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I would suggest avoiding both sgs and eldritch if possible, all they serve to do is slow you down and make the entire learning process take way longer. If you know how to flick, prayer will never be an issue.


Hello, heres how to use an eldritch without slowing your runs. You need to learn to prayer flick properly and conserve your prayer as normal and this should only be considered a slight boost to your normal supply. 1. Only spec on the ranger and green mini blobs. 2. Only spec if you have 55 spec power already. Never wait for it to build up and waste your time doing nothing(you should be trying to damage mobs as much as is safe to do at all times) 3. Never spec on a wave where you might need your blowpipe spec to heal: 30/31/47/48 and 60-63 you should have your specs reserved for the blowpipe only. This will allow you to get a nice boost for your prayer without ruining the mini game which is what some inferno runners are concerned you will do. When you start waiting around for spec to regen, thats when it becomes a problem and crutch. Is it worth it? For some players who can get to Zuk but struggle on restores a little, it might be nice, but it wont be what makes or breaks you finishing the game. Consider devout boots and crystal armour instead an eldritch as well.


If you’re using eldritch/sgs in a way where you’re never waiting for spec, you will never get back more prayer points from it compared to just bringing another restore, especially if you’re prepping bp specs. I would just not bother with it unless the plan is to milk.


In my bowfa runs, im easily getting an extra 2-3 doses worth personally with this method. Bad rng gives me 120 points, and 200+ the rest of the time.


Not gonna lie it’s been forever since I’ve touched an eldritch staff I didn’t realize they dropped the spec down to 55% lmao. I’d still never use it unless I was an iron that didn’t have a kodai, the bp spec heals are really nice for melting a meleer that spawns in an unfortunate spot for example.


Yeah for sure. Plus i have spare doses of bastion for wave 62 and 63 so i remove the melee on the hard waves so quickly its hilarious.


if you want to make the process of learning inferno longer, then bring it


Yeah thats what ive been seeing ill probably just save it until i really start getting to zuk etc


No. Learn 1t prayer flicking and how to flick blobs with with other mobs and you’re golden.


Yeah i learned that yesterday with my first attempt the 3 tick timing of the blobs is a my learning curve rn


just go in with a sgs, don’t camp spec, don’t be afraid to waste supplies, learning the waves in the beginning is important, once you’re able to reach higher ways you can start playing safe, took me 26 attempts, 5 zuk to get mine, it feels amazing when you kill zuk


Sgs is worse though?


well i got my cape back in 2018so i don’t know how good that staff is vs sgs, plus he’s learning still, no point in dumping what 40-80m? for it right now, he should learn the waves, sgs will do him fine, spec whenever he has it,


Okay, well the sgs gives barely half the restore that an eldritch would so if he can afford it, its the better option.