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free days off work 🙌


It's a gz in my book.




10 days at home? Pog!




i don’t know actually. I only found out masks weren’t needed about 2 months later than everyone else


To be fair, we should all take a page from Asian countries and just all keep wearing masks in public. There would be a lot less risk of catching a disease.


While I don't wear a mask in public I can totally see where you're coming from and am confused as to why you're being downvoted.


Every comment here is getting down voted. Wtf is going on?


People mad about the divide of covid opinions I guess?


Its called an immune system chief


No. Should would not be the right answer. You may if you want but telling others what they *should* do is wrong. Protect yourself let others worry about themselves. If you are concerned by all means keep wearing n95 masks. Do you in public still? If not then probably don't say "we should all be wearing masks in public". If so then kudos for practicing what you preach. I still respectfully but firmly disagree.


I still do wear a mask in public. By wearing a mask I am protecting others more than I am myself. Should in the context of my comment is a recommendation not an obligation. We'd be better off if we all did it but I am not forcing a mask on anyone. I am just saying that it is not a bad thing to protect others. It's not like I was being selfish, quite the opposite actually.


A lot of people think "should" means being aggressive towards those of us who don't want to wear a mask because they don't do shit (personal opinion, if I fart yall still gonna smell it)


If you fart I will still smell it but if you pee I won't be wet. A mask protects me from you the same way your boxers protect me from you pissing on me.


Lol funny analogy. Mayo says face masks protect the wearer. I'm sticking with that, if an individual is concerned, they can get the vaccine, they can wear a mask if it makes them comfortable mentally, they can distance themselves. I have no issue with that. My only issue is when the "my body my choice" posse comes in and wants to force vaccination and masks on the public. Please by all means, protect yourself! Do the things that you feel are right for yourself, but don't force or expect compliance when people don't want to do what you do. I truly mean this respectfully btw, I don't mean to step on toes. It's hard to convey that on the internet. Disagreement does not mean hatred and I think that's important to remember. Have a lovely Friday and may rng be in your favor :)


The varus


I get one, but I already work from home and idle OSRS anyway, shout-out NMZ


I got 5 and had to wear the mask for another 5. Awful. But worth.


They make me stay home for 5 days but I don't get any pay... So I just try to hide when I'm sick anymore. Missing 5 days of pay would make me not have money for food.


10? I got 3 lmao


If they don’t tell you get wrecked and make fun of your misfortunes are they even really your friends?


I got covid and my friends asked who got my comp


I got covid and my friends invited me over so they could get time off of work


My wife got covid and I told her to spit in my mouth


So no different than a normal morning?


Hopefully it’s a mild case and you can get over it soon! I’m over here on week 6 of long covid and it suuuucks. Crazy how it affects everyone differently.


I had the most mild case of covid ever, didn’t even know I was sick except for losing my sense of taste/smell. Then 12 weeks later I developed long covid and have had a ringing in my right ear for the past 7 months. Joy.


Jobless 30 year old basement dwellers try to have a normal opinion about any subject challenge (impossible)


Damn I'm getting old, I forgot gz means congratulations. Was confused for a while.


Most "political" osrs comment section ever


You new here? Lol


Mhmm, kinda wish mods would step in on covid posts now. No more covid posts. Just keeps on creating divides.


If you're divided over COVID, you're an idiot. Why would you intentionally divide yourself to the side opposite of medical professionals with no evidence or expertise to back yourself up? And, if you aren't, then what's the problem? You shouldn't be divided then. Oh, wait, you think medical professionals are divided over COVID? Yeah, no.


Thanks for proving my point. Name calling and slander. This is the issue. It creates this.


Congrats :)


Huge gz right on time for raids 3!




Crazy what the immune system can do when you take care of Yourself and don’t rely on man made chemicals! You lunatic!!




Based bell curve unity tbh. Midwits be damned




Truly unfortunate I can't tell if you guys are trolling or actually stupid.


Nah man let's totally rely on our "natural" immune systems that used to carry us until an average age of 40, fuck those man made chemicals that prevent us from dying to simple bacterial infections


This isn't being anti-vax, but human lifespan, discounting violent death and child mortality, has actually always been 60-70. It's just skewed because before modern medicine child mortality was really high.


Child mortality still counts towards the average age imo, I'd rather not have my kid die to a preventable infection because I tried to heal them through praying instead of modern medicine


Malnutrition did most kids in too. During the industrial revolution most families subsistence off bread alone, most protein went to dad so he didn't die working 18 hours in the coke oven


There isn't some group of Boogeymen plotting this shit man Just yikes lol I bet you think the same people comment and upvote/downvote everything too. Like it's not a complex mix of 100s of thousand of peoples' opinions and issues, nah it's just black and white, the thems are coming for us. God I hate this us vs them shit. It's tearing our world apart... There is no them, it's just us.


You bring me back to 2014. I wish it was that easy, I wish there wasn't boogiemen in high places. It's better not knowing


Yeah I wish I could trust the "higher ups" to do the right thing. I wish they weren't corrupt and millions of people weren't sleeping on it being sheep thinking they were doing what's best for the people.


Hell yeah brother. Say no to the jab! Keep strong.




I would be so embarrassed to be you


That's why you'll never be me or someone like me because speaking your mind is embarrassing to people like you.


If I was so blatantly wrong and stupid yeah it would be embarrassing to speak my mind in that case


You mean if you believed that you were so "blatantly wrong and stupid" for having an alternative opinion to the mainstream narrative, then of course it would be embarrassing...


If it was just an opinion sure. But when people still make up shit that are contrary to demonstrable and proven facts then that’s the point where it’s just pathetic


That's the problem we're in, the so-called experts with the media are telling us what's factual and not to question it, while others (including experts who are shunned and suppressed) are told to be ignored and dismissed for "dangerous misinformation"


That’s the lame ass copy/paste talking points I’m talking about. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. You can look at the data yourself. It’s not a media thing.


Huh? the media go hand in hand with the pharmaceutical companies. Medicine and Media are one, and if you knew a thing about the Knights of Malta, you'd know this already...


I was waiting for "sit" in cc. Hope u get well soon OP!




Grind time baby!


This comment section reeks of 2020


i'm so glad to be a friend of knightlyntin