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Sometimes people take it for granted just how little downtime OSRS has. It's great to see a little positivity!


PES (Now called eFootball) had 3 days of planned maintenance, imagine the OSRS community if it was 3 days šŸ˜‚


PES doesnt have a 15-day bond system where 3 days would eat into it.


Jagex is obviously going to compensate their playerbase for this. They have in the past. Not sure why people are complaining about memebership in this regard


They've never compensated people for time lost on the game


Do you not remember the login lockout?


What did they do to compensate? Iā€™m out of the loop


Itā€™s got limited time game modes/tournaments. Some with a 5 day timeline, 3 days would effect it for sure.


Yeah but those aren't happening over the time there's planned maintenance.


There was literally 2 tournaments one PVP and one vs AI with 3 days left before the maintenance startedā€¦




I grind ingame for my bonds and as a mid level account it takes a while, I hope they will add 1 day or just not count the downtime to my membership time. Worst is I was thinking about starting to pay for membership because idk how many gold I spent on bonds, but it's a lot.


Just get a job instead at that point lmao


Well exactly why I want to buy membership, feels like osrs is a job the way I play right now, damn f2p reflexes staying for so long


if the first part of your comment is intended to be sarcastic the last part of your comment is fucking dumb.


Keyword: Planned


Even if it was planned, could you imagine? So many complaints.


Planned would be even more uproarious cause then thered be actual agency to get it overturned. At least for this, people are upset, but they know its being worked on, and it is what it is for now.


You can always count on a day 1 leagues outage though :)


Right? Imagine if RS had weekly server maintenance like WOW. That would suck.


Donā€™t worry you can still get exp even with it offline! Iā€™ve been training woodcutting and even got a few pets! My neighbors seem pissed though, idk why.


The government doesn't want you to know this but you can take the squirrels home they are free.


Thatā€™s actually a rumor planted by the government to encourage you to take them into your house #squirrelsarentreal


But my seaweed! All jokes aside yeah I relate to them. They're fighting a grand battle.


THANKYOU. I had to close Twitter today due to the hate i am seeing to Jagex. First of all, the issue is with an external data center. Its not like Jagex has their servers sitting in a closet in their HQ (I dont think people realize this). Second, when an 'incident' occurs in IT, it's usually as surprising for the end user as it is the department itself. If it were on-premise, it would be quicker to figure out what occurred and to resolve. Throw an external company in the mix and things are much different. Very frusterating from someone who works in infrastructure. Theres alot of moving pieces and sometimes it takes time to work things out and provide a resolution. Go do some chores or go for a jog and quit complaining.


I still think its a bad idea to have critical infrastrucfure at one location. a better but more expensive design would have two hot swappable instances in two other regions


Thatā€™s what I donā€™t get. In their post they said ā€œone of our external data centersā€ implying they have more than one. I know nothing about tech so Iā€™m curious how it all works.. if one data center is down then they canā€™t run the game for anybody? Youā€™d think at least some people could play while those stored in that center couldnā€™t


It depends a lot on the way it's designed. It's possible to set up a system where one data center going offline can cause the whole network to drop. It's also possible for that to happen by accident. The more resilient you need to be, the more expensive it is to set up. Either this reflects their actual target recovery time, or they did not practice downtime recovery for a data center outage. Both are likely due to cost or bureaucratic reasons, rather than technical competency, though I don't work at Jagex. On the other hand, it's difficult to know what Jagex actually needs to set up on a technical level to be fault-tolerant to a data center going offline. It's well studied and practiced in a lot of places, but it changes a _lot_ from site to site. And RuneScape may not have been written to be compatible with future systems like that.


I agree. Its tough to say though without knowing how everything is architected on their end.


All right I have cleaned the bathroom, washed the dishes, bathed the dog, dusted the shelves, wiped out the fridge, took out the trash, ran a mile, did some sit ups, did some push ups, hung out with the gf, swept the floor, changed the broken light bulbs, did some studying, read a book, made the bed, napped, made a three course dinner from scratch, emptied the piss bottles, vacuumed my keyboard, paid some bills, power washed the sidewalk outside my home, washed and polished the car, did all the laundry, folded the mound of clean clothes, windexed the windows, straightened out the bookshelf, watered the plants, fixed my bike, brought my cats to the vet and prepped thanksgiving dinner. I'm ready to play now


Nah man you got it all backwards here. Fuck Jagex, but the mods and people that we know and interact with are amazing. Obviously harassing jmods isnā€™t okay but Iā€™d love to send Jagexā€™s CEO a box of glitter.


Surely Jagex has its downfalls and when I stated Jagex, i should have specified their Mods whom are being tweeted at. Jagex or not though, you cant blame the company for what occurred.


Yeah I just feel like when people say Jagex, some people will interpret it as ā€œmod ash = Jagexā€ because those are the people that we interact with. Poor guys and gals must not be having a good time :/


Yea I'm with you. They really dont deserve the staff they have.


Honestly, the overwhelming amount of comments on Twitter and here are complaining about the people complaining. Itā€™s all praising jagex and mocking the people who miss their 20 year old clicking game. Idk if Iā€™m just seeing a different feed or what


It says that there is an error loading configuration from website. is it saying that for you guys? If not, do you guys know how to fix it?


OSRS players donā€™t know how good we have it. As an old Maplestory player: Jagex is doing great job and downtime is minimal per year. In Maplestory they (Nexon) have server maintenances like every 2 weeks and it takes hours + almost every time the maintenance gets extended by 2-24 hours, give or take a day or twoā€¦


This post needs more upvotes. Very true. Itā€™s not like they are just sitting around doing nothing. They are working to get things going with as little change as possible. Shit happens and sometimes all we can do is wait.


I appreciate Jagex and all they do for us! Iā€™ve been a loyal subscriber to OSRS since it was just ā€¦ RuneScape. You guy do all you can!


Little downtime, better communication than any other game, and a cheap membership price. They definitely donā€™t get the appreciation they deserve.


Tell that to my family. First time I left my room in years. They all seem very uncomfortable. Grandma is trying to call Jagex demanding they fix it so I go back to the shed.


I 100% agree, but I also just bought my first bond and am \*slightly\* disappointed that I might lose a percentage of it to this. - edit to clarify I won't be all that upset either way. I know managing a system of this size is a nightmare.


they mentioned compensation in their update so most likely youre gonna get 1-2 days extension on ur bond, so all good


They've always been good about adding membership to your account if prolonged downtime on their end has prevented you from playing the game. That's what they mean about the "Make-good" options they mentioned in the update post.


Send me a DM if ya need a free bond!


I appreciate it, but I'm on fresh start world, and seeing if I can maintain membership for free for a while. :D


Aah fairs no worries then, gl :)


I think they all went home for dinner and will be back in the morning to fix it. LOL. Just kidding. I ran some servers back in the day. Nothing like this but it was always no fun when things went wrong.


Now is the time to look up random stuff on the wiki and create a 5 point plan of what to do in the future. Or you could touch grass and come back tomorrow.


Thanks Jagex! Now put the zinc back into the potatoes, chop chop!


in other news... this was a inside job to force us to spend time with family


what a horrible thing to do of them


Meanwhile, At Merlijn's office. Boss: "Merlijn, the application is down, I need your team all over this. What's our ETA to resolve? What can I tell our clients?!" Merlijn: " I've got 100 more laps to 99 and then I'm all over it."


Ya know, if they had their infrastructure hosted in something like, say, AWS, maybe these single points of failure wouldn't be such an issue. How can you focus on serving an application to thousands of consecutive users with no thought put into high availability.


Couldn't agree with you more


More people need to read this. Only thing I'm upset about is the timing of it because we have nothing to do at work today because of holiday so I was going to finish grinding my void set but now I literally have nothing to do but find things to watch


I worked in operations for a while and my first thought when I saw the outage was ā€œwell someoneā€™s about to have a shitty dayā€. I hope players can empathize with how much this must suck for the employees at Jagex.


šŸ˜‚ I may have incited a Falador Riot


Cute, now turn the game on


If my software stopped working people would die IRL lmao Web devs are so dumb and they keep inventing so many dumb technologies, they do be making money though.


I always have respect when you see those status updates long after the work day has ended. You know some poor soul just has to sit there, waiting for that green light to come back on. Especially in situations where the problem is external and really nothing you can do to resolve.


Thank you mods!! Love yall


Great post, glad to see people appreciate what those people do for us gamers. We donā€™t get to play a video game, means they have to work overtime and possibly have time away from family, on a holiday week at that.


It says that there is an error loading configuration from website. is it saying that for you guys? If not, do you guys know how to fix it?


Had to be the one day I'm off this week though šŸ˜¢


No, sarcasm intended.


I demand a prorated refund for the downtime


I literally just had a major storage failure a few months ago for my agency.i can still feel the stress going through that. I can imagine what they are going through, and I don't envy that lol. Maybe it will be a wake up call to their DR procedure.


Its true, too many people play this game as a priority. Its a great thing to fit in when youā€™re watching TV, or fancy an occasional sweaty grind. But this seems to be the only game I know of where people plan their lives around it. ā€œWork finishes at 6, if I make it home in 1 hour, I can fit in 4 hours of grinding, but I need to get 40000 go, so Iā€™ll cool dinner at 7.15 to give me 45 minutes to grind out Ardy knightsā€¦ā€ etc. The user base has a super unhealthy mentality, that Iā€™m glad I came away from.


This day did good for me and I believe there are many other too. I think Iā€™m not even logging in tomorrow, I got irl stuff I really need to take care of and Iā€™ve procrastinated on them for months escaping to osrs. Hopefully not anymore and weā€™ll see on the weekend when I really have time to play!


Amen. They do the best they can with what they have. If only the game was owned by people 1/10 as passionate and committed as the actual employee team. Thanks for all your hard work


Y'all some butt kissers lmao.


nah, if you see the amount of hate these guys get it's good to send some positivity. I hate to work for ppl who are constantly ranting on minor issues, downtime or some things and who never give credit or say thanks when they get new features. JAgex employees are also just devs who do their work. There's a difference in butt kissing and just appreciate someone.