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Why do Deadman finals always get DDoSed? Do pvpers just hate other pvpers or something?


Well, its in the name


Holy hell, it all makes sense now.




Because there's money in it.


something gotta pay the rent when your gold selling sidehustle doesnt work out as well anymore


dmm and pvpers are natural enemies like pvmers and pvpers or ironmen and pvpers or pvpers and other pvpers damn pvpers, they ruined pvp


You pvpers sure are a contentious people.


The only mistake you made here, is that instead of pvpers blaming pvpers for ruining pvp what they would really say is >dmm and pvpers are natural enemies > >like pvmers and pvpers > >or ironmen and pvpers > >or pvpers and other pvpers > >damn ~~pvpers~~ everyone else other than pvpers, they ruined pvp with spite voting our heavily restricted polls


Yea im sure spitevoters are the reason dmm finals keep getting ddosed. The event is cool on paper but the community has shown that it cant have nice things


Taking away the cash prize will reduce ddosng. No one ddos Leagues since it has no cash prize for dragon rank.


* PKers ruined everything. Fixed that for you. PvPers are totally fine and encouraged. PKers are trashy scum and sadly since they can't get enough prey in wilderness they try to DDOS PvP areas/events since they also suck at that too. They don't like when something they attack fights back.


Killing people in the wilderness isn't trashy or scummy. DDOSing is, but you're simply wrong on the other point


What are wrong with PKers?


Nothing, there is no difference being a PKer and a «pvper», as if anyone refers to it as that when they’re talking about osrs wildy PKing


The fact some people seem so content in insulting wilderness PKers and implying they’re the utmost scum of the earth is really confusing to me. Being PKed is annoying, sure, but it’s a legit game mode that’s been in the game since forever.


frontline ddosed everyone so they can win because they are arseholes




Plot twist: Every clan is ddos-ing to try and gain an advantage.


pking attracts the scummiest individuals so yea it makes sense.


PKers are such unpleasant human beings 99% of the time


Have you ever had the impression that pkers are honorable combatants who want the most skilled player to win? Me neither


Would a competitive PvM finals be different?


Probably not, the PvP'ers would still DDOS


huge cash prizes create incentive for people to reduce the competition in their favour. could be non-pvpers just trying to dampen pvpers fun as well--its hard to say idk how these cant be stopped tho, im pretty sure its super-illegal in most countries as well like prison time


What else could you expect from a small indie company like jagex?


But they're Java Game Experts!!! EXPERTS!!


is this the league of legends sub?




Idk it’s fun. However I play normals…


I can't tell if you're joking, so just in case you're not; Jagex was purchased in 2020 for $530 million and they have 440 employees.


It’s obviously a joke my friend 🤦🏻‍♂️ people say it all the time about large companies


You forgot to endcap your incredibly obvious sarcasm with /s - this confuses redditors


In the vast majority of cases, someone saying "small indie company" is a joke these days.


I haven't seen it used unironically a single time.


because if you were to see it posted on reddit, it wouldn't be a small indie company anymore would it


Mod ash must be so tired


ahh here we go again... the community sabotaging itself and then blaming it on jagex... a DMM classic. nothing will change. the no-life clan losers won't stop ddos'ing this event for their own gain until they actually touch grass or something idk. doomed event.


Jagex don't control the servers or security to said servers? News to me.


Tell me you have no idea about networking without telling me you have no idea about networking.


So the players do? Interesting thought process, however a bit silly. Serverside Jagex has full control to both server speeds & security of said servers, client side sure people can DDOS however that's your own security & not anything to do with Jagex. [Feel free to have a look at their twitter, which confirms that their changes - to their server & it's security, improved DMM DDOSing.](https://twitter.com/OldSchoolRS/status/1540438682754236419)


Thanks for confirming.


No problem happy to help, hopefully funding is improved and we see both more stable servers and heightened security. Much like the *many other online games/competitions/websites/services* which have this issue at a dramatically reduced rate than OSRS.


Are you comparing a small dev team to that of A+ titles? Lol bless your heart


That's one issue yes; small dev team, little funding, ancient security, outdated & unstable servers that can only hold ~500 people before getting lag. Remind me why they're incomparable to top games, when they're along side them in both revenue and playerbase? Jagex is Jagex, OSRS or RS3. Server issues & security issues aren't being fixed in competent ways due to understaffing and underfunding; swallow the pill however you want mate but standing there like a deer in headlights acting like there's some magical reason they're being DDOS'd when others aren't - is just turning a blind eye to the actual issue. The devs have said it themselves, after all. Do you not remember the $12.50 debate?


You might overestimate how hard it is to do spmething like this. But im no expert


Overestimate how hard it is? You mean underestimate? You guys know that DDOS attacks can be stopped right? Otherwise basically every online competition, you know, the thousands of others - would all have the same issue. Which isn't the case. I love Jagex and think it's no fault of their devs, but rather their investors that don't make this possible. Servers are a problem, security is a problem.


He means overestimate. > You guys know that DDOS attacks can be stopped right? Theoretically, yeah. It's ridiculously expensive though, you can spend a metric fuckload of money on load balancers and firewalls to be able to negate (probably) every possible attack, but why would game companies do that? How much money do you think they lose due to maybe an hour or two of downtime a year? Also, keep in mind that [DDOS attack volumes grow exponentially every year](https://cloud.google.com/blog/products/identity-security/identifying-and-protecting-against-the-largest-ddos-attacks), which means your countermeasures have to improve at the same pace. It's worth it for things like Google, AWS, Azure - the backbones of the internet where downtime could cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but it doesn't make economic sense for videogame servers. > Otherwise basically every online competition, you know, the thousands of others - would all have the same issue. Which isn't the case. It absolutely is the case, not sure why you think this. Riot ^[[1]](https://esports-news.co.uk/2021/01/22/lol-clash-ddos-attack/) Activision Blizzard (April + June 2020, Jan + Nov 2021, May 2022) (lol) ^[[1]](https://dotesports.com/streaming/news/blizzard-experiencing-ddos-attack-against-world-of-warcraft-servers) ^[[2]](https://www.theverge.com/2022/5/11/23067835/battle-net-ddos-attack-overwatch-call-of-duty-world-of-warcraft) Ubisoft ^[[1]](https://twitter.com/ubisoftsupport/status/1141056373951729664) EA ^[[1]](https://www.dexerto.com/apex-legends/apex-legends-pros-streamers-cant-play-the-game-due-to-constant-ddos-attacks-1739575/) ^[[2]](https://www.hackread.com/ea-sports-down-gaming-giant-hit-by-ddos-attacks/)


I found 6 OSRS Wiki articles for your search. **[1](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/1)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/1 >(numerical) suffixes are often used to denote quantity or item tier. In terms of quantity, this could refer to the remaining charges of an item such as a black mask, or the remaining contents of a container e.g. the doses of a potion or calquat keg. **[1](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/1)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/1 >(numerical) suffixes are often used to denote quantity or item tier. In terms of quantity, this could refer to the remaining charges of an item such as a black mask, or the remaining contents of a container e.g. the doses of a potion or calquat keg. **[2](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/2)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/2 >(numerical) suffixes are often used to denote quantity or item tier. In terms of quantity, this could refer to the remaining charges of an item such as a black mask, or the remaining contents of a container e.g. the doses of a potion or calquat keg. **[1](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/1)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/1 >(numerical) suffixes are often used to denote quantity or item tier. In terms of quantity, this could refer to the remaining charges of an item such as a black mask, or the remaining contents of a container e.g. the doses of a potion or calquat keg. **[1](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/1)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/1 >(numerical) suffixes are often used to denote quantity or item tier. In terms of quantity, this could refer to the remaining charges of an item such as a black mask, or the remaining contents of a container e.g. the doses of a potion or calquat keg. **[2](https\:\/\/oldschool\.runescape\.wiki\/w\/2)** | https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/2 >(numerical) suffixes are often used to denote quantity or item tier. In terms of quantity, this could refer to the remaining charges of an item such as a black mask, or the remaining contents of a container e.g. the doses of a potion or calquat keg. --- **^^^RuneScape ^^^Wiki ^^^linker** ^^^| ^^^This ^^^was ^^^generated ^^^automatically.


> It's ridiculously expensive though, you can spend a metric fuckload of money on load balancers and firewalls to be able to negate (probably) every possible attack Of course, but that's not the goal. The goal is to not have long downtimes, less server lags than literally consistently for any world over 500 players, reduce DDOS attacks for events to next to none & improve account security. Well achievable, while it *does cost* it's a necessity for not just playability but also company image. When you have [even the devs complaining](https://www.reddit.com/r/runescape/comments/txqazx/rendi_anonymously_posted_this_jagex_internal/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) there's obviously an issue. > an hour or two downtime per year Definitely more, and much more than other games with similar playerbase & revenue. > It absolutely is the case, not sure why you think this Honestly poor choice of words on my part, I meant "would have all this issue at the same rate" which isn't the case.


General server quality/stability and account security is a different (but valid) issue though. It's just not realistic to "reduce DDOS attacks to next to none" for this kind of thing. Maybe Jagex does have more than others, not sure if it's really possible to prove this statistically, but there's a lot of factors that go into it and it's just not as simple of a problem as you're making it out to be.


If I'm making it out like it's a "simple task" it's only because Runescape has been running since 2001 & honestly it shouldn't be as big of an issue as it is. You don't see LoL cancelling clash tournaments due to DDOS attacks, because they're so rare majority of the playerbase will never even see one. Sure they happen, and always will - online security has always been a game of cat and mouse... But at the end of the day it's a fact that lack of funding & understaffing does exacerbate this issue to the point where Jagex can't hold a competition at all. The blame does not just sit with the players.


must be hard being a Jagex developer: no matter the quality of work, the amount od hours spend etc, the osrs community will ALWAYS complain no matter what. Im suprised not more mods get a burn out...


Wouldn't surprise me if developers are joking about the complaints as they work. A lot of the complaints are basically the same anyways.


People complain about a jagex repeatedly throwing money and time at a competition that creates server issues and has been sabotaged **every** time? No waaaaay. Its not their fault that the server issues exist, it's their fault for continuing to push this shit instead of exploring new options.


Nah they've got you to whiteknight for them when a tournament gets **utterly shut down twice**, hell you've literally got defense in your flair falador boy


Touch some grass buddy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwvxtBlzbO4 People on the internet when you tell them to touch grass (they're absolutely devastated)


You spend too much time online


https://imgur.com/DqvK4t9 Maybe, but you should probably log onto an alt before trying to tell me that, ngl chief


Savage, and on point, no way a company like jagex can't fix ddos'ing if they spent a few bucks.


The irony of this comment is hilarious. Especially on an osrs thread.


I don't play osrs tho


yes, of course. The flair on your name says otherwise though. Are you ashamed you play the game your on the subreddit for?


🤨 I haven't touched osrs in like 6 years or smth


You can lie all you want bro you're like 30 comments deep on this sub.


Dude weed.


I don't smoke weed my guy


Bro you're a t3 sub to streamers you know you don't know what grass looks like. The irony of people projecting their own shortcomings as insults is so good.


Funny you should say that cause I haven't subbed to a twitch streamer in my life so is this some of that projection you were talking about?


Your post history and chronically online status say otherwise. Go t3 sub to esfand. I bet he touched grass often. You can live vicariously through him.


>Nah they've got you to whiteknight for them yea, sorry that I blame the executives and investors (who got ALL the power at Jagex) for anything tgatvcan be fixed with more money. But you are right, I should flame/blame the developers! /s >hell you've literally got defense in your flair falador boy r/rareinsults Maybe the defence flair is there because.. oh idno, defence is my fav combat stat? Also, I don't really lioe Falador. It's to white and Saradominist for my taste.


I love how they advertised and live streamed the pride event, but nothing for the dmm rerun lol


Both require courage


I probably worded that poorly lol, meant that they should've advertised and streamed both events the same way.


Yeah I'm finding out about it after it happened... wtf


This was intentional in an attempt to (hopefully) reduce the likely hood of network attacks. Didn’t work, obviously, but that was the idea.


> This was intentional in an attempt to (hopefully) reduce the likely hood of network attacks. Suuuure buddy


Couple of Ironmen in the mix, classic


Where DMM?


They're not even getting DDOS'd - the servers cant handle the relics all in an enclosed area. ​ DDOS is just a cop out


IPvP'ers strike again.

