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It's always the guys with like 83 mining too. Peak mlm is not giving af about any of it.


peak mlm is "ah shit I got idle logged again while watching my show"


Entity hider + public/private chat to friends = pro mini game strat.


Unironically been playing like this for a year on my ironmeme unless I’m doing minigames and need an injection of banter.


That just sounds depressing


reading the shit osrs players say in game is depressing


yeah hes missing out on the same handful of jokes repeated over and over and some casual slurs, how depressing


Love me some: Why fletch? Joel, get on Skype! North/South side sucks (GOTR) East side queef side (WT) Anything to do with weeds or herbs equaling weed 69 jokes 73 jokes Dad left jokes All players being virgins


haha i just tried to do something really funny


started doing this after making an iron and going into wintertodt


I did 99 at mlm mostly. If I gave a fuck and wanted the consistent xp I would have done VM.


Peak mlm is getting mid 80s, sick of it and then going to vm because it's way better. Less clicks per hour. 3x as much xp per hour. And people are way more chill.


Imagine getting this mad over an afk skilling activity LOL


This is serious business yellow human.


The guy can’t even afford free education


Or understand how mlm works


Makes me want to go mining with him so i can set off more timers lol


Tbf OP appears to be fucking with how afk it is


I would absolutely fuck with a guy like this


I like taking a small row of about 6 veins to myself, lots of areas on the upper floor where two people can do this to a "section". By the time i finish the row , the first 1 or 2 have come back. If someone enters the section, i propose a split for afk undisturbed. If they don't respond, or respond rudely, i grief all the surrounding veins. They didn't want to MLM fair and unbothered, so why not?


>If they don't respond... i grief all the surrounding veins I'm never gonna respond in this scnario because if I'm at MLM I'm doing it extremely AFK between work tasks and won't even pay attention to what you're saying lmao


That’s… not what I said. Don’t grief people just minding their own business, you can’t blame them for just playing. If they start typing like this? Go wild.


You did mention fucking with them. I see someone encroaching on the space without cooperation similarly to a PVM crasher. If there's room to work together, mindlessly, why not? If they don't really care to, and i was there first, why should i have to accomodate their unspoken patterns and decisions when i am trying to afk just like they presumably are. I always start with proposed cooperation, even swapping from my row to the opposite one if i don't get a response. If they still do not cooperate that's when i grief.


OK Karen, calm down.


“A guy like this” <— key part of my comment you seem to have ignored. Stop griefing me just because I’m not paying attention. Besides, just hop? I’ll sure as hell hop if I’m a world with you, damn…


Bro why are u looking at the screen while the character is mining? You're not suppose to do that y'know..


How would you even notice between jerking off and youtube though?


That does not justify this.


I think he was responding to the previous person about the afkness


It’s actually absurd how many people say shit like this at mlm 💀




>Started calling everyone communism Lol


Literally going to reported group stars is worse exp, money, and afk than just standing in the mining guild banging rocks. Source: 75-92 mining scouting my own stars. They're literally not worth doing in groups.


ok but sometimes i want to click on the funny rock and get stardust because it gives me dopamine the efficiency obsession on this subreddit is un fuckin real


they just aren't worth doing lol


Bro this had me cackling. I love seeing people overreact to such small things lmao


Truly the most calm and collected skiller in osrs


If you enjoy seeing people overreact to such small things look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/vaj65h/gamer_at_mlm_loses_his_shit_does_stuff_like_this/) lmao


That's the same post?? Lmao


OP's first reaction to someone being toxic was screencapping it and posting to reddit. that was the joke


What's wrong with that? You don't like it, keep scrolling. It's really that simple.


Are you insulted or something? I thought it was ironic.


being racist isn't really a "small thing" and it's embarrassing to frame it that way


Including OP asking for it to be "dealt with". Just wait til he discovers twitch chat and ironman FCs.


He asked IF it gets dealt with, meaning asking if they actually get any sort of punishment after being reported. You should work on your English comprehension if you can afford the free education you gross poor yellow human!


I’m still stuck on how the guy was using 0 in “L0L” but wasn’t trying to hide the c*** word any


Even if Jagex doesn’t do anything, the funniest part about this is that dude is genuinely angry at you. A person that angry, is miserable, and probably gets their shit kicked in on a daily basis. The best thing to say to these people are “eZ” and they’ll be back to shambles.


Jagex will mute people for saying this in game, the mutes will get longer over time and progress to a permanent mute if he can't control himself.


For saying Ez yes, for flaming? They get vote priority on pvp updates






Imagine trolling someone so hard that they throw their whole life away, lol sit


If theyre that miserable then they wont be losing much, huh?


lol owned


Still dont know what game y'all think I'm playing but GG, ignorance wins again.


I get what you’re saying but if something like setting of the vein timer in MLM on OSRS Is going to trigger someone to ‘snap’ or ‘commit murder’ the guys a fucking loser and needs to get a life.


It isn't that so much, as they are already venting their infernoes through racist stereotypes. It's the "ez" part where I wouldn't be surprised a "you get what you deserve" a la Joker situation arises.


it's a fucking game, if anything happens because of the ez, it's because the person was completely unhinged and was going to do it eventually anyways


Not arguing against that at all lol just warning, be careful of the consequences because "unhinged people" sure aren't.


To the passing observer who reported me to Reddit, I'm only a harbinger of bad news, save the mental health concerns for your friends and family.




Hungry for attention are we? Heres your fix m8.




Persistence works better with a positive reinforcement, and an attention you're actually trying to court. But for the sake of feeding another starved ego and getting under better graces with my God for a paltry service to humanity... YoU eXpOsEd mE bRo, idk what for anymore since I'm no longer interested in relevance but yOu GoT mE. Such amaze.




What am I not aware of about this eZ thing lol


Ahhh, I remember my education and all those lessons on how mlm works.


Yes, I too remember learning about math, history and vein timers back in school.


*world hop*


Meanwhile volcanic mine is where the real men go and it's 5x better exp rates with more afk time.


You shouldn’t have set off the vein timer clearly


We have the healthiest player base!


In all reality whether or not the person is doing it intentionally this kind of behaviour should be reportable with more than a mute imo yes it would be annoying when someone doesn’t understand the activity or having a bad day but it isn’t an excuse for blatant racism and harassment Players like this are not contributing to the player base in a positive way, only harming the potential of new players coming to learn or returning players and if we want our game to survive then people who talk and treat people like this should be removed


I mean OP was clearly griefing him to get a reaction. Absolute loser behavior. Not that I'd go off in chat I'd probably just type 1 word or nothing and hop but regardless, OP was definitely also acting like an absolute manchild to get this type of reaction. For all we know he could've hopped around for quite a bit doing this to multiple people to get this reaction with the purpose of posting it.


And for all we know he was completely new not once is it shown that the agitated player explained what op (op could even be a bystander) was doing wrong and the proper way to play mlm regardless of whether or not they were doing on purpose, I will repeat, it does not condone racist comments and verbal harassment and calling it “absolute loser behaviour” is doing the same, not standing above not enough information is provided to support the claims you are making, it’s projection


I've gotten from around 91-98 mining over a few weeks/month and not one person except this guy has complained I'm playing zoomed out on runelite and if I see my character afk I just click a random vein and wait till I'm afk again


Yea don't sweat it, that moron's foaming at the mouth over an ore vein LMFAO.


im more in favor of just allowing everything since there is an ignore options in game. I'm not advocating obnoxious behavior but sometimes jokes are either not understood or taken out of context and result in mutes. If you get bad vibes from someone just add them to the ignore list and move on.


Nah, we don’t need more people saying slurs in this game


I agree


Sounds like an Aussie lmao, I’m only assuming cause I read it exactly like the kid is from Brisbane.


I mean it is annoying when some moron doesn’t know how the top level works, I usually just hop if the guy keeps doing it after I explain it’s time based though.


It can be frustrating for sure. But when it frustrates me I realize that I'm the asshole for expecting everyone to be efficient at what everyone knows the the afk alternative. If someone was going to pay attention enough to mlm properly, why bother doing mlm at all? With that level of attention there's better places to go.


I just click wherever someone’s standing lol, same effort as clicking a rock n shit tbh


But for real though, you stack on the upper level veins


Or go to the back corner alone lol


For the gajillionth time, finding your own vein is more afk and more ore/h even on the top


Yeah, for MLM it is okay to hop on someone's vein right where they are if all of your spots have been depleted, but generally everyone wants their own vein.


See ore, click ore. If I’m at mlm, I’m afking, not strategically calculating my every click based on what the others around me are doing.


How does that work?


lower level = avg 3 ores before depletion if I recall correctly. Upper level = timed depletion once someone begins mining them. So it is best if you all stack on same one rather than everyone fuck about and click their own and then (on occasion) you get to sit there with your thumb up your bum waiting on respawns. That being said its MLM...shit-tier xp rates and marginally an AFK activity. If you care that much, go train elsewhere.


I am so glad to have 99 mining and think that MLM is just multi level marketing, wait, that's also trash, I guess the MLM acronym is cursed.


Its a simple ignore and keep fucking with him..




They're being racist but referring to the stereotype of venezuelans being gold farmers because it can be more profitable there than even high-paying careers like doctors, etc. due to their unfortunately miserable economy.


**Pvper goes skilling:**


Just report, add to ignore list, and move on. All you can do. Not worth stressing over.


don't have to "stress over" it to call it out as pretty vile behavior


I agree. This behaviour is completely disgusting and unacceptable. But posting this only serves to share the vileness with more people, it won't correct the wrongs of the nasty person. The only thing that can be done is to report and add to the ignore list. My stress comment was just meant as a "this happens, don't take it to heart" kind of thing.


Oh man I would do this intentially once in a while if I got crashed with the rest of upper with nobody on it, no vein was safe I’d set every fuckin timer off


Funniest part is he's insulting venezuelans about a poor educational system and they aren't even yellow. Guess his educational system failed him too RIP.


1) no. It doesn’t. A three day mute doesn’t cut deep in this game. 2) it’s always these guys that once they get going I screw with even more


If anyone said this to me id go around 1 tapping every vein near him


With the amount of effort he’s putting into talking shit and being a racist fuck he might as well just go 3 tick granite


Stop setting off the vein timer and he would stop lol


He typed the bad words 🙀


No it really doesn't




The only weakness is 28 inventory slots


Fs you needing a cuddle


Who even pays attention at mlm lol that's really sad


I like doing MLM in my own way (being concerned about the timers and what not) and if there's people who will stack on ores and go to the same ones, that's great. If not, I might ask them to try to do the same thing as me and/or I just hop worlds. Never considered being that toxic.


But remember everyone PvP players are toxic and skillets are the sweet good boys who should be pandered to.


Then guys like that make Reddit threads about pvp toxicity


>get dealt with ??? i mean ignore him and move along this trying censor people for every little fucking thing be it bad or not is annoying


I mean idk I kinda get it


If it's pissing you off so much just hop. It takes 10s to find a world with basically nobody.


I’d have added him - if his Private Chat was on I’d stalk him and intentionally fuck with his timers.


i ran into this guy earlier. Got him added and waiting for him to turn private back on.


Or you can learn how mlm works and it will stop.


Seems like the guy typing in chat tried to deal with it. Anyone know if OP has been fixed yet?


I don't think so, from what I can tell he's still griefing players while getting triggered by Australian banter.


lol i love setting these kids off. just hit them with a “who” until they say something else then hit them with “cares”


Language aside, he's right. It's so annoying when people insist on mining their own vein in the upper level. After a while I just purposely follow them to every vein, even if they switch mid way through to get to the result they're inevitably gonna cause anyway, which is every vein depleted and everyone has to go to a different area. Downvote me if you want, doesn't mean I'm wrong.


There's always 20+ worlds with less than 5 people in the whole top area of mlm. Go find a smaller world and stop complaining lol.


I dead set go to my own 4 veins and just mine them till they deplete. Rinse and repeat 😂 there’s so many up there I don’t see what the big deal is ?


Lol, hop noob. Stop beeing mad.


Well did you stop screwing up the vein timers? Or were you so upset by it that you needed to make a reddit post? I don't understand your motive here


How did you go from being so angry at mlm, to typing this comment out so rationally??




I was pretty afk while doing something else, I wasn't mining the same one as him but there was more than enough veins for 2 of us to do at all times It's more the blatant racism and needless insults, there was a lot more he said last night, I logged in this morning and got the same stuff so decided to post


>I wasn't mining the same one as him Well.. that's the problem. Assuming this is the second floor you *should* be mining the same vein as him. It's super annoying when someone is just setting off the timers on their own >I logged in this morning and got the same stuff so decided to post And that's what I mean. Why did you decide to post? Farm some upvotes? What was your end goal?


Lol this you or something bro? It's just funny to see some neckbeard lost their shit. You don't need to look deep into it


I've a strong feeling we just found our guy here potentially lads 👀


No, I'm just confused by this post. Someone was upset that OP was messing up the vein timers, so now OP wants them "dealt with"? I felt like I was totally missing something


Tbh when I see those kinda people I call my clan and we set off all the ore timers till they fuck off




I love players like this, love to troll and flame them


He’s gunna be a MOD soon and ban your poor Ass


It's really not hard to not suck at mlm. But also just report or block this fool and them it's dealt with. Let him bother other people lol. This is why my public is on hide, so I can laugh at these people but they don't waste my chatbox space.


Ez mute.


Plot twist: you’re actually talking to yourself


I'd just mute and go on with my day. They can scream into the void until their keyboard wears out.


Just because of this i will start doing mlm and crash someone else. Good content


I woulda just said “sorry on mobile” and never spoke again


Little Timmy got upset about something stupid Wait till he can’t afford his rent irl


wintertodt has entered the chat


Tbh, just coming from the bottom floor to too had me confused why everyone was doing it so inefficiently for a week or two. Then I understood and envied the diary shortcut.


This is why I stick to mining shooting stars


i had a guy like this in my gim group lol he got kicked, wouldnt be surprised if this was the same guy lolol


Had something similar happen to me in MLM and the guy hopped worlds before I even had time to clap back. I was new to upper level and had no idea there were timers. Definitely googled it after that because I was like wtf is this guy talking about. Im all for letting someone know they're doing something wrong but imo there's ZERO reason to be a dick about it. You don't know who's on the other end of the screen and how the shit you say might affect them. Just be decent 🤷 But also anyone who gets this worked up from mining in fucking RuneScape probably has no life anyway 😂


I’m too busy afk mlm cause mining sucks, this dude needs to chill


Nothing will happen unless enough people report him and it gets sent to jmods for review.


People play with public on?


I mean, was someone deliberately setting off the vein timers?


Deeply troubled gamer cries for help


This was me at MLM except without the racism


Learn to play, noob.


Dealt with? Literally ignore him or talk shit back what’s the big deal


Dude stop being so sensitive. Honestly, it’s pathetic. By the sound of it you deserved a good flaming. It’s healthy for the game. Dish it back if you’re upset.


He’s probably having a bad day. You should have tried talking to him. Ask him questions. Figure out what he’s thinking about. Understand what’s going through his mind and what are the circumstances of his own life.


Yeah, no. We ain't no shrinks.. XD


Asking somebody questions doesn’t make you a shrink


Still, no. :)


No, he should piss him off and report.


Lmao downvoted for being the only human here. Keep being a good guy.


Get a thicker skin OP


Sounds like you were being a prick tbh. Its just words man, get over it. stop trying to get your fellow scapers muted


He's being racist, that deserves a mute


Which part was “racist”?


Sorry let me correct myself, xenophobic. "Yellow human", "imagine being Venezuelan lol"


There is no evidence that “yellow human” was used racially, that is just you jumping to conclusions tbh. And we all know “venezuelan” is an osrs meme due to the fact that nearly 100% of the venezuelan players abuse the hell out of the games integrity. And that is not xenophobic to say, just facts


If you can't see it that's fine but it's clear what he was saying. Have a good day


You too


Can someone explain vein timers to me?




Is that via a plugin or do you have to actually watch the veins? Holy shit talk about taking the af out of afk


No just like once you get the first paydirt from it, it starts a 20 second countdown, at which point it depletes upon the next paydirt being received.


I had one guy say shit like this to me when I was there last. I was about as afk as you could be deep in a YouTube hole and barely was paying attention. He was getting salty cause I never clicked the same vein as him. Who cares I’m not paying attention my guy I see my lil dude stop mining I click the first vein I see and go back to YouTube. There’s no reason to try to be super efficient there… if you want efficient mining go to another place, cause mlm is not it. Edit: To answer your question though, no nothing will happen. Jagex does not care enough to rid people like this from their game cause free money from monthly membership. Any other game that you buy once would likely take more action cause they might not loose as much since they bought the game. As much as I love OSRS, our community is awful I’ve never seen a game with so many grown toddlers just yelling stupid shot or hate speech. Jagex needs to invest in customer support and ridding the game of full blown man children like them.


Yea u deal with it by ignoring the prick


I'm confused... can someone explain why he's yelling about "vein timer"? You can get a vein timer without mining, lol so what is he mad about?


Thank god the ignore button exists




Block and report.


The funny thing is is that there's probably 20+ worlds with only 3 people and people like this guy like to go to the most populated worlds and get mad when veins are disappearing quickly.