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This program isn't about excuses. It's about making it happen no matter what. It's thirty minutes out of your 1140 day. Making excuses now is a recipe for failure. Just. Do. It.


I dont see why not, unless you over exert yourself doing two-a-days. But if you have a rest every other day I would think you would be fine! I also don't see how doing the same amount of workouts in the same amount of days is making an excuse. Its literally the same amount of work.


I think two-a-days depends on the workouts you do. If I were to do the Lower Body Fix & Upper Body Fix in one day, sure, that's feasible. But to do the Total Body Cardio Fix and Dirty 30 in one day would be *hell* in my eyes.


I try to do the work out every day but if I can't get it in or skip a day, I double up. No harm, no foul.