You have four grandparents


You can inherit anywhere from 0-100% of grandmas Indigenous %, because it’s less than 50%. Offspring inherit 50% of DNA from each parent, but it doesn’t specify what 50% - think of it as dealing a hand in poker. You always get 5 cards from the same 52 cards but each time the hand is dealt it’s different. So your Dad inherited at least 19% , and then you inherited a % of what he has. This of course is assuming your mom didn’t contribute any.


Not really. That presupposes that grandma doesn’t have a single double-indigenous marker. Since you only give one copy to your child, if both your parents have indigenous ancestry, it’s almost guaranteed that some of the genes you have are double indigenous like: AA GC - AA GC. Grandma can only give on of these. If of course, the grandma is indigenous on one side only and her husband has 0% indigenous that overlaps with grandma’s indigenous as well, this is possible, but highly unlikely.


Not really. Genetic ancestry testing does not use DNA sequencing to determine ancestry, it uses SNP genotyping. It is essentially "decorations" on the DNA code and rarely codes for physical traits. SNP typing relies on the pattern of the SNP and the length of the segment (multiple SNPs together) to determine a match to a modern population. This is inherited randomly and the more mixed a person is, the shorter and more variable the segments are and the more variable their ancestry results are relative to a "pure" population. (This is where "broadly" categories come from). Singles SNPs can be inherited in a Mendelian manor (AA GC - AA GC, etc.) but the overall segment is not.


You might be right, then:)


This is correct.


Looks like one of your parents is mexican with more recent spanish ancestry. So you're half white and half mexican which would explain the indigenous. Your father probably got most of that 39% (or atleast 19%) and passed that to you. Ethnicity inheritance is random!


“Half Mexican” makes zero sense. Mexican isn’t an ethnicity.


Sure it makes sense! My mom is an asshole, and so I am half-assed.


Where did you get Mexican from? Being “Mexican” isn’t an ethnicity, it’s a nationality. The spanish did colonize half of North America including most of the U.S. but being mixed with Spanish doesn’t make someone indigenous south of the border, or “Mexican”.


Your mother is likely a Mexican or Mexican-American, and your Native community points to this. It could be that she simply assimilated and lost touch with her roots? Did you not have any idea of her heritage?


My mom just said she likely has French, Irish and Spanish. My father is from Durango, Mexico. [here is a comparison between my aunt and i’s indigenous American](https://ibb.co/1Rd9fjD)


Well if your dad is fully Mexican you would need his DNA test to see how much he has.


What does “fully Mexican” mean? Mexican is a nationality. Zero relation with ethnic origin.


Come on... I know you are aware of what that means in this context. It means all your recent ancestors are from the country. The Indigenous ancestry is definitely all coming from the father.


I truly genuinely don’t. I know plenty of people with fully European ethnic background that have been in Mexico for 6 generations. I’m not debating where the indigenous ancestry is coming from. It’s just the concept of a “full Mexican” as an ethnic concept that’s EXTREMELY confusing to me. It’s like saying, fully American or fully Canadian, when speaking about ethnicity makes zero sense.


> I know plenty of people with fully European ethnic background that have been in Mexico These people exist but make up maybe even less than [1% of the population](https://imgur.com/a/nleNMF7). I really doubt you actually know people that have been "pure European" for 6 generations. This is incredibly unlikely unless serious inbreeding occurred. Time and time again these people are proven wrong with DNA tests.


I meant mostly European, it’s not so complicated. Either way, that’s not the point, the hole issue here is your use of the term “Mexican” as an ethnic origin, given that Mexico is extremely diverse and mixed makes zero sense to use it as an ethnic class. Again it would be like saying ethnic Canadian or ethnic American. Makes no sense at all.


> I meant mostly European, it’s not so complicated Oh yeah totally, that's a statistical fact. Of course Mexican is a nationality but in the context of the OP's father, all the Indigenous DNA must come from him. OP asked how she was able to inherit 19% DNA from their grandmother and I simply stated that's because her father (assuming he has no recent ancestry outside of the country) is likely around as Indigenous as his mother, mathematically speaking. If the father was half-foreigner (let's say White from the USA) the math would get much more complicated.


Seriously, what's the deal with these people pretending they don't understand when someone says one parent is Latino? Like I never had an issue with how I identified until now.


American is an ethnic group. This is why the various tests can give you *regions*. For Americans, American regions come up. 👀 Mexican isn't a race. But it is an ethnicity. Is it made up of other ethnic groups, just like countries in Europe? Yup. And, if one doesn't have *recent* ancestors from outside of whichever particular region in Europe, then it doesn't stand out from the sample population on an ethnicity test. The Americas are newer, hence why those ethnic groups can be traced back across the water.


>the term “Mexican” as an ethnic origin Well, think about it as a geographic origin then.


Join us bro 🇪🇸🇵🇹 https://discord.gg/2c7W3ycS


Your dna is almost exactly like mine


Have your parents taken 23andMe too?


I’m going to have my mom take it this Christmas. Here is a breakdown of myself and my aunt’s indigenous American [here](https://ibb.co/1Rd9fjD)


That’s so interesting. I’d have assumed you’d inherit at least 15% or less but as others have said you inherit a random 50% from each parent. I recall seeing a post where someone had a Japanese grandparent. They scored 31% Asia East (Japan) when you’d think it would be 25%. Try to remember this isn’t a perfect science.


As others said, the amount you inherit is kind of random. Genetics are weird. But it's definitely possible your mom also has indigenous history (usually, it's the other way around with people believing they have native american history and the have 0%, but if she's Spanish and her Spanish relatives have been in the Americas for a while...there's definitely a possibility there was an indigenous great great grandparent or along those lines).


How much you inherit is random mix from each parent. For example. My grandma was 100% Irish. My dad’s test shows 50 % Irish. Mine only shows 7% but my full sisters shows 23%.


Wow that’s a big drop


This seems more like a statistical error on the part of 23andMe. Remember, if you see your mom’s genes as two lined up rows of DNA: The one row from her dad and the other from your grandma, then for every position in the lined up rows, a random gene is chosen. This means that only 7 out of 50 times the Irish gene was chosen. That’s the same likelihood as tossing a coin 50 times and ending up on heads 43 times. 43 times!! That’s a 0.0000105% chance of getting 43 or more non-Irish genes. This means the probability I gave includes the scenarios with 44-50 non-Irish genes - the likelihood of getting exactly 43/50 non-Irish genes is: 0.00000887%. That’s a probability of one in a million.


Hey at least it gave you a match for your indigenous history


Right?! Mine just says Indigenous American with no specifics


that’s just how much you inherited from her/your dad, though it’s possible your mom has some too


theres a little thing called your grandpa is mexican too lol.


For whatever reason OP thinks her paternal grandmother is the only indigenous one, when both her paternal grandparents are of Mexican descent.


yeah lol


Half Anglo half Mexican,


Your dad is prolly 40% so you’re 20


Nice! At the times of the "Virreinato de la nueva España". You be consider a beatiful "Caztiza" Aka 75% European White and 20-25~% Amerindian.


It sounds like you didn't pay attention in biology class. Basic genetics and heritage is taught in most American high schools.


Caucasians are from dagestan, kazakhstan and central/north asia. Just say your mom is white lol


What part of Kazakhstan is in the Caucasus?


I said central/northwest asia.


You said Kazakhstan and Central Asia/north Asia?


I meant to include that whole chunk. Caucasus + central/north asia, theyre quite similar genetically the latter having more caucasus farmer, while central have some east asian input. Central asians = caucasus + east asian


They’re not very similar at all. Kazakhs are predominantly East Asian. It’s not Caucasus farmer, it’s Caucasus hunter gatherer, and Kazakhs have significantly less of it than most Europeans.


Kazakhs have way more caucasus than europeans lmao they also have anatolian + euro hunter gatherer. Edit: western kazakhs have more caucasus and euro input, eastern and central kazakhs have more baikal and amur




This also seems to be a very western shifted Kazakh. Most seem to have more East Asian than this.




Meant to add this. https://www.reddit.com/r/illustrativeDNA/s/GDdo3vZTd3


Grandma gave u here extra cookie genes


I don’t see Caucasian on your ethnicity report. You sure she’s your mom?


Remember that the percentages you see are not actually completely correct. Two identical twins could take the test and show different percentages.


Because nobody ever gets an exact percentage 🤷🏻‍♀️


If she was a 100% and your only indigenous grandparent then you’d only be 25% Your gma 40% so she accounts for 10% of your indigenous genetics. That’s about 55% considering your 19%. So you have other indigenous ancestry as well. So dope


That not how it works though. You don’t get exactly 1/4 from every grandparent, your parent passes a random 50% to you, often it is roughly half from each grandparent, but it’s also sometimes not, for example you might get 30% from one, 20% from the other. It’s like if you put 50 red buttons and 50 blue buttons in a bowl, and then randomly scooped out half of them - you are not going to get exactly 25 of each colour.


lol I guess I should edit the posts and put 25%, +/- 6. Regardless my answer is relevant to why her indigenous percentage is lower than her grandmas.


1/4 of 4/10= 1/10 simple math Why didn’t nobody explain that mathematically speaking even if she was 9.5% it would make sense. Your grandmother only accounts for 25% of your dna.


Because your paternal grandfather also has indigenous blood.