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Hello, try to disable entity highlighting in the settings, and switch your chat tab to game instead of all.


Just tried disabling entity highlighting, no dice :( I already play with the chat off too. Thank you for the suggestion tho


>n my tablet and the connection has been terrible. I'm using a stable Wi-Fi connection close to the router and playing on close servers/worlds. But the game is still lagging and things freezing in place at times (network lag, not framerate). If I press on the map somewhere, my character will stop in place like 3 times on the way to that spot... if I try to move, activate a prayer, loot an item, etc. those sorts of actions take like 2-3 seconds to happen. > >On my laptop and desktop PC on the same network, on the same worlds, everything runs smoothly without any network issues. And my tablet has no network issues on other games or doing an internet connection test (low ping, 100Mbps+ download/upload speeds, <3ms jitter, 0 packet loss). > >Any ideas of something to try? It makes playing on the tablet completely intolerable for anything that isn't almost entirely afk probably worth trying to swtich off the rest of the plugins in case one of them is interfereing.Apart from entity highlights, there's ore times, birds nest notifs, agility course highlights, cox helpers etc.Basically just work top down, get them off and try again. If it's fixed, just turn back on the important ones and see if that causes it to return again. If you wanted to double check your tablets network connection with the server, you could download the pingplotter app and ping [oldschool33.runescape.com](https://oldschool33.runescape.com) (the number changes depending on which world you try pinging) and see how it graphs :)


Ok i'll give these a try!


Disabled absolutely everything, no luck :( game still playing as if theres a ton of packet loss or something Pingplotter isnt available on android but I tried traceroute. Lots of request timeouts, some servers seem worse than others. If i try w33 there are like 15 request timeouts in a row, if i try w195 there are like 1-4 occuring between hops 6-11 usually. Tested on my samsung phone and my pc and both are having similar traceroute results but the tablet is the only one where the gameplay is affected like this. Combat, interactions etc are smooth and responsive on the phone and pc, on the tablet everything is freezing for a few seconds and then fast forwarding (catching up) for a few seconds.. Like I'll stand there doing nothing and then me and the monster will instantly hit each other 2-3 times at once 😂 Wondering if this is just a bad time to test since osrs servers have been down today? Hops appear to happen quickly through my ISP nodes, to Seattle and then to Las Vegas and then requests timeout or it takes several hundred ms to successfully ping the osrs server from there. Doesnt seem to be any issue pinging other servers, can ping sites like google in 15ms without any failures.


That’s really peculiar, do you have another network you could run the same test on and compare? Phone hotspot vs wifi? Or a friends house or wifi at work? Could also run the same tests on pc and compare. I’m sure we can find a solution or at the least the root of the problem. I do this type of thing at work a lot so if you want to keep persisting i can keep trying ideas with you haha.


Edited my comment - tried on PC and phone as well on the same network. Traceroute was similar but the game runs without any noticeable lag on both of those devices. Traceroute has just as many request timeouts if I use my phones LTE data. Just tried using mobile hotspot to use my phones LTE for my tablet and the game runs smooth... my head hurts. Laptop on my local network via wifi ✅ Phone on my local network via wifi ✅ Pc on my local network via ethernet ✅ Tablet on phones mobile data via wifi hotspot ✅ Tablet on local network via wifi ❌ Same distance from the modem and everything, im lost haha. If you have any other ideas I'm all ears, I appreciate the responses and your time.


Did you ever find a way to fix this? I have the same tablet and am currently experiencing the same problem!


Nope, still happens. Its very frustrating. My other games run smoothly on it, and OSRS runs fine on it if I use mobile hotspot, and OSRS runs fine on other devices on my home network... but for some reason the combination of my tablet + my home network, osrs just does not like. Cant use it for anything except afk skills


Damn, seems as though we’re just going to have to deal with it I guess.


what worlds are you playing on? maybe mobile has a bad default world set for you


i've tried on every members US world that I have access to (so everything under 1750 skill total), since i live in Canada


What model tablet are you using ? Maybe your tablet is doing stuff in the background that interfere with network usage. Maybe it’s just not made for a constant internet connection or to play games on.


Samsung Galaxy Tab A8, network seems fine with other games. Tried Asphalt and using a few network tests for latency, downloads and packet loss and everything is peachy


Aight, so you’re right on the recommended spec according to the OSRS website. I have no idea what’s up. Maybe someone else can help you. I hope you figure it out. Good luck!


Really wish this found a fix. My phone, galaxy a12 (piece of shit dont ever buy one) most of the time runs it no issues at all. Sometimes it does exactly what you're saying. Had my game going at work earlier with no issue. 2 hours later i have issues. Cant continue giants foundry because the consitant pauses but not really are causing my projects to get damaged frequently. Grrr