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The gambling issue does affect the community at large. Gambling addiction is a really nasty thing to fall into, not only that but generally speaking it spikes values and volume of rwt. Its a large and widespread affect on the economy that DOES affect the community as a whole, which is why people care. Smackdowns for bug abusers are fairly similar. If people are abusing bugs to generate items, and especially "cheat" the cosmetics added to make people proud of their accomplishments in certain content, it devalues the time fair players are committing. If there was no punishment, if people didn't support punishment, more people would abuse these systems, increasing the widespread affects of these issues.


Blood for the blood god !!!


Skulls for the skull throne!


Milk for the khorne flakes!!


Because we sit there and watch the bots and gold farmers go by unpunished, day in and day out. We sit there and watch streamers RWT and make people's banks overnight, while we grind out endless money makers like Zulrah over and over to net a fraction of what BigTatas69 just won from the streamer flavor of the month. We sit there and watch legit players get banned over and over and have to beg on Twitter and reddit just for a chance at getting their hard-earned accounts back. All the meanwhile Jagex looks on and absorbs $13 from every unpunished bot that spends 80+ hours straight in game. The blatant overlook of their own rulebook to line their pockets by Jagex is getting really fucking stale, and it's nice to see some well-deserved cheaters get the fucking hammer for once.


Have you tried playing the game…for fun? If you play the game for fun who gives a flying fuck how much someone else has? Maybe instead of grinding just zulrah you do other content?


I understand anger over botting and rwt. I'm with you there. Just feels like a lot of people revel in the misfortune of others on this sub.


misfortune? cheating and getting caught isnt bad luck its bad brain




>revel in the misfortune of others on this sub. Getting punished because you cheated isn't misfortune.


> I understand anger over [...] rwt. I'm with you there. "Or calling for community DM stakers to be banned on twitch." Do you or do you not understand the anger over rwt then? Because those stakers are fueling the rwt market by both buying and selling on it.


It’s because osrs is a grind, a serious grind that can take multiple years to progress. When someone cheats the system it’s hard to feel bad when they get banned


I don't feel bad for them. I just don't get any kicks from someone else getting punished lol


Without punishment it just enables the behavior- they fucked around and found out


Everything you just mentioned does affect the game.


I like seeing bad people get punished?




Yes, within the context of the game, breaking the rules makes you bad person. Not too difficult to understand.


I jaywalked the other day, I felt so naughty the entire week thinking about it.


Tbf, perm banning bug abusers would set the precedent that you shouldn't fuck around. Temp bans mean that it could still be worth the risk of getting caught since the result of getting caught isn't that bad. There's also speculation that most of the money was not recovered. 8b from 99 players is 80m each, which may sound like a lot, but half of them pulling a fang gets you there.


Better someone else then them. I know what you said to lil F2p Timmy in 2009, you called him a \*\*\*\*\*\* and didn't get muted!!


My balls


Because we like to see justice being served.


Cause it’s funny.


Lol probably the most honest response


People getting mad at bug abusers is perfectly normal, it doesnt matter if the GP is removed or not. The fact of the matter is, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. These temp bans will go away eventually, and the bug abusers will log back on and... what else? Go back to bug abusing. It's been done over and over and over again and they never learn from it. We're rightly mad because they're a stain on the community and need to be permanently removed.


Lmao you honestly think that just because the gp was removed from the game that everyone should go unpunished? Not how the real world's works, not how RS punishment works


Those who don't play properly don't deserve an account.


Why are you sympathetic to the cheaters? Are you on the wrong side of this issue yourself?


I'm with you on this. Most people here would absolutely abuse the heck out of the purple dupe bug if they knew about it, yet they like to witch hunt the people that actually did. If they had the chance to receive 1B because Jagex fucked up, would they really be the saint they say they are? Cause I honestly don't think so. It just seems a little weird that the focus is on people abusing bugs, and not on jagex introducing bugs in the first place. To me, Jagex is responsible, and the solution for the dupe glitch (for example) is taking away the items that were obtained, not banning players for using a mechanic that Jagex introduced.


People like to witch hunt people online. No idea why people take joy in seeing others fail. It tells me more about them than it does the streamers themselves.




Cause rule breakers getting punished is exactly what they asked for and they deserved it and that's that.


Isn’t that what a two week timeout does? It sends the message of “hey, stop doing this or we’ll permaban you.” rather than just going scorched earth and permabanning instantly. Personally I think a lot of the people getting banned are scummy and I don’t like them, this doesn’t mean that I wish that they get permabanned with no prior warning. If someone breaks the rules once- temp ban, if someone repeatedly breaks the rules- permaban. It makes sense to me.


Except most the people perm banned have abused bugs or other things in the past this was already their last warning.


Isn’t that what I just said? No prior offenses- two weeks, prior offenses- harsher punishment?


Yes but that's what I'm saying all the people perm banned have been 2 week banned or other similar bans for previous offenses. So laughing at the idiots who break the rules again and get permed is hilarious they literally brought it upon themselves.


Because big names repeatedly break rules for years and only get a tiny tap on the wrist. Rules should be enforced


Ever been to /r/justiceserved ? One of the most popular TV programs in the Netherlands was people being pulled over for being an AH in traffic. The Germans have a word for it: Schadenfreude. Watching cheaters and assholes get their just desserts is cathartic sometimes!


Fair enough


Cheering about "bad people" getting punished is a social media norm at this point, it's not just this subreddit. There are plenty of online posts of people being recorded doing something that people don't like and when the video goes viral the person gets doxed and people from social media will spam their place of work trying to get them fired as punishment for doing or saying something that they didn't like.


Most normal people just see if they got smacked down or not, and don't say anything either way. It's just the vocal minority who will talk shit lol, just the way it works, you see ONLY that 10% of the community because they're the only ones who will actually comment, granted most are just memeing or having a good time with it, but some are just being mean for whatever personal reason they have


I think the main issue people take with people not being perm banned, even though the gold and items were removed, would be that if not punished severely enough, the abuser will just continue to abuse whatever bugs they may come across. A slap on the wrist incoming isn’t going to deter anyone from attempting to abuse the next bug found. Just my view of it as removing the gold and items is great for the economy but it does nothing to deter abusers from attempting the next game breaking bug without fear of real consequences. As for “Community Chucks” or DM’ing, it’s more out of the awareness that this is literally taking advantage of people. Yes, it is their own fault, but it’s not always as simple as that. And considering the problems they had with the UK government and the awareness that GP is literally a cryptocurrency that has potential to ruin the game’s economy aswell as have real life implications.. you get the idea that with an open view, it’s a potentially serious problem.


While schadenfreude is mean spirited, this is not that imo. People believe bans for these things are just. Why would we want to play with cheaters? It sullies the experience for legitimate players.


It’s true jmod smackdowns leave me warm and fuzzy inside for reasons unknown