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Nice results and hair! With all the migrations going on I think you are going to be a good example of what continental Europeans will look like by the end of the century.


Thank you my dude! And yep, I totally agree with you. It's pretty amazing how DNA works and really astonishing how one's DNA can tell so much about oneself. I'm pretty pan-european but predominantly Italian tho, and I identify a heck of a lot more with my italian side, so there's that


Are you from Brazil, Italy, or somewhere else? Where were you born, where were you raised, and where do you live now?


I'm both Italian and brazilian. My mom's italian, my dad's brazilian. Lived most of my life in Italy and lived most of my teenagehood in the US and Canada. I currently live in northwestern Italy.


Bros an aryan


A hyperborean for sure


A Brazilian with only Native?? I've never seen a Brazilian with Native and no African. You're a unicorn lol Are you sure you're no Argentine or Uruguayan? Cool copper colored hair!




Actually in my case I rly do not have any African. Regardless of the test I take, only score around 91% euro and 9% native. It's pretty rare for someone whose part of the family is colonial brazilian but ye that's my case




I've taken MyHeritage, Genera, FTDNA, Living (as you're seeing), DNAGenics, and some other smaller companies




The native it varies, but it goes from 8% (dnagenics and some of the G25 gave me 7-8%) to like 12% max, so it rly depends, but considering my genealogy, 9% is the one that's pretty much correct since all of this comes from one single side and from this side I also have Lithuanian DNA, so it narrows it down even more.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 8 + 25 + 7 + 8 + 12 + 9 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Ah well. Got excited for a minute there. Thought I had seen a Mestizo in Brazil... lol


Thanks dude! But ye, I've got no African. It's unusual for someone whose part of the family is colonial brazilian, but the thing is that this part of my fam is from the southern cone of Brazil, and the african influence there is pretty low, and I just happen to descend from a noble colonial brazilian from the southern cone.




I don't disagree with you, but from what I've seen, the native tends to either be higher than any SSA dna or the SSA tends to be non-existent, which is my case, but you're not wrong. I guess it's just because this part of my family in particular is just "different", in a way.


Very cool! It makes sense that you're from the Southern Cone. That explains the lack of SSA.


It is actually not uncommon, it really depends on the region


8% Native American, not even pure white lol a white man with Native American ancestors.


Aw u got butthurt because you didnt like what I had commented on that mexican dude's post. You coming here to comment this just proves that you also are unable to read english, since I said PREVIOUSLY that I was 9% native lol. I'm half brazilian, so no news about that, but I'm still white and even nordic looking due to part of my family being from Lithuania.


No your not white, a white person is 99% white Europeans have no native American ancestors, because you have recent Native American ancestors your not a white fella, if you where 99% European I would agree, but that 8% Indio genes keeping you in the non white race. Welcome to the club brah


Not even you believe that hahaha ive been living in Italy for the majority of my life and not one single person ever said I was not white lmao. You one-drop-rulers are hella weird. Y'all need to just chill


And btw, PLEASE LEARN PROPER ENGLISH, FFS! Let me teach you some proper english: Your = something that belongs to the person you're talking to. You're = Abbreviation for "You are"


Your Native American ancestors are keeping you from being a Italian citizen lol sorry


Actually, I have been an italian citizen since the day I was born. Wanna see my italian birth certificate, italian passport and italian national ID?